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07 - 08.pdf - University of Georgia

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The <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Georgia</strong><br />


RARE B00<<br />

THE L<br />

The<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

THE<br />


OR,<br />

Flower-Garden Difplayed:<br />

IN WHICH<br />

The m<strong>of</strong>t Ornamental FOREIGN PLANTS, cultivated in the<br />

Open Ground, the Green-Houfe, and the Stove, are ac<br />

curately reprefented ITJ their natural Colours.<br />


Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according .<br />

to the celebrated LINNJEUS ; their Places <strong>of</strong> Growth, and<br />

Times <strong>of</strong> Flowering:<br />



A WORK<br />

Intended for the Ule <strong>of</strong> fuch LADIES, GENTLEMEN, and GARDENERS, as<br />

wifti to become fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate.<br />

By W ILLIAM C U R T I S,<br />

Author <strong>of</strong> the FLORA LONDINENSIS.<br />

VOL. VII.- p<br />

Now let us range both far, and wide,<br />

Thro' all the gardens boafted pride.<br />

Here Jafmines fpread the filvei (low'r, .<br />

To deck the wall or weave the bow'r,<br />

The Woodbines mix in am'r^.us play,<br />

And hreathe their fragrant lives away.<br />

There rifmg Myrtles form a ihade ;<br />

There R<strong>of</strong>es bluih, and fcent the glade j<br />

The Orange, with a vernal face,<br />

Wears ev'ry rich autumnal grace;<br />

While the young bl<strong>of</strong>ibms here unfold,<br />

' There fhincs the fruit like pendant gold;<br />

" Citrons their balmy fweets exhale,<br />

" And triumph in the diftant gale. COTTON,.<br />

LONDON:<br />


For W, CURT IS, N 3, St. George's-Crefcent, Black-Friars-Road;<br />

And Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain and Ireland.<br />


RARE<br />

TH<br />

[ 217 ]<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Chamber.<br />

CaL obfolete 5-dentatus. Corolla limbiis fj-fidus,<br />

lobis cordatis. Caff, a-locularis.<br />

Specific Cbc.ratJer and Synonyms.<br />

BUCHNERA vifc<strong>of</strong>a foliis hneari-lanceolatis laxe dentatis<br />

fubglutin<strong>of</strong>is, floribus pedunculatis, caule fru-<br />

tic<strong>of</strong>o. L' Herit. Strip, nov. torn. 2. tab. 34.<br />

Ait. Kew. V. 2. p. 357.<br />

Buchnera is a genus <strong>of</strong> plants eftablifhed by LINNAEUS in<br />

honour <strong>of</strong> A. E. BUCHNER, a German naturalift.<br />

Of this genus, nine fpecies are enumerated in the i4th<br />

edition <strong>of</strong> the Syftema Vegetabiliuffi, by Pr<strong>of</strong>eflbr MURRAY.<br />

We learn from Mr. AIT ON, that the prefent fpecies (a<br />

native <strong>of</strong> the Cape) was introduced to the royal garden at<br />

Kevv in 1774.<br />

It cannot boaft much beauty, yet as it occupies but little<br />

room, grows readily from cuttings, and flowers during m<strong>of</strong>t<br />

<strong>of</strong> the iuramer: it obtains a place in m<strong>of</strong>t green-houfes.<br />

A* fy

fy<br />

Crifient &l. r. ifas '/"?/ii'r"/' f"$'<br />

blSANDRA<br />

t<br />

C 218 ]<br />


DlSANDRA.<br />

Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />


Col. fub 7-partitus. Cor. rotata, fubfeptem-partita. Capf. 2-<br />

locularis, polyfperma.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

DlSANDRA pr<strong>of</strong>trata. Linn. Syfi. Vegctabs ed. 1 4. Murr,<br />

Suppl. PL p. 32. 214. Ait. Keiv, V. i . p. 493.<br />

SIBTHORPIA peregrina. Linn, Sp. PL ed. 3 . p. 880.<br />

The foliage <strong>of</strong> this plant greatly refembles that <strong>of</strong> Ground<br />

Ivy, and its branches trail on the ground fomewhat in the<br />

fame manner, extending to the length <strong>of</strong> feveral feet; but it<br />

is not on the ground that it is beft feen, as its flowers are apt<br />

to be hid among the leaves : it. appears m<strong>of</strong>t advantageoufly<br />

when growing in a pot, placed on a pedeftal, or in fome ele<br />

vated fituation, where its branches may hang carelefsly down:<br />

thus treated, when fully blown, it becomes a m<strong>of</strong>t pleafing<br />

objecL<br />

LiNNjEus, the fon,. in his Suppl. Plant, obferves, that the<br />

Difandra varies extremely in the number <strong>of</strong> its {lamina, as it<br />

does alfo in the divifions <strong>of</strong> its calyx, and corolla; in this<br />

refpecl:, indeed, we do not know its equal: fortunately for<br />

th<strong>of</strong>e fyftems <strong>of</strong> Botany, which are formed from the number<br />

<strong>of</strong> certain parts <strong>of</strong> the fructification, few fuch inconftants exift.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>eflbr MURRAY obferves, that feven is the m<strong>of</strong>t pre<br />

valent number <strong>of</strong> its ftamina, five the m<strong>of</strong>t natural.<br />

LINNJEUS defcribes it as a native <strong>of</strong> the Eaft; Mr. AITON<br />

informs us, that it was introduced here about the year 1771,<br />

from Madeira.<br />

It flowers during m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the fummer months; in the<br />

winter it muft be kept in the green-houfe ; in the fummer it<br />

will bear the open air, grows readily from cuttings, fhould<br />

be planted in rich earth, and plentifully watered in dry<br />


full.- fy.<br />

C 219 ]<br />



Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

ROUGH-<br />

Cal. i 6-partitus. Cor. rotata, 8-partita. Neffarium 8-valve,<br />

ftaminiferum. Caff. 8-locularis, polyfperma. L' Heritier<br />

Monogr.<br />

Specific Charaffer and Synonyms.<br />

MICHAUXIA campanuloides. L' Heritier Monogr.<br />

The celebrated author <strong>of</strong> the Hortus Kewenjis informs us,<br />

that the plant here figured is a native <strong>of</strong> the Levant, and<br />

was introduced to this country in the year 1787, by Monf.<br />

L' HERITIER, who firft gave it the name <strong>of</strong> Michauxia, and<br />

wrote a Monographia, or particular treatife on it.<br />

We have before obferved, that \vhen a plant has been<br />

named in honour <strong>of</strong> any particular perfon, that name muft<br />

be retained in all countries, however uncouth its pronuncia<br />

tion may be, and there are few <strong>of</strong> our readers but what will<br />

think the prefent name fufficiently fo.<br />

Laft fummer 1792, in the month <strong>of</strong> July, we had the<br />

pleafure to fee a fine plant <strong>of</strong> this fort, fully blown, in the<br />

collection <strong>of</strong> Meflrs. GRIMWOOD and Co. Kenfington;<br />

though in a fmall pot, it grew nearly to the height <strong>of</strong> fix feet,<br />

was branched alm<strong>of</strong>t to the bottom, and loaded with a pro-<br />

fufion <strong>of</strong> bl<strong>of</strong>lbms, fuch as are reprefented on the plate, and<br />

which bore fome diftant refemblance to th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> a paflion-<br />

flower.<br />

It is a biennial green-houfe plant, and, <strong>of</strong> courfe, only<br />

to be raifed from feeds, which we are forry to find have not<br />

ripened in this country, though they are faid to do fo in France. I

C 220<br />



0/j and Order.<br />

Generic Character.<br />

4-phyllus. Cor. 4-fida. Filamenta reqeptaculo infertq.<br />

Anthers bifidae. 'Caff. 4-locularis.<br />

%<br />

Specific Character. and Synonyms.<br />

£RIpA cerinthoides antheris muticis inclufis, corollis clavatis<br />

gr<strong>of</strong>fis, ftigmate inclufo cruciate, foliis quaternis.<br />

Linn. Syfl. 'Vegetal, ed. 14. Murr. p. 368. Ait. Kew,<br />

V. 2 - _p. 22.<br />

The Erica cerinthoides is one <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>of</strong>t magnificent and<br />

ftewy <strong>of</strong> the genus, grows wild at the Cape, from whence it<br />

was introduced to the royal garden at Kew, by Mr. MASSON,<br />

in 1774; it is the more valuable, as it flowers during m<strong>of</strong>t<br />

<strong>of</strong> the year: its bl<strong>of</strong>lbms are found to vary from a deep to<br />

a very pale red. It is a hardy green-houfe plant, and ufually<br />

propagated by cuttings.<br />

To have this beautiful tribe <strong>of</strong> plants in perfection, they<br />

muft be kept in pots proportioned to their fize, rilled with<br />

that kind <strong>of</strong> bog earth in which our Britifh heaths grow fpon-<br />

taneoufly, finely fifted; to which it may be neceflary fome-<br />

times to add a third part <strong>of</strong> the mould <strong>of</strong> rotten leaves, or<br />

choice loam, partaking more <strong>of</strong> a clayey than a fandy nature :<br />

we muft be careful not to let them fuffer for want <strong>of</strong> water<br />

in dry hot weather, as fuch an omiflion, even for one day,<br />

may be fatal; and to give them as much air as p<strong>of</strong>fible at all<br />

times when the weather is mild. f'ul.ly W. Curbs .'- (frv (ryi,-nf M-"- >.<br />


RA.<br />


Clajs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cor. infundibuliformis. Stigma capitato-glob<strong>of</strong>um, Capf. 3-<br />

locularis.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

IPOMCEA coccinea foliis cordatis acuminatis bafi angulatis,<br />

pedunculis multifloris. Linn. Syjl. Vegetab. ed.<br />

14. Murr. p. 204. Ait. Ke-zv. V. \. p. 2 15.<br />

CONVOLVULUS coccineus, folio angul<strong>of</strong>o. Plum. Amer.<br />

89. /. 103.<br />

QUAMOLCIT americana, folio hederae, flore coccineo.<br />

Comm. rar. 2 1. t. 2 1.<br />

The Ipomcea is very nearly related to the Convolvulus, one<br />

principal difference confifts in the different form <strong>of</strong> its ftigma,<br />

which is globular, like that <strong>of</strong> the Primr<strong>of</strong>e; whereas in the<br />

Convolvulus it is divided into two fubftances, as is obvioufly<br />

fhewn in the Comolvulus arvenfts andjefium, but all the plants<br />

<strong>of</strong> thefe two genera have not this character marked with<br />

equal ftrength.<br />

The prefent fpecies is a twining plant, will run up a ftick to<br />

the height <strong>of</strong> fix, eight, or ten feet, and produce an abundance<br />

<strong>of</strong> flowers, <strong>of</strong> a rich orange colour tending to fcarlet, which<br />

renders it one <strong>of</strong> the raott ornamental annuals cultivated in<br />

our gardens, into which it is not as yet generally introduced,<br />

though cultivated by Mr. MILLER, in 1759.<br />

Mr. MILLER defcribes it as a native <strong>of</strong> Carolina, and the<br />

Bahama Iflands, Mr. AITON <strong>of</strong> the Weft-Indies; it flowers<br />

from June to September.<br />

It is cultivated in the fame manner, and with the fame eafe<br />

as other annuals; three feeds may be fet in the ground, about<br />

four inches afunder, in the form <strong>of</strong> a triangle ; when the feed-<br />

lings are fufHciently advanced, a tall ftick is to be thruft down<br />

in the centre betwixt the three plants, for them to twine<br />

around : the warmer and more flickered the fituation, and<br />

the richer the foil in which they are placed, the taller the plants<br />

will grow; by railing them on a hot bed, you may anticipate<br />

their natural time <strong>of</strong> flowering, and be more certain <strong>of</strong> ob<br />

taining good feed.<br />

. fy, WCiu-tt,rJ'.fGep:CTefi;ent}far.f.i'/y.l<br />

,M 22*<br />


Put.<br />

222<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic CharaSer.<br />

r. nulla. Cal. t ubul<strong>of</strong>us, ore glandulis 8. Bacca exfucca,<br />

polyfperma. Linn. Mant. p. 4. Syft. Vegetal, ed. 14. Murr.<br />

p. 1 65.<br />

Specific CharaRer and Synonyms.<br />

STRUTHIOLA ere£ta glabra. Linn. Syft. Vegetal, ed. 14.<br />

Murr. p. 1 64. Ait. Kew. V.. i . p. 1 65.<br />

PASSERINA dodecandra. Linn. Sp. PL ed. 3 . />. 513.<br />

Acad. V. 4. p. 2 71.<br />

PASSERINA filiformis. Mill. Ditt. ed. 6. 4to.<br />

PASSERINA. Bunn. Afric. /. 47. /. i.<br />

The plant here reprefented appears to have been firft de-<br />

fcribed and figured by BURMAN, in his PL Afric. under the<br />

name <strong>of</strong> Pafferina: L INNAEUS introduced it in the 3d edition<br />

<strong>of</strong> his Sp. PL by the title <strong>of</strong> Pafferina dodecandra ; difcovering<br />

afterwards that it had in reality only four ftamina, and that<br />

the other eight fubftances, miftaken for fuch, were fo many<br />

glandular neftaria, he made in his Mantiff. Plant, a new genus<br />

<strong>of</strong> it, by the name <strong>of</strong> Struthiola, and affigned it the trivial name<br />

<strong>of</strong>'ereffa,- i n the abbreviated generic defcription given <strong>of</strong> it<br />

by Pr<strong>of</strong>. MURRAY, an alteration is made in this generic cha<br />

racter, and what before was confidered as Corolla, is here re<br />

garded as Calyx; no reafon is affigned for this alteration, and<br />

we are at a l<strong>of</strong>s to account for the propriety <strong>of</strong> it.<br />

Mr. MILLER, who cultivated this plant in 1758, defcribes<br />

it in his dictionary, and obferves very juftly, that though its<br />

branches when young are ereft, when loaded with bl<strong>of</strong>lbms<br />

they incline to a horizontal p<strong>of</strong>ition; hence the term ereEta<br />

becomes an improper one, and fhould be changed for one<br />

more expreffive.<br />

This fpecies <strong>of</strong> Struthiola is a very common fhrub in our<br />

greenhoufes, will grow to the height <strong>of</strong> five or fix feet,<br />

and, though not fo ornamental as fome other pjants, has the<br />

merit <strong>of</strong> flowering during m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the year, and <strong>of</strong>ten in the<br />

depth <strong>of</strong> winter.<br />

Is readily increafed by cuttings.


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Col. i -phyllus, oblongus, laevis. Peiala 5, unguiculata : Limfa<br />

fub-bifido. Capf. 5-locularis.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

LYCHNIS coronata glabra, floribus axillaribus terminalibu£>t<br />

que folitariis, petalis laciniatis. Thunb. Japon,<br />

P. 1 87. Linn. Syft. Vegetab. ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 4 35.<br />

Alt. Kew. V. i. p. 1 17.<br />

LYCHNIS grandiflora floribus axillaribus terminalibufque<br />

folitariis, petalis inasqualiter crenatis. Jacq*<br />

Collet?. V. i. p. 149. Icon. V. i.<br />

JAPONICE fen fjun ra, vulgo Ganpi. Kempf. Am

. fy. W£urtir c: Crefcent Apr.<br />

C 224 ]<br />


PHYLICA.<br />

Clefs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

ferianthium g-partitum, turbinatum. Petala o.. Squama 5,<br />

ftamina munientes. Caff, tricocca, infera.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

PHYLICA ericoides foliis linearibus verticillatis. Linn. Syft.<br />

Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr. f. 235. Ait. Ke?v. V. i.<br />

p. 268.<br />

ALATERNOIDES africana ericsefoliis, floribus albicantibus<br />

et mufc<strong>of</strong>is. Comm. Hort. 2 . p. \. t. ^.<br />

Mr. MILLER, who cultivated this plant in 1731, informs<br />

us, that it grows wild about Lifbon, where it covers extenfive<br />

trafts <strong>of</strong> ground, in the fame manner as the heath does in<br />

this country ; it feldom rifes above the height <strong>of</strong> three feet,<br />

and is much difp<strong>of</strong>ed to become bufhy; its flowers, which are<br />

flightly odoriferous, begin to appear in autumn, and continue<br />

during the winter and fpring; they grow in little heads on<br />

the fummits <strong>of</strong> the branches: their whitenefs, contrafted<br />

with the dark colour <strong>of</strong> the .foliage, forms a pleafing ap<br />

pearance, and entitles this plant, though a common and<br />

long-eftablifhed inhabitant <strong>of</strong> the greenhoufe, to a place<br />

with fuch as may boaft more brilliancy <strong>of</strong> colour.<br />

Its leaves, which thickly cover the [talks, do not well<br />

accord with LINNJEUS'S fpecific defcription.<br />

It'is ufually propagated by cuttings, which ftrike readily,

225<br />

t<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


^^^^r^^ Generic Chardffer.<br />

^^^ Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. i-petala, irregularis. Caff, infera, 2 five<br />

^^_ g-locularis.<br />

^IV Specific Charatler and Synonyms.<br />

LOBELIA furinamenjis caule fuffrutic<strong>of</strong>o, foliis oblongis<br />

glabris ferratis, floribus axillaribus pedunculatis.<br />

Ait. Kew. V. 3 . p. 498. 'Sp. PL 1 320.<br />

w LOBELIA Itevigata foliis ellipticis ferratis glabris, capfulis<br />

gr<strong>of</strong>lis glob<strong>of</strong>is, calycibus fubulatis, corollis<br />

glaberrimis. Linn. Suppl. p. 392. '<br />

The Lobelia furinamenfis, a plant newly introduced here,<br />

is minutely defcribed in the Suppl. PI. <strong>of</strong> the younger LIN-<br />

XJEUS, under the name <strong>of</strong> l^vigata^ apparently from the<br />

fmoothnefs <strong>of</strong> its flowers: in the year 1786, Mr. ALEXANDER<br />

ANDERSON fent this plant to the Royal Garden at Kew, from<br />

the Weft-Indies, where it grows fpontaneoufly, as well as at<br />

Surinam; and Mr. AITON has inferted it at the end <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Hort. Kew. afligning to it a new fpecific defcription, and a<br />

new trivial name: our drawing was made from a plant which<br />

flowered in the Hove <strong>of</strong> Meflrs. GRIMWOOD and Co. Ken-<br />

fington, to whom it was imparted by RICHARD MOLESWORTH,<br />

Efq. <strong>of</strong> Peckham, a gentleman liberal in his communications,<br />

and anxious to promote the caufe <strong>of</strong> Botany.<br />

This fpecies <strong>of</strong> Lobelia is a ftove plant, having a fome-<br />

what fhrubby ftalk, growing to the height <strong>of</strong> feveral feet;<br />

its blbflbms are very large, <strong>of</strong> a pale red colour, and its<br />

Antherae, which might be miftaken for the ftigma, unufually<br />

hairy.<br />

It begins to flower in January and February} and continues<br />

to bl<strong>of</strong>lbm during m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the Cummer.<br />

Is increafed by cuttings.

R.1<br />

[ 226 ]<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

neftariferee 4, fingulse intra calycis foliola, fquamai<br />

1 inftar reflexse.<br />

Specific CharaRer and Synonyms.<br />

ARABIS alpina foliis amplexicaulibus dentatis. Linn. Syfti<br />

Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr. p\ 5 99. Ait. Kew-. Vol. z.<br />

p. 3 99. Mill. Dill. ed. 6. 410.<br />

DRAB A alba filiqu<strong>of</strong>a repens; Baub. Pin. p. 109.<br />

An early-blowing plant, if it has no great pretenfions to<br />

beauty, brings with it a powerful recommendation, more<br />

efpecially if its flowers are not <strong>of</strong> the more common hue;<br />

fuch are the claims which the prefent plant has to a place in<br />

this work : it is perennial, hardy, herbaceous, <strong>of</strong> low growth,<br />

rarely exceeding a foot in height, producing its white bl<strong>of</strong>lbms<br />

in April and May : its fize renders it a fuitable plant for the<br />

border <strong>of</strong> a fmall garden, or for the covering <strong>of</strong> rock-work*<br />

«<br />

It is readily increafed by parting its roots in autumn.<br />

Grows fpontaneoufly on the Alps <strong>of</strong> Switzerland, Auftria,<br />

and Lapland, and was cultivated (vid. Hart. Ke-so)- in the<br />

Botanic Garden at Oxford, in 1658.<br />

fui. by W CurtlS SVea.CnfierLt J&y.j. Jffi.

