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2. Dipterocarpus zeyJan'cns Thw., Enum. 33. 1859. (Fig. 185).<br />

Dipterocarpus turbinatus Moon<br />

Sinh. Hora. Sarala, Sora; Sans. Sanigha.<br />


A very tall, straight tree, about 56 m in height with an erect trunk, branching mostly at<br />

the top, bark grey, flaking off in large shields from the bottom edge in older trees, twigs bearing<br />

scars of fallen leaves and stipules, young parts densely pubescent or silky; leaves simple,<br />

alternate, stipulate, large, 12-5—17.5 cm long, broadly oval, rounded at base, suddenly acute,<br />

obscurely crenate-serrate, glabrous when old, lateral veins 14—18 pairs; petioles 3.8—5 cm<br />

long; stipules 12.5 cm long, oblong, acute, thick, pink, caducous, pubescent inside; flowers<br />

regular, bisexual, 3.8 cm diameter in drooping double racemes, pedicels 0.6—1 -2 cm long,<br />

at first stellate puberulous; sepals 5, connate at base into a campanulate calyx-tube, glabrous,<br />

stellate-pubescent; petals 5, oblong, purplish red with a yellow border, 2.5 cm long, obtuse,<br />

recurved at ends, connate at base and contorted; stamens indefinite, filaments short, anthers<br />

linear, long-acuminate with an apiculus nearly as iong; ovary superior, pubescent, 3-carpellary,<br />

3-1 ocular with two pendulous ovules in each chamber; fruit a l-seeded, indehiscent nut enclosed<br />

in the persistent, enlarged calyx-tube, fruit calyx purple when young 17.5 cm long, tube 3.2 cm<br />

long, bluntly 5-ribbed down, urceolate, wings strongly 3-veined, reticulated, smaller lobes about<br />

2.5 cm long, nut ovoid conical, finely silky and about 2.5 cm long.<br />

Flowers in February.<br />

Illustrations. Trimen, Hand-book Fl. Ceyl. pi 10. 1893; Worthington, Ceylon Trees,<br />

pi 49. 1959. Herb. Peradeniya, drawing.<br />

Distribution. A common, endemic tree, growing in the moist low-country extending into<br />

the lower montane zone.<br />

Ceylon. Central Prov., Peradeniya, Bot. Gard., cultivated, Alston, Jan. 1926; Ferguson.<br />

Sabaragamuwa Prov., Pasdunkorale, Deltota. Thwaites CP. 1921.<br />

Uses. The heart-wood of the tree is used along with other ingredients in the treatment<br />

of fever. The greenish-grey gum resin is used on chronic ulcers, sinuses and fistulae. Internally,<br />

it acts as a diaphoretic and expectorant and useful in the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsilitis,<br />

bronchitis and pneumonia.<br />


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