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18. Wedelia chinensis (Osbeck) Merrill in Philip. Journ. Sc. Bot. 12: 111. 1917. (Fig. 136).<br />

Solidago chinensis Osbeck— Wedelia calendulacea Less.—Wedelia prostata Hemal.— Wedelia<br />

hengalensis Rich.— Verbesina calendulacea Linn.—Joegeria calendulacea Spreng.<br />

Sinh, Ranwankikirindiya; Tarn. Palalaikaiantagerai; Hindi Bhangra, Bhanra; Sans.<br />

Bhringaraja. Dcvapriya, Haripriya. Harivcsa, Kesaraja, Pavana, Pitabhringaraja, Pitabhringi.<br />

Svarnabhringara, Vandaniya.<br />

A perennial herb with a short, procumbent stem, rooting at nodes and then ascending,<br />

cylindrical, slightly rough with adpressed hair; leaves few, simple, opposite, nearly sessile,<br />

4—6 cm long, I —1.7 cm broad, oblong, strap—shaped or oblong—oval, tapering to base,<br />

acute, sparingly and shallowly serrate or entire, slightly rough with adpressed hair on both sides,<br />

somewhat 3-vcined; flowers yellow, ligulate female ray florets, and regular bisexual disc florets,<br />

on large heads about 1.8 cm diameter, borne in axillary peduncles 2—6 cm long; bracts 5—10,<br />

each I cm long, 3 mm broad, leafy, oblong, obtuse, hairy, inner ones much smaller, hairy along<br />

the margin; receptacle flat with a linear acute, hyaline, ciliate bractlet to each flower, ray florets<br />

8—12, spreading, about equalling the bracts, broad, corolla deeply 2-or 3-toolhed bearing 3 or<br />

4 staminodes at the base; disc flowers absut 20, short, narrowed at the base so that they are almost<br />

pedicellate; sepals reduced to scales; petals 5, fused into a corolla-tube, lobes valvate; stamens 5,<br />

adnate to corolla-tube, filaments free, anthers-fused into a tube round the style, anther bases<br />

triangular; ovary inferior, 1.5 mm long, 2-carpellary, unilocular with a single ovule at the<br />

base, style stou*. with pubescent stigma lobes and a fleshy cup round the base; fruit-a nearly<br />

cylindrical pubescent achene crowned by a ring of short, scarious, ciliate, scaly calyx.<br />

Flowers between October and March.<br />

Illustrations. Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Orient, pi. 1107. 1846; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian Med.<br />

Plants, pi. 528. 1933; Herb. Peradeniya., drawing.<br />

Distribution. Occurs in moist places in India, Ceylon, Burma, China, Philippine Islands<br />

and Japan. In Ceylon, it is common in damp grassy places up to an altitude of 4000<br />

feet. Batticaloa, Kurunegala, Negombo, etc.<br />

India. East Bengal: Herb. Griffith 3184, Kew Distribution 1862—3; Calcutta: Salt Lakes,<br />

Clarke 2161 \B, March 1874; Clarke 2161 It, March 1874. Ceylon. Walker: Thwaites CP. 1756<br />

in part. Western Prov., Negombo, Simpson 7912, April 1931; Heyare, Alston 1280, Aug. 1926.<br />

China. Canton River: Dane's Island, Herb. Hance 38, Sept. 1857.<br />

Uses. A decoction of this plant is given for uterine haemorrhage and menorrhagia. It<br />

is a useful deobstruent. The (eaves are used to treat coughs, cephalalgia, skin diseases and<br />

alopecia. They are also used for dyeing grey hair and to promote hair growth.<br />


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