C 227 ]<br />



Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Recept. paleaceum, planum. Pappus 2-phyUus. Cal. imbri-<br />

catus, fubfquarr<strong>of</strong>us.<br />

Specific Charafier and Synonym*.<br />

JIELIANTHUS multijloms folijs inferiorihus cordatis tri-<br />

nervatis fuperioribus ovatis. Linn. Syjl.<br />

Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 781.<br />

CHRYSANTHEMUM americanum majus perenne, floris<br />

folis foliis et floribus. Morif. Hift.<br />

3- f- *3:<br />

The Helianthus multiflorus, a native <strong>of</strong> North-America, is<br />

ahardy perennial herbaceous plant, arifing ufually tp the height<br />

<strong>of</strong> five or fix feet, and producing a great number pf large<br />

yellow fhewy bl<strong>of</strong>Toms, which renders it a fu.itable plant to<br />

ornament the fhrubbery or garden <strong>of</strong> large extent; the variety<br />

with double flowers is the one m<strong>of</strong>t commonly cultivated, and<br />

this we find in alm<strong>of</strong>t every garden: it (lowers frpm July tp<br />

September, and is propagated by parting its ropts in autumn.<br />

This is a hardy plant, <strong>of</strong> ready growth, will bear the fmoke<br />

<strong>of</strong> London better than many others; if it continues in the<br />

fame fpot for a great number <strong>of</strong> years, the blpffpms are apt<br />

to become fingle.<br />

The fingle fort, according tp MORISON, was introduce^<br />

before 1699 by Lord LEMSTJER. Ait. Kew.

[ 228 ]<br />



Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Ch$rafier.<br />

Recept. nudum, conicum. Pappus nullus. Cal. hemifphjericus:<br />

fquamis fequalibus. Sfm, fubovata.<br />

Specific Cbarafier and Synonyms.<br />

EELLIS pcretmis fcapo nudo. Linn. Sjjf. Vegetal, ed. 1 4,<br />

Murr. />. 770.<br />

BELLIS hortenfts {lore plena. Bauh. Pin. f. ^61.<br />

BELLIS minor hortenGs flore plena.<br />

Double Garden Daify. Park- Parad. p. 3 22.<br />

The daify, a plant common to. Europe, in its wild ftate<br />

delights in open fituations, which are moderately moift, its<br />

root is perennial, and increafes greatly; the ufual colour <strong>of</strong><br />

its flowers is white, the florets are fometimes tipt with red,<br />

but morft frequently red or; the under fide.<br />

When double, the daify becomes much more ornamental,<br />

and in this ftate many varieties <strong>of</strong> it have long been cultivated,1<br />

very generally in gardens; th<strong>of</strong>e principally found in our<br />

uurferies are<br />

The large double daify with florets <strong>of</strong> a deep red colour<br />

on the under fide, figured on the plate ; the flowers <strong>of</strong> this<br />

(art will fometimes expand nearly to the fize <strong>of</strong> a half-crown<br />

piece, and are the m<strong>of</strong>t fhewy <strong>of</strong> any that we have feen j the<br />

foliage <strong>of</strong> this fort is alfo proportionably larger.<br />

The pale red double daify, more delicate in its appearance,;<br />

|>ut fmaller, varying in its {hades <strong>of</strong> colour.<br />

The pure white double daify.<br />

The deep red double daify; in this the petals are ufually<br />

mbular or quilled-<br />

Befides thefe, there are<br />

The coxcomb double daify, both red and white, in which<br />

the flowering ftem rifes up preternaturally flattened, and<br />

carries on its fummit a long-extended ridge <strong>of</strong> flowers, fre<br />

quently <strong>of</strong> an enormous fize; this monftrous production feems<br />

to arife from the cqalefcence <strong>of</strong> two or more flowering ttems:<br />

and as it is <strong>of</strong> accidental origin, fo we find that a dart/ which has<br />

been a coxcomb one year, (hall l<strong>of</strong>e that appearance entirely<br />

the next, and out <strong>of</strong> a long edging <strong>of</strong> daifies growing luxu<br />


Hantiy, new ones mail here and there arife; we canridt<br />

therefore depend upon the conftancy <strong>of</strong> this variety.<br />

Another fingular variety is the proliferous or hen and<br />

thicken daify, in which a number <strong>of</strong> flowers {landing on fhort<br />

fbotftalks fpring circularly out <strong>of</strong> the main flower; as this<br />

appearance for the m<strong>of</strong>t' part arifes from great luxuriance*,<br />

this fort <strong>of</strong> daify is alfo found occafionally to l<strong>of</strong>e its prolific<br />

character: in my garden at Lambeth-Marfh, I once had a<br />

daify growing in an edging among a number <strong>of</strong> others^ which<br />

not only became proliferous, or <strong>of</strong> the hen and chicken, kind,<br />

but its ftalk alfo, or fcapus, became branched, producing fix<br />

or<br />

feven flowefing-fterfis, with flowers at their extremities<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fize <strong>of</strong> the common daify ; thus we find that the m<strong>of</strong>t<br />

permanent characters <strong>of</strong> plants are liable to be altered, and<br />

R.'<br />

HI<br />

I<br />

'<br />

Jr;<br />

E 2 29 3<br />



Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Involuer. umbellulae. Corolla tubus cylindricus ore patulo.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

PRIMULA acaulis foliis rugbfis, dentatis, fubtus hirfutis;<br />

fcapis unifloris. Jacq. Mifc. Auftr. p. 1 58.<br />

Curt. Flor. Land. Fafc. 6.<br />

The Primr<strong>of</strong>e in its wild fingle ftate is frequently introduced<br />

into fhrubberies and plantations, for the purp<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> enlivening<br />

them in the fpring months ; in its double ftate it has been<br />

deemed peculiarly worthy <strong>of</strong> cultivation by the curious in<br />

flowers. Of the double yellow Primr<strong>of</strong>e, which feems to have<br />

been the firft known, we meet with a figure in the Hort. Eyfl.<br />

and in the Parad* Terrcftr. <strong>of</strong> PARKINSON, fince th<strong>of</strong>e publi<br />

cations many new and perfectly double varieties have been in<br />

troduced, as<br />

The double white, rarely met with.<br />

The double deep red or velvet, the bl<strong>of</strong>lbms <strong>of</strong> this will fome-<br />

times come fingle.<br />

The double pink or lilac, here figured, a plant much admired.<br />

The double crimfon, a new variety, which, in brilliancy <strong>of</strong><br />

colour, far furpalles all the others.<br />

The red, commonly called the Scotch Primr<strong>of</strong>e, lefs orna<br />

mental than any <strong>of</strong> the preceding : beiides thefe, we have ob-<br />

ferved a variety with bl<strong>of</strong>lbms <strong>of</strong> a dingy yellow inclining to<br />

red, not worth cultivating.<br />

Thefe feveral varieties <strong>of</strong> Primr<strong>of</strong>e are admirably adapted<br />

to the decoration <strong>of</strong> the fhrubbery, plantations, or even the<br />

north fide <strong>of</strong> rock-work ; they delight to grow in a ftiff loam,<br />

a moift and fomewhat fhady fituation, fo planted they thrive<br />

admirably, the double fucceeding alm<strong>of</strong>t as well as the fingle;<br />

every fecond or third year their roots fhould be divided, which<br />

may be done either in fpring or autumn, they may be cultivated<br />

alfo in pots for the convenience <strong>of</strong> removing them when in<br />

bl<strong>of</strong>fom.<br />

ful. iy ty-fabr -S.ceee frfcmt June f.<br />

22?<br />


C 230 ]<br />


| LEAD WORT.<br />

Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Charafter.<br />

T Corolla infundibuliformis: Stamina fquamis bafin corollas clau-<br />

, dentibus inferta. Stigma 5-fidum. Sem. i. oblongum tu-<br />

nicatum.<br />

Specific Charafler and Synonyms.<br />

PLUMBAGO r<strong>of</strong>ea foliis petiolatis ovatis glabris, fubdenticulatis<br />

caule geniculis gibb<strong>of</strong>is. Linn. Syfl.<br />

Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 1 99. Sp. PI. ed.%.<br />

p. 2 15. Ait. Kew. -v. i . p. 205.<br />

PLUMBAGO zeylanica, folio fplendento ocymaftri, flore rubro.<br />

Burm. Zeyl. 1 95.<br />

RADIX veficatoria. Rumph. Amloin. 5. p. 453. /. 168.<br />

The Plumbago r<strong>of</strong>ea, one <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>of</strong>t ornamental plants which<br />

we keep in our ftoves, is a native <strong>of</strong> India, from whence it<br />

was introduced to this country by the late Dr. FOTHERGILL,<br />

in the year 1777, p<strong>of</strong>terior to the publication <strong>of</strong> the laft edi<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> Mr. MILLER'S Dictionary.<br />

It is a fhrubbv plant, which frequently grows to the height<br />

<strong>of</strong> four or five feet, and is perpetually putting forth flowering<br />

fpikes; thefe continue a long while in bl<strong>of</strong>iom, and hence,<br />

with proper management, it may be had to flower during m<strong>of</strong>t<br />

<strong>of</strong> the year, a very defirable circumftance in a plant <strong>of</strong> fuch<br />

fingular beauty.<br />

The ufual mode <strong>of</strong> increafing it is by cuttings, which ftrike<br />

ireely.<br />

Its parts <strong>of</strong> fructification, whether we regard their colour or<br />

itruaure, are highly defending <strong>of</strong> notice.<br />

I<br />


I<br />

c 231 3<br />



Oafs and Order. *<br />


Generic Charafier.<br />

CaL diphyllus. Cor. ringens. Filant. 2 membranacea, fingula<br />

Antheris 3.<br />

Specific Chara£}er and Synonyms.<br />

FUMARIA folida, caule finlplici, brafteis brevioribus multifidis,<br />

radice folida. Mill. Di£i. ed. 6. 4/0.<br />

FUMARIA lulb<strong>of</strong>a, caule fimplici, brafteis longitudine florum.<br />

Linn. Syft. Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 636,<br />

Sp. PL ed. 3 . p. 983. Ait. Kew. v. 3. p. i .<br />

FUMARIA bulb<strong>of</strong>a radice non cava major. Bauh. Pin. p. 1 44.<br />

Small hollow roote. Park Parad. p. 2 75. 279. /. 2.<br />

By the old Botanifts this fpecies <strong>of</strong> Fumaria, wh<strong>of</strong>e root is<br />

conftantly-folid, was confidered as a diftinft fpecies from ano<br />

ther fimilar to it <strong>of</strong> larger growth, wh<strong>of</strong>e root is as conftantly<br />

hollow, and which will be figured in the next number <strong>of</strong> this<br />

work; CASPAR BAUHINEHI particular, in his Pinax, defcribes<br />

the characters in which they differ : Li N N R u s neverthelefs<br />

makes them varieties <strong>of</strong> each other, uniting them under the<br />

name <strong>of</strong> bulb<strong>of</strong>a ; from this union we have taken the liberty to<br />

diflent, cho<strong>of</strong>ing rather to follow MILLER, who regards them<br />

as diftinft, and the Botanifts preceding him.<br />

The Fumarta folida, a very old inhabitant <strong>of</strong> our gardens,<br />

is a plant <strong>of</strong> very humble growth, rarely -exceeding three or<br />

four inches in height, and producing its ipike <strong>of</strong> purple<br />

flowers in April, which continue in bl<strong>of</strong>fom about a fortnight.<br />

In point <strong>of</strong> colour the flowers <strong>of</strong> this plant are not fubjeft<br />

to much variation, we p<strong>of</strong>iefs a variety <strong>of</strong> it with bl<strong>of</strong>ibms <strong>of</strong> a<br />

much brighter colour than th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the common fort, and<br />

which, on that account, is much more worthy <strong>of</strong> cultivation.<br />

As a fpring plant, it'deferves a place in the garden; in point"<br />

<strong>of</strong> ornament, it is applicable to the fame purp<strong>of</strong>es as the<br />

Primr<strong>of</strong>e, will grow in alm<strong>of</strong>t any foil or fituation, requires to<br />

he taken up in the autumn, and frefh-planted every two or<br />

three .years ; if fuffered to remain in the fame fpot for a great<br />

length <strong>of</strong> time, it becomes fmaller, produces few or no flowers,<br />

and is fo altered in its appearance, as to look like another<br />


fui, fy WCvrfrr J.'ffeo<br />

A/'0 '<br />

•Sr-- 23;<br />

23% t 232<br />


.^^ FUMITORY.<br />

*'<br />

and Order.<br />


Genetic Character.<br />

I Cal. Cal diphyllus. Cor. ringens. Filamenta i membranacea fm-<br />

,gula Antheris 3 .<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

TTJMARIA cava, caule fimplici, brafteis longimdine florum<br />

integris, radice cava.<br />

FUMARIA lulf<strong>of</strong>a radice cava major. Batih. Pin. p. 1 43,<br />

RADIX cava major. Park.. Parad. p. 2 75*<br />

The hollow-rooted Fumitory differs from ihefolida, already<br />

figured, and that conftantly, in a variety <strong>of</strong> particulars; its root<br />

is always, as far as we have obferved, hollow, appearing fome-<br />

times, as PARKIN SON informs us, _," like a fhell, every part<br />

" <strong>of</strong> which when broken will grow ;" frequently acquiring a<br />

very great fize ; the plant itfelf ufually grows to twice the<br />

height <strong>of</strong> the folida, bearing foliage and flowers proportionably<br />

large; its brafteae or floral leaves, which in. the folida affume<br />

a kind <strong>of</strong> finger'd appearance from'the manner in which they<br />

are divided, in this are entire or but {lightly indented; it<br />

flowers alfo about three weeks earlier.<br />

Of the Fumaria cava there are three principal varieties in<br />

point <strong>of</strong> colour, viz. the white, the blum-coloured, and the<br />

purple, which, though plentiful in our gardens formerly, are<br />

now rarely met with; Mr. CHAPPELOW informs me, that he<br />

' r>und them ail this fpring, in an old plantation at Tecldington,<br />

vhere they produced the m<strong>of</strong>t pleafmg effect.<br />

It begins to flower in March and continues in bloom three<br />

*T.eks or a. month, rare'y produces any feed, fo t'-at it is to<br />

propagated on'y 1-y dividing its roots; it is a^-.uFdyher-<br />

eous plar.t, a native <strong>of</strong> Germany, aria v ill p;.-, \v in alm<strong>of</strong>t<br />

' ibil provided it be planieu ir> a fliaUy fnuaion.<br />


1<br />

C 233 ]<br />



Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cor. rotata. Pifttilum declinatum. Stamina tubo corollee in-<br />

fidentia. Anthers demum fpirales. Peric. 2-loculare.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

CHIRONIA laccifera frutefcens baccifera. Linn. Syft. Veget.<br />

ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 2 29. Ait. Kew. v. i . p. 2 58.<br />

CENTAURIUM minus arborefcens pulpiferum.. Comm. rar.<br />

9- ' 9-<br />

CENTAURIUM minus africanum arborefcens anguftifolium.<br />

Old. afr. 26.<br />

The Chironia laccifera, a native <strong>of</strong> Africa, is a plant not<br />

unfrequent in our greenhoufes ; its flowers are curious in<br />

their ftrufture, <strong>of</strong> a lively hue, and fuceeeded by round feed-<br />

veflels, which, when ripe, have the appearance <strong>of</strong> red berries,<br />

whence its name <strong>of</strong> laccata ; if we carefully examine thefe feed-<br />

veflels, we Ihall find that they are not properly berries, for<br />

on cutting them tranfverfly, they are found to be hollow and<br />

to be divided into two cells (

: Jit£r /,<br />

C 234<br />


Clqfs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala 5 . Capf. 5-valvis, lolocularis. Sern*<br />

folitaria.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

LINUM arloreum foliis cuneiformibus, caulibus arborefcenti-<br />

bus. Linn. Syft. Vegetab. ed. 14. Mtirr. p. 303.<br />

Ait. Kew..v. i. p. 3 88.<br />

LINUM arboretim. Alp. Exot. 1 9. /. 13.<br />

Contrary to what we obferve in m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the plants <strong>of</strong> this<br />

genus, the prefent very rare and no lefs beautiful fpecies <strong>of</strong><br />

Flax forms (if not a tree, as its name imports) a flirub <strong>of</strong> the<br />

height <strong>of</strong> feveral feet, which begins to flower in the green-<br />

houfe in March, and continues to be more or lefs covered with<br />

bl<strong>of</strong>lbms to the cl<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the fummer.<br />

It is a native <strong>of</strong> "the Levant, from whence it was intro<br />

duced to this country in the year 1788, with a pr<strong>of</strong>ufion <strong>of</strong><br />

other vegetables, by JOHN SIBTHORP, M. D. the prefent<br />

celebrated Pr<strong>of</strong>effor <strong>of</strong> Botany in the Univerfity <strong>of</strong> Oxford;<br />

who, for the laudable purp<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> promoting the fcience in<br />

which he is fo eminent, and <strong>of</strong> enriching the Oxford collec<br />

tion, already rendered m<strong>of</strong>t refpeftable by his unwearied la-<br />

tours, meditates, as we are informed, a fecond journey into<br />

Greece.<br />

Hitherto this plant has produced no feeds in this country,<br />

and it is with difficulty increafed by cuttings.<br />

Our figure was drawn from a plant which flowered in the<br />

Iprmg with Meffrs. GRIM WOOD and Co. Kenfington.

