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12. Sanssurea lappa Clarke, Comp. Ind. 233. (Fig. 130).<br />

Aplotoxis lappa Dene.—Aucklandia costus Falconer.<br />


Sinh. Godamahanel, Pushkaramula, Suwanda-Kottang; Tarn. Goshtam, Kostum,<br />

Putchuk; Hindi Kot, Kur, Kust, Kut, Pachak; Sans. Agada, Amaya, Apya, Bhasura, Dushta,<br />

Gada, Gadakhya, Gadavha, Gadavhaya, Haribhadraka, Jarana, Kadakhya, Kakala, Kashmirja,<br />

Kaubera, Kinjalka, Kushtha, Kuthika, Kutsita, Niruja, Padmaka, Pakala, Pakalam, Paribhadraka,<br />

Paribhavya, Pavana, Rama, Roga, Rogavhaya, Ruja, Ruk, Utpala, Vaniraja, Vyadhi,<br />

Vyapya.<br />

A tall, robust, perennial herb; stem 1.2—2 m high, pubescent above with radical and<br />

cauline leaves; radical leaves very large, 06—1.2 m long, triangular, with a long, lobately winged<br />

stalk, terminal lobe about 30 cm* diameter; cauline leaves 15-30 cm long, stalked or stalkless<br />

with 2 half-stem—clasping lobes at the base, membranous, scaberulous above, glabrate beneath,<br />

irregularly toothed; flower heads subglobose, 2.5—3.7 cm diameter, sessile, hard, in axillary<br />

or terminal clusters of 2—5; involucre bracts many, purple, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, rigid,<br />

squarrosely recurved, glabrous; corolla 2 cm long, tubular, dark blue-purple; stamens free,<br />

anther tails fimbriate; achenes curved, compressed, 0.8 cm long, margins thickened, one rib on<br />

each face, top contracted and cupped, pappus of double hairs 1.6 cm long, brown,.feathery.<br />

Illustrations. Blatter, Beautiful Fl, Kashmir 1: pi. 33, fig. I. 1927; Kirtikar and Basu,<br />

Indian Med. Plants, pi. 551B. 1933.<br />

Distribution. Grows in Kashmir between 8,000 and 12,000 feet altitude. It does not<br />

grow in Ceylon.<br />

Composition. The chief constituents of the root are an essential oil, an alkaloid called<br />

saussurine, resin, traces of a bitter substance and small quantities of tannin, inulin, potassium<br />

nitrate, sugars, etc.<br />

Uses. This drug is extensively used in Ceylon and is imported from India. The roots<br />

of this plant enter into the composition of preparations used for treatment of leucoderma,<br />

abdominal colic, dropsy, piles, asthma, coughs, anaemia, enlarged liver, diarrhoea,<br />

urticaria, insanity, epilepsy, impotence, carbuncles, fistula, syphilis and nervous, urinary<br />

and blood diseases. It is also prescribed in the advanced stage of typhous fever.<br />

The drug is a cardiac stimulant, expectorant and diuretic. It relieves asthmatic attacks<br />

and is useful against persistent hiccough.<br />


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