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LENGTH OF ROADS UNDER FOREST DEPTT. BY TYPE OF SURFACE IN INDIA AS ON 31ST MARCH, 2008 (STATEWISE) (In Kms) State/UTs Total Unsurfaced Total Surfaced W.B.M. B.T./C.C Total Motorable Non- Motorable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Andhra Pradesh 6762 2573 2337 236 4189 4189 0 Arunachal Pradesh 1118 60 14 46 1058 1012 46 Assam 6883 557 82 475 6326 3847 2479 Bihar* 1609 0 0 0 1609 1609 0 Chhattisgarh 13914 1559 1073 486 12355 10416 1939 Goa 120 67 52 15 53 49 4 Gujarat 1988 968 746 222 1020 705 315 Haryana* 459 16 2 14 443 207 236 Himachal Pradesh*** 1961 23 0 23 1938 1938 0 Jammu & Kashmir 10621 69 8 61 10552 402 10150 Jharkhand 7349 0 0 0 7349 7349 0 Karnataka* 8958 5129 1907 3222 3829 2533 1296 Kerala 4194 3470 3166 304 724 724 0 Madhya Pradesh 27290 2710 1864 846 24580 17166 7414 Maharashtra 11489 2720 2566 154 8769 5927 2842 Manipur NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Meghalaya 674 9 1 8 665 194 471 Mizoram*** 670 0 0 0 670 133 537 Nagaland 470 0 0 0 470 470 0 Orissa 7437 850 808 42 6587 5734 853 Punjab 707 0 0 0 707 655 52 Rajasthan*** 4762 792 240 552 3970 3156 814 Sikkim*** 5 3 0 3 2 1 1 Tamil Nadu 3323 1382 677 705 1941 1941 0 Tripura** 1346 12 0 12 1334 9 1325 Uttar Pradesh*** 6798 419 0 419 6379 4676 1703 Uttarakhand 14237 400 0 400 13837 2832 11005 West Bengal 8686 3766 0 3766 4920 2450 2470 A & N Islands 110 62 51 11 48 48 0 INDIA 153940 27616 15594 12022 126324 80372 45952 Source: Forest Deptts. of State Governments. * Not reported beyond 31.3.2004 ** Not reported beyond 31.3.2006 *** Not reported beyond 31.3.2007 NR: Not Reported TABLE NO . 9.9 86

LENGTH OF ROADS UNDER IRRIGATION DEPTT. BY TYPE OF SURFACE IN INDIA AS ON 31ST MARCH, 2005 (STATEWISE) (In Kms) State/UTs Total Surfaced Unsurfaced Total W.B.M. B.T./C.C Total Motorable Non- Motorable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Andhra Pradesh* 848 683 434 249 165 106 59 Assam 790 22 15 7 768 632 136 Chhattisgarh* 179 134 113 21 45 30 15 Gujarat* 6551 2843 2041 802 3708 2644 1064 Jammu & Kashmir* 422 133 133 0 289 289 0 Karnataka** 9731 6250 4425 1825 3481 3034 447 Kerala 2706 1464 546 918 1242 905 337 Madhya Pradesh** 2159 797 449 348 1362 1020 342 Maharashtra 5792 2028 1173 855 3764 3034 730 Meghalaya 113 15 7 8 98 94 4 Orissa* 11106 4878 3112 1766 6228 1823 4405 Punjab * 5740 455 0 455 5285 4184 1101 Rajasthan* 739 630 88 542 109 0 109 Tamil Nadu* 1720 843 536 307 877 837 40 Uttar Pradesh # 24169 2294 119 2175 21875 2617 19258 Uttarakhand 1323 702 16 686 621 459 162 West Bengal 3911 673 416 257 3238 1941 1297 INDIA 77999 24844 13623 11221 53155 23649 29506 Source: Irrigation Deptts. of State Governments. * Not reported beyond 31.3.2004 ** Not reported beyond 31.3.2002 # Not reported beyond 31.3.1997 TABLE NO. 9.10 87


AS ON 31ST MARCH, 2005 (STATEWISE)<br />

(In Kms)<br />

State/UTs Total Surfaced Unsurfaced<br />

Total W.B.M. B.T./C.C Total Motorable Non-<br />

Motorable<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Andhra Pradesh* 848 683 434 249 165 106 59<br />

Assam 790 22 15 7 768 632 136<br />

Chhattisgarh* 179 134 113 21 45 30 15<br />

Gujarat* 6551 2843 2041 802 3708 2644 1064<br />

Jammu & Kashmir* 422 133 133 0 289 289 0<br />

Karnataka** 9731 6250 4425 1825 3481 3034 447<br />

Kerala 2706 1464 546 918 1242 905 337<br />

Madhya Pradesh** 2159 797 449 348 1362 1020 342<br />

Maharashtra 5792 2028 1173 855 3764 3034 730<br />

Meghalaya 113 15 7 8 98 94 4<br />

Orissa* 11106 4878 3112 1766 6228 1823 4405<br />

Punjab * 5740 455 0 455 5285 4184 1101<br />

Rajasthan* 739 630 88 542 109 0 109<br />

Tamil Nadu* 1720 843 536 307 877 837 40<br />

Uttar Pradesh # 24169 2294 119 2175 21875 2617 19258<br />

Uttarakhand 1323 702 16 686 621 459 162<br />

West Bengal 3911 673 416 257 3238 1941 1297<br />

INDIA 77999 24844 13623 11221 53155 23649 29506<br />

Source: Irrigation Deptts. of State Governments.<br />

* Not reported beyond 31.3.2004<br />

** Not reported beyond 31.3.2002<br />

# Not reported beyond 31.3.1997<br />

TABLE NO. 9.10<br />


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