C 235<br />


GLOB E- F L o w E R.<br />

Clqfs and Order.<br />


Generic CharaRer.<br />

Cal.o. Pelalacirciter 1 4. Capfulte plurimffi, ovatae, polyfperniBe.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

TROLLIUS aftaticus corolla patula, neftariis ftaminibus Ion-<br />

gioribus. Linn. Syft. Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr.<br />

p. 5 18. Ait. Kew. v. 2 . p. 271.<br />

HELLEBORUS aconiti folio, flore glob<strong>of</strong>o croceo. Atmn.<br />

Ruth. 101.<br />

Of this genus, two fpecies only have as yet been difcovered,<br />

the one a native <strong>of</strong> Great-Britain, the other here figured the<br />

produce <strong>of</strong> Siberia and Cappadocia, both hardy, perennial,<br />

herbaceous plants; the latter, more particularly, from the<br />

bright orange colour <strong>of</strong> its flowers, held in high eftimation as<br />

an ornamental plant, and flowering in May and June. This<br />

fpecies, as yet rare in this country, is ufually propagated by<br />

parting its roots in autumn ; it may alfo be raifed from feeds,<br />

which ripen frequently on ftrong healthy plants: to fucceed<br />

in its cultivation, we mould plant it in a comp<strong>of</strong>ition <strong>of</strong> loam<br />

and bog earth, and place it in a north border, taking care<br />

that it does not fuffer from want <strong>of</strong> watering in dry fummers,1<br />

Was cultivated by Mr. MILLER, in 1759. Ait.<br />

Pui. fy hr.Cur-tu-S.e

L.<br />

i IINilllll<br />

| INL<br />

C 236 ]<br />


MULLEIN.<br />

Gfo/Jr tftfJ Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Corolla, rotata, fubineequalis. Caff, i -locularis 2-valvis.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

VERBASCUM myconi foliis lanatis radicalibus, fcapo nudo.<br />

Linn. Syjl. Vegetal, ed. 14. Murr. f. 2 20.<br />

Ait. Kew. p. 2 38.<br />

CORTUSA foliis ovatis feffilibus. Linn. Hort. Cliff. 50.<br />

SANICULA alpina, foliis boraginis vill<strong>of</strong>a. Bauh. Pin. 243.<br />

AURICULA urfi myconi. Dalecb. Hift. 837.<br />

AURICULA urfi flore cceruleo folio Boraginis. Blew Beares<br />

Eares with Borage leaves. Park. Parad. f.<br />

2 37- /-. 3-<br />

M<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the plants <strong>of</strong> this genus are tall and fhewy ; the<br />

one here figured is however, <strong>of</strong> very humble growth, its<br />

flowering ftern in the cultivated plant rarely exceeding fix<br />

inches in height j its flowers are proportionably large, <strong>of</strong> a<br />

blueifh purple colour, and highly ornamental j they make their<br />

appearance in May, and continue fucceflively in bl<strong>of</strong>lbm for<br />

feveral months, hence it becomes a defirable plant to cultivate,<br />

efpecially for the decorating <strong>of</strong> rock-work ; it is very hardy,<br />

requires a north afpeft in the fummer, and to be carefully<br />

watered in dry weather ; will grow in alm<strong>of</strong>t any foil, and is<br />

ufually propagated by planting its roots in autumn.<br />

Grows fpontaneoufly on the-Pyrenean Alps ; in its wild ftate<br />

it is more dwarfifh than our figure reprefents it, its foliage<br />

more woolly, and enriched with various tints, which the plant<br />

l<strong>of</strong>es on cultivation ; fuch fpecimens I faw in the p<strong>of</strong>leflion <strong>of</strong><br />

Dr. R. HALIFAX, <strong>of</strong> Albemarle-Street, who gathered it on<br />

its native Alps.<br />

Was cultivated by Mr. MILLER, in 1731, Ait. Kew. and<br />

molt probably long before that period by PAEKINSON, who<br />

gives a figure and accurate defcription <strong>of</strong> it in his Parad. terr

"ll<br />

C 237<br />



Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Charatter.<br />

Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala unguibus connexa. Caff, angulis de-<br />

hifcens, 5-gona.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

OXALIS faprina fcapis umbelliferis, foliis ternatis glabris,<br />

floribus erettis. Thunb. Oxalis, n. n . Linn. Syft,<br />

Vegelab. ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 433.<br />


Ill<br />

Mil<br />

[ 238<br />


or RAGWORT.<br />

Clafs and Order,<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Recept. nudum. Pappus fimplex. Cat, cylindricus, calycuktus,<br />

Squamis apice fphacelatis.<br />

Specific CharaEler and Synonyms.<br />

SENECIO elegans corollis radiantibus, foliispinnatifidis jequa.<br />

Hbus patentiffimis margine incrafiato recurvato.<br />

Linn. Syft. Vegetab. cd. 1 4. Murr. p. 757.<br />

SENECIO elegans corollis radiantibus, foliis pilolb-vifcidis<br />

pinnatifidis aequalibus patentiffimis, rachi inferne<br />

anguftata, calycibus hirtis. Ait Kew. v. 3 . p. 1 93.<br />

ASTER africanus annuus fenecionis foliis. Comm. Hort, z. p.<br />

59- * 3 -_____________<br />

LINNAEUS has given to this charming annual the name <strong>of</strong><br />

elegans, on account <strong>of</strong> the great beauty <strong>of</strong> its flowers^ the<br />

florets <strong>of</strong> the radius being <strong>of</strong> a m<strong>of</strong>t brilliant purple, and th<strong>of</strong>e<br />

<strong>of</strong> the dilk bright yellow; colours regarded as peculiar to this<br />

plant, till the Sen. venuftus defcribed in the Hort. Kew. was<br />

difcovered and introduced here; it is a native <strong>of</strong> the Cape and<br />

other parts <strong>of</strong> Africa, grows ufually to the height <strong>of</strong> a foot and<br />

a half, or two feet; flowers from June to Auguft, grows readily,<br />

requiring the fame treatment as other annuals <strong>of</strong> the more<br />

tender kind; feedling plants raifed in the autumn in pots, and<br />

kept in the green-houfe or under a frame during winter, will,<br />

<strong>of</strong> courfe, flower much earlier than plants produced in the fpring.<br />

Within thefe few years, a variety <strong>of</strong> this Senecio with per<br />

fectly, double flowers, equally brilliant as th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the fingle<br />

kind, has been introduced, and is here figured; this, from its<br />

fuperior beauty, is now cultivated, in preference to the fingle;<br />

there is double variety <strong>of</strong> it alfo with white flowers which be<br />

ing lefs fhewy is not fo much efteemed; both <strong>of</strong> thefe are<br />

raifed, and that readily, from cuttings, which as foon as well<br />

rooted may be planted out in the open borders, where they<br />

will be highly ornamental during m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the Vummer; as<br />

young plants are m<strong>of</strong>t defirable, we mould take care to have a<br />

conftant fucceffion from cuttings regularly put in, and to pre-<br />

ferve pots <strong>of</strong> fuch in particular, in the green-houfe during<br />

winter, for early blowing the enfuing fummer.<br />

The fingle fort was cultivated here, by CHARLES DUBOIS,<br />

Eftj. in the year 1700, Ait. Kew,<br />


fc 239 j<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Charaffer.<br />

Cor. hexapetaloidea, irregiilaris. Filamenta fauci ttibi infertdj<br />

declinata, inasqualia proportion^ vel direftione. Linn. Fil.<br />

Specific Charafter and Synonyms.<br />

AMARYLLIS Atamajco fpatha bifida acuta, flore pedicellate^<br />

corolla campanulata fubaequali erefta bafi<br />

breve tubul<strong>of</strong>a, ftaminibus declinatis sequali-<br />

bus. Linn. Fil. Ait. Kew. p. 4 16.<br />

AMARYLLIS Atamajco fpatha liniflora, corolla sequali, piftillo<br />

declinato. Linn. Spec. PL cd 3 . p. 4 20;<br />

LILIO-NARCISSUS Indicus pumilus riionanthus albus foliia<br />

anguftiffimis Atamafco diclus. Moris<br />

Hijl. 11. pi 366. t. 24.<br />

LILIO-NARCiSSUS virginienfis. Cate/b. Carol. 3 . p. 1 2.<br />

t, i 2.<br />

LILIO-NARCISSUS liliflorus carolinianus flore albo fingulari<br />

cum rubedine diluto. Pluk. Aim.<br />

220. /. 43. /. 3;<br />

The Amaryllis Atamafco is a native <strong>of</strong> Virginia and Caro<br />

lina, in which countries it grows very plentifully in the fields<br />

and woods, where it makes a beautiful appearance when it is<br />

in flower, which is in the fpring. The flowers <strong>of</strong> this fort are<br />

produced fingly, and at their firft appearance have a fine<br />

Carnation colour on their outflcle, but this fades away to a<br />

pale or alm<strong>of</strong>t white before the flowers decay. This plant is<br />

fb hardy as to thrive in the open air in England, provided the<br />

roots are planted * in a warm fkuation and on a dry foil ; it<br />

may be propagated by <strong>of</strong>fsets from the roots, which they put<br />

out pretty plentifully, efpecially if they are not trail {pi anted<br />

<strong>of</strong>tner than once in three years. Miller's Diff.<br />

It is ufual with the Nurferymen about London to keep this<br />

plant in the greenhoufe, where it flowers about the end <strong>of</strong><br />

April.<br />

Mr. CHARLES HATTON cultivated here in 1680, Ait. Ke^t<br />

on the authority <strong>of</strong> MORISON.<br />

* CLAYTON' in Gnum. Fl. Virg. fays maddidis gaudet locis, it delights to<br />

grow in wet places-.



Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cal:' g-parthus: lacinia fuprema defmente in tubultim capilla-<br />

rem, rieclariferum, fecus pedunculum decurrentern. Cor.<br />

g-petala, irregularis. Filamenta 1 0, ina:qualia: quorum 3<br />

(raro 5) caftrata, Fruftus 5-coccus, r<strong>of</strong>tratus: roilra fpiralia,<br />

introrfum barbata. L'Herif. Geran.<br />

Specific Chancier and Synonyms.<br />


, we have Teen a few inftances, there is generally one perfeft and<br />

four abortive, frequency all <strong>of</strong> them fail; the bl<strong>of</strong>ibms vary<br />

in the number <strong>of</strong> their ftamina, four are m<strong>of</strong>t ufually apparent,<br />

three fuperior, and that very conftantly, one inferior and <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

two, we have" never obferved feven, the proper number <strong>of</strong><br />

fertile ftamina in a Pelargonium: the whole plant is covered<br />

with fhort white hairs which give to the foliage a fomewhar<br />

filvery hue.<br />

Inftances have occurred in which one or more <strong>of</strong> the white<br />

petals have had a ftripe <strong>of</strong> red in them, and we have obferved<br />

that the dark colour at the bafe <strong>of</strong> the upperm<strong>of</strong>t petals is, in a<br />

certain degree, foluble in water, for on the plants being watered<br />

the white petals have here and there become ftained by the<br />

colouring matter proceeding from it} and which, in a diluted<br />

ftate, is <strong>of</strong> a purplifh tint: as the flowers decay, this apparently<br />

black part, diftinguiihed by the roughnefs <strong>of</strong> its furface, arifing<br />

from prominent lucid points, and which effentially diftinguiih<br />

the fpecies, is fometimes perforated with numerous fmall holes.<br />

Mr. MASSON, who is employed to collecl plants at the Cape,<br />

for the Royal Garden at Kew, and in which employment he fo<br />

honourably acquits himfelf, as the Hortus Keinenfis bears ample<br />

teftimony, %fent hither feeds <strong>of</strong> this Pelargonium, which flow<br />

ered in that matchlefs colleclion in the year 1792; a few plants<br />

<strong>of</strong> it have alfo been raifed from Cape feeds, by Mr. WILLIAMS,<br />

Nurferyman, at Hammerfmith, feme <strong>of</strong> which flowered this<br />

fpring with Mr. COLVILL, Nurferyman, Kings-Road.<br />

It muft be feveral years before the loyers <strong>of</strong> plants can be<br />

generally gratified with the p<strong>of</strong>ieflion <strong>of</strong> jihis plant, m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> its<br />

branches running out fpeedily into flowering ftalks, form few<br />

proper for cuttings, which are ftruck with difficulty, and per<br />

fect feeds are fparingly produced.<br />

It appears to be equally hardy as m<strong>of</strong>t others <strong>of</strong> the fante<br />

tribe, and to require a fimilar treatment.

Mill<br />

t 241<br />


Glafs and Qrdef.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

\<br />

Cat g-phylhls. Petala 5, cordata^ Capfi 5-locularisj icxvalvisl<br />

loculis i-fpermis.<br />

Specific Charalfcr and Synonyms.<br />

fAGONIA cretica fpin<strong>of</strong>a, foliolis lanceolatis planis leevibiifc<br />

Linn i Sp. PI. cd 3 . p . 553. Mont* p. 380.<br />

Linn. SyfttVegetab. ed. 14. Murf. p. 401. Ait-.<br />

Keiv. v. i. p. 62.<br />

TRIFOLIUM fpin<strong>of</strong>tim Creticurru Cluf. tftft. 2. />» 242. /,<br />

Bauh. Pin. p. 3 30.<br />

FAGONIA cretica fpin<strong>of</strong>a* fourn. Inft. p. 265.<br />

CLUSIUS is the firft author who has defcribed and figured<br />

this plant, he is very minute in his defcription <strong>of</strong> it, noticing<br />

the exaft number <strong>of</strong> its ftamina; it is the more furprifing,<br />

therefore, that he fhould have fo little idea <strong>of</strong> generic charac<br />

ter, as to rank it with the trefoils merely from the form .<strong>of</strong><br />

its leaves: TOURNEFORT, born to illuftrate the genera <strong>of</strong><br />

plants, named it Fagonia^ in honour <strong>of</strong> .his friend and patron,<br />

Monf. FAGON, privy counfellor and confulting phyfician to<br />

LEWIS XlV»<br />

This fpecies is a native <strong>of</strong> the ifland <strong>of</strong> Candia, and was<br />

cultivated here by Mr. MILLER, in 1739; it is an annual,<br />

and as it does not perfect its feeds with us in the opert<br />

air, unlefs in very favourable feafonSi it is ufually treated as a<br />

green-houfe plant, its feeds fhould be fown in the autumn, a»<br />

it thereby flowers earlier, and ripe feeds are with more cer*<br />

tainty obtained.<br />

It bl<strong>of</strong>forns from June to Auguft.<br />

The plant from which our drawing was made, flowered tbw.<br />

feafon in the very rich collection <strong>of</strong> Meffrs. LEE and KENNEDY<br />

Hammerfmith.<br />

Its branches are ufually procumbent, about a foot in lengtn,<br />

and require, if the plant be kept in a pot, to be tied up to a ftick

'lllllll<br />

C 242 ]<br />



Clafs and Order. ,<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cor. limbo 4-partito : lacinia infima anguftiore. Caff. 2-locii-<br />

laris apice emarginata,,<br />

Specif c CkaraEIer and Synonyms.<br />

VERONICA dekujjata fpicis terminalibus paniculatis, foliis<br />

oblongis integerrimis Isevigatis coriaqeis, caulfe<br />

frutic<strong>of</strong>o. Ait. Ke-w'. i>. i. p. 20-<br />

VERONICA dcciifjata fioribus racem<strong>of</strong>is axillaribus, foliis<br />

ovalibus decuffatis integerrimis. Moench.<br />

Weiffcnflein. p. 1 37. Linn. Syft. Nat. torn. 2 .<br />

ed. 1 3. Gmel. p. 30*<br />

The plant here reprefented, is a native <strong>of</strong> Falkland's Ifland,<br />

and was introduced to this country by Dr. FOTHERGILL,<br />

about the year 1776; if permitted to grow, it will become a<br />

bufhy {hrub <strong>of</strong> a confiderable fize : it has been chiefly ad*<br />

Inired for the unufual and regular growth <strong>of</strong> its leaves, which<br />

are ever-green, and grow thickly on the branches, cr<strong>of</strong>s-wife,<br />

affording an excellent example <strong>of</strong> the folia decuj/ata s but it is<br />

entitled to our admiration on another account, its bl<strong>of</strong>foms<br />

have a m<strong>of</strong>t delicious fragrance (firnilar to that <strong>of</strong> the Olea<br />

jragfans] not mentioned by authors, and we believe fcarcely<br />

known, having never heard it fpoken <strong>of</strong> by th<strong>of</strong>e who have<br />

Cultivated the plant ; its flowers, which are whites are pro<br />

duced on the tops <strong>of</strong> the branches, which, however, they do<br />

»ot ftriftly terminate, but ufually grow out juft below the<br />

fumrhits, on {hott racemi ; the corolla is fometimes divided<br />

into five fegmcnts, and there is a greater equality in the feg*<br />

feients than is ufually found in the flowers <strong>of</strong> the Veronica, the<br />

leed-vefiel differs alfo in its form, being longer, more oval, and<br />

fcarcely emarginate ; thefe feveral deviations from the ftrufture<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Veronica genus, joined to the fragrance <strong>of</strong> the bl<strong>of</strong>lbms<br />

this plant, induce us to think, that it has mdre affinity with<br />

we Olea above mentioned. v<br />

Cultivators complain, that it does- not blow freely ; without<br />

finy peculiarity <strong>of</strong> treatment, it flowers with us every year,<br />

die middle <strong>of</strong> June ; it is one <strong>of</strong> the more hardy green*<br />

°uk pllants,<br />

which is ufually and readily increafed by cuttings.

C 243 ]<br />



Clafs and Order. ~<br />


Generic CbfirafJer.<br />

Cor. 6-petala. Cal. g-phyllus. Caff, femivalvis.<br />

Specific Chara£lcr and Synonyms.<br />

ARGEMONE mexicana capfulis'fexvalvibus, foliis fpin<strong>of</strong>is.<br />

Linn. Syft. Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 490.<br />

Ait. Keiv. "u. 2 . p . 2 25.<br />

PAPAVER fpin<strong>of</strong>um. CluJ. Hift. 2 . f. 93.<br />

CARDUUS chryfanthemus Peruanus. The Golden Thiftlc <strong>of</strong><br />

Peru. Ger. Herb. p. 993.<br />

This fpecies <strong>of</strong> Argemone is a native <strong>of</strong> Mexico, and the<br />

Weft-Indies, where we fhould fupp<strong>of</strong>e it to be a very common<br />

and noxious weed, from the name there given it <strong>of</strong> Fico del in~<br />

fernot or the Devil's Fig ; . it has long been introduced to this<br />

country; GERARD, who cultivated it with fuccefs, ludicroufly<br />

attributes its nickname to a different fource : " The golden<br />

" Thiftle <strong>of</strong> Peru, called in the Weft-Indies, Fique del inferno,<br />

[ 244 ]<br />


IPOMCEA.<br />

Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Chamber.<br />

Corolla infundibuliformis. Stigma capitato-glqb<strong>of</strong>um, Capf,<br />

3-locularis.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

IPOMCEA Quamocltt foliis pinnatifidis linearibus, floribus<br />

fubfolitariis. Linn. Syft. Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr,<br />

f. 204. Ait. Kew. V. i, />. 215.<br />

OUAMOCLIT /Jafminum Americanum. Cluf. P<strong>of</strong>lh. 9.<br />

CONVOLVULUS tenuifolius Americanus. The red BelU<br />

flower <strong>of</strong> America. Park, farad, f. 358. 3.<br />

In a former number <strong>of</strong> this work, we gave a figure <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Scarlet Ipomcea, which every one p<strong>of</strong>leffing a garden, at lealt<br />

in the more fouthern parts <strong>of</strong> this kingdom, might gratify<br />

themfelves with a fight <strong>of</strong>, it being hardy enough to flower<br />

and ripen its feeds in the open border; but the prefent fpecies,<br />

an annual alfo, and equally beautiful, with greater fingularit/<br />

<strong>of</strong> foliage, can be brought to perfection only m the ftove or<br />

hot-houfe. . . .<br />

Its feeds fhould be fown early in the fpringi two or three ir:<br />

a fmall pot ; when the plants are fo far advanced as to fhew<br />

a difp<strong>of</strong>ition to climb, they mould be removed with a ball <strong>of</strong><br />

earth into a middle-fized' pot, in which one, two, or three<br />

flicks, four or five feet high ftould be ftuck, fur the plants to<br />

climb up ; in the months <strong>of</strong> June and July they will flower, and<br />

ripe feed will be produced in September.<br />

This elegant fpecies, a native <strong>of</strong> both the Indies, was culti<br />

vated here by PARKINSON, who minutely defcribes it in h:s<br />

Parad terr. when fpeaking <strong>of</strong> the feed, he obferves, " with -i'<br />

« it will feldom come to flower, becaufe our cold nights and<br />

*< fr<strong>of</strong>ts come fo foone, before it cannot have comfort enoug"1<br />

*' qf the fun to ripen it,"<br />


I 245 ]<br />



*<br />

Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Chamber.<br />

Cor. labium fuperius (nullum) ultra bafin 2-partitum, divari-<br />

catum ubi {lamina.<br />

Specific Chamber and Synonyms.<br />

TEUCRIUM latifolimn foliis integerrimis rhombeis acutis<br />

vill<strong>of</strong>is fubtus toment<strong>of</strong>is. Linn. Syft. VegetM.<br />

ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 526. Ait. Kew. -v. z. p. 2 76.<br />

TEUCRIUM fruticans beeticum ampliore folio. Dill. Elth.<br />

379. t. 2 84. /. 367.<br />

The "Teucrium latifoRum as well as the fruticans, which<br />

is nearly related to it, is a native <strong>of</strong> Spain, and was cul<br />

tivated in this country in 1714, by the Duchefs <strong>of</strong> BEAUFORT,<br />

vid. Ait. Kew.<br />

It is a flirubby plant, growing to the height <strong>of</strong> feven or<br />

eight feet (it may be trained to a much greater height) now<br />

common in our green-houfes, and fometimes planted in the<br />

open border in warm fituations, where it will bear about the<br />

fame degree <strong>of</strong> cold as the myrtle; it flowers during m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong><br />

the rummer months, and is readily increafed by cuttings.

