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17. Macaranga peltata (Roxb.) Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 15: 1010. 1862. (Fig. 207).<br />

Macaranga tomentosa Wight—Macaranga roxburghil Wight—Macaranga wightiana Baill.—<br />

Mappa peltata Wight—Ricinus mappa Moon<br />

Sinh. Bukenda, Kenda; Tarn. Vatta, Vattikanni. Vattittutti.<br />

A small tree with stout, green branchlets covered with a glaucous bloom and marked with<br />

large leaf and stipule scars when young; leaves simple, alternate, very large, 22.5—30 cm<br />

long, broadly ovate, peltate with a round base, acuminate acute or caudate, entire, glabrous,<br />

dark-green above, paler beneath, venation prominent beneath, translucent; petioles very long,<br />

usually longer than the leaf, cylindrical, glabrous; stipules large, ovate, acuminate, reflexed, falling<br />

early; flowers regular, unisexual, greenish, dioecious, apetalous in axillary panicles, bracts<br />

broader than long and toothed; male flowers: very small in numerous, finely pubescent panicles;<br />

sepals 3 or 4, valvate in bud; stamens 2—5, filaments distinct, anthers 4-loceIlate,pistillode absent,<br />

female flowers: calyx 2—4 lobed; ovary superior, unilocular with a single ovule, exserted;<br />

densely glandular, style large, short, lateral and peltate; fruit capsule small, 6—8 mm diameter,<br />

globose, glabrous but waited with glands.<br />

Flowers in October.<br />

Illustrations. Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Orient, pi. 817. 1843—45; pi. 1949, Jigs. I & 4.<br />

1853; Beddome, Flor. Sylvat. pi. 287. 1868—73; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian Med. Plants, pi. 877.<br />

1933; Herb. Peradeniya., drawing.<br />

Distribution. Grows from Concan to Travancore in India and abundant in moist regions<br />

of Ceylon up to 3000 feet altitude.<br />

India. Malabar, Concan, etc. Stocks, Law, etc.. Pen. Ind. Orient., Herb. Wight 2632,<br />

Kew Distribution 1866—68. Ceylon, Thwaites CP. 2171 Central Prov , Peradeniya, Bot. Gard.,<br />

Javaweera 1476, Jan. 1956.<br />

Uses. The hardened, gummy exudation from this tree is powdered, made into a paste<br />

and applied externally on venereal sores.<br />


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