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6. Terminalia tomentosa Wight and Arn., Prodr. 314. 1834. (Fig. 117).<br />


Terminalia tomentosa var. typica C. B. Clarke—Terminalia glabra var. tomentosa Dalz. and<br />

Gibs. - Terminalia atata Roth—Terminalia ovat Herb. Rot tier.—Terminalia chebula var.<br />

minor FTuerck & Muell Arg.—Pentaptera tomentosa Roxb.<br />

Engl, Black Murdah; Sinh. Asana; Tarn. Aruchanam, Kagubam, Kalimarudu,<br />

Karumarudu, Karuppumarudu, Marudam, Marudu, Maruta-maram, Mikkuvam, Pudavam;<br />

Hindi Ain. Asaina, Asan, Asna, Assain, Kauha, Sadri, Sain, Saj, Sein; Sans. Dharaphala,<br />

Krishnatvaka, Nissaraphalaka, Sajada. Saradru, Shyamasaraka, Vanajavriksha, Viravrikshaka.<br />

A tall, erect tree with a straight trunk, rough, deeply cracked bark and young parts more<br />

or less clothed with yellowish-brown pubescence; leaves simple, sub-opposite or the uppermost<br />

alternate, hard, coriaceous, 7.5—20 cm long, 5—8 cm broad, ovate-oblong or elliptic-oblong,<br />

rarely obovate, softly tomentose when young becoming more or less glabrous when mature, with<br />

I or 2 stalked glands usually on the midrib at the base, but sometimes absent, base often cordate,<br />

main nerves arcuate, parallel, 10—20 pairs, prominent; petioles I cm long, pubescent when<br />

young, glabrous when old; flowers regular, bisexual, dull yellow, in axillary fulvous—pubescent<br />

spikes or terminal panicles; calyx hairy or glabrous outside, 4 mm long, mouth broadly<br />

campanulate, constricted above the ovary, limb of 5, short, valvate triangular lobes, lobes 1.5 mm<br />

long, slightly hairy within; bracteoles 4 mm long, linear-lanceolate, hairy, caducous; petals<br />

absent: stamens 10, inserted on the calyx lobes, biseriate, the 5 lower opposite calyx teeth, the<br />

5 upper longer and alternate with the calyx teeth, filaments exserted; ovary inferior, unilocular<br />

with 2 or 3 pendulous ovules, style subulate, thickened and villous at the base, stigma simple;<br />

drupe 3.5—5 cm long wuh 5 broad, coriaceous, brown, glabrous wings striated with numerous<br />

straight lines running horizontally from the axis to the edges.<br />

Flowers between April and June.<br />

Illustrations. Wight, Ic. PI. Ind/Orient. I: pi. 195. 1839; Beddome, Flor. Sylvat. 1:<br />

pi 17. 1968—73: Kirtikar and Basu, Indian Med. PI. pi. 415. 1933.<br />

Distribution. Grows in India, Nepal and Sikktm. It is easily cultivated in Ceylon.<br />

India. Manipur: Kabo Valley, Khongal Thannah, Watt. ^620. Dec. 1882. Annamallay,<br />

Beddome. Pen. Ind. Or., Herb. Wight 1008, Kew Distribution 1866—7.<br />

Uses. The bark has diuretic and cardio-tonic properties. It is taken in decoction for<br />

atonic diarrhoea. The powdered bark mixed with oil is used to remove apthae. It is also<br />

applied externally on ulcers and on fractures.<br />


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