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38. CYPERACEAE<br />

I. Cyperus rotundus Linn Sp. PI. 45. 1753. (Fig. 181).<br />

Cyperus hexastachyous Rottb.—Cyperus leptostachyus Griff -Cyperus tenuifforus Royle—<br />

Cyperus curvatus Llanos.<br />

Sinh. Kalanduru; 7am. Kora. Korai Kilangu; Hindi. Mootchoo. Moiha. Mutha;<br />

Sans. Abda. Arnoda, Bhadrakshi, Bhadramusta, Gangcya. Granthi, Gundra, Hima, Kachhola,<br />

Kakshottha, Kasheru, Krodeshtha, Kuru. Kurubilva, Kutannata, Musta, Mustaka, Suganthigranthila,<br />

Valya, Varahi, Varida, Vindakhya.<br />

An annual herb with a small, stolonifcrous rootstock; stolons elongate, slender, bearing<br />

ovoid, hard, tunicate, black, fragrant tubers 0.8—2.5 cm diameter, root fibres wiry, covered<br />

with flexuous root hairs; stems subsolitary, 15—60cm long, slender, trigonous below, triquetrous<br />

above, base sometimes tuberous; leaves subradical, shorter or longer than the stem, narrowly<br />

linear, 0.4—0.8 cm broad, finely acuminate or narrowed from the middle to both ends, flat,<br />

flaccid, l-veined; inflorescence a simple or compound umbel, primary rays 2—8, unequal, very<br />

slender bearing short spikes of 4—10, slender, spreading, red-brown spikelets; involucre bracts<br />

3, longest about 17.5 cm spikelets 1.2—3.1 cm 1.5 mm broad, linear, acute, slightly<br />

compressed, 10—20-flowered, pale or dark brown; rhachilla very slender, wings elliptic; flowers<br />

bisexual at the axils of glumes which are 1.6—2.4 mm long, closely or loosely imbricate, suberect,<br />

ovate, obtuse, dorsally green, hardly keeled streaked with red-brown, 5—7 veined, sides broadly<br />

membranous, margins and tip narrowly scarious; perianth 0; stamens 3, anthers long, narrow,<br />

muticous, basifixed; ovary superior, unilocular with an erect basal ovule, style long, stigmas 3,<br />

capillary; fruit J length of the glume, obovoid or oblong, obtuse, trigonous, black, opaque and<br />

granulate.<br />

Flowers all the year round.<br />

Illustrations. Rumph., Herb. Ambo. 6- pi. 1. 1741—45; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian<br />

Med. Plants, pi. 1011. 1933.<br />

Distribution. Occurs in all warm countries including India, Ceylon and Philippine Islands<br />

In Ceylon, it is a very common and vexatious weed in cultivated ground in the low-country.<br />

Afghanistan. Herb. Griffith 6179, Kew Distribution 1863—4. India. Punjab. T. Thomson<br />

Assam: Jenkins. Bengal: J. D. Hooker andT. Thomson. Himal. Bor. Occ., T. Thomson. Pen. Ind<br />

Or., Herb. Wight 2868, Kew Distribution 1866—8. Ceylon. Northern Prov., Jaffna, J. M. Silva,<br />

Nov. 1920; Thwaites CP. 804; North Central Prov., Anuradhapura, Sinniah, Nov. 1926: Eastern<br />

Prov., Trincomalee. Ramanathan 421, Dec. 1926; Central Prov., Dambulla, Thwaites CP. 3966.<br />

Gannoruwa, Alston 300, Oct. 1926; Haragama, Alston, Oct. 1926; Kadugannawa, Alston 1089,<br />

June 1927; Southern Prov., Tissamaharama, Herb. Peradeniya, Dec. 1882. Philippine<br />

Islands. La Midu, Lete 102, June 1927.<br />

Composition. The tubers contain an essential oil, fat, sugar, gum, carbohydrates, starch,<br />

albuminous matter and an alkaloid. The crude volatile oil contains sesquiterpene ketone<br />

a -cyperone and has antibiotic properties.<br />

Uses. The tubers are astringent and antiseptic. A paste made with lime juice is applied<br />

in acne, scorpion stings and ulcers with beneficial effect. Internally, the tubers act as a<br />

stomachic, carminative and cholagogue with astringent properties and used in anorexia, acute<br />

dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dysentery and congestion of the liver. They are also used in acute<br />

laryngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. In India, they are held in great esteem as a diaphoretic,<br />

astringent, stimulant, tonic, diuretic and demulcent. A paste of the tubers is applied on the<br />

breasts as a galactagogue. In Indo-China they are given to women in childbirth and<br />

to infants for indigestion. In Cambodia they are used in liver complaints with jaundice, for<br />

malarial fever, etc. In the Philippine Islands, they are employed in dysentery and in Java for<br />

urinary disorders. In Vietnam, the plant is used as a diuretic and emmenagogue and for<br />

uterine haemorrhage.<br />


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