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3. Kokoona ceylanlca Thwaites in Hook. Kew Journ. Bot. 5: 380. 1853. (Fig. 111).<br />

Sinh. Kokun, Pottueta, Wanapotu.<br />


A very large tree with a rough,corky,grey bark,inner bark yellow and young parts glabrous;<br />

leaves simple, opposite, stipulate, 6.4—10 cm long, obovate, cuneate at base, rounded or<br />

.retuse at apex, entire or faintly serrate, coriaceous, glabrous above, paler beneath and<br />

'punctate with numerous, minute, glandular dots each covered by a red scale; petioles 1.2 cm<br />

long; stipules very minute, triangular, persistent; flowers regular, bisexual, dull yellowishbrown,<br />

1—1.2 cm diameter, in axillary or extra-axillary panicles much shorter than leaves,<br />

pedicels glabrous, bracts minute; sepals 5, fused into a 5-lobed, cup-shaped calyx, lobes very<br />

shallow and glabrous; petals 5, contorted in bud, rounded, concave, thick, dotted within; disc<br />

fleshy, perigynous, green and lobed; stamens 5, inserted on top of the disc; ovary superior,<br />

3-1 ocular with two pairs of ascending ovules in each loculus, style short, stigma capitate; fruit a<br />

bluntly trigonous, oblong-ovoid, loculicidal capsule, 10 cm long, with four seeds in each<br />

compartment, valves thick, coriaceous, glabrous; seeds compressed, over 7.5 cm long, winged,<br />

orange-yellow.<br />

Flowers from March to May.<br />

Illustrations. Thwaites in Hook. Kew Journ. 5: pi. 6. 1853; Beddome, Flor. Sylvat.<br />

pi. 146.1868—73; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian Med. PI. pi,.234/4.1933;Herb.-Peradeniya., drawing.<br />

Distribution. Occurs in the Annamallay hills in India and in Ceylon. It is rather rare<br />

in Ceylon and found in forests in moist regions between 1000— 4000 feet altitude. Pelawatte,<br />

Pasdun Korale; Ratnapura; Ambagamuwa; Udugama and Hiniduma Forests.<br />

Ceylon. Without locality, Thwaites CP. 2084.<br />

Uses. The inner bark, which is yellow, is used in the treatment of diabetes, snake-bites,<br />

swollen joints, eye diseases and headaches. With other drugs, it is used in treating framboesii<br />

pimples and diseases of the skin. The bark may also be used to lighten the colour of the skin<br />

and for removing marks from the face. It is often used as snuff for severe headaches.<br />

The oil from the seeds is used as a leech repellent.<br />


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