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1. Lobelia nicotianifolia Heyne ex Roem. in Roth. Nov. Plant. 1821. (Fig. 102).<br />

Lobelia nicotianaefolia Heyne.—Lobelia aromatica Moon—Lobelia excelsa Lesch.—Rapuntium<br />

nicotianaefolium Presl.<br />

Engl. Wild Tobacco; Sinh.. Rasni, Wal-dunkola; Tarn. Kattuppugaiyilai; Hindi<br />

Nala, Narasala; Sans. Bibhishana, Chhtdrana, Devanala, Dhamana, Dirghavansha,<br />

Kichaka, Kukshirandhra, Lalavansha, Mahanala, Mala, Mriduchhada, Mridupatra,<br />

Mrityupushpa, Nada, Nalottama, Narttaka, Nata, Nati, Potagala.Shunyamadhya, Sthuladanda,<br />

Sthutanala, Suradruma, Suranala, Vanshapatra, Vanya.<br />

A large, biennial or perennial herb, stem 1—3 m high, erect, stout, simple or slightly<br />

branched, cylindrical, glabrous or pubescent; leaves simple, alternate, exstipulate, nearly sessile,<br />

numerous, the longest 30—45 cm but becoming gradually smaller towards the apex, the uppermost<br />

ones about 7.5 cm long, passing into floral bracts, all linear-lanceolate, tapering at both<br />

ends, serrate, denticulate or nearly entire, glabrous above, glabrous or densely pubescent beneath;<br />

flowers deep purplish-pink or white, irregular, bisexual, numerous, large, on long spreading<br />

pedicels, each with a leafy bract in dense simple or branched, erect, terminal racemes 30—60<br />

cm long; sepals 5, fused into a tube adnate to the ovaiy, glabrous or pubescent, segments<br />

long, linear,acuminate, serrate; petals 5, fused, split down the back to the base, 2-lipped, upper<br />

lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, glabrous or pubescent outside, 2.5—3.7cmlong,muchcurved with<br />

a sharp hard point at apex, lobes very long, linear, three, connate throughout, all generally<br />

remaining connected at the apex; stamens 5, epigynous, filaments connate into a tube, curved,<br />

dilated at the base, anthers linear, obtusely pointed, glabrous or with a few hairs on the back;<br />

ovary inferior, 2-locular with two large placentas and numerous oVuIes, style simple, stigma<br />

2-lobed; fruit a "dry capsule, dehiscent loculicidally by 2 valves on the top, protruded above<br />

the rim of adnate calyx-tube, seeds very small, smooth and shining.<br />

Flowers from December to April.<br />

Illustrations. Curtis Bot. Mag. pi. 5587; Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Orient, pis. 1172—1174.<br />

1848; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian Med. PI., pi. 567/4. 1933; Herb. Peradeniya., drawing.<br />

Distribution. Grows along the Western Ghats of India from Bombay to Travancore<br />

and rather common in Ceylon in the montane zone from 4000 feet to 7000 feet altitude.<br />

India. Nilghiri and Kurg, G. Thomson. Malabar, Concan, etc., Stocks, Law, etc. Pen.<br />

Ind. Or. Herb. Wight 1274, Kew Distribution 1866—7. Ceylon. Central Prov., Madulkelle,<br />

Senaratne 10, 019, Feb. 1953; Maskeliya, Herb. Peradeniya, March 1883; between Ramboda<br />

and Nuwara Eliya, Thwaites CP. 2592; Maturata, High Forest Estate, A.M. Silva, May<br />

1906; Horton Plains, Haldummulla Road, Willis, Jan. 1906.<br />

Composition. The leaves contain lelobanidines I, Hand HI, lobeline, and nortobelanidine.<br />

The flowers contain only lobeline. The seeds contain an acro-narcotic poison.<br />

Uses. An infusion of the leaves ts used as an antispasmodic and is a useful remedy<br />

for asthma.<br />


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