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20. Phyilanthus emblica Linn. Sp. PI. 982. 1753. (Fig. 210).<br />

Emblica officinalis<br />

nodicoulis Hance.<br />

Gaertn.—Phyilanthus taxifolius Don—Cicca emblica Kurz—Dichelastina<br />

Engl. Emblic Myrobalan Tree; Sinh. Ambula, Awusada-nelli, Nelli, Nellika; Tarn.<br />

Amalagam, Andakoram, Indul, Kattunelli, Nelli, Perunelli, Sirottam, Tattiri, Toppunelli; Hindi<br />

Amalaci, Amla, Amlika, Anola, 'Anuli, Anvula, Anvurah, Anwera, Aonla, Aungra, Aunra,<br />

Daula* Sens. Adiphala, Akara, Amalaki, Amamalakam, Amlika, Amraphala, Amrita,<br />

Amritaphala, Bahuphali, Dhatri, Dhatrika, Dhatriphala, Jatiphala, Karshaphala, Kayastha,<br />

Panch'arasa, Rochani, Shanta, Shiva, Shriphala, Shriphali, Tishya, Tishyaphala, Triphala,<br />

Vayastha. Vrishya, Vrittaphala.<br />

A small or middle-sized tree, about 10 m high, with a crooked trunk and spreading<br />

branches; bark thin, grey with numerous bosses whence arise the leaf-bearing branchlets, young<br />

parts pubescent; leaves simple, alternate, very numerous, closely placed, distichous, overlapping,<br />

spreading, nearly sessile, about 1.2 cm long, linear strap-shaped, rounded at base,<br />

subacute, glabrous, paler beneath; stipules minute,-acute; flowers unisexual, small, greenish<br />

yellow, monoecious, apetaldus and axillary; male flowers: very small, numerous on slender<br />

pedicels in axillary fascicles; sepals 6, oblong, obtuse, distinct, imbricate, disc absent; stamens<br />

3, connate throughout; female flowers: few, nearly sessile, sepals as in male; ovary superior,<br />

3-locular with 2 ovules in each loculus, surrounded by a cuplike lacerate disc, styles 3, large,<br />

recurved or spreading, lobed; fruit globose, 1.2—1.6 cm diameter, fleshy, pale green or yellow,<br />

of 3 sub-dehiscent, 2-seeded, crustaceous cocci enclosed in a thick fleshy coat; seeds 6, trigonous.<br />

Flowers during October.<br />

Illustrations. Beddome, Flor. Sylvat. pi. 258. 1868—1873; Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Orient.<br />

pi. 1896. 1852; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian Med. Plants, pi. 858. 1933; Herb. Peradeniya,<br />

drawing.<br />

Distribution. Grows in tropical and subtropical parts of India, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula<br />

and China. In Ceylon, it is very common in exposed places on patana land in the moist regions<br />

up to 4000 feet altitude.<br />

India. Bengal:./. D. Hooker. Assam: Naga Hills, Kohina, Prain, June 1886; Tingale Bam,<br />

Prains Collector, April 1899; Siwalik and Jaunsar Div., Dewan 107, 1921. Malabar, Concan, etc.,<br />

Stocks, Law,etc. Maisor and Carnatic, G. Thomson.; Nilghiri Hills, Schmid, 1815—1835. Pen. Ind.<br />

Orient., Herb. Wight 2582, Kew Distribution 1866—8. Ceylon. Thwaites CP. 2144; Lenadora,<br />

Alexander, Oct. 1890. Central Prov., Peradeniya, Bot. Gard., cultivated, J. M. Silva, April 1911;<br />

Jayaweera 1871, Nov. 1961. Uva Prov., Namunukula, /. M. de Silva, April 1924. Burma. Shan<br />

States, Fort Stedman Valley, Aplin, Nov. 1887. Cuba. Harvard Trop. Gard., Jack 4246, Feb.<br />

1928.<br />

Uses. The pericarp of the fruit is often used in decoctions along with other ingredients<br />

and externally on boils with cow ghee to-; promote suppuration. The root, bark and fruit are<br />

astringent. The unripe fruit is cooling, laxative and diuretic. Exudation from incisions on the<br />

fruit is applied externally on inflammation of'the eye. The juice of the bark with honey and<br />

turmeric is given for gonorrhoea. An infusion of the leaves with fenugreek seed is given for<br />

chronic diarrhoea. The fruit is rich in vitamin C. A decoction of the fruit with stems<br />

of Tinospora cordifolia is a well-known remedy for various urinary diseases.<br />

The expressed juice of the fruit along with other ingredients is used to cure haemorrhage,<br />

anaemia, colic, acute leprosy, fits, insanity, jaundice, cough, hiccough, indigestion, dyspepsia,<br />

asthma and other diseases.<br />


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