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2. Erythroxylum moonii Hochr. in Bull. Inst. Bot. Buit. 22 : 54. 1905. (Fig. 190).<br />


Erythroxylon acuminatum Walp.—Erythroxylon iucidum Moon—Sethia acuminata Arn.<br />

Sinh. Bata-kirilla; Tarn. Chiruchemannati, Chiruchenatti.<br />

A much branched, twiggy, glabrous shrub, with a pale bark; leaves simple, alternate<br />

with stipules, 3.7—7.5 cm long., 1.5—2.5 cm broad, linear—lanceolate to oval—lanceolate,<br />

acute or rounded at base, tapering, acuminate with obtuse apdx, glabrous and shining on both<br />

surfaces, lateral veins horizontal and faint; petioles 5 mm long, stipules caducous; flowers<br />

regular, bisexual, solitary, axillary, greenish yellow or white, about 9 mm across, pedicels longer<br />

than petioles; sepals 5, 1—1.5 mm long, lanceolate, acute, slightly connate at base; petals 5,<br />

distinct, imbricate, 3.5 mm long, spreading, oblong, obtuse with a large double, erect scale on<br />

the inner surface; stamens 10, filaments 2.5 mm long, connate into a tube; ovary superior,<br />

oblong, 1.4 mm long, 3-Iocular with one ovule in each loculus, styles 3, connate at base; fruit a<br />

scarlet drupe, 1.2—13 cm long, pointed, faintly grooved and shining with persistent calyx<br />

and stamens.<br />

Flowers from March to May.<br />

Illustration. Herb. Peradeniya., drawing.<br />

Distribution. Occurs in south India and Ceylon and perhaps in Borneo. It is rather<br />

common in the low-country in Ceylon. Ratnapura, Kuruwita Korale, Singha Raja Forest,<br />

Uma Oya, Nilgai a, Dambulla, Matara (Dick well a), etc.<br />

Ceylon. Thwaites CP. 222; Thwaites CP. 3488. Central Prov., Peradeniya, Bot. Gard.<br />

Jayaweera 1173, Sept. 1955; Jayaweera 2597, June 1957. Western Prov., Gampaha, Bot. Gard.<br />

Jayaweera 2223, Nov. 1955.<br />

Uses. The leaves given in various forms (the commonest being a bolus made by mixing<br />

the powdered dry leaves with rice flour and honey) are very effective anthelmintic for round<br />

worms.. Externally the bruised leaves in the form of a poultice hastens suppuration of boils and<br />

abscesses.<br />


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