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37. CYCADACEAE<br />

1. Cycas circinalis Linn. Sp. PI. 118. 17S3. (Fig. 180).<br />

Sinh, Madu.<br />

A palm-like tree with a cylindric trunk about 5 m tall, simple or forked, clothed with the<br />

compacted woody bases of petioles; leaves in a terminal crown of two kinds, simple short<br />

sessile, subulate, woolly prophylla 5—7.5 cm long and long—petioled pinnate leaves 1.5—2.7 m<br />

long; petioles 45—60 cm long with short deflexed spines near the base; leaflets 25—30 cm<br />

long, 1.2 cm wide, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, subfatcate, bright green, glabrous and shining,<br />

midrib prominent beneath; inflorescence dioecious, male cone 30—60 cm long, shortly<br />

peduncled, erect, woolly, cylindric-ovoid consisting of a short axis, clothed with closely imbricate<br />

cuneiform scales; scales 4—5 cm long, del to idly obovate, tip contracted into an upcurved spine<br />

about 2.5 cm long, reddish brown, each scale bearing on its under surface groups of 3—5 globose<br />

anthers; female inflorescence consists of a whorl of long, spreading, woolly carpophylls each<br />

about 30 cm long, 2.5—3.7 cm wide, narrowed into a long stalk, clothed with buff tomentum.<br />

crenate or spinous-serrate, bearing 3—5 pairs of naked orthotropous ovules above the middle;<br />

fruits orange-red, each containing a large seed with copious endosperm.<br />

Illustrations. ' Rheede, Hort. Mai. 3: pis. 13—21; Curtis, Bot. Mag. pis. 2826 and 2827.<br />

Distribution. Grows in S. India, Ceylon, Java,.Sumatra, Madagascar and East Tropical<br />

Africa. In Ceylon, it is found in the moist regions upto 1500 feet altitude. Hanguranketa,<br />

Peradeniya, Teldeniya, Galle, Matara, Ratnapura, etc.<br />

Ceylon. Without locality, Thwaites CP. 3689.<br />

Uses. The young leaves are cooked and eaten for piles and haemorrhoids. The leaves<br />

and seeds are useful for chronic constipation. The seeds yield a flour which is edible.<br />


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