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3. Terminalia chebula Rciz., Obs. 5: 31. 1789. (Fig. 116).<br />


Terminalia reticulata Roth.—Terminalia aruta Ham.—Myrobalanus chebula Gaertn.—<br />

Embryogonia arborea Teys. and Binn.<br />

Engl. Chcbulic Myrobalan; Sinh. ATalu; Tarn. Amagola, Arabi, Aridadi, At tan,<br />

Kadil, Kadukkay, Kagodagasingi, Nechi, Pattiyanj, Piradamai, Seya, Sidegi, Singi, Si rot tarn,<br />

Sittilai, Siva, Sivandi, Taduvairi, Tuvarchigai, Urugini, Vayadaram; Hindi Har, Harara, Harra;<br />

Sans. Abhaya, Amogha, Amruta, Avyatha, Balya, Bhishagvara, Bhishakpriya, Chctaki,<br />

Chetamaki, Devi, Divya, Girija, Haimavati, Haritaki, Himaja, Jaya, Jivanika, Jivanti, Jivapriya,<br />

J ivy a, Karkatakasringi, Kayastha, Nandini, Pachani, Panjarasa, Pathya, Pramatha, Pranada;<br />

Prapathya, Putana, Rasayanaphala, Reshaki, Rohini, Rudrapriya, Shaka, Shakrasrishta, Shiva',<br />

Shreyasi, Sudha, Sudhodbhava, Triphala, Vanatikta, Vayastha, Vijaya.<br />

A moderate-sized tree with a very thick, grey-brown bark, crooked trunk and many<br />

spreading branches drooping at the extremities and pubescent young parts; leaves simple,<br />

alternate without stipules, 7.5—12.5 cm long, broadly oblong-oval, rounded or cordate at<br />

base, very obtuse at apex, pubescent on both sides especially when young, thick and rigid; petioles<br />

I—2 cm long, pubescent with 2 prominent glands at the top just beneath the leaf; flowers<br />

small, regular, bisexual, greenish-white, nearly sessile, numerous in terminal spikes or from the<br />

axils of the uppermost leaves; bracts linear, hairy, conspicuous in bud; calyx-tube adnate to ovary,<br />

limbs 5, free, cam pa nutate, glabrous outside with long hairs within; petals absent; stamens 10,<br />

the longer ones inserted on the calyx-tube outside an annular, epigynous, hairy disc;<br />

ovary inferior, unilocular with 2 pendulous ovules; fruit a pendulous drupe, 2—4 cm,long,<br />

broadly ovoid, glabrous, not angled, yellowish green; stone oblong, bony, very thick, obscurely<br />

angled; seed solitary, in a very small cavity without endosperm.<br />

Flowers during April.<br />

Illustrations. Roxburgh, PI. Corom. 2: pi. 197. 1798; Bcddomc, Flor. Sylvat. 1: pi. 27.<br />

1868—73; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian Med. PI. pi. 413. 1933; Herb. Peradeniya, drawing.<br />

Distribution. Grows in India, Burma, Ceylon and Malay Peninsula. In Ceylon, it is<br />

rather rare in the dry districts of the low-country up to 2500 feet altitude. It is gregarious and<br />

abundant in certain areas such as Bibile, Galoya, Batticaloa, Nilgala, etc.<br />

India. Chota Nagporc: C/ar*e 20437/4, Oct. 1873. Calcutta: Wallich 3967£. Siwalik<br />

and Jaunsar Div., Kaluwala, De, April 1929. Canara: Yellapore, Talbot, 1882. Pen. Ind. Or.,<br />

Herb. Wight 1011, Kew Distribution 1866—7. Ceylon. Thwaites CP. 1604; Central Prov.,<br />

Huluganga near Panwila, Herb. Peradeniya, April 1886; Uva Prov., between Passara and<br />

Lu'nugala, Herb. Peradeniya Jan. 1888.<br />

Composition. The fruits contain a mixture of gallic acid and tannic acid, apparently<br />

derived from an organic acid, chebulinic acid; they contain, also,a greenish oleo-rcsin which is<br />

termed myrobalanin.<br />

Uses. The bark possesses diuretic and cardio-tonic properties. The pericarp of the dry<br />

fruit in decoction is a good purgative. It is finely powdered and used as a dentifrice useful for<br />

carious teeth, bleeding and ulceration of the gums. Along with other drugs, it is used in fever,<br />

all diseases of the eye, piles and 80 types of dropsy. The ashes of the fruit mixed with butter<br />

form a good ointment for sores. The roasted powder of the fruit given with milk is an excellent<br />

remedy for chronic dysentery. Regular use of the powder with king-coconut water is<br />

supposed to improve the complexion.<br />


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