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07 - 08.pdf - University of Georgia

07 - 08.pdf - University of Georgia


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C 256 ]<br />


I X I A,<br />

Clafs and Order*.<br />


Generic Character-.<br />

Cor. 6-partita, campanulata, regularis. Stigmata 3,<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

IXIA longiflora foliis enfiformibus linearibus ftriftis, tuba<br />

filiformi longiflimo. Ait. Kew. v. 4 . p. 5 8.<br />

GLADIOLUS lotigiflorus caule tereti, tubo longiffimo, fpathis,<br />

foliifque linearibus glabris. Linn. Suppl. p. 0.6. Gnel.<br />

Syjl.Vegetab.ed.\$. M-urr. p. 8 6.<br />

We ai"e not acquainted with a tribe <strong>of</strong> plants which ftand<br />

ipnore in need <strong>of</strong> elucidation than th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> this genus ; <strong>of</strong> the<br />

vaft numbers imported from the Cape within ihefe few years.,<br />

Vhere they are chiefly natives, and that for the m<strong>of</strong>t part by<br />

\vay <strong>of</strong> Holland, few comparatively are well afcertained; fowe<br />

<strong>of</strong> them appear fubjeft to great variation, both in the fize and<br />

colour <strong>of</strong> their bl<strong>of</strong>foms (whether in their wild ftate they are<br />

thus inconftant, or whether there are feminal varieties raifed<br />

by the perfevering induftry <strong>of</strong> the Dutch Florifts, we have not<br />

yet had it in our power fatisfaftorily to afcertain) ; others like<br />

the prefent one have their characters ftrongly marked, and<br />

]efs variable; in general they are plants <strong>of</strong> eafy culture, re<br />

quiring chiefly to be protected from the effecls <strong>of</strong> fr<strong>of</strong>t, the<br />

leaft degree <strong>of</strong> which is prefemly fatal to m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> them.<br />

The treatment recommended for the Ixia fiexu<strong>of</strong>a is apph-<br />

cable to this and the other Cape fpecies.<br />

According tp. the Hort. Kena. this, fpecies was introduced<br />

by Mr. MASSON i,n the year ^774.<br />

It flowers from April to June.<br />

6y Ji^ ffur-fo Sfffe^ C'r-^cenf Jtfar--

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