4<br />

[ 246 ]<br />



Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Col. o. Petala 5 . Nefiaria 5 corniculata, inter petala. Caff.<br />

5 diftinftae.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

AOUILEGIA canadenjis ne&ariis reftis, ftaminibus corolla<br />

longioribus. Linn. Syft. Veg. ed. 1 4. Murr.<br />




The early red<br />

p. 5 35. Ait. Kew. v. 2 . p. 248.<br />

pumila praecox canadenfis. Corn. Canad. 60.<br />

prascox c-anadenfis; flore externe rubicundo,<br />

medio luteo. Morif. Hi/}, in. p. 457. t. 2.<br />

/ 4-<br />

Virginiania flore rubefcente prsecox.<br />

Columbine <strong>of</strong> Virginia. Park. Tb. p. 1 367.<br />

PARKIN SON was not acquainted with this plant when he<br />

wrote his Parad. terr. but in his larger and more general<br />

work, the'Tbeat. PI. publifhed in 1640, he defcribes and<br />

figures it as a plant newly introduced from Virginia, by Mr.<br />

JOHN TRADE SCANT : CORNUTUS, in his account <strong>of</strong> the plants<br />

«f Canada, gives us a reprefentation and a defcription <strong>of</strong> this<br />

plant aHb; according to him, its ufual height in that country<br />

i& about nine inches ; in the gardens here it nearly equals' the<br />

common Columbine, which it confiderably refembles in the<br />

appearance <strong>of</strong> its foliage, but differs in the form and colour <strong>of</strong><br />

Us flowers, the horn <strong>of</strong> the neftary is ftraighter, and the bl<strong>of</strong>fom<br />

in fome <strong>of</strong> its parts inclines more to orange, which renders it<br />

highly ornamental.<br />

It is a hardy perennial, and may be eafily propagated by<br />

parting its roots in autumn or fpring; it may alfo be raifed<br />

jrom feeds, which ripen readily here; thefe are found to be a<br />

' ng time in vegetating, as are others <strong>of</strong> this genus.<br />

We have obferved in fome gardens, a Columbine <strong>of</strong> more<br />

"Umble growth than the one here figured, called by the name<br />

| canadenfjs, and which m<strong>of</strong>t probably is a variety <strong>of</strong> our<br />

P.anl, its bl<strong>of</strong>lbms fpread wider, aie <strong>of</strong> a pale red colour<br />

Without any orange, and hence being lefs beautiful, is, <strong>of</strong><br />

courfe, lefs worthy <strong>of</strong> culture.

1<br />

C 247 ]<br />


Glpfs 'and Order.<br />


Generic 'Character.<br />

Cat. eomrhunis palyphyllus; proprius duplex, fuperus: Rccefi.<br />

paleaceum nudum.<br />

Specific 'GhdracJc'r and Synonyms. ,<br />

SCABIOSA atropurpurea corollulis quinquefidis radiantibus,<br />

foliis diffeQis, receptaculis florum fubulatis.<br />

Linn. Syft. Vegetal, ed. 14.. Mu'rr.p. 1 45. Ait.<br />


C 248 ]<br />


Qafs and Order.<br />


'Generic CharaEter.<br />

folliciili z ereQi. Semina nuda.<br />

Specific Charafter and Synonyms*<br />

VINCA r<strong>of</strong>ea caule fratefcente ereQo, foliis ovato oblongis,<br />

petiolis bafi bidentatis, floribus geminis feffilibus.<br />

Linn. Syft. Fegetab. ed* 1 4. Murr. p. 2 52. Ait.<br />

Ke-w. v. i. p. 2 96.<br />

VlNCA foliis oblongo-ovatis integerrimis, tubo floris Iongiffimo,<br />

caule ram<strong>of</strong>o frutic<strong>of</strong>o. Mill. Icon. 86.<br />

The Vinca r<strong>of</strong>ea was firft Cultivated in this country by Mr.<br />

PHILIP MILLER in 1757, he obferves that it deferves a'place<br />

in the ftove as much as any <strong>of</strong> the exotic plants we have in<br />

England, becaufe the' flowers are very beautiful, and there is<br />

4 confta'nt fucceffion <strong>of</strong> them all the fummer.<br />

The following account is extracted from his Dictionary;<br />

*' This plant grows naturally in the Ifland <strong>of</strong> Madagafcar, from<br />

*' whence the Jeeds were brought to the Royal Garden at Paris,<br />

" where the plants were firft raifed, and produced their flowers<br />

" the following fummer; from thefe plants good feeds were<br />

"obtained, which were fent me by Mr. RICH.ARD, gardener<br />

" to the King at Verfailles and Trianon. It rifes to the height<br />

" <strong>of</strong> three or~fo.ur feet; the branches which when young are<br />

" fucculent become ligneous by age : thefe flowers which ap-<br />

w pear early in the fummer produce ripe feeds in the autumn.<br />

"f This fort is propagated by feeds or cuttings in the ufual<br />

" way; unlefs the fummer proves warm thefe plants mould not<br />

" be placed abroad, for they, will not thrive if they are exp<strong>of</strong>ed<br />

" to cold or wet, therefore during the fummer they ihould be<br />

!' placed in an aify glafs-cafe, and in winter they muft be<br />

" removed into the ftove, where the air is kept to a temperate<br />

^ neat, without which they will not live through the winter in<br />

"England. Mill. Diff.<br />

There is a variety <strong>of</strong> this plant having white blcffoms with<br />

a Purple eye.<br />

The flowers do not always grow in pairs.

" i

25 ]<br />


MYRTLE.<br />

Clqfs and Order,<br />


Generic Character.<br />

. 5-fidus, fuperus. Petala 5 . Bacca a . f. 3 fperma.<br />

Specific CbaraSer- and Synonyms.<br />

MYRTUS toment<strong>of</strong>a pedunculis unifloris, fojiis triplinerviii<br />

fubtus toment<strong>of</strong>is. Ait. Kew. v. 2. f. 1 59.<br />

ARBQR finenfis canellre folio, minore, trinervi, prona partr<br />

vill<strong>of</strong>o, fruftu caryophylli aromatici majoris villL<br />

fimiliter obdu£to. Pluk. Arnalth. 21. t. 3 72. /. j.<br />

In the third edition <strong>of</strong> the Species Plant, <strong>of</strong> LINNAEUS,<br />

published in 1764, thirteen Myrtles are defcribed; in the 13th<br />

edition <strong>of</strong> the Syft. Natur. publifhed by GMELIJS; in 91, fortyT<br />

one are enumerated; thus in twenty-feven years this genus hai<br />

gained an acceffion <strong>of</strong> twenty-eight fpecies : m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> thefe are<br />

natives <strong>of</strong> warm, climates, and few comparatively have been<br />

introduced to this country, fix fpecies only being mentioned<br />

in the Hort. Kew. <strong>of</strong> Mr. AITON, in that work the toment<strong>of</strong>a<br />

here figured, not known to LINN &us or MILLER is fpecifically<br />

defcribed, and there Mr. AITON informs us that it is a native<br />

<strong>of</strong> China, and was introduced by Mrs. NORMAN about tk<br />

year 1766-<br />

Since that period it has fallen into, the hands <strong>of</strong> variou<br />

cultivators, and flowered perhaps in. greater perfection than i<br />

did originally at Kew; the peduncles, in the various fpecimen:<br />

we have feen ufually fupporting more than one flower.<br />

It is a fhrub <strong>of</strong> great beauty, both in refpeQ: to its foliage<br />

and flowers, bearing but little fimilitude to the common Myrtle,<br />

if fuffered to grow, acquiring the height <strong>of</strong> many feet.<br />

Its bl<strong>of</strong>foms are produced in June and July, the buds are<br />

covered with a white down, as is alfo the underfide <strong>of</strong> the<br />

leaves, whence its name <strong>of</strong> toment<strong>of</strong>a.<br />

It has been cuftomary to treat it as a ftove plant, fuch it )><br />

confidered in the Hort. Kew. there is great reafon however u»<br />

believe, that it is by no means tender, and that it may fucceed<br />

as m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the Chinefe plants do in a good greenhoufe.<br />

It is ufualiy increafed by cuttings which are ftruck<br />

difficulty.<br />


C<br />

ALLIUM DESfe Alliams- whreh<br />

LINK/ us dufcrihes, as having Anthers l:c-'.i:cs.<br />

' This fpecirs increafcs readily by <strong>of</strong>isets, which fliould be<br />

feparated and plantcu in Autumn.<br />

We know not why LIXN.EI-; fhould give it the name ^<br />

dejcendeh!> unlefs from its bein;: one <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e plants \k-' '<br />

routs in prccefi <strong>of</strong> time defcend deeply into the earth.<br />


Put,<br />

L 252 i<br />



Clafs and 0;v.vr.<br />


Generic Charaffcr.<br />

ipanulat-i fundo claufo valvis ftaminiferis. Stigina<br />

i. Ciipf. i nfera poris lateralibus dehifcens.<br />

Specific C'.'jrjffcr and Syatwms.<br />

CAMPANULA gra:td:ji. v. i. p. 2 18.<br />

PmfcfTor JACQUIN i.i, we believe, die fii ft author who has<br />

neiiic'd rl\is fpL-cies <strong>of</strong> Campanula, which he has done in his<br />

ll'jftiu r'i.:Jebonenfis; L INNAUS the Son afterwards inferted it<br />

HI l.i.-i S.'tfij.!. PI. affigning it the charafters fpecified above in<br />

the lynonyms, and expreffing his doubts whether it was not a<br />

variety <strong>of</strong> the Campanvh carpati.j^ already figured in this<br />

Work, PL 1 17. Pr<strong>of</strong>. JACQU IN ci..\;.r]y demonftrates that it casi-<br />

1M)t be Ib, as "it differs m<strong>of</strong>t effcmiaily from that plant in a<br />

Variety <strong>of</strong> particulars, >uid* Linn. Sjfi. Veget. ed. 1 4. Murr.<br />

kis fpcrific defcription there gi\ en, agrees much better with<br />

we plants we have feen fiower'here, th-an that <strong>of</strong> LINN.«TJ&.<br />

«')C'S there being generally more than one flower on a ftalk,,<br />

*lS, roots, ILl fca .to be ftruck from cuttings, and<br />

arel >* * Pi-oducing - perfed

THE<br />


O R,<br />

Flower-Garden Difplayed :<br />

IN WHICH<br />

The m<strong>of</strong>t Ornamental FOREIGN PLANTS, cultivated in the<br />

Open Ground, the Green-Houfe, and the Stove, are ac<br />

curately reprefented in their natural Colours.<br />


Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according<br />

to the celebrated LINN^US ; their Places <strong>of</strong> Growth,<br />

and Times <strong>of</strong> Flowering:<br />



A WORK<br />

Intended for the Ufe <strong>of</strong> fuch LADIES, GENTLEMEN, and GARDENERS, as<br />

ivilh to become fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate.<br />

By W ILLIAM C U R TIS,<br />

Author <strong>of</strong> the FLORA LONDINENSIS.<br />

V 6 L, VIII.<br />

" Much I love<br />

" To fee the fair one bind the ftraggling pink,<br />

Cheer the fweet r<strong>of</strong>e, the lupin, ana the ftock,<br />

And lend a ftaff to the ftill gadding pea.<br />

Ye fair, it well becomes you. Better thus<br />

Cheat time away, than at the crowded rout,<br />

Ruftling in filk, in a fmall room, cl<strong>of</strong>c-pcnt,<br />

And heated e'en to fufion ; made to breathe<br />

A rank contagious air, and fret at whift,<br />

Or fit afide to fneer and whifper fcandal."<br />

VILLAGE C URATE, p. 74.<br />

LONDON:<br />


L 253 ]<br />



Clqfs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Stylus planus, fupra vill<strong>of</strong>us, fuperne latior. Cal. laciniae fu-<br />

periores 2-breviores.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

LATHYRUS articulatus pedunculis fubunifloris, cirrhis polyphyllis;<br />

foliolis alternis. Linn. Syft. Veg.'ed. 1 4.<br />

Murr. p. 662. dit. Kew. v. 2. p. 4 1.<br />

CLYMENUM hifpanicum, flore vario, filiqua articulata.<br />

fourn. Inft. 396* '<br />

LATHYRUS hifpanicus, pedunculis bifloris, cirrhis polyphyllis<br />

foliolis alternis. Mill. Diff. ed. 6. 4to.<br />

The feed-veflels are <strong>of</strong> the firft importance in afcertaining<br />

the feveral fpecies <strong>of</strong> Lathyrus, fome being naked, others hairy<br />

fome long, others fhort, fome having a fmooth and perfectly<br />

even furface, others, as in the prefent inftance, afluming an<br />

uneven or jointed appearance.<br />

Of this genus we have already figured three annual fpecies,<br />

common in flower-gardens, viz. odoratus, tingitamis, and Jo-<br />

tivus ; to thefe we now add the articulatus, not altogether fo<br />

frequently met with, but meriting a place on the flower-border,<br />

as the lively red and delicate white fo confpicuous in its bl<strong>of</strong>-<br />

foms, caufes it to be much admired.<br />

It is a native <strong>of</strong> Italy, and was cultivated at the Chelfea<br />

Garden, in the time <strong>of</strong> Mr. RAND, anno 1730.<br />

It is a hardy annual, requiring fupport, and rarely exceed<br />

ing the height <strong>of</strong> two feet, flowering in July and Auguft, and<br />

is readily raifed from feeds, which fhould be fown in the<br />

open border at the beginning <strong>of</strong> April.

."«/. fi II' Curlu jS.^ffei Crefiwl: ff.l. I ft(>4 '•'

feeds which ripened there the preceding year, but unfortunately<br />

from the latenefs <strong>of</strong> their flowering, and the very great injury<br />

the plants had fuftained from the Cobweb Mite (Aeon,<br />

teliarius] vulgarly called the red Spider, there feemed little<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>peft that the feed-veflels would arrive at perfection.<br />

The feeds were fown by Mr. FAIRBAIRN, in March, and<br />

the plants kept in the green-houfe till very late in the fummer,<br />

when to accelerate their blowing, they were removed into<br />

the dry ftove: it is worthy <strong>of</strong> remark, that thefe plants, even<br />

late in the autumn, mew no figns <strong>of</strong> bl<strong>of</strong>foming, but the flowers<br />

at length come forth with alm<strong>of</strong>t unexampled rapidity, and the<br />

feed-veffels are formed as quickly, fo that if the flowers were<br />

not very numerous, their bl<strong>of</strong>foming period would be <strong>of</strong> very<br />

ihort duration ; future experience may perhaps point out the<br />

means <strong>of</strong> making the plant blow earlier: in Spain, the bl<strong>of</strong>-<br />

foms appeared later than here, Monf. CAVANILLE obferved<br />

them in the Royal Garden, in November and December, noil<br />

probably in the open ground, as no mention is made <strong>of</strong> the<br />

plants having been preferved from the weather.<br />

It was not till long after our defcription was taken, that we<br />

had an oportunity <strong>of</strong> feeing Monf. CAVANILLE'S m<strong>of</strong>t accu<br />

rate and elegant work, above quoted, in which this plant is<br />

firft figured and defcribed ; we have felefted the m<strong>of</strong>t eflential<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> his generic character, and adopted his fpecific defcrip<br />

tion : there is one point, however, in which we differ from<br />

him; the part which he regards as the fifth Petal, we are in<br />

clined to confider rather as that indefcribable fomething, called<br />

by LINNAEUS the Neclary, it is indeed <strong>of</strong> little moment whether<br />

we call it a Petal or a Neftary, but there are feveral reafons<br />

why, ftriftly fpeaking, we cannot regard it as a Petal: in g<br />

the leaves <strong>of</strong> the Calyx, th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the latter are four ; the bafc<br />

<strong>of</strong> this Neftary originates deeper than the claws <strong>of</strong> the Petals,<br />

fpringing in faft from the fame part as the Filament, its ftruc-<br />

ture, efpecially the lower part <strong>of</strong> it, is evidently different from<br />

that <strong>of</strong> the Petals, correfponding indeed as nearly as p<strong>of</strong>fibk<br />

with that <strong>of</strong> the bafe <strong>of</strong> the filament. Vid. D ESCER.<br />

Monf. CAVANILLE was induced to call this plant Lopeztb<br />

in compliment to TH. LOPEZ, a Spaniard*.<br />

* In honorem Licent. THOMA LOPEZ, Burgenfis, qui aliquot annos Reg1^<br />

Senatoris munere funftus in America, CAROLO V. imperante. In P81?8111 .^<br />

verfus breviarium hiftoriaa naturalis novi orbis fcripfit fub titulo de tribus«<br />

mentis acre, aqua, et terra, MS. apud eundem Muguozium.<br />



ROOT annual.<br />

STALK five or fix feet high, branched alm<strong>of</strong>t to the bottom,<br />

fquare, <strong>of</strong> a deep red colour, fmooth towards the bottom,<br />

{lightly hairy above: Branches like the ftalk.<br />

LEAVES alternate, ovate, pointed, toothed on the edges,<br />

more fo on the larger leaves, (lightly befet with f<strong>of</strong>t<br />

hairs, veins prominent on the under fide, ufually<br />

running parallel to each other and unbranched: Leaf-<br />

jlalks hairy.<br />

FLOWERS numerous, from the alse <strong>of</strong> the leaves, growing<br />

irregularly on hairy leafy racemi, {landing on long<br />

{lender peduncles, which hang down as the feed-veflels<br />

are produced : in this and fome others <strong>of</strong> its characters,<br />

the plant {hews fome affinity to the Circ

flower expands, the bafes <strong>of</strong> each are like two half tubes<br />

the fides <strong>of</strong> which, nearly touching each other, wholly<br />

encl<strong>of</strong>e the Piftillum; as the fructification goes forward,<br />

the Filament, endowed alfo with an elaftic power, bends<br />

back foon after the flower is open, betwixt the two upper-<br />

m<strong>of</strong>t Petals, and becomes invifible to an inattentive ob-<br />

ferver j" the Anthera, which is large, is at firft yellow, and<br />

afterwards dark brown, jig. 5.<br />

PISTILLUM : Germen below the Calyx, round, fmooth, and<br />

green; Style filiform, white, length <strong>of</strong> the Filament;<br />

Stigma forming a frnall villous head, jig. 6. in fome <strong>of</strong><br />

the flowers the Piftillum appears imperfeft, being much<br />

fhorter than ufual, and wanting the Stigma, perhaps fuch<br />

have not acquired their full growth, Jig. 6.<br />

PERICARPIUM (from CAVANILLE) a round Capfule, <strong>of</strong><br />

four cells, and four valves, the cells many-feeded.<br />

SEEDS very minute, ovate, affixed to a four-cornered re.<br />


Ill<br />

A', it' I',,,J,,, ,'

C 256 ]<br />


I X I A,<br />

Clafs and Order*.<br />


Generic Character-.<br />

Cor. 6-partita, campanulata, regularis. Stigmata 3,<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

IXIA longiflora foliis enfiformibus linearibus ftriftis, tuba<br />

filiformi longiflimo. Ait. Kew. v. 4 . p. 5 8.<br />

GLADIOLUS lotigiflorus caule tereti, tubo longiffimo, fpathis,<br />

foliifque linearibus glabris. Linn. Suppl. p. 0.6. Gnel.<br />

Syjl.Vegetab.ed.\$. M-urr. p. 8 6.<br />

We ai"e not acquainted with a tribe <strong>of</strong> plants which ftand<br />

ipnore in need <strong>of</strong> elucidation than th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> this genus ; <strong>of</strong> the<br />

vaft numbers imported from the Cape within ihefe few years.,<br />

Vhere they are chiefly natives, and that for the m<strong>of</strong>t part by<br />

\vay <strong>of</strong> Holland, few comparatively are well afcertained; fowe<br />

<strong>of</strong> them appear fubjeft to great variation, both in the fize and<br />

colour <strong>of</strong> their bl<strong>of</strong>foms (whether in their wild ftate they are<br />

thus inconftant, or whether there are feminal varieties raifed<br />

by the perfevering induftry <strong>of</strong> the Dutch Florifts, we have not<br />

yet had it in our power fatisfaftorily to afcertain) ; others like<br />

the prefent one have their characters ftrongly marked, and<br />

]efs variable; in general they are plants <strong>of</strong> eafy culture, re<br />

quiring chiefly to be protected from the effecls <strong>of</strong> fr<strong>of</strong>t, the<br />

leaft degree <strong>of</strong> which is prefemly fatal to m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> them.<br />

