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2- Bridelia retusa (Linn.) Spreng. Syst. Vcg. 3 48 1926. (Fig. 192).<br />


Brtdeha amoena Wall, ex Bail!.—Bridelia momana Wall.—Bridelia spinosa Roxb.—Cluylia<br />

retusa Linn.—Cluytia spinosa Willd.<br />

Sinh. Ketakala; Tarn. Adamarudu. Asuvai, Kadugai, Komanjr, Malai-vengai,<br />

Mullumarudu, MuIIuvengai. Mulvengai, Mulvenkai, Sem, Singattan, Siruvengai; Hindi Gauli,<br />

Kaj, Kajja, Kassi, Khaja; Sans. Asana, Ekadivi, Ekavira, Mahavira, Sakridvird, Suvarika.<br />

A small tree with a smooth, pale yellowish-grey bark and rusty—pubescent young twjgs;;<br />

leaves simple, alternate, numerous, 8.7—11.2 cm long, oblong—oval, usually rounded at hase;<br />

very obtuse or rounded at apex often emarginate, entire; lateral veins 16—20 pairs, strong,<br />

parallel, uniting with a transparent marginal vein and connected by numerous fine transverse<br />

veinlets, glabrous and bright green above, whitish with minute pubescence beneath* rather thick;<br />

petioles short, stout, finely pubescent; stipules lanceolate with a broad base, very acuminate,<br />

pubescent, deciduous; flowers regular, unisexual, green tinged with red with a purple disc,<br />

monoecious (or dioecious) on very short pedicels in small dense clusters on spicate or rarely<br />

branched,axillary inflorescences exceeding the leaves; male flowers: 4 mm.'diameter; sepals<br />

5, valvate, narrowly triangular, acute, spreading; petals 5, inserted on the calyX, much smaller,<br />

deeply pectinate, disc conspicuous, annular, thick and pulpy; stamens 5, filaments united below<br />

into a column, distinct and spreading above, pistillode terminating the column; female flowers:<br />

smaller, calyx as in male; petals 5, persistent, spathulate, acute, not pectinate; disc truncate<br />

tubular enclosing the ovary; ovary superior, 2-locular with two ovules in each chamber, styles<br />

2, short and forked; fruit a drupe with 2 one-seeded pyrenes on persistent calyx and petals, about<br />

8 mm diameter, globose, slightly pulpy and purplish-black.<br />

Flowers during June and July.<br />

Illustrations. Beddome, Flor. Sylvat. pi. 260. 1869—73; Roxburgh, PI. Corom. 2: pi. 172.<br />

1798; Kirtikarand Basu, Indian Med. Plants, pi. 854. 1933; Herb. Peradeniya, drawing.<br />

Distribution. Grows in the warmer parts of India, Ceylon, Burma and Malacca. It is<br />

common in the moist, low-country up to 2000 feet altitude.<br />

India. Sikkim:y. D. Hooker. Khasia:./. D. Hooker andT. Thomson. East Bengal: Herb.<br />

Griffith 4887, Kew Distribution 1864; Assam: Simons. Bombay: Gibson. Siwalik and Jaunsar:<br />

Hassan 165, 1921. Malabar, Concan,etc. Stock, Law,etc. Pen. Ind. Orient. Herb. Wight 2602<br />

Kew Distribution 1866—8. Ceylon. Central Prov., Peradeniya, Bot. Gard., cultivated, Jaya*eera<br />

1150, May 1954. Thwaites C.P. 2161, Western Prov., Mirigama. Alston 676. June (927;<br />

Middeniya, Alston 1348, March 1927. Uva Prov., Lunugala, Herb. Peradeniva., Ja>- X88.<br />

Burma. Prazer.<br />

Uses. The root and bark are valuable astringents, the latter being used as a liniment<br />

with gingelly oil for rheumatism.<br />


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