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1. Celastrus paniculatus Willd. Sp. PI. 1: 1125. 1797. (Fig. 110).<br />

Celastrus alnifolia Don—Celastrus dependens Wall.—Celastrus mullifiora Roxb.—Celastrus<br />

nutans Roxb.—Celastrus rothiana Roem. and Schult.—Celastrus metziana Turcz.—Celastrus<br />

polybotrys Turcz.—Ceanothus paniculates Roth.—Scutia paniculata Don—Diosma serrata<br />

Blanco<br />

Sinh. Duhudu, Vatuvai-eta; Tarn. Adjbaricham, Kalambam, Kagodagi, Kaligam,<br />

Kirumikkundram, Kungiligam, Kuvangundal, Malganguni, Mallagam, Siruvaluluvai, Sodiyam,<br />

Tanisi, Tipadisam, Valuluvai; Hindi Malkakni, Malkamni, Malkangni, Malkungi; Sans.<br />

Agnimasha, Amruta, Avega, Dipta, Durjara, Durmada, Gatida, Ingudi, Jyotishka, Jyotishmati,<br />

Jyotistata. Kakandi, Kanguni, Katabhi, Kinshuka, Lagana Lavana, Medhya, Nishphala,<br />

Paravatanghri, Paravatapadi, Pidya, Pinya, Pitataifa, Putitala, Saraswati, Sphutabandhani,<br />

Supingala, Swarnalata, Tahnirusi, Triparni.<br />

A large, climbing shrub, about 4—18 m. high with pendulous branches, rough furrowed,<br />

bark and glabrous young parts; leaves alternate without stipules, 5—9 cm long, 3.8—5 cm<br />

broad, broadly oval, acute at base, shortly acuminate, obtuse, shallowly crenate—serrate except<br />

at the base, glabrous, petioles 0.6—1 cm long; flowers regular, pale yellow, polygamous,<br />

3—4 mm diameter, in terminal, pyramidal, pendulous panicles 5—10 cm long, pedicels slender,<br />

puberulous; sepals 5, fused into a 5-lobed calyx, lobes shallow, unequal; petals 5, spreading,<br />

oblong, broad-based, acute; disc inconspicuous; stamens 5, inserted on the edge of the disc;<br />

ovary superior, 3-locular with two erect ovules in each loculus, style short, stigma deeply 3-lobed;<br />

fruit a loculicidal, 3-valved capsule, 1.2 cm long, broadly ovoid or roundish, blunt, transversely<br />

wrinkled, brigjit yellow, valves septifragal above, remaining united at base and spreading or<br />

reflexed, leaving the seeds exposed; seeds 0.8 cm long, cinnamon brown, striate, completely<br />

enveloped in scarlet, fleshy aril.<br />

Flowers during May and August.<br />

niustrations. Wight, HI. pi. 72. 1841; Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Orient, pi. 158. 1839; Kirtikar<br />

and Basu. Indian Med. PI. pi. 235. 1933; Herb. Peradeniya., drawing.<br />

Distribution., Occurs in the sub-Himalayan tract throughout India, Ceylon, Burma.<br />

Malay Peninsula to New Caledonia and in the Philippine Islands. In Ceylon, it is common in<br />

the moist low-country up to 2000 feet altitude.<br />

India. Him. Bor. Occ. T. Thomson. Sikkim: Clarke 24867.4, Oct. 1875. Khasia: J. D<br />

Hooker AT. Thomson. Concan: Stocks. Bengal: Clarke 11727/4, May 1870. Mt. Nilghiris &<br />

Curg: Hooker f. and T. Thomson. Pen. Ind. Or., Herb. Wight 453, Kew Distribution 1866-7.<br />

Assam: Prain's Collector 357. Ceylon. Deltota, Thwaites CP. 1232; Peradeniya, Bot. Gard.,<br />

cultivated, Alston. Burma.' Upper Burma: South Shan State, Khali!, 1893.<br />

Composition. The leaves contain traces of an alkaloid and a glucoside. The seeds yield<br />

a fatty oil which contains cholasterol, a colouring matter, chromogen, celastrine and paniculatine.<br />

Uses. The juice of the leaves is an antidote for opium poisoning. A decoction of the<br />

seeds is given for rheumatism, gout, paralysis and leprosy. The oil extracted from the seeds<br />

is a remedy for beri-beri, a nerve stimulant and brain tonic. The pulverised seeds are used as<br />

an antirheumatic and in cases of paralysis.<br />

In Java, the leaves are used tor dysentery while in Ceylon the plant is used externally as<br />

a parasiticide for scabies, ringworm and other skin diseases. A decoction of the bark is given<br />

internally to stimulate the appetite improving digestion and employed with much benefit for<br />

anorexia and chronic dyspepsia. The oil from the seeds is used as a nerve tonic, diaphoretic<br />

and diuretic. With cow's milk, it gives good results in the treatment of anasarca and ascites.<br />


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