The treatment recommended for the Ixia fiexu<strong>of</strong>a is apph-<br />

cable to this and the other Cape fpecies.<br />

According tp. the Hort. Kena. this, fpecies was introduced<br />

by Mr. MASSON i,n the year ^774.<br />

It flowers from April to June.<br />

6y Ji^ ffur-fo Sfffe^ C'r-^cenf Jtfar--

ly WCurtu ^GKO. Cre/kenf Jfar<br />

C 257 ]<br />


Clqfs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

(fol, i-phyllus, ohlongus, l?evis, fetala /j-unguiculata.<br />

fub-bifido. Caff. 5-locularis,<br />

Specific Charafter and Synonyms*<br />

LYCHNIS chalcedonica floribus fafciculatis faftigiatis. Linn,<br />

Syft. Vegetab, ed< 14. Murv. f. 435. Ait. K&»«<br />

V. 2 . p. l 6.<br />

LYCHNIS hirfuta flore coccineo major, Baub. fin. 203,<br />

FLOS Conftantinopolitanus. Dod. Pempt. 1 78.<br />

LYCHNIS cbalcedomca flore fimplici miniato. Single Nonfuch,<br />

or Flower <strong>of</strong> Briftow or Constantinople, Parking<br />

favad. 2 53.<br />

The Scarlet Lychnis appears to have been a great favourite<br />

with PARJUNSON, he calls it a glorious flower, and in a<br />

wooden print <strong>of</strong> him prefixed to his Pflradifus Terreftris, we<br />

fee him reprefented with a flower <strong>of</strong> this fort, in his hand <strong>of</strong><br />

the double kind.<br />

It grows fpontaneoufly in m<strong>of</strong>t parts <strong>of</strong> Ruflia, and is one<br />

<strong>of</strong> our m<strong>of</strong>t hardy perennials.<br />

The extreme brilliancy <strong>of</strong> its flowers renders it a plant, in<br />

its fingle ftate highly ornamental; when double, its beauty is<br />

heightened, and the duration <strong>of</strong> it increafed..<br />

It flowers in June and July.<br />

The fingle fort may be increafed by parting its roots in<br />

aiUumn, but more abundantly by feeds, which fhould be fown<br />

>n the fpring; the double fort may alfo be increafed by di-,<br />

v>ding its roots, but more plentifully by cuttings <strong>of</strong> the ftalk,<br />

put in in June, before the flowers make their appearance ; in<br />

ftriking <strong>of</strong> thefe, however, there requires forne nicety.<br />

This plant is found to fucceed beft in - a rich, loamy, foil i<br />

and certain diftrifts have been found to be more favourable<br />

to its growth than others.<br />

A white and a pale red variety <strong>of</strong> it in its fingle ftate were<br />

*ntt'.',n to CLUSIUS, and fimilar varieties <strong>of</strong> the double kind<br />

*re laid to exift; it is qf little moment whether they do or not,<br />

** every variation in this plant from a bright fcarlet is in every<br />

fcnfe <strong>of</strong> the word a degeneracy.

l\ t'"r,.rtij'S.<br />

C 258 ]<br />


Clqfs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cal. 2-labiatits : -f- : dentibus fuperioribus connaus. Vexillutn<br />

vix alis longius. Legumcn ifthmis interceptum.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

CORONILLA varia herbacea, leguminibus ereftis teretibus<br />

tor<strong>of</strong>is numer<strong>of</strong>is, foliolis plurimis glabris.<br />

Linn. Syft. Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Marr. />. 670. Ait.<br />

Kew. v. 3. p. 5 9. .<br />

SECURIDACA dumetorum major, {lore vario, (iliquis articulatis.<br />

Bauh. Pin. p. 3 49.<br />

SECURIDACA II. altera fpecies. Cluf. Hift. 2. ccxxxvij.<br />

The greater joynted Hatchet Vetch. Park. Tbeat, p. 1088.<br />

CLUSIUS, in his work above* referred to, informs us that<br />

he found this plant growing wild in various .parts <strong>of</strong> Germany,<br />

in meadows, fields, and by road fides ; that it flowered in June,<br />

fometimes the whole fummer through, and ripened its feeds in<br />

July and Auguft ; the bl<strong>of</strong>foms he found fubjeQ; to much va<br />

riation <strong>of</strong> colour, being either deep purple, whitifh, or even<br />

Wholly white: CASP. BAUHINE notices another variety, in<br />

which the alas are white and the r<strong>of</strong>trum purple ; this variety,<br />

which we have had the honour to receive from the Earl <strong>of</strong><br />

EGREMONT is the m<strong>of</strong>t defirable one to cultivate in gardens,<br />

as it is more ornamental than the one wholly purple, m<strong>of</strong>t<br />

commonly met with in the hurferies, and correfponds alfo<br />

better with its name <strong>of</strong> varia ; it is to be noted however that<br />

this variety <strong>of</strong> colour exifts only in the young bl<strong>of</strong>foms.<br />

The Coronilla varia is a hardy, perennial, herbaceous<br />

plant, climbing, if fupported, to the height <strong>of</strong> four or five feet,<br />

otherwife fpreading widely on the ground, and frequently in<br />

juring lefs robuft plants growing near It; on this account, as<br />

well as from its having powerfully creeping roots whereby it<br />

greatly increafes, though a pretty plant, and flowering during<br />

m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the fummer, it is not to be introduced without cau<br />

tion, and is rather to be placed in the Ihrubbery, or outfldrts<br />

if the garden, than in the flower border.<br />

It will grow in any foil or fituation, but bl<strong>of</strong>foms and feeds<br />

tt<strong>of</strong>t freely in a foil moderately dry.<br />

PARKINSON in his Theater <strong>of</strong> Plants, mentions its being<br />

cultivated, as an ornamental plant. Ait. Kew.<br />

Its bitternefs, wiH be an objection to its being cultivated for<br />

ibe ufe <strong>of</strong> cattle, for which purp<strong>of</strong>e it has been recommended.

C 259 3<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic CharaHer.<br />

Cor. 6-petala campanulata : linea longitudinal! neftarifera.<br />

Caff, valvulis pilo cancellato connexis.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

LILIUM Catejb;,?^Cr

C 260 3<br />



Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cal. s-dentatus, finu germen fovens. Petal* & caduca. Stm.<br />

difcreta, petalis multoties longiora. Caff. 3-4 locularis, po-<br />

lyfperma. Banks. Gcertner.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

METROSIDEROS citrinafoliis lineari-lanceolatis rigentibus.<br />

Though many fpecies <strong>of</strong> this genus have been raifed from<br />

feeds brought within thefe few years from the South Seas,<br />

where they are faid to be very numerous ; this is, we believe,<br />

the only one that as yet has flowered in this country: our<br />

drawing was made from a plant which bl<strong>of</strong>lbmed toward the<br />

cl<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> laft fummer at Lord CREMORNES, the root <strong>of</strong> which<br />

had been fent from Botany-Bay ; previous to this period we<br />

have been informed, that the fame fpecies flowered both at<br />

Kew and Sion-Houfe : as it is without difficulty raifed both<br />

from feeds and cuttings, young plants <strong>of</strong> it are to be feen in<br />

m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the Nurferies near town ; it would feem that they do<br />

not flower till they are at leaft five or fix years old.<br />

Metr<strong>of</strong>ideros is a name given originally by RUMPHIUS in his<br />

Herb Amboin to fome plants <strong>of</strong> this genus, the term applies to<br />

the hardnefs <strong>of</strong> their wood, which by the Dutch is called<br />

Yzerhout(Ironwood): FORSTER m his Gen. PL figures this<br />

and another genus on the fame plate, under the name <strong>of</strong>Lepto-<br />

fpermum; SCHREBER in Ws edition <strong>of</strong> the - Gen. PI. <strong>of</strong> LIN-<br />

K*US, unites Metr<strong>of</strong>tderos, Melaleuca, Upt<strong>of</strong>permum, and/aW<br />

cia, under the genus Melaleuca , GCERTNER in his elaboraK<br />

work on the feeds <strong>of</strong> plants, makes feparate genera <strong>of</strong> theie,<br />

Ireeably to the ideas <strong>of</strong> Sir JOSEPH BANKS and Mr . D*£<br />

ANDER, who on this fubjeQ can certainly boaft the beft in<br />

without tranfgreffing the allotted limits <strong>of</strong> our<br />

letter-prefs, give a minute defcription <strong>of</strong> the plant hgure?'<br />

fuffice it to fay, that it is an ever-green fhrub, growing to<br />

height <strong>of</strong> from four to fix or more feet, that its leaves on tn<br />

Id wood feel very harih or rigid to the touch, and wnc<br />

bruifed give forth 'an agreeable fragrance, the flowers grow<br />

fpikes on the tops <strong>of</strong> the branches, and owe their beauty \vno /<br />

to the brilliant colour <strong>of</strong> the filaments;<br />

J'nJ, if W. r,,,-/i.t t'^Crn: Cirlfrnf ,3tpn I.

V. //<br />

C 261 ]<br />



Clqfs and Order.<br />


Generic Charafter.-<br />

Col. 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala. NeH. Squamula 5 cum filamentis<br />

alternantes; et glandulse melliferse, bafi ftaminum infi-<br />

dentes. FruEius 5-coccus, r<strong>of</strong>tratus ; r<strong>of</strong>tra fpiralia, intror-<br />

fum barbata. L'Herit. Geran.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

ERODIUM incarnatum pedunculis paucifloris, foliis tripartitis<br />

ternatifve trifidis fcabris, caule fruticul<strong>of</strong>o.<br />

L'Herit. n. 21. tab. 5 . Ait. Kew. v. 2.^.415.<br />

GERANIUM incarnatum pedunculis bifloris, foliis tripartitis<br />

trifidis glabris, "petalis integris, arillis glabris.<br />

Linn. Suppl. PL<br />

GERANIUM incarnatum foliis incifis quinquelobis punftatis ;<br />

petiolis longiffimis, pedunculis trifloris. Cavam'lL<br />

diJJ. 4. p. 2 23. n. 3 14. /. 97./. 3.<br />

In the 8oth number <strong>of</strong> this work we gave a figure <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Pelargonium tricolor, a plant very generally regarded as the<br />

m<strong>of</strong>t beautiful <strong>of</strong> the genus ; we now prefent our readers with<br />

the reprefentation <strong>of</strong> an Erodium, which has to boaft nearly an<br />

equal fhare <strong>of</strong> admiration.<br />

This fpecies, as we learn from the Hortus Kewenjis, is a<br />

native <strong>of</strong> the Cape, and was introduced by Mr. MASS ON in<br />

the year 1787.<br />

Its ufual time <strong>of</strong> flowering is July and Auguft ; in this point<br />

* is inferior to the Pelargonium tricolor, which bl<strong>of</strong>foms<br />

through the fpring as well as fummer months.<br />

It produces feeds but fparingly ; cuttings <strong>of</strong> the plant are<br />

ftruck with lefs difficulty than th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the Pelargonium above<br />

^^ntioned, the fame treatment is applicable to both plants,<br />

"ley muft be regarded as green-houfe plants <strong>of</strong> the more<br />

?c«ider kind, which are liable to be deftroyed in the winter<br />

lc*fon by a moift cold atm<strong>of</strong>phere.

C 262 ]<br />



Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Col. 5-fidus. Petala numer<strong>of</strong>a linearia. Capf. carn<strong>of</strong>a infera<br />

polyfperma.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

MESEMBRYANTHEMUM aureum foliis cylindrico-triquetris<br />

punftatis diftinQis, piftillis<br />

atro purpurafcentibus. Linn.<br />

Syjl. Nat. ed. 1 0. p. 1060. Ait,<br />

Kew. v. 2 . p. 1 90.<br />

This Mefembryanthemum is one <strong>of</strong> the taller and more<br />

upright fpecies, as well as the earlieft in point <strong>of</strong> flowering,<br />

producing its bl<strong>of</strong>lbms from February to May; thefe are<br />

large and <strong>of</strong> a bright orange hue, the piftilla in the cent^f<br />

are purple, and ferve at once to diftinguilh and embelhlh<br />

them.<br />

It was firft defcribed in the loth ed. <strong>of</strong> Linn. Syfi. Nat. and<br />

afterwards inferted in the Hort. Kew. <strong>of</strong> Mr. AITON, who in<br />

forms us that it is a native <strong>of</strong> the Cape, and was cultivated<br />

by Mr. MILLER, in the year 1750. Pr<strong>of</strong>. MURRAY omits if<br />

in his i zth ed. <strong>of</strong> the Syjl. Vegetab. <strong>of</strong> LINNJLUS, as does Pro*'<br />

GMELIN in the laft edition <strong>of</strong> Linn. Syjl. Nat.<br />

The facility with which this tribe in general is increafed by<br />

cuttings is well known; this is raifed as readily as the others.

C 263 ]<br />


CaL 2-labiatus,<br />

Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Corolla carina apice vexillum reflefclens.<br />

Specific Character.<br />

GLYCINE limaculata caule volubili laevi, foliis fimplicibus<br />

cordato-oblongis, racemis multifloris.<br />

Of the many plants which within thefe few years have been<br />

raifed from Botany-Bay feeds, this is one <strong>of</strong> the firft which<br />

flowered in this country, and one <strong>of</strong> the moil ornamental ; to<br />

the greenhoufe it is indeed an invaluable acquifition : we re<br />

gret that the fize <strong>of</strong> our paper and the imperfection <strong>of</strong> -the<br />

colouring art, will not admit <strong>of</strong> our giving a reprefentation <strong>of</strong><br />

it more adequate to its beauty.<br />

It rifes up with a twining fhrubby ftalk to the height <strong>of</strong><br />

fix, eight, or more feet; thefe multiplying greatly by age,<br />

become loaded with a pr<strong>of</strong>ufion <strong>of</strong> purple flowers, growing in<br />

racemi, the richnefs <strong>of</strong> which is enlivened by the appearance<br />

<strong>of</strong> two green fpots at the bafe <strong>of</strong> the vexillum ; for the moil<br />

part the bl<strong>of</strong>foms go <strong>of</strong>f with us without producing any feed-<br />

veflels ; in fome inftances, however, perfect feeds have been<br />

produced, and we have feen a plant in bloom raifed from fuch<br />

in the charming retreat <strong>of</strong> JOHN ORD, Efq. Walham-Green.<br />

A great excellence <strong>of</strong> this plant is the duration <strong>of</strong> its flowering<br />

period, it begins to put forth its bl<strong>of</strong>foms in February, and<br />

cominues to do fo during moil <strong>of</strong> the fummer.<br />

In the Nurferies about town, it is known by the name<br />

<strong>of</strong> Glycine yirenst a name given the plant originally by Dr.<br />

SOLANDER; the latter <strong>of</strong> thefe terms we have taken the<br />

liberty <strong>of</strong> changing to limaculata, as being more expreffive<br />

f an obvious character in the flower: we might, perhaps,<br />

tavc been juilified in altering the genus, as its characters do<br />

appear to be peculiarly expreffive <strong>of</strong> a Glycine, nor in-<br />

<strong>of</strong> any other genus in this numerous natural order.<br />

1 1 is raifed readily from feeds.<br />

We think it highly probable, that in warm flickered fituations,<br />

l^U climber might grow in the open ground ; to fuch as have it<br />

"l abundance, we recommend them to make the experiment.


Cor. 5-petala.<br />

Capfula.<br />

Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cal. 5-phyllus, foliolis duobus minoribui<br />

Mr. LEE, Nurferyman <strong>of</strong> Hammerfmith, informs me, that<br />

in the year 1780, he raifed the Ciftus here figured from feeds,<br />

the produce <strong>of</strong> Portugal, and as its flowers were uncommonly<br />

beautiful, he was induced to name itform<strong>of</strong>us.<br />

It approaches fo near to the Ciftus halimifolius in<br />

habit, in the form and colour <strong>of</strong> its leaves and flowers, that<br />

we are inclined rather to regard it as a variety <strong>of</strong> that plant,<br />

than as a diftinft fpecies ; at the fame time it muft be allowed<br />

to be a very Unking variety, the flowers being at leaft thrice<br />

as large as th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the halimifotiits ufually are, and the whole<br />

plant more hairy : as an ornamental fhrub, it is highly de-<br />

ferving a place in all curious collections.<br />

It will grow very well in the open border in warm flickered<br />

fituations, it may be kept alfo in a pot, by which means it<br />

may more readily be flickered during the winter, either in<br />

the greenhoule or under a frame.<br />

It flowers early in May, and may be increafed by cuttings.<br />

\<br />

by liTdurtii A?G-eo: Cufvnt May

C 265 ]<br />


Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cer. i -petala, tubul<strong>of</strong>a; tubo refto, filiformi; limbo 6-pardto,<br />

campanulato, sequali. Stigmata tria, fimplicia. fhunb. DijJ~.<br />

de Ixid.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

IXIA Bulbocodium fcapo unifloro breviffimo, foliis angulatis<br />

caulinis, ftigmatibus fextuplicibus. Linn. Syft. Nat. ed.<br />

13.^.76.<br />

IXIA Bulbocodium fcapo ram<strong>of</strong>o, floribus folitariis, foliis fulcatis<br />

reflexis. Thunb. Diffi n. 3.<br />

CROCUS vernus anguftifolius. i. 11. Cluf. Hifl. i . p. 2<strong>07</strong>.<br />

,violaceo flore, 208. ejufd.<br />

There are three plants cultivated in the gardens <strong>of</strong> the cu<br />

rious to which Bulbocodium is applied, either as a generic or a<br />

trivial name, viz. NarciJJus Bulbocodium, Bulbocodium

[ 266 ]<br />



*****************<br />

\<br />

Clqfs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cal, deciduus. 5 phyllus, (rarius 3-phyllus) Petalaij, (rariusz;.<br />

3, aut 8) intra ungues fquamula vel poro mellifero. Styli<br />

perfiftentes. Sen. incruftata, erefta. Linn. Syjl. Nat. ed. 13.<br />

Gmel.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.-<br />

RANUNCULUS amplexicaulis foliis ovatis acuminatis am-<br />

plexicaulibus, caule multifloro, radice faf-<br />

ciculata. Linn. Syft. Vegetab. ed. 1 4. Murr.<br />

p. 5 15. Ait. Kew. v. 2. p. 265.<br />

RANUNCULUS montanus foliis plantaginis. Bauh. Pin. 1 80.<br />

RANUNCULUS pyrenseus albo flore. Cluf. app. alt. out?.<br />

ic. 4 ta. Ger. emac. 963. ^/zg. 2.<br />

The leaves <strong>of</strong> the Ranunculus amplexicaulis in part furround<br />

the ftalk at their bafe, whence its trivial name; in colour they<br />

differ from m<strong>of</strong>t others <strong>of</strong> the genus, being <strong>of</strong> a greyer or<br />

more glaucous hue, which peculiarity joined to the delicate<br />

-whitenefs <strong>of</strong> the flowers, renders this fpecies a very defirable<br />

one to add to a collection <strong>of</strong> hardy, ornamental, herbaceous<br />

plants, more efpecially as it occupies but little fpace, and has<br />

no tendency to injure the growth <strong>of</strong> others.<br />

It is a native <strong>of</strong> the Apennine and Pyrenean mountains,<br />

and flowers in April and May<br />

CLUSIUS is the firft author who defcribes and figures this<br />

fpecies. JOHNSON in his ed. <strong>of</strong> GERARD copies his figure,<br />

and mentions it as being then made a denizen <strong>of</strong> our gardens.<br />

It is readily prppagated by parting its roots in Autumn<br />

and provided it has a pure air will fucceed in m<strong>of</strong>t foils an<br />

fituations.<br />

b fr Wfurfr^ \*~fffO- ^'re/cent .fane. f.

m C 267 3<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cat. 5-fidus. Petala 5. Pomum inferum, 5-loculare, poly-<br />

fpermum.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

PYRUS fpeflalilis umbellis feflilibus, foliis ovali oblongis<br />

ferratis lasvibu's, unguibus calyce longioribus, ftylis<br />

bafi lanatis. Ait. Kew. V. 2 . p. 1 75. Linn. Syji.<br />

Nat. ed. 1 3. Gmel. p. 842.<br />

The Chinefe Apple-Tree when it bl<strong>of</strong>lbms in perfection,<br />

anfwers truly to the name <strong>of</strong> fpeSfalilis / a more Ihewy or<br />

ornamental tree can fcarcely be introduced to decorate the<br />

Jluubbery or plantation; its beauty like that <strong>of</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t trees,<br />

vh<strong>of</strong>e ornament confifts chiefly in their bl<strong>of</strong>lbms, is however<br />

but <strong>of</strong> Ihort duration, and depends in fome degree on the<br />

favourablenefs <strong>of</strong> the feafbn at the time <strong>of</strong> their expanfion,<br />

which ufually takes place about the end <strong>of</strong> April or beginning<br />

<strong>of</strong> May; the flowers are large, <strong>of</strong> a pale red when open, and<br />

femi-double, the buds are <strong>of</strong> a much deeper hue, the fruit is <strong>of</strong><br />

little account, and but fparingly produced. Trees <strong>of</strong> this<br />

fpecies are to be met with in fome gardens <strong>of</strong> the height <strong>of</strong><br />

twenty or thirty feet.<br />

Dr. FOTHERGILL is regarded as the firft who introduced<br />

Ais Chinefe native, he cultivated it in the year 1780; fuch<br />

plants <strong>of</strong> it as where in his collection, pafled at his deceafe<br />

!"io the hands <strong>of</strong> Meflrs. GORDON and THOMPSON, in wh<strong>of</strong>e<br />

^li and elegant Nurfery, at Mile-End, this tree may be feen<br />

"' great perfection.<br />

Though perfectly hardy, as its bl<strong>of</strong>lbms are liable to be<br />

lfijured by cutting winds, it will be m<strong>of</strong>t proper to plant it in<br />

a flielter'd fituation.<br />

h is ufually increafed by grafting it on the Crab ftock.

