07 - 08.pdf - University of Georgia

07 - 08.pdf - University of Georgia

07 - 08.pdf - University of Georgia


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feeds which ripened there the preceding year, but unfortunately<br />

from the latenefs <strong>of</strong> their flowering, and the very great injury<br />

the plants had fuftained from the Cobweb Mite (Aeon,<br />

teliarius] vulgarly called the red Spider, there feemed little<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>peft that the feed-veflels would arrive at perfection.<br />

The feeds were fown by Mr. FAIRBAIRN, in March, and<br />

the plants kept in the green-houfe till very late in the fummer,<br />

when to accelerate their blowing, they were removed into<br />

the dry ftove: it is worthy <strong>of</strong> remark, that thefe plants, even<br />

late in the autumn, mew no figns <strong>of</strong> bl<strong>of</strong>foming, but the flowers<br />

at length come forth with alm<strong>of</strong>t unexampled rapidity, and the<br />

feed-veffels are formed as quickly, fo that if the flowers were<br />

not very numerous, their bl<strong>of</strong>foming period would be <strong>of</strong> very<br />

ihort duration ; future experience may perhaps point out the<br />

means <strong>of</strong> making the plant blow earlier: in Spain, the bl<strong>of</strong>-<br />

foms appeared later than here, Monf. CAVANILLE obferved<br />

them in the Royal Garden, in November and December, noil<br />

probably in the open ground, as no mention is made <strong>of</strong> the<br />

plants having been preferved from the weather.<br />

It was not till long after our defcription was taken, that we<br />

had an oportunity <strong>of</strong> feeing Monf. CAVANILLE'S m<strong>of</strong>t accu<br />

rate and elegant work, above quoted, in which this plant is<br />

firft figured and defcribed ; we have felefted the m<strong>of</strong>t eflential<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> his generic character, and adopted his fpecific defcrip<br />

tion : there is one point, however, in which we differ from<br />

him; the part which he regards as the fifth Petal, we are in<br />

clined to confider rather as that indefcribable fomething, called<br />

by LINNAEUS the Neclary, it is indeed <strong>of</strong> little moment whether<br />

we call it a Petal or a Neftary, but there are feveral reafons<br />

why, ftriftly fpeaking, we cannot regard it as a Petal: in g<br />

the leaves <strong>of</strong> the Calyx, th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the latter are four ; the bafc<br />

<strong>of</strong> this Neftary originates deeper than the claws <strong>of</strong> the Petals,<br />

fpringing in faft from the fame part as the Filament, its ftruc-<br />

ture, efpecially the lower part <strong>of</strong> it, is evidently different from<br />

that <strong>of</strong> the Petals, correfponding indeed as nearly as p<strong>of</strong>fibk<br />

with that <strong>of</strong> the bafe <strong>of</strong> the filament. Vid. D ESCER.<br />

Monf. CAVANILLE was induced to call this plant Lopeztb<br />

in compliment to TH. LOPEZ, a Spaniard*.<br />

* In honorem Licent. THOMA LOPEZ, Burgenfis, qui aliquot annos Reg1^<br />

Senatoris munere funftus in America, CAROLO V. imperante. In P81?8111 .^<br />

verfus breviarium hiftoriaa naturalis novi orbis fcripfit fub titulo de tribus«<br />

mentis acre, aqua, et terra, MS. apud eundem Muguozium.<br />



ROOT annual.<br />

STALK five or fix feet high, branched alm<strong>of</strong>t to the bottom,<br />

fquare, <strong>of</strong> a deep red colour, fmooth towards the bottom,<br />

{lightly hairy above: Branches like the ftalk.<br />

LEAVES alternate, ovate, pointed, toothed on the edges,<br />

more fo on the larger leaves, (lightly befet with f<strong>of</strong>t<br />

hairs, veins prominent on the under fide, ufually<br />

running parallel to each other and unbranched: Leaf-<br />

jlalks hairy.<br />

FLOWERS numerous, from the alse <strong>of</strong> the leaves, growing<br />

irregularly on hairy leafy racemi, {landing on long<br />

{lender peduncles, which hang down as the feed-veflels<br />

are produced : in this and fome others <strong>of</strong> its characters,<br />

the plant {hews fome affinity to the Circ

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