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1. Dipterocarpus glandulosus Thwaites. Enum. 34. 1858. (Fig. 184).<br />

Sink. Dorana: 7am. Yennai: Sans. Guga.<br />

A large tree, about 55 m tall with a straight trunk, pale grey bark flaking off irregularly,<br />

few branches and a sparse crown, young parts hairy; leaves simple, alternate, stipulate,<br />

7.5—12.5 cm long, oblong-oval, rounded at base, shortly acuminate, entire, glabrous above<br />

except on midrib, finely stellate pubescent and glandular beneath with 11 —13 pairs of lateral<br />

veins, new leaves light bronze; petioles 1.8—2.5 cm long, stellate-hairy; stipules 3.7 cm long<br />

with tufts of long stellate hairs outside; flowers regular, bisexual, pale yellow with a pink tinge,<br />

3.7 cm diameter, few in short axillary racemes, pedicels stellate-hairy; sepals 5, connate into a<br />

campanulate tube, two lobes much longer than the others, stellate-pubescent, lobes greatly<br />

enlarged in the fruit; petals 5, connate at the base, contorted, stellate-pubescent outside; stamens<br />

numerous, filaments short, anthers linear, long-acuminate; ovary superior, 3-carpellary, 3-locular<br />

with two pendulous ovules in each chamber; fruit a l-seeded indehiscent nut with an enlarged<br />

calyx-tube surrounding it and lobes expanded into two or three wings 9—10 cm long.<br />

Flowers during March and April.<br />

Illustrations. Worthington, Ceylon trees, pi. 47. 1959; Herb. Peradeniya, drawing.<br />

Distribution. A rare, endemic tree growing in the moist, low-country mostly in the<br />

Sabaragamuwa Province.<br />

Ceylon. Without locality, Thwaites CP. 2590.<br />

Uses. The resin which exudes from the stem and collects at the base of the tree, yields<br />

an oil which is used externally in the treatment of rheumatic swellings and leprosy. It is a suitable<br />

substitute for Gurjun balsam.<br />

The oil is also used for varnishing furniture and for dissolving paints.<br />


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