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2. Capparis moooil Wight, III. 1: 35.. 1840. (Fig. 105).<br />

Sinh. Sudu—welangiriya.<br />


A very large, much-branched, woody climber, stems attaining as much as 20 cm<br />

in diameter, bark smooth, young branches shining; leaves simple, alternate, 8.5—12.5 cm<br />

long, 2.5—4.5 cm broad, oval-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, apiculate, entire,<br />

rather thick, glabrous and shining; petioles 1—1.2 cm long with a pair of sharp, hooked, stipule<br />

spines at the base of each; flowers regular, bisexual, very large, 10—12.5 cm diameter, pure<br />

white, 3—6 together in corymbose clusters at the ends of branches, pedicel 3.5—5.5 cm long;<br />

sepals 4, biseriate, imbricate, about 2.5 cm long, orbicular, concave; petals 4, imbricate,<br />

spreading, 5 cm long, pubescent on the upper surface; stamens numerous, erect, 8—10 cm<br />

long, gynophore slightly longer; ovary superior, unilocular, urceolate, glabrous with 4 parietal<br />

placentas, ovules numerous, style short; fruit very large, 10—12 cm long, subglobose pointed<br />

on much thickened woody stalk, seeds numerous, large, about 2 cm long, rotundate and pinkish.<br />

Flowers during March and April.<br />

Illustration. Herb. Peradeniya, drawing.<br />

Distribution. This extremely ornamental creeper grows in Western India and Ceylon.<br />

It is rather rare, confined to the moist low-country, up to an altitude of 3000 feet in Ceylon.<br />

Uva Province, Hunnasgiriya, Panwila, Alagaiia, Hantane, etc.<br />

Ceylon. Thwaites CP. 2415. North Central Prov., Ritigala, Willis, March 1905. Central<br />

P»ov. Hantane, Appuhamy, Jan. 1957. Uva Prov., above Welimada, Simpson 9631, May 1932.<br />

Uses. The roots of this plant, along with other ingredients are made into pills and given<br />

for all ailments and glandular swellings of the throat, broncHitis, tonsilitis, etc. They are often<br />

used for removing growths in the throat.<br />


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