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3. Anaphalis subdecurrens (DC.) Gamble, Fl. Madras, 695. 1921. (Fig. 122).<br />


Gnaphalium subdecurrens DC.—Gnaphalium . indicum Thw.—Gnaphalium semisubdecurrens'<br />

Wall.—Gnaphalium oblongum Thw.—Anaphalis oblonga DC.<br />

Sinh. Mahasudana.<br />

A perennial herb with an erect, slightly branched stem 30—90 cm tall, covered with a<br />

very thick, cottony felt; leaves simple, alternate, sessile, numerous, crowded below, distant and<br />

much smaller above, 2.5—5 cm long, oblong, broad and stem-clasping at base, acute, margin<br />

flat or very loosely recurved, densely covered on both sides with persistent cottony wool, 1 —<br />

(rarely 3) nerved; flower heads small, 0.4 cm long, sessile, crowded in globular clusters<br />

arranged in a usually close, cottony, corymbose inflorescence, involucre oblong—campanulate;<br />

bracts small, not or slightly spreading, narrowly oblong, petaloid appendage acute, laxly cottony,<br />

bright pink, receptacle naked; flowers bright yellow, numerous, all tubular; outer ones narrow<br />

females; disc florets bisexual (often sterile); sepals reduced to bristles; corolla tubular with 5<br />

valvate lobes; stamens 5, inserted in the corolla tube, anther bases sagittate, tailed; ovary inferior<br />

unilocular with a single basal ovule, style branches of bisexual flowers obtuse or clavate; fruit<br />

a small achene with a pappus of one row of rough hairs.<br />

Flowers during April and from September to November.<br />

Distribution. Grows along the Western Ghats and Pulney Hills in India and in Ceylon<br />

in the montane zone between 4000—7000 feet altitude. It is abundant in the Uva'patanas.<br />

Ceylon. Central Prov., Thwaites CP. 1762; Knuckles Hills, J. M. Silva 99, May 1926;<br />

Hantane,/. M. Silva, May 1924; Rangala, Ferndale Estate, Alston 1510, Sept. 1927; Condegala,<br />

Alston 1915, Sept. 1927; Hakgala, /. M. Silva 164, Aug. 1926; Maturata Patanas, A. M. Silva,<br />

April 1906. Uva Prov., Haputale, Herb. Peradeniya. Sept. 1890; Namunukula, J. M. Silva,<br />

March 1907.<br />

Uses. In preparation of medicinal oils for removal of poisonous effects from the body.<br />


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