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1. Capparis horrida Linn.f., Sur/pl. Plant. 264. 1781. (Fig. 104).<br />

Capparis zeylanica Roxb.—Capparis formosa Wall.—Capparis acuminata Willd.—Capparis<br />

tenuiflora DC—Capparis quadrifiora DC.—Capparis erythrodasys Miq.—Capparis aurantioides<br />

Presl.—Capparis nemerosa Blanco—Capparis micrantha Blanco—Capparis linearis Blanco—<br />

Capparis viminea F.—Vill.<br />

Sink. Welangiriya; Sans. Hinsra.<br />

A climbing shrub with long, divaricate branches, young shoots covered with rufous,<br />

scurfy tomentum; leaves simple,alternate, oval-lanceolate or oblong, 4.2—4.5 cm long,<br />

2—2.4 cm broad, acuminate or strongly apiculate, obtuse, rounded at base, tomentose when<br />

young, afterwards glabrous and shining, petioles 0.4—0.5 cm long with a pair of recurved,<br />

stipular spines at the base; flowers large, bisexual, 3.7 cm diameter, supra-axillary, solitary<br />

or 2 or 3 together above one another in a vertical line, pedicels 1.2—1.8S cm long and tomentose;<br />

sepals 4, free, biseriate, nearly equal, concave, rufous, tomentose outside; petals 4, twice as long<br />

as sepals, imbricate, white and hairy; stamens numerous, crimson, much longer than petals,<br />

inserted at the base of a long gynophore; gynophore about 2.5 cm long; ovary superior, ovoid,<br />

apiculate, unilocular with 4 parietal placentas, ovules numerous; fruit subglobose, 3.2 cm<br />

diameter on a thickened stalk, in dehiscent, many seeded, seeds embedded in a pulp.<br />

Flowers during March and April.<br />

Illustrations. Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Orient. 1: pIMZ. 1839; Herb. Peradeniya., drawing.<br />

Distribution. Distributed through the Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Malaya, Indo-China<br />

and in the Philippine Islands. In Ceylon, it is rather rare and found in the dry, low country:<br />

Jaffna, Anuradhapura, Uma Oya, Hanguranketa, etc.<br />

India. Nepal, Wallich 6990B; Siwalik and Jaunsar, Khosla 7, April 1921. Malabar,<br />

Concan, etc. Stocks, Law, etc. Maisor and Carnatic. G. Thomson. Ind. Orient. Herb. Wight; Wallich<br />

92. Ceylon. ThwqitesC.P. 1058; Northern Prov., Elephant Pass, Herb. Peradeniya., March 1912.<br />

North Central Prov., Anuradhapura, Herb. Peradeniya., March 1883. Eastern Prov., Uma Oya,<br />

Herb. Peradeniya., April 1883. Ruhuna <strong>National</strong> Park, Walaskema, Mueller—Dumbois, Comanor<br />

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