Intel XENIX 286 Programmers Guide (86) -

Intel XENIX 286 Programmers Guide (86) - Intel XENIX 286 Programmers Guide (86) -


XENIX Programming Programming Commands masm - Invokes the XENIX assembler. Syntax masm [option ... ] sourcefile ... Description masm is the XENIX assembler. It reads and assembles 8086/80286 assem bly language instructions from the source file named sourcefile. It then creates a linkable object file named sourcefile.o, or an executable program named a.out. The extension .s is recommended but not required. If this extension is not given, masm displays a warning and continues processing. There are the following options: -a - bnum -c -c -d -Dsym -e - Ipath - llistfile - Mx - Mu Puts the assembled output segments in alphabetic order before copying them to the object file. Specifies the 1/0 buffer size in Kbytes for source, include, and object files {not .crf or .1st files). The valid range of values is 1 to 64. The default is 16K bytes. Outputs cross reference data for each assembled file to filename.crf. Outputs cross reference data for a set of assembled files. The cross reference data is written to files with the same name as the input files, with the filename extension "crf''. Adds a pass 1 listing to the assembly listing file filename.lst. Defines the symbol appended to the -D flag as a null TEXTMACRO. Generates floating point code to emulate the 8087 or 80287 coprocessor. Programs created with this option must be linked with an appropriate math library before being executed. Defines the path appended to the -1 flag as the search path for include files. Up to 10 include paths are allowed in one invocation of masm. Creates an assembly listing file with the same basename as the sourcefile or, if the listfile parameter is given, with that name but with a .1st extension. The file lists the source instructions, the assembled {binary code) for each instruction, and any assembly errors. If file name is "-", the listing is written to stdout. Directs masm to preserve lower case letters in public and external names only when copying these names to the object file. For all other purposes, masm converts the lower case to upper case. Disables case sensitivity. Upper case is now treated identically to lower case. B-89

Programming Commands XENIX Programming masm (continued) - Ml -n - o objfile - 0 objfile -p - r - v - x -X Files /bin/masm See Also Leaves case of symbols alone. Generates information about the symbols used in the assembled programs. The -1 option must also be used for this option to take effect. Copies the assembled instructions in octal to the file named objfile. This file is executable only if no errors occurred during the assembly. This option overrides the default object filename. Copies the assembled instructions in binary to the file named objfile. Checks the assembled instructions to make sure that all memory references are pure so that the code can run in 286 protected mode. Generates floating point code that can only be executed by an 8087 or 80287 coprocessor. Prints verbose error statistics on the console. If not selected, only error counts are displayed. Displays error messages on the standard error channel, in addition to the messages generated in the listing file. Copies to the assembly listing all statements forming the body of an IF directive whose expression (or condition) evaluates to false. cc, ld in "Programming Commands" in the XENIX 286 Programmer's Guide a.out in "File Formats" in the XENIX 286 C Library Guide XENIX Macro Assembler User's Guide. B-90

<strong>XENIX</strong> Programming Programming Commands<br />

masm - Invokes the <strong>XENIX</strong> assembler.<br />

Syntax<br />

masm [option ... ] sourcefile ...<br />

Description<br />

masm is the <strong>XENIX</strong> assembler. It reads and assembles 80<strong>86</strong>/80<strong>2<strong>86</strong></strong> assem bly language<br />

instructions from the source file named sourcefile. It then creates a linkable object file<br />

named sourcefile.o, or an executable program named a.out. The extension .s is<br />

recommended but not required. If this extension is not given, masm displays a warning<br />

and continues processing. There are the following options:<br />

-a<br />

- bnum<br />

-c<br />

-c<br />

-d<br />

-Dsym<br />

-e<br />

- Ipath<br />

- llistfile<br />

- Mx<br />

- Mu<br />

Puts the assembled output segments in alphabetic order before copying<br />

them to the object file.<br />

Specifies the 1/0 buffer size in Kbytes for source, include, and object<br />

files {not .crf or .1st files). The valid range of values is 1 to 64. The<br />

default is 16K bytes.<br />

Outputs cross reference data for each assembled file to filename.crf.<br />

Outputs cross reference data for a set of assembled files. The cross<br />

reference data is written to files with the same name as the input files,<br />

with the filename extension "crf''.<br />

Adds a pass 1 listing to the assembly listing file filename.lst.<br />

Defines the symbol appended to the -D flag as a null TEXTMACRO.<br />

Generates floating point code to emulate the 8087 or 80287 coprocessor.<br />

Programs created with this option must be linked with an appropriate<br />

math library before being executed.<br />

Defines the path appended to the -1 flag as the search path for include<br />

files. Up to 10 include paths are allowed in one invocation of masm.<br />

Creates an assembly listing file with the same basename as the sourcefile<br />

or, if the listfile parameter is given, with that name but with a .1st<br />

extension. The file lists the source instructions, the assembled {binary<br />

code) for each instruction, and any assembly errors. If file name is "-",<br />

the listing is written to stdout.<br />

Directs masm to preserve lower case letters in public and external names<br />

only when copying these names to the object file. For all other purposes,<br />

masm converts the lower case to upper case.<br />

Disables case sensitivity. Upper case is now treated identically to lower<br />

case.<br />


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