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16. Veroonia cinerea (L ) Less, in Linnaea 4: 291. 1829. (Fig. 134).<br />

Vernonia conyzoides DC.—Conyza cinerea Linn.—Eupatorium luzoniensis Llanos.<br />


Engl. Ash-coloured Fleabane; Sinh. Monerakudi'mbiya; Tarn. Puvamkurundal,<br />

Sahadevi, Sirashengalanir; Hindi Dantotpala, Sahadevi, Sadodi, Sadori; Sans. Dantotpala,<br />

Devasasha, Devika, Gandhavalii, Govandani. Saha, Sahadeva, Sahadevi, Vishamajvaranashini,<br />

Vishvadeva.<br />

An annual herb with a slightly branched, stifT, erect, cylindrical, more or less pubescent<br />

stem 15—60 cm tall; leaves simple, alternate, distant, the lower ones 4—5 cm long, 3—3.5 cm<br />

broad, gradually becoming smaller upwards, broadly oval to linear—lanceolate, tapering to the<br />

base, sub-obtuse, apiculate, coarsely and shallowly crenate-serrate, more or less hairy on both<br />

sides, petioles 0.6—1.8 cm long; flowers regular, bisexual, pinkish violet, all tubular, sessile<br />

on long, stalked, small heads in divaricate, terminal corymbs, involucre—bracts linear to oblong,<br />

1.5—2.5 mm long, mucronate, silky outside, flowers 20—25 in a head; sepals reduced into long<br />

bristles with a shorter outer row; petals 5, fused into a long, tubular corolla about 4 mm long,<br />

segments deep and narrow; stamens 5, on the corolla tube, anthers not tailed at the base; ovary<br />

1 mm long, hairy, inferior, 2-carpellary. unilocular with a single basal ovule, style stout, 3.5 mm<br />

long, stigma bilobed; fruit a hairy achene, 1.5—2 mm long but not ribbed, with a white pappus<br />

the outer row of which is very short.<br />

Flowers all the year round.<br />

Illustrations. Wight. Ic. PI. Ind. Orient./)/. 1076. 1846; Kirtikar and Basu. Indian Med.<br />

Plants,/;/. 516. 1933.<br />

Distribution. Occurs throughout India. Ceylon, tropical Asia, Africa and Australia.<br />

In Ceylon, it is a very common weed everywhere.<br />

India. Sikkim: J. D. Hooker; T. Thomson, 1857. Khasia: Clarke 18067, Nov. 1872;<br />

Clarke 18688, Nov. 1872; Jaintea, Clarke 17894, Nov. 1872; J D. Hooker and T. Thomson.<br />

Assam: Simons; Parasnath, T. Thomson. Ceylon. Thwaites CP. 1736; North Western Prov..<br />

Chilaw, Simpson 8164, May 1931. Central Prov., Haputale, Hyde, Nov. 1926. Sabaragamuwa<br />

Prov., Veddagala, Herb. Peradeniya. Upper Burma. Keng Taung, Khali!, 1896. Thailand.<br />

Schomburgh 308, 1859. Laccadive Islands. Minikoy, H.I,M.S. Investigator, Dec. 1891; Gardiner<br />

13, 1899. Maldive Islands. Heddufuri and Horsburgh Atoll. Gardiner, 1899—1900; Hulule,<br />

Gardiner 51, 1899—1900.<br />

Composition. The leaves contain an alkaloid.<br />

Uses. A stomachic and carminative and used for dyspeps

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