C 268 ]<br />


GLYCINE.<br />

Clqfs and Order.<br />


><br />

Generic Chamber.<br />

Cat. 2-labiatus* Corollee carina apice vexillum refleQe'ns.<br />

Specific Character.<br />

GLYCINE rulicunda caule perenni volubili, foliis ternatis,<br />

foliolis fubovalibus integerrimis, pedunculis fub-<br />

trifloris.<br />

The plant here figured, and very generally known to the<br />

Nurferymen, in the neighbourhood <strong>of</strong> London, by the name<br />

<strong>of</strong> Glycine rulicunda, is a native <strong>of</strong> New SouthrWales, and<br />

was introduced to this countiy about the fame time as the<br />

Glycine limaculata already figured.<br />

It is a ihrubby, twining plant, running up to the height <strong>of</strong><br />

five, fix, or more feet, producing blolforns abundantly from<br />

April to June, which are ufually fucceeded by feed-veffels<br />

which ripen their feeds with us.<br />

The flowers though large and fhewy, have a kind <strong>of</strong> dingy<br />

or lurid appearance, which greatly diminishes their beauty.<br />

We have obferved the bl<strong>of</strong>lbms <strong>of</strong> fome plants more brilliant<br />

than th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> others, and we think it highly probable, that, at<br />

feme future period, feminal varieties may be obtained with<br />

flowers highly improved in colour.<br />

This fpecies is readily raifed from feeds, is <strong>of</strong> quick growth,<br />

and may be regarded as one <strong>of</strong> our more hardy green-houje<br />

plants : probably it may fucceed in* the open air, if planted in<br />

a warm fituation, and flickered in inclement feafons.<br />

/!, . W.C'urtij- S^Ge/

[ 269 ]<br />



Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cor. 6 petala, erefta, perfiftens, fupra medium patens, Filfimenta<br />

aherna bafi dilatata,<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

ORNITHOGALUM nutans floribus fecu-ndis pendulis, nectario<br />

ftamineo campaniformi. Linn.<br />

Syft. Vegetab. cd. 1 4. Murr. p. 3 28.<br />

Ait. Kew. V. \. p. 4 -43.<br />

ORNITHOGALUM. exoticum magno flore minori innato.<br />

Bauh. Pin. p. 70.<br />

ORNITHOGALUM Neopolitanum, the Starre-flower <strong>of</strong><br />

Naples. Park. Parad. p. 1 38..^.<br />

1 37-/- 8. Cluf. app. alt. p. 9. fig. 7.<br />

Authors have given to this fpecies <strong>of</strong> Ornithogalum the<br />

name <strong>of</strong> Neapolitan, following CLUSIUS by whom the plaat is<br />

figured and defcribed, and who fo called it, merely on receiv<br />

ing it from Naples* it may perhaps be doubted whether it be<br />

originally a native <strong>of</strong> Italy. Pr<strong>of</strong>. JACQUIN has figured it in<br />

' .is FIo:\: Auftriaca, the plant being cqrnmpn about Vienna, in<br />

garden-walks, under hedges, and in meadows, he does not<br />

however, from that circumftance, regard it as an original<br />

na"vt: there. CASP. BAUUIN informs us that HONORILS<br />

Bi:t LI fent it him from Crete under the name <strong>of</strong> Phalangium,<br />

leaving its true habitat to be fettled more precifely hereafter,<br />

vc lh dl obferve, that it is one <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e plants which foon<br />

accommodate themfelves to any country; producing a numerous<br />

progeny both from roots and feeds, and by no means nice as<br />

to !:nl or fituation ; it is not long before it becomes a weed in<br />

*"< ' garden, from whence it is apt like the Hyacinlbus racem<strong>of</strong>us,<br />

already figured, to pals into the field or meadow.<br />

Ils flowers, which if not beautiful are fingular and delicate,<br />

1113 1 >•

PuJj. fy ~WCur£t ,?.^Ga> Crtfient July >.<br />

C 270 ]<br />


fl/} and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cal. a-labiatus. Cordlla carina apice vexillum refleflens.<br />

Specific Character. .<br />

GLYCINE coccinea foliis ternatis, foliolis fubrotundis<br />

undulatis.<br />

We here prefent our readers with another Glycine, very<br />

lately raifed by feveral perfons in,the neighbourhood <strong>of</strong> London<br />

from Botany-Bay feeds, and which we have called<br />

i.occinea from the colour <strong>of</strong> its bl<strong>of</strong>lbms.<br />

It is a fhrubby, climbing plant, which, rf fupported, will<br />

grow to the height <strong>of</strong> many feet, producing a great number <strong>of</strong><br />

flowers on its pendant branches; the leaves, which grow three<br />

together, are nearly round, and, in the older ones efpecially, are<br />

crimped or curled at the edges; the flowers grow for the m<strong>of</strong>t<br />

part in pairs, are <strong>of</strong> a glowing fcarlet colour, at the bafe <strong>of</strong><br />

the carina foraewhat inclined to purple, the bottom1 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

vexillum is decorated with a large yellow fpot, verging to green,<br />

which adds much to the beauty <strong>of</strong> the flower.<br />

It bl<strong>of</strong>lbms from April to June, and appears to be fully as<br />

much difp<strong>of</strong>ed to produce feed veflels, and perfeft feeds, as<br />

tiie rulicunda, and by which alone it has hitherto been<br />

propagated.<br />

We mutt rank it among the more tender green-houfe plants.

[ 271 ]<br />



Clqfs and Order.<br />


Generic CharaSer.<br />

Cor. tubul<strong>of</strong>a, clavata, curva, 6-fida, lacinias ovato-oblongee.<br />

Filamenta tubo inferta, apice conniventia. Linn. FiL<br />

Specific CharaSer and 'Synonyms.<br />

CYRTANTHUS angujlifolius foliis obtufe carinatis reftis, flo-<br />

ribus cernuis, Linn. Fil. 'Ait. Ke-yo. v.<br />

i. p. 4 14.<br />

CRINUM anguftifolium foliis linearibus obtufis, corollis cylin-<br />

dricis: laciniis alternis interglandul<strong>of</strong>is. Linn.<br />

SuppL 1 95.<br />

CYRTANTHUS is a genus which takes its name from the<br />

curvature <strong>of</strong> its flower, was eftablifhed by the younger LIN-<br />

N.EUS, and adopted by Mr. AITON in the Hortus Kewenfts.<br />

The prefent fpecies is a native <strong>of</strong> the Cape, and was added<br />

to the royal colleftion at Kew, by Mr. MASSON, in the year<br />

1774. The plant from whence our drawing was made flow<br />

ered the preceding May with Mr. WHITLEY, Nurferyman,<br />

Old Brompton, who received it from Holland, and who has<br />

been fo fortunate as to obtain young plants <strong>of</strong> it from feed.<br />

It flowers in May and June; requires the fame treatment<br />

as other Cape bulbs, and may be increafed by <strong>of</strong>fsets and<br />

feeds.<br />

At the extremity <strong>of</strong> each alternate fegment <strong>of</strong> the corolla<br />

there is a kind <strong>of</strong> fmall glandular hook, deferving <strong>of</strong> notice.<br />


C 273<br />


CORN-FLAG.<br />

*****************<br />

Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Charafter.<br />

Cor. 6-partita, ringens. Stamina adfcendentia.<br />

Specific Charaffer and Synonyms.<br />

GLADIOLUS triftis foliis lineari-cruciatis, corollis campanu-<br />

latis. Linn. Syft. Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr. p.<br />

86. Ait. Kew. v. i . p. 63.<br />

LILIO-GLADIOLUS bifolius et biflorus, foliis quadrangulis.<br />

Trew. Ehret. t. 39.<br />

GLADIOLUS triftis foliis linearibus fulcatis, caule bifloro,<br />

tubo longiflimo,, fegmentis sequalibus. Mill.<br />

DiH. ed. 6. 410.<br />

LINNJEUS gave to this fpecies <strong>of</strong> Gladiolus the name <strong>of</strong><br />

triftis, from the colour <strong>of</strong> its flowers, which however p<strong>of</strong>fefs<br />

fcarcely fufficient <strong>of</strong> the fombre to juftify the appellation; ftill<br />

lefs fo if they vary in the manner reprefented in TREW'J Ehret,<br />

-where they are painted in gay and lively colours: in the fpe-<br />

cimens we have feen, the bl<strong>of</strong>lbms have been <strong>of</strong> a fulphur<br />

colour, fhaded in particular parts with very fine pencillings,<br />

efpecially on the under fide: m<strong>of</strong>t authors defcribe the flower<br />

ing ftems as producing only two flowers, Li N N & v s has obferved<br />

that they fometimes produce many, we have feen them do fo<br />

where the plant has grown in perfeffion; in their expanfion,<br />

which ufually takes place an April and May, they give forth a<br />

m<strong>of</strong>t agreeable fragrance.<br />

It is a native <strong>of</strong> the Cape, and other parts <strong>of</strong> Africa; was<br />

cultivated by Mr. MILLER, and flowered in the Chelfea Gar<br />

den in the year 1745. Ait. Kew.<br />

The leaves which fo chara£teriftically diftinguifh this fpecies<br />

are highly deferving <strong>of</strong> notice, inftances <strong>of</strong> fuch rarely occur;<br />

as the bulbs produce numerous <strong>of</strong>fsets, the plant is propagate<br />

by them without difficulty, and requires the fame treatment as<br />

other Cape bulbs.

„ H<br />

[ 273 ]<br />


DlOSMA.<br />

Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cor. 5-petala. NeEfaria 5, fupra germen. Caff. 3. f. 5.<br />

coalitae. Sent, calyptrata.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

DIOSMA uniflora foliis ovato oblongis, floribus folitariis<br />

terminalibus. Linn. Sp. PL ed. 3. p. 287. Syft.<br />

Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 239. Ait. Kew. v. i .<br />

p. 2 76.<br />

CISTUS humilis sethiopicus, inferioribus foliis r<strong>of</strong>marini<br />

fylveftris punftatis, cseteris autem ferpylli fubro-.<br />

tundis, flore carneo. Pluk. mant. 49. /. 342.^ 5.<br />

The Di<strong>of</strong>ma uniflora another native <strong>of</strong>. the Cape, that never<br />

Failing fource <strong>of</strong> vegetable riches, was introduced to the Royal<br />

Garden at Kew by Mr. MASSON in the year 1775, it flowers<br />

in our Green-Houfes from April to June, and is ufually pro<br />

pagated by cuttings.<br />

This plant forms a fmall bufhy fhrub, the leaves are thickly<br />

and irregularly let on the branches, quite up to the flowers,<br />

which ftand fingly on their fummits, and are larger than th<strong>of</strong>e<br />

<strong>of</strong> any other known fpecies <strong>of</strong> Di<strong>of</strong>ma, expanding as we have<br />

found on trial beyond the fize <strong>of</strong> half-a-crown, which the<br />

blnffom does in our figure, though it will not appear to do fo<br />

t«thc eye <strong>of</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t obfervers; they are without fcent, the calyx<br />

'"s '=irge and continuing, comp<strong>of</strong>ed <strong>of</strong> five ovato-lanceolate<br />

''-' ivcji reddifh on the upper fide, and if viewed from above<br />

vifiblc between the petals; the petals are five in number, much<br />

Ur-'i r than the calyx, and deciduous, <strong>of</strong> a white colour with a<br />

flrtiik <strong>of</strong> red running down the middle <strong>of</strong> each, furface highly<br />

R''"ed, the ftamina are comp<strong>of</strong>ed <strong>of</strong> five fhort filaments, white<br />

a''' Hightly hairy, broad at their bafe and tapering gradually<br />

tlj a fine point, by which they are inferted into the hind part<br />


<strong>of</strong> the antheras, near the bottom; the anthera are as long as<br />

the filaments, <strong>of</strong> a brown purple colour, bending over the<br />

ftigma, and opening inwardly, each carrying on the upper<br />

part <strong>of</strong> its back a gland-like fubftance, <strong>of</strong> a pale brown colour:<br />

befides thefe,parts there are five filamentous bodies alternating<br />

with, and <strong>of</strong> the fame length as the ftamina, <strong>of</strong> a white colour<br />

and hairy, each dilating at its extremity where it is <strong>of</strong> a reddilh<br />

hue, and prefenting towards the antheree an oval fomewhat<br />

concave furface, which fecretes a vifcous liquid; in fome<br />

flowers that we have examined, and we regret feeing but few,<br />

we have obferved thefe neftaries (for fuch they may be ftriftly<br />

called) cl<strong>of</strong>ely adhering by their vifcous fummits to the glan<br />

dular fubftances at the back <strong>of</strong> the antheree*j the germen is<br />

ftudded with a conftellation <strong>of</strong> little glands, which pour forth,<br />

and alm<strong>of</strong>t deluge it with neftar; the ftigma is cornp<strong>of</strong>ed <strong>of</strong><br />

five little round knobs : feed veffels we have not feen.<br />

* What the ufe <strong>of</strong> this very extraordinary apparatus may be we can atprefent<br />

fcarcely conjecture, future obferyation may perhaps enable us to fpeak moit<br />

decifively ; when we figure the Die/ma ericddes We {hall probably have more to<br />

fay <strong>of</strong> this fpeeies. •

C 274 ]<br />



Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cal. acuminato-fpin<strong>of</strong>us. Stigma emarginatum. Legumen<br />

mucronatum,<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

BORBONIA crenata foliis cordatis multinerviis denticulatis.<br />

Linn. Syft. Vegetab. ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 643. Ait.<br />

Keiv. v. 2. p. 9.<br />


I [ 275<br />


-iHHHlHiHHHMHtjHiHHHHHfr<br />

Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

CaL 3-phyllus. Petala 6. Sem. imbricata in ftrobilum.<br />

Specific CharaEler and Synonyms.<br />

URIODENDRON Tulipifera foliis lobaiis. Linn. Syfl. Veg,.<br />

ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 5<strong>07</strong>. Ait. Kew. v. 2. 250,<br />

TULIPIFERA virginiana, tripartite aceris folio : media laciniavelutabfcifla.<br />

Pluk. Aim. 3 79. t. 1 17.<br />

f. 5 . & t. 248. f. 7. Catejb. Carol, i . p,<br />

48. t. 4 8.<br />

LIRIODENDRON foliis angulatis truncatis. Trew. Ehret. t. x.<br />

The Tulip-tree is a native <strong>of</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t parts <strong>of</strong> North-America,<br />

MARSH-ALL defcribes it as <strong>of</strong>ten growing to the fize <strong>of</strong> a very<br />

largf tree, 70 or 80 feet in height, and above 4 feet in dia<br />

meter ; he mentions two varieties, one with yellow and the other<br />

v,itl. white wood; that with yellow wood is f<strong>of</strong>t and brittle,<br />

much ufed for boards, heels <strong>of</strong> fhoes, alfo turned into bowls,<br />

tiMnchers, &c. the white is heavy, tough, and hard, and is<br />

fawed into joifts, boards, &c. for building.<br />

RAY informs us in his Hifl. PL that this tree was cultU<br />

vated here by Bifhop COMPTON, in 1688: and from MILLER<br />

learn, that the firft tree <strong>of</strong> the kind which flowered in<br />

s country, was in the gardens <strong>of</strong> the Earl <strong>of</strong> PETERBOROUGH*<br />

irfons-Green, near Fulham; in Mr. ORD'S garden, at Wal-<br />

Green, there is, among other choice old trees, a very fine<br />

--!>-tree, which is every year covered with bl<strong>of</strong>Torns, and which<br />

ifl.>rded us the fpecirnen here figured. It flowers in June and<br />

July, rarely ripens its feeds with us, though it does, readily in<br />

America.<br />

The foliage <strong>of</strong> this plant is extremely fingular, m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the<br />

leaves appearing as if truncated, or cut <strong>of</strong>f at the extremity ;<br />

they vary greatly in the divifion <strong>of</strong> their lobes, the flowers dif<br />

fer from th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the tulip in having a calyx, but agree as to<br />

ftc number <strong>of</strong> petals, which is "fix ; and fo they are defcribed<br />

Jn ilic fixth edition <strong>of</strong> the Gen. PL <strong>of</strong> LINN, but in Pr<strong>of</strong>e/or<br />

MURRAY'S Syjl. Veg. Ait. H. K. Linn. Syfl. Nat. ed. 1 3, by<br />

G M * LIN, 9 are given, this in the firft inftance muft be a mere<br />

typographical error arifing from the inverfion <strong>of</strong> the 6.<br />

Thii tree is found to flourifh m<strong>of</strong>t in a foil moderately ftiff<br />

oift, is ufually raifed from feeds, the procefs <strong>of</strong> which is<br />

defcribed by MILLER in his Dictionary.

C 276 ]<br />


Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cat 3-fidus. Petala o. Sem. i. calyce baccato.,<br />

Specific Charafter and Synonyms.<br />

SSLITUM *virgatum capitellis fparfis lateralibus. Linn. Syft*<br />

Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr. -p. 5 3. Ait. Kew. v. i. p. p<br />

ATRIPLEX fylveftris mori fruau. JBaub. Pin. p. gig.<br />

ATRIPLEX fylveftris baccifera. Clnf. Hip. cxxxv.<br />

This plant, not unfrequently met with in gardens, is known<br />

to m<strong>of</strong>t cultivators by the name <strong>of</strong> Strawberry Spinach ; the<br />

leaves fomewhat refembling th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the latter, and the fruit<br />

that <strong>of</strong> the former: C. BAUHINE likens its berries to th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong><br />

the Mulberry, to which they certainly bear a greater refemb-<br />

lance: in m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the fpecies <strong>of</strong> this genus the calyx exhibits<br />

a very fingular phenomenon, when the flowering is over, it<br />

increafes in fize, becomes flefhy, and finally pulpy, containing<br />

the ripe feed, which however it does not wholly envelope;<br />

thus from each clufter <strong>of</strong> flowers growing in the. alse <strong>of</strong> the<br />

leaves are produced fo many berries, <strong>of</strong> a charming red ,co-<br />

lour, to which the plant owes its beauty altogether, for the<br />

flowers are final), herbaceous, and not diftinaiy vifible to the<br />

naked eye; they can boaft however <strong>of</strong> being <strong>of</strong> the firft clafs<br />

In the Linnean fyftem Monandria, to which few belong.<br />

Strawberry Elite is a hardy annual, growing fpontaneoufly in<br />

fome parts <strong>of</strong> France, Spain, and Tartary; is not a very old<br />

inhabitant <strong>of</strong> our gardens, Mr. AITON mentioning it as being<br />

firft cultivated by Mr. MILLER in. 1759. Its berries are pro<br />

duced from June to September; in their tafte they have nothing<br />

to recommend them, though not pleafant they are harmlefs.<br />

CLUSIUS we believe to be the firft author who gives a<br />

figure and defcription <strong>of</strong> it.<br />

It affefts a dry foil, and open fituation ; in fuch there is no<br />

neceflity to give any particular direaions for its cultivation,<br />

as it comes up readily from feed fpontaneoufly fcattered, fo<br />

much fo as fometimes to prove a troublefome weed.

C 277 ]<br />


Clafs and. Order.<br />


Generic Character..<br />

Gal. 5-dentatus. Petala 5 . Ne&aria 5 obcordata, filamen-<br />

tis fupp<strong>of</strong>ita. Caff. 5-locularis.<br />

t<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms. -<br />

MAHERNIA ptnnata, foliis tripartite pinnatifidis. Linn. Syft.<br />

Vegetal, cd. 14.. Murr. p. 308. Ait. Kevc. -j. \.<br />

p. 3 98.<br />

HERMANNIA foliis tripartitis, media pinnatifida. Linn. Sf.<br />

PL ed. 3 . p. 943.<br />

HERMANNIA frutefcens, folio multifido tenui, caule rubro.<br />

Boerh. Lngd. i. p. 2 73.<br />

LINNAEUS, in his Spec. PL regarded this plant as a fpecie.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hermannia ; finding afterwards that it differed materially<br />

in its fructification from that genus, he made a new one <strong>of</strong> it<br />

in his MantiJJa, by the name <strong>of</strong> Mahernia ; ftill, however, the<br />

two genera are very nearly related : one principal difference<br />

confifts in the neftaria <strong>of</strong> the Mahernia, which are very re<br />

markable.<br />

This fpecies was introduced from the Cape, where it is a<br />

native, by Mr. MASSON, in 1774, and is now very generally<br />

met with in our green-houfes. It produces its little bells, <strong>of</strong><br />

a lively red when they firft open, from June to Auguft, r<br />

September; is a fmall'delicate plant, and cafily railed from<br />


FiJ, Iry<br />

Geo. L't^mt; Got 1-<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cor. 6-petala, campanulata: linea longitudinali neftarifera.<br />

Caff, valvulis pilo cancellato connexis.<br />

Specific Charafier and Synonyms.<br />

.ILIUM candidum foliis fparfis, corollis campanulatis, intus<br />

glabris. Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 3 . p. 433. Syft. Vegetal,<br />

ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 3 24. Ait. Kern. -a. i . p. 429.<br />

LILIUM album flore erecto et vulgare. Bauh. Pin. 76.<br />

LILIUM album vulgare. The ordinary White Lily. Park.<br />

Farad, p. 39. t. 3 7. /. 4.<br />

We may rank the White Lily among the very oldeft inha<br />

bitants <strong>of</strong> the flower-garden; in the time <strong>of</strong> GERARD it was<br />

Very generally cultivated, and doubtlefs at a much earlier<br />

period; a plant <strong>of</strong> fuch ftatelinefs,"fo fhewy, fo fragrant, and<br />

at. the fame time fo much difp<strong>of</strong>ed to increafe, would <strong>of</strong> courfe<br />

foon be found very generally in gardens, into which its intro-<br />

dudion would be accelerated on another account; it was<br />

regarded as a plant <strong>of</strong> great efficacy; among other extraordi<br />

nary powers attributed to it, we are gravely told that it taketh<br />

away the wrinkles <strong>of</strong> the face.<br />

LINNJE.US makes it a native <strong>of</strong> Paleftine and Syria; Mr.<br />

AITON <strong>of</strong> the Levant.<br />

Its bl<strong>of</strong>lbms, which open early in July, continue about<br />

ee weeks, and when they go <strong>of</strong>f leave the flower-garden<br />

eatly thinned <strong>of</strong> its inhabitants.<br />

Of the White Lily there are three principal varieties:<br />

1. With double flowers.<br />

2. With flowers blotched with purple.<br />

3. With ftriped leaves, or leaves edged with yellow.<br />

two firft <strong>of</strong> thefe are to be efteemed merely as curi<strong>of</strong>ities;<br />

tlvp third the plant acquires an acceffion <strong>of</strong> beauty which it<br />

s not originally; though many perfons obje£l to variegated<br />


leaves, as conveying an idea <strong>of</strong> ficklinefs, that complaint can-<br />

not be urged againft the foliage <strong>of</strong> the ftriped Lily, to which<br />

the borders <strong>of</strong> the flower-garden are indebted for one <strong>of</strong> their<br />

chief ornaments during the autumnal and winter months ; early<br />

in September thefe begin,to emerge, and towards fpring ano<br />

ther fet rifes up in their centre, <strong>of</strong> more upright growth, and<br />

which announce the rifing <strong>of</strong> the flowering ftem.<br />

Befides thefe varieties, LINNAEUS has confidered the Ulium<br />

album floribus dependentibus f. peregrimtm <strong>of</strong> C. BAUHINE, the<br />

1 Sultan Zambach <strong>of</strong> CLUSIUS, and the Hortus Eyflettenfis, as<br />

one <strong>of</strong> its varieties alfo : MILLER regards this plant as a diftinft<br />

fpecies, and th<strong>of</strong>e who have attentively examined the figures<br />

and defcriptions <strong>of</strong> CLUSIUS and the Hort. E}[ft. will be <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fame opinion.<br />

The Lily increafes m<strong>of</strong>t abundantly by <strong>of</strong>fsets, hence it be<br />

comes neceffary that the bulbs fhould be taken up, and re<br />

duced every fecond or third year; but the ftriped leaved va<br />

riety increafing much more flowly, fhould remain unmolefted<br />

for a greater length <strong>of</strong> time.<br />

There is fcarcely a foil or fituation in which the Lily will<br />

not grow, it will thrive m<strong>of</strong>t in a foil moderately ftiff and<br />

moift; though a native <strong>of</strong> a warm climate no feverity <strong>of</strong> wea<br />

ther affefts it with us : we may learn from this, not to regu<br />

late the culture <strong>of</strong> plants invariably by the climate in which<br />

they grow fpontaneoufly.<br />

The belt time for removing the bulbs <strong>of</strong> this plant is about<br />

the middle <strong>of</strong> Auguft, before they (hoot forth their leaves;<br />

but they may be tranfplanted any time from September to<br />


1 I<br />

C 279<br />


Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Contorta. Folliculi 2. reflexi. Semina membranse proprise<br />

inferta.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

\<br />

PLUMIiRIA rulra foliis ovato-oblongis, petiolis biglandul<strong>of</strong>is.<br />

Linn. Syft. Vegctab. ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 254.<br />

Ait. Ketv. v. i. p. 298.<br />

PLUMERIA {lore r<strong>of</strong>eo odoratiflimo. fourn. Injl. 659. frew.<br />

Ehret. Tab. xli.<br />

Plumeria is a genus <strong>of</strong> plants named by TOURNEFORT in<br />

honour <strong>of</strong> his countryman the celebrated PLUMIER, it comes<br />

near to Nerium or Oleander, and contains feveral fpecies, all<br />

natives <strong>of</strong> warm climates.<br />

The prefent plant is a native <strong>of</strong> Jamaica, where it is known<br />

by the name <strong>of</strong> Red Jafmine, from whence feeds and large<br />

cuttings are <strong>of</strong>ten fent to this country ; here they require" the<br />

ftove to bring them to flower: feed-veflels they are never<br />

known to produce.<br />

The flowers, which are very odoriferous, are produced in<br />

July and Auguft in large bunches, on the fummits <strong>of</strong> the<br />

branches, from whence the leaves alfo proceed; the ftems,<br />

v. hich grow to a confiderable height as well as thicknefs, are<br />

nuked, and the whole plant l<strong>of</strong>es its foliage from the middle<br />

<strong>of</strong> winter till about the beginning <strong>of</strong> May; the branches<br />

and ether parts <strong>of</strong>-the plant; when broken <strong>of</strong>f, give forth a<br />

rnilky juice, the leaves are handfome, and the veins remarkable.<br />

Being too tender to bear the open air <strong>of</strong> this climate, it is<br />

kept in the ftove even during fumrner, in hot weather it muft<br />

have plenty <strong>of</strong> air, and in cold feafons be fparingly watered.<br />

IN propagated by feed's, but more frequently by cuttings,<br />

wliich MILLKR recommends to be put by for two months or<br />

'en weeks, previous to their being committed to the earth.

WCwfaf £? ti-w. C'refcentJTos.<br />

\ C 280 ]<br />



4-4-5^4-4-^^^^<br />

Clafs and Order.<br />


^^ Generic CharaEl.er.<br />

^^V~ Cor. campanulata. Glandule 5 cum ftaminibus alternas.<br />

^^1 Specific Character and Syncvyms.<br />

fFAPOCYNUM -andr<strong>of</strong>temifolium caule rccllufculo herbaceoi<br />

foliis ovatis utrinque glabria, cymis termi-<br />

nalibus. Lir.'i. Syft. Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr.<br />

p. 2 58. Ait. Kew. v. i . p. 303.<br />

APOCYNUM canadenfe; faliis andrufasmi majoris. Bocc.<br />

jicc. 3 5. t. 1 6. /. 3. MoriJ. Hift. 3 . p. 609.<br />

/. 15. /. 3. /. 16.<br />

In addition to the powerful recommendations <strong>of</strong> beauty and<br />

fragrance, the Tutfan-leav'd Dogfbane interefts us on account'<br />

ol the curious ftruQure <strong>of</strong> its flowers, and their fingular<br />

property <strong>of</strong> catching flies.<br />

This fpecies is a native <strong>of</strong> different parts <strong>of</strong> North-America ;<br />

Mr. W. HALE, <strong>of</strong> Alton, Hr.nts, who refided at Halifax in<br />

i\ova-Scotia feveral yeau, brought me fome feeds <strong>of</strong> it ga-<br />

tV.c'ed in that neighbourhood, which vegetated, and produced<br />

tiowering plants: it is not new to this country, being known<br />

to MORISON who figures it, and to MILLER ,who cultivated<br />

it in 1731. .<br />

It is a hardy perennial plant, growing to about the height<br />

<strong>of</strong> a foot and a half, or two feet, and flowering from the<br />

beginning <strong>of</strong> July, to September; it has a creeping r,vjt,<br />

v,!.ereby it increafes greatly in light dry foils, a-nd warm<br />

lunations, fo as even to be troublefome.; it will not thrive in<br />

a vet foil; with us it produces feed-vefiels but rare'.y; is<br />

propagated by parting its roots in Autumn or Spiing; Mi LLER:<br />

rccommends March as the m<strong>of</strong>t'proper feafcn, or it iray be<br />

railed from feeds, which in certain fituauons and fealons<br />

ripen here.<br />


The flowers <strong>of</strong> this Apocynum have a fweet honey-like<br />

fragrance, which perfumes the air to a confiderable diftance,<br />

and no doubt operates powerfully in attracting infefts; when<br />

a plant <strong>of</strong> this fort is fully blown, one may always find flies<br />

caught in its bl<strong>of</strong>foms, uiually by the trunk, very rarely by<br />

the leg; fometimes four, or even five, which is the greateft<br />

p<strong>of</strong>lible number, are found in one flower, fome dead, others<br />

endeavoming to dilentangle themfelve.c , in which they are<br />

now and then fo fortunate as to fucceed ; thefe flies are <strong>of</strong><br />

different fpecies, the mvj'ca t'picns, a {lender variegated fly<br />

with thick thighs, is a very common viQim, the mufca domefticat<br />

or houfe fly, we have never obferved among the captives.<br />

Previous to our explaining the manner in which it appears<br />

to us that thefe infefts are caught, it will be neceflary that we<br />

fhould defcribe, in as plain a manner as p<strong>of</strong>lible, th<strong>of</strong>e parts<br />

<strong>of</strong> the flower which more particularly conftitute this fatal<br />

fly trap.<br />

On looking into the flower we perceive five Stamina, the<br />

Antheras <strong>of</strong> which are large, <strong>of</strong> a yellow colour, and converge<br />

intq a kind <strong>of</strong> cone; each <strong>of</strong> thefe Antherae is arrow-fhaped,<br />

towards the top <strong>of</strong> the cone .their fides touch but do not<br />

adhere, below they feparate a little, fo as to leave a very<br />

narrow opening or flit between each, they are placed on very<br />

fhort filaments, which ftand fo far apart that a confiderable<br />

opening is left between them, which openings, however, are<br />

cl<strong>of</strong>ed up by procefles <strong>of</strong> the corolla, nicely adapted to, and<br />

projecting into them; at the bottom <strong>of</strong>, and in. the very<br />

centre <strong>of</strong> the flower, we perceive two germina, or feed-buds,<br />

the rudiments <strong>of</strong> futyre feed-veflels, furrounded by glandular<br />

fubftances, fecreting a fweet liquid; on the fummit <strong>of</strong> thefe<br />

germina, and betwixt the two, ftands the ftigma, in the form<br />

<strong>of</strong> a little, urn, the middle <strong>of</strong> which is encircled by a glandular<br />

ring, which fecretcs a vifcid honey-like fubftance, to this part<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ftigma the Antherse interiorly adhere m<strong>of</strong>t tenacioufly,<br />

fo as to prevent their feparation unlefs confiderable force be<br />

applied; it is, as we apprehend, the fweet vifcid fubftance<br />

thus fecreted by the ftigma, within the Antherse, -whichlhe fly<br />

endeavours to obtain, and to this end infinuates its trunk firft<br />

into the lowermott and wideft part <strong>of</strong> the flit, betwixt each <strong>of</strong><br />

the Antherse above defcribed, pufhing it <strong>of</strong> neceflity upwards:<br />

when gratified, not having the fenfe to place itfelf in the fame<br />

petition as that in which it flood when it inferted its trunk,<br />

and to draw it out in the fame direction downwards, unfor<br />

tunately for itj it varies its p<strong>of</strong>ition, and pulling its trunk<br />

upwards, draws it into the narrow part <strong>of</strong> the flit, where it<br />

becomes cl<strong>of</strong>ely wedged in, and the more it pulls the more<br />

' . fecureljT<br />

fecurely it is caught, and thus this heedlefs infe£l, as THOMSOW<br />

calls it, terminates its exiftence in captivity m<strong>of</strong>t miferable.<br />

In the incomparable poem <strong>of</strong>.Dr. DARWIN, entitled the<br />

potanic Garden, there is a figure given <strong>of</strong> this plant; and in<br />

jkhe Supplement We have the following account written by Mr,<br />

DARWIN, <strong>of</strong> Elfton.<br />

" In the Apocynum Andr<strong>of</strong>ffimifolium the Anthers converge<br />

" over the neftaries, which confift <strong>of</strong> five glandular oval<br />

" corpufcles, furrounding the germ, and at the fame time<br />

" admit air to the neftaries at the interftice between each<br />

« anther; but when a fly inferts its prob<strong>of</strong>cis between thefe<br />

" anthers to plunder the honey, they converge cl<strong>of</strong>er, and with<br />

" fuch violence as to detain the fly, which thus generally<br />

« perifhes."<br />

This explanation <strong>of</strong> a phenomenon entitled to much atten-<br />

_ tion, is widely different from ours; which <strong>of</strong> the two is m<strong>of</strong>t<br />

confonant to truth and nature, we fhall leave to the deter<br />

mination <strong>of</strong> future obfervers.<br />

In explaining the preceding appearances, to prevent con-<br />

fufion we called th<strong>of</strong>e parts which form the cone in the middle<br />

'.'"the flower Anthers, but ftriftly fpeaking they are not fuch,<br />

the true Antheras being fituated on the infide <strong>of</strong> their fummits,<br />

where they will be found to be ten in number, making in fa£l<br />

jhe Apocynum a decandrous plant.<br />


[ 281 ]<br />



Clajs and Order.<br />


Generic Charaffer.<br />

Cat. 5-fidus, infundibuliformis, exterior 2-phyllus. Petala 5<br />

calyci inferta. Stigmata multifida. Caff, i -locularis, g-valvis.<br />

Specific Charaffer and Synonyms.<br />

TURNERA anguftifolia floribus feffilibus petiolaribus, foliis<br />

lanceolatis rug<strong>of</strong>is acuminatis. Mill.*Di£l. ed.<br />

6. 4 to.<br />

TURNERA frutefcens folio longiore et mucronato. Mart.<br />

Cent. 49. t. 49.<br />

This plant here reprefented is generally known to the<br />

Nurferymen about London as the Turnera ulmifolia, or Elm-<br />

leav'd Turnera, its foliage however does not anfwer to the<br />

name, nor to the figures <strong>of</strong> the plant as given by MARTYN in<br />

his Cent. PL and LINN^US in his Hortus Cliffbrtianus, which<br />

figures indeed are fo fimilar that they look like copies <strong>of</strong> each<br />

other, thefe reprefent the true elm leaf; on the fame plate <strong>of</strong><br />

JVfartyn's Cent, there is given a very excellent figure <strong>of</strong> what<br />

he confiders as another fpecies <strong>of</strong> Turnera, vide Synon. and<br />

which MILLER, who cultivated it about the year 1773, alfo<br />

defcribes as a diftinft fpecies, under the name <strong>of</strong> anguftifolia,<br />

afferting, from the experience <strong>of</strong> thirty years, that plants<br />

raifed from its feeds have conftantly differed from th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong><br />

the ulmifolia ; this is our plant, which on his authority we have<br />

given as a fpecies, though LINN^US regards it as a variety.<br />

PLUMIER gave to this genus the name <strong>of</strong> Turnera, in<br />

honour <strong>of</strong> Dr. WILLIAM TURNER, a celebrated Englift<br />

Botanift and Phyfician, who publifhed an Herbal, black letter,<br />

folio, in 1568.<br />

The prefent fpecies is a native <strong>of</strong> the Weft-Indies, and is<br />

commonly cultivated in our'ftoves, where it rifes with a<br />

femi-fhrubby ftalk, to the height <strong>of</strong> feveral feet, feldom<br />

continuing more than two or three years ; young plants<br />

. generally come up in plenty from feeds fpontaneoufly fcattered,<br />

fo that a fucceffion is eafily obtained.<br />

It flowers from June to Auguft.<br />

Its foliage has a disagreeable fmell when bruifed ; its flowers<br />

are fhewy, but <strong>of</strong> fhort duration, and are remarkable for<br />

growing out <strong>of</strong> the footftalk <strong>of</strong> the leaf.

Ay<br />

A:<br />

[ 282<br />



Clqfs and Order.<br />


Generic CharabJer.<br />

Cor. carina tranfverfe obtufa. Legumen articulis i-fpermis.<br />

Specific CharacJer and Synonyms.<br />

HEDYSARUM olfcurum foliis pinnads, ftipulis vaginalibus,<br />

caule erefto flexu<strong>of</strong>o, floribus pendulis. Linn.<br />

Syft. Vegetal, ed. 14. Murr. p. 676. Mant.<br />

447- Jac1- Ft- Auftr. cv. z. t. 1 68.<br />

HEDYSARUM caule refto, ram<strong>of</strong>o; foliis ovatis; filiquis<br />

pendulis, laeviffimis, ven<strong>of</strong>is. Hall. Hift. Heh.<br />

»• 3 95-<br />

ONOBRYCHIS femine clypeato lasvi. Batth. Pin.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. JACQUIN, in the fecond volume <strong>of</strong> the Flora<br />

atiftriaca, gives an excellent figure and accurate defcription<br />

<strong>of</strong> our plant, a native <strong>of</strong> the Alps <strong>of</strong> Germany and Switzer-<br />

hnd, and points out the characters in which it differs from<br />

the alpinum, for which it has fometimes been miftaken.<br />

It is a hardy perennial, rarely exceeding a foot in height,<br />

produces its fpikes <strong>of</strong> pendulous flowers, which are <strong>of</strong> a m<strong>of</strong>t<br />

Leautiful purple colour, in July and Auguft; hitherto thefe<br />

'. ave not been fucceeded by feed-veflels with us; though we<br />

have cultivated the plant for feveral years.<br />

Its fize renders it a fuitable plant for rock-work, on which<br />

it ',^11 grow readily, increafing by its roots, which are <strong>of</strong> the<br />

t cuping kind.<br />

HALLER mentions a variety <strong>of</strong> it with white flowers.

