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20. Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn. Sp. PI. 1008. 1753. (Fig. 178).<br />


Trichosanthes laciniosa Klein.—Trichosanthes pilosa Wall.—Trichosanthes amara Blanco—<br />

Trichosanthes locuniana Naves—Bryonia umbellata Wall.—Cucumis missionis Wall.<br />

Sinh. Dummella; Tarn. Kattuppeyppudal, PudaJ, Pcyppudal; Hindi Janglichichonda;<br />

Sans. Amritaphala, Bijagarbha, Jvaranashana, Jyotsna, Kachhughni, Kachhura, Kadupatola,<br />

Karkashachhada, Karkashadala, Kasabhangana, Kasamaradana, Katuka, Katuphala, Kulaja,<br />

Kulaka, Kushthaha, Kushtari, Lataphala, Nagaphala. Pancharajiphala, Panduka, Panduphala,<br />

Panjura, Patola, Patri, Patrