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07 - 08.pdf - University of Georgia

07 - 08.pdf - University of Georgia


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C 276 ]<br />


Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cat 3-fidus. Petala o. Sem. i. calyce baccato.,<br />

Specific Charafter and Synonyms.<br />

SSLITUM *virgatum capitellis fparfis lateralibus. Linn. Syft*<br />

Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr. -p. 5 3. Ait. Kew. v. i. p. p<br />

ATRIPLEX fylveftris mori fruau. JBaub. Pin. p. gig.<br />

ATRIPLEX fylveftris baccifera. Clnf. Hip. cxxxv.<br />

This plant, not unfrequently met with in gardens, is known<br />

to m<strong>of</strong>t cultivators by the name <strong>of</strong> Strawberry Spinach ; the<br />

leaves fomewhat refembling th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the latter, and the fruit<br />

that <strong>of</strong> the former: C. BAUHINE likens its berries to th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong><br />

the Mulberry, to which they certainly bear a greater refemb-<br />

lance: in m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the fpecies <strong>of</strong> this genus the calyx exhibits<br />

a very fingular phenomenon, when the flowering is over, it<br />

increafes in fize, becomes flefhy, and finally pulpy, containing<br />

the ripe feed, which however it does not wholly envelope;<br />

thus from each clufter <strong>of</strong> flowers growing in the. alse <strong>of</strong> the<br />

leaves are produced fo many berries, <strong>of</strong> a charming red ,co-<br />

lour, to which the plant owes its beauty altogether, for the<br />

flowers are final), herbaceous, and not diftinaiy vifible to the<br />

naked eye; they can boaft however <strong>of</strong> being <strong>of</strong> the firft clafs<br />

In the Linnean fyftem Monandria, to which few belong.<br />

Strawberry Elite is a hardy annual, growing fpontaneoufly in<br />

fome parts <strong>of</strong> France, Spain, and Tartary; is not a very old<br />

inhabitant <strong>of</strong> our gardens, Mr. AITON mentioning it as being<br />

firft cultivated by Mr. MILLER in. 1759. Its berries are pro<br />

duced from June to September; in their tafte they have nothing<br />

to recommend them, though not pleafant they are harmlefs.<br />

CLUSIUS we believe to be the firft author who gives a<br />

figure and defcription <strong>of</strong> it.<br />

It affefts a dry foil, and open fituation ; in fuch there is no<br />

neceflity to give any particular direaions for its cultivation,<br />

as it comes up readily from feed fpontaneoufly fcattered, fo<br />

much fo as fometimes to prove a troublefome weed.

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