C 283 ]<br />



Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

CaL 4-dentatus, prifmaticus. Cor. ringens ; labio fuperiore<br />

lateribus replicate, Capf.> 2-locularis, polyfperma.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

MlMULUS ringens ere&us, foliis oblongis linearibus feffilibus.<br />

Linn. Syfl. Vegetal, ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 575. Ait.<br />

Kew. "v. 2. p. 361.<br />

EUPHRASIA floridana lyfimachise glabras filiqu<strong>of</strong>se foliis, quadrato<br />

caule ram<strong>of</strong>ior. Pluk.Amalth. 83. t. 393. /. 3.<br />

LYSIMACHIA galericulata f. Gratiola elatior non ramola,<br />

&c. Gron. Fl. Virg. p. 97.<br />

DIGITALIS perfoliata glabra flore violaceo minore. Morif.<br />

Hift. 2. p. 479. f. 5 . t . 8./. 6.<br />

CLAYTON, in the Fl. Virg. publifhed by GRONOVIUS,<br />

defcribes this plant as a native <strong>of</strong> Virginia, and fays <strong>of</strong> it,<br />

" maddidis gaudet locis," it delights in wet places: LINNAEUS<br />

makes it a native <strong>of</strong> Canada alfo.<br />

It is a hardy, perennial,, herbaceous plant, growing with us to<br />

the height <strong>of</strong> about two feet, and producing its flowers, which<br />

are <strong>of</strong> a pale violet colour, in July and Auguft ; thefe are fre<br />

quently fucceeded by capfules containing perfeft feeds, by<br />

which the plant may be propagated, as alfo by parting its<br />

roots in Autumn ; MILLER recommends the feeds to be Ibwn<br />

as foon as ripe.<br />

The plant fucceeds beft in a moift and fomewhat fhady<br />

fituation, with a loamy foil.<br />

A perufal <strong>of</strong> the fynonyms will mew to what a variety <strong>of</strong><br />

genera this plant has been referred by different authors; LIN-<br />

N^EUS firft gave to it the name <strong>of</strong> Mimulus, <strong>of</strong> which term we<br />

find in his Pbil<strong>of</strong>ophia Botanica the following concife explana<br />

tion : "MIMULUS mimus perfonatus;" in plain EnglHh, a<br />

maiked mimick : Mimmulus is a claffical word for the Pedicularis,<br />

or Loufewort ; the Englifh term Monkey flower has<br />

probably been given it, from an idea that mimulus originated<br />

from pipu a monkey, as in mimufops monkey face.<br />

Jiy Ji<br />


C 284 3<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Petala 5 . Cal. urceolatus, 5-fidus, carn<strong>of</strong>us, collo coarftatus,,<br />

demum baccatus, coloratus. Antrum duplicatum, i-loculare,.<br />

fuperne apertum, pericarpiis <strong>of</strong>ieis intus nidulantibus.<br />

Specific Character.<br />

ROSA femperflorens'c3.u\e aculeate, foliis fubternis, pedunculis:<br />

fubunifloris aculeato-hifpidis, calycis laciniis integris.<br />

We are induced to confider the r<strong>of</strong>e here reprefented, as<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the moil defirable plants in point <strong>of</strong> ornament ever<br />

introduced to this country ; its flowers, large in proportion<br />

to the plant, are femidouble, and with great richnefs <strong>of</strong> colour<br />

unite a moil delightful fragrance; they bl<strong>of</strong>fom during the<br />

whole <strong>of</strong> the year, more fparingly indeed in the winter months;<br />

the fhrub itfelf is more hardy than moil greenhoufe plants, and<br />

will grow in fo fmall a compafs <strong>of</strong> earth, that it may be reared<br />

alm<strong>of</strong>t in a c<strong>of</strong>fee cup; is kept with the leaft p<strong>of</strong>fible trouble,,<br />

and propagated without difficulty by cuttings or fuckers.<br />

For this invaluable acquifition, our country is indebted to<br />

the late GILBERT SLATER, Efq. <strong>of</strong> Knots-Green, near Layton-<br />

ftone, wh<strong>of</strong>e untimely death every perfon muft deplore, who.<br />

is a friend to improvements in ornamental gardening : in pro<br />

curing the rarer plants from abroad, more particularly from<br />

the Eaft-Indies, Mr. SLATER was indefatigable, nor was he<br />

lefs anxious to have them in the greateil perfection this<br />

country will admit; to gain this point there was no contrivance<br />

that ingenuity could fuggeft, no labour, no expence withheld;<br />

fuch exertions muft foon have infured him the firft collection<br />

<strong>of</strong> the plants <strong>of</strong> India: it is now about three years fince he<br />

obtained this r<strong>of</strong>e from China; as he readily imparted his<br />

m<strong>of</strong>t valuable acquifitions to th<strong>of</strong>e who were moil likely to,<br />

increafe them, this plant foon became confpicuous in the<br />

collections <strong>of</strong> the principal Nurferymen near town, and in<br />

the courfe <strong>of</strong> a few years will, no doubt, decorate the window,<br />

<strong>of</strong> every amateur.<br />

The largefl plants we have feen have not exceeded three<br />

feet, it may no doubt be trained to a much greater height; a<br />

variety <strong>of</strong> it much more robuft, having ufually feveral flowers on<br />

a footftalk, <strong>of</strong> a pale red colour, and femidouble alfo, has more<br />

lately been introduced, and as far as we can learn from the<br />

fame fource.

7. 7%iy SAvarJ, .M. t,..'tt**L.if.<br />

C 285 3<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic CharaEler.<br />

Corolla hypocraterifbrmis. Bacca dicocca. Semina folitaria,,<br />

arillata.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

lASMINUM odoratiffimum foliis alternis obtufiufculis ternatis<br />

pinnatifque, ramis teretibus, laciniis calycinis<br />

breviffimis. Ait. Hort. H. v. i . p. 10. linn..<br />

Syfl. Veget. ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 56.<br />

JASMINUM flavum odoratum. Barr. Ic. 6 2.<br />

The flowers <strong>of</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> the fpecies <strong>of</strong> Jafmine are odori<br />

ferous, trivial names therefore expreffive <strong>of</strong> this quality are<br />

iiaeligible, as wanting character;' the prefent name is pecu-<br />

r;>rly objectionable, inafmuch as feveral other fpecies are<br />

-ready fuperior to this in point <strong>of</strong> fragrance; a leffon for<br />

Botanifcs to abftain from trivial names '<strong>of</strong> the fuperlative de<br />

gree, fuel' >s odoratiffimum, fcetidiffimumt maximum, minimum, &c.<br />

The pre-. nt fpecies, according to Mr. AITON, is a native<br />

<strong>of</strong> Madeira, and was cultivated by Mr. MILLER, in 1730; it<br />

is now a plant common in m<strong>of</strong>t greenhoufes : it will form a<br />

fhrub <strong>of</strong> confiderable fize, which requires no fupport; its<br />

leaves ars gl<strong>of</strong>ly, inclining to yellow, growing for the m<strong>of</strong>t<br />

part tL'-ee together, fometimes pinnated ; its bl<strong>of</strong>lbms, which<br />

are yellow, make their appearance from May to November:<br />

in point <strong>of</strong> hardinefs it is fuperior to many greenhoufe plants,<br />

:md may be propagated without difficulty by cuttings.

C 286 I<br />



Oafs and Order.<br />


Generic CharaEter.<br />

Cor. clavato-infundibuliformis. Anthers 4-6. longitudinales*<br />

Caff. 5-gona, a-valvis, retufa, 2-locularis, polyfperma, co-<br />

ronata calyce 5-phyllo.<br />

Specific Character and Synonyms.<br />

PORTLANDIA grandiflora floribus pentandris. 'Linn. Syjt.<br />

Feg. ed. 1 4. Murr. p. 2 13. Ait. Kew. v. i .<br />

p. 2 28. foliis ovatis. Syft. Nat. ed. 1 3.<br />

Gmel. p. 360.<br />

PORTLANDIA grandiflora floribus pentandris, capfulis<br />

ovatis, foliis oblongis acuminatis. Swartz.<br />

Obf. Bot. p. 69.<br />

Di". BROWN, in his Natural Hiftory <strong>of</strong> Jamaica, gives to<br />

this genus the name <strong>of</strong> Portlandia, in honour <strong>of</strong> the Duchefs<br />

Dowager <strong>of</strong> PORTLAND, who employed many <strong>of</strong> the leifure<br />

hours <strong>of</strong> a long and happy life, in the purfuits <strong>of</strong> natural<br />

hiftory, in which (lie was eminently (killed. She was the<br />

friend and patron <strong>of</strong> Mr. LIGHTFOOT, who dedicates to her<br />

his Flora Scotica ; the fine collection <strong>of</strong> rare and valuable trees<br />

and filrubs which enrich part <strong>of</strong> the grounds at Bulftrode, were<br />

<strong>of</strong> her planting.<br />

Dr. SWARTZ, in his Obfervations on the Plants <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Weft-Indies, informs us, that this fpecies grows wild in Ja<br />

maica, where (incolit calcare<strong>of</strong>a pelr<strong>of</strong>a) it inhabits calcareous<br />

rocky places*, forms a fmall tree about the height <strong>of</strong> fix feet,<br />

and flowers from the middle <strong>of</strong> Summer to Autumn ; its bark,<br />

he obferves, as in other plants <strong>of</strong> the fame genus, is extremely<br />

bitter.<br />

From Mr. AITON we learn, that it was introduced here<br />

by ELLIS, Efq. in 1775.<br />

It forms a very beautiful ftove plant, not <strong>of</strong> difficult growth,<br />

and readily difp<strong>of</strong>ed to flower; we have feen -blowing plants<br />

<strong>of</strong> it little more than a foot high ; its bl<strong>of</strong>lbms are hot only<br />

uncommonly large, fhewy, and curious in their ftruclure, but<br />

fragrant alfo, and very much fo when dried.<br />

It is ufually increafed by cuttings.<br />

* We with that every perfon who defcribes foreign plants on the fpot. would<br />

do thus; it would greatly facilitate their culture.<br />

&P- Client Jan.

\<br />

[ 287 ]<br />


Clafs and Order.<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Flores monopetali, fuperi. Caff, bilocularis. Cor. fupra longitu-<br />

dinaliter fifla, ftigma urceolatum ciliatum. Smith Treat/. Linn.<br />

Soc. v. 2. p. 346.<br />

Specific Character.<br />

GOODENIA lavigata foliis obovato-lanceolatis dentatis<br />

glabris.<br />

In the Autumn <strong>of</strong> 1792, SAMUEL TOLFREY Efq. m<strong>of</strong>t<br />

kindly invited me to infpeQ: a vaft number <strong>of</strong> the natural<br />

productions <strong>of</strong> Botany-Bay, in his p<strong>of</strong>leflion ; collected with<br />

^-reat affiduity, and brought over in high prefervation by<br />

Captain TENCH; among other curi<strong>of</strong>ities, he fhewed me<br />

fpecimens uf the earths <strong>of</strong> that country, imported in very<br />

(mall bags. I fuggefted to Mr. TOLFREY, that th<strong>of</strong>e earths<br />

might p<strong>of</strong>fibly contain the feeds <strong>of</strong> fome curious and unknown<br />

plants ; he readily acquiefced in the idea, and permitted me<br />

to male trial <strong>of</strong> them : accordingly, in the Spring <strong>of</strong> 1793, I<br />

cxp<strong>of</strong>ed them in fhallow pans, on a gentle tan heat, keeping<br />

iheii duly watered ; in the courfe <strong>of</strong> the Summer they yielded<br />

fine fourteen plants, m<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> which were altogether new, and<br />

among others the fpecies <strong>of</strong> Coodcnia here figured ; this we<br />

ihave iince found to be a hardy greenhoufe plant, flowering<br />

from July to Oftober, and very readily increafed by cuttings.<br />

The oldeft plant in our p<strong>of</strong>leffion is about a foot and a half<br />

bi,L>h, much branched, the ftalks are round and fmooth to the<br />

.naked eye, green below, above purplifh, the leaves are fmooth,<br />

f a deep bright green colour, alternate, ftanding on footftalks,<br />

'hich gradually widen into the leaves, fomewhat ovate, and<br />

leeply toothed ; the flowers grow in the alse <strong>of</strong> the leaves,<br />

'"i :ning a thin fpike, they are feflile, <strong>of</strong> a pale violet colour,<br />

and have a peculiar fmell which is rather unpleafant; at the<br />

': i <strong>of</strong> each flower are two long narrow Braftese; the Calyx,<br />

' i.'ch is placed on the germen, is comp<strong>of</strong>ed <strong>of</strong> five (hort ovate<br />

'-• i v es, which appear edged with hairs if magnified; the Corolla<br />

1 monopetalous, the lower part, which at firft is tubular, fplits<br />


longitudinally above, and forms a kind <strong>of</strong> half tube, the edges<br />

<strong>of</strong> which are brown, the infide yellow, the outfide greenifh,<br />

th~ mouth befet with fhort hairs, each <strong>of</strong> which is terminated<br />

by a fmall villous head; the limb is deeply, divided into five<br />

linear fegments, fpreading out like a hand, and terminated by<br />

fhort points ; the Filaments are five in number, <strong>of</strong> a whitifh<br />

colour, fomewhat broadeft above, rather flat, inferted into the<br />

receptacle ;. Antherse oval, flattened, yellow, bilocular, a little<br />

bent, the length <strong>of</strong> the piftillum; but this is to be underftood<br />

<strong>of</strong> fuch flowers as are not yet fully expanded, in th<strong>of</strong>e that are,<br />

they are much fhorter, and appear withered; the Style, in<br />

flowers about to open, the length <strong>of</strong> the filaments, upright, in<br />

th<strong>of</strong>e that are opened much longer, and bent fomewhat down<br />

ward ; Stigma at firft .upright, in the form <strong>of</strong> a cup, having<br />

the edge curioufly fringed with white hairs, afterwards it cl<strong>of</strong>es<br />

together, l<strong>of</strong>es its .hollow, and affumes a flat appearance, and<br />

nods fomewhat, the back part <strong>of</strong> it is bearded; Germen<br />

beneath the calyx, oblong, ufually abortive with us.<br />

The name <strong>of</strong> Goodenia has been given to this genus by<br />

Dr. SMITH, in honour <strong>of</strong> the Rev. SAMUEL GOODEITOUGH,<br />

.LL. D. <strong>of</strong> Eating, my much-honoured friend, wh<strong>of</strong>e name<br />

will be ever dear to Botanifts for his laborious inveftigation <strong>of</strong><br />

the Britifh Carices*.<br />

* Vide a Diflertation on the Britifii fpecies <strong>of</strong> Carex, by Dr. GOOU-E NO UGH j.<br />

in the fecond volume, <strong>of</strong> the Tranfaftions <strong>of</strong> the Linuean Society.

fuZ by Cr.-'r -Jan.?.<br />

•a)<br />

[ 288 J<br />


•u><br />


Clafs and^ ^rder. •vf-<br />


Generic Character.<br />

Cal. 5~phyllus. Petala 5 . Stamina germini vicina. NeEtarium<br />

multi-radiatuni. Antrum pediceilatunvduplicatum t-loculare.<br />

Specific CharaSer and Synonyms,<br />

PASSIFLORA ciliata foliis trilobis glabris ciliato ferratis<br />

intermedio longiffimo, petiolis eglandul<strong>of</strong>is.<br />

Ait. Kew. v. Q. p. 3 10.<br />

This Paffion-Flower is defcribed in the Hort. Kew. as a new<br />

one, under the name <strong>of</strong> ciliata, introduced by Mrs. NORMAN,<br />

fiom the Weft-Indies, in 1783 : we law it during the latter<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the laft Summer, with great pr<strong>of</strong>ufion <strong>of</strong> flowers, in<br />

iuveral collections, more particularly in that <strong>of</strong> Mr. VERE,<br />

Kenfington-Gore, from whence our figure and defcription<br />

were taken.<br />

Its ftalks are round, perfectly fmooth, and run to a very<br />

great height; leaves dark green, gl<strong>of</strong>ly, perfectly fmooth, ex<br />

cept on the edges, where they are befet with ftrong glandular<br />

hairs, divided into three large and two fmall lobes, the middle<br />

lobe running out to a considerable length, the footftalks <strong>of</strong><br />

the leaves are befet with a few hairs thinly fcattered, at the<br />

bafe <strong>of</strong> each leaf is a tendril, and two finely-divided ftipulse,<br />

edged alfo with glandular hairs. The Involucrum. is comp<strong>of</strong>ed<br />

<strong>of</strong> three leaves, dividing into capillary fegments, each <strong>of</strong> which<br />

terminates in a vifcid globule, fetid when bruifed 5 betwixt<br />

the involu'crum and the bl<strong>of</strong>lbm is a fhort peduncle ; the<br />

pillar which fupports the germen is <strong>of</strong> a bright purple colour,<br />

\viih fpo.s <strong>of</strong> a darker hue, the germen is fmooth and green;<br />

Styles green ; Stigmata <strong>of</strong> a dark green ; Filaments fix in<br />

number; Antherse pale yellow green, the former dotted<br />

with purple -, <strong>of</strong> Radii, there may be faid to be four rows,<br />

Variegated with white and purple, petals ten» externally<br />

greenifh, internally red, deeper or paler according to cir*<br />

cumftances.<br />

The leaves <strong>of</strong> this plant vary greatly in form, according to<br />

the health and luxuriance <strong>of</strong> the plant; on comparing it with<br />

thefastida, we ftrongly fufpeft it to be a variety merely <strong>of</strong> that<br />

ijpecies : time will fhew.<br />

Jt is increafed by cuttings, or feeds.

«*«W ^erenicii decuiTata<br />

^ P/.<br />

f 252<br />

^<br />

\ 249<br />

.*, 2 46<br />

A 24O<br />

A 228<br />

f 218<br />

Is 241<br />

f S34<br />

f 232<br />

V 251<br />

'* 245<br />

1<br />

4 S2O<br />

|} 221<br />

4- 244<br />

^ 230<br />

* 239<br />

$ 225<br />

f 223<br />

f S 1 9<br />

f 236<br />

*, 250<br />

|24«<br />

A 224<br />

0 243<br />

A 229<br />

4s 23^<br />

* 247<br />

V 242<br />

^ 222<br />

£ 227<br />

f 22.6<br />

| 237<br />

Bell flower gr^at-floweretf.<br />

Buchnera clammy.<br />

Chironia berry-bearing.<br />

Cineraria blue-flowered.<br />

Columbine Canadian.<br />

Cranes-bill three-coloured<br />

Daify great double.<br />

Difandra trailing.<br />

Fagonia cretian.<br />

Flax tree.<br />

Fumitory folid-rooted.<br />

hollow-rooted,<br />

Garlick purple-headed<br />

Germander broad-leaved<br />

fhrubby.<br />

Globe-flower Afiatic.<br />

Heath honeywort-flowercd,<br />

Ipomo;a fcailet.<br />

winged-leaved.<br />

Leadwort roie-coloured.<br />

Lily Atamafco.<br />

Lobelia fhrubby.<br />

Lychnis chinefe.<br />

Michauxia rough-leaved.<br />

Mullein borage-leaved.<br />

Myrtle woolly-leaved.<br />

Periwinkle Madagafcar.<br />

Phylica heath-leaved.<br />

Poppy prickly.<br />

Primr<strong>of</strong>e lilac double.<br />

Rag wort purple.<br />

Scabious fweet.<br />

Speedwell cr<strong>of</strong>s-leaved.<br />

Struthiola fmooth.<br />

Sunflower perennial.<br />

Wall-crefs alpine.<br />

Wood-forrel goat's-foot.

INDEX, t INDEX.<br />

In which the Latin Names <strong>of</strong><br />

the Plants contained in the '<br />

Eighth Volume are alphabe<br />

tically arranged. ',<br />

In which the Englifh Names<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Plants contained in<br />

the Eighth Volume are al-<br />

phabetically arranged.<br />

PL • '<br />

280 Apocynum andr<strong>of</strong>emifolium. '<br />

267 Apple-tree Chinefe.<br />

276 Blitum virgatum. _A<br />

' 276 Elite ftrawberry.<br />

274 Borbonia crenata. * 274 Borbonia heart-leaved.<br />

264 Ciftus form<strong>of</strong>us. 2 264 Ciftus beautiful.<br />

258 Coronilla varia. ^ 272 Corn-flag fquare-Ieaved.<br />

271 Cyrtanthus anguftifolius. * 258 Coronilla purple.<br />

255 Cytifus feflilifolius. V26i Crane's-bill flefli-coloured.<br />

273 Di<strong>of</strong>ma uniflora. ^ 266 Crowfoot plantain-leaved.<br />

261 Erodium incarnatum. If 271 Cyrtanthus narrow-leaved.<br />

272 Gladiolus triftis * 2

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