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Chapter Forty-Five<br />

Opening the Door<br />

Early one morning on his way to the lake to get some water, Ananda met Gotami and fifty other women standing not far from the Buddha’s<br />

hut. Every woman had shaved her head and was wearing a yellow robe. Their feet were swollen and bloody. At first glance, Ananda<br />

thought it was a delegation of monks, but suddenly he recognized Lady Gotami. Hardly able to believe his eyes, he blurted, “Good<br />

heavens, Lady Gotami! Where have you come from? Why are your feet so bloody? Why have you and all the ladies come here like this?”<br />

Gotami answered, “Venerable Ananda, we have shaved our heads and given away all our fine clothes and jewels. We no longer have<br />

any possessions in this world. We left Kapilavatthu and have walked for fifteen days, sleeping by the roadsides and begging for our food in<br />

small villages along the way. We wish to show that we are capable of living like bhikkhus. I beseech you, Ananda. Please speak to the<br />

Buddha on our behalf. We wish to be ordained as nuns.”<br />

Ananda said, “Wait here. I will speak to the Buddha at once. I promise to do all I can.”<br />

Ananda entered the Buddha’s hut just as the Buddha was putting on his robe. Nagita, the Buddha’s assistant at that time, was also<br />

present. Ananda t<strong>old</strong> the Buddha all he had just seen and heard. The Buddha did not say anything.<br />

Ananda then asked, “Lord, is it possible for a woman to attain the Fruits of Stream Enterer, Once-Returner, Never-Returner, and<br />

Arhatship?”<br />

The Buddha answered, “Beyond a doubt.”<br />

“Then why won’t you accept women into the sangha? Lady Gotami nurtured and cared for you from the time you were an infant. She<br />

has loved you like a son. Now she has shaved her head and renounced all her possessions. She has walked all the way from Kapilavatthu<br />

to prove that women can endure anything that men can. Please have compassion and allow her to be ordained.”<br />

The Buddha was silent for a long moment. He then asked Nagita to summon Venerables Sariputta, Moggallana, Anuruddha, Bhaddiya,<br />

Kimbila, and Mahakassapa. When they arrived, he discussed the situation with them at length. He explained that it was not discrimination<br />

against women which made him hesitant to ordain them. He was unsure how to open the sangha to women without creating harmful conflict<br />

both within and outside of the sangha.<br />

After a lengthy exchange of ideas, Sariputta said, “It would be wise to create statutes which define the roles of nuns within the sangha.<br />

Such statutes would diminish public opposition which is certain to erupt, since there has been discrimination against women for thousands of<br />

years. Please consider the following eight rules:<br />

“First, a nun, or bhikkhuni, will always defer to a bhikkhu, even if she is <strong>old</strong>er or has practiced longer than he has.<br />

“Second, all bhikkhunis must spend the retreat season at a center within reach of a center of bhikkhus in order to receive spiritual<br />

support and further study.<br />

“Third, twice a month, the bhikkhunis should delegate someone to invite the bhikkhus to decide on a date for uposatha, the special day<br />

of observance. A bhikkhu should visit the nuns, teach them, and encourage them in their practice.<br />

“Fourth, after the rainy season retreat, nuns must attend the Pavarana ceremony and present an account of their practice, not only before<br />

other nuns, but before the monks.<br />

“Fifth, whenever a bhikkhuni breaks a precept, she must confess before both the bhikkhunis and the bhikkhus.<br />

“Sixth, after a period of practice as a novice, a bhikkhuni will take full vows before the communities of both monks and nuns.<br />

“Seventh, a bhikkhuni should not criticize or censure a bhikkhu.<br />

“Eighth, a bhikkhuni will not give Dharma instruction to a community of bhikkhus.”<br />

Moggallana laughed. “These eight rules are clearly discriminatory. How can you pretend otherwise?”<br />

Sariputta replied, “The purpose of these rules is to open the door for women to join the sangha. They are not intended to discriminate<br />

but to help end discrimination. Don’t you see?”<br />

Moggallana nodded, acknowledging the merit of Sariputta’s statement.<br />

Bhaddiya said, “These eight rules are necessary. Lady Gotami has commanded much authority. She is the Lord’s mother. Without rules<br />

such as these, it would be difficult for anyone except the Buddha himself to guide her in her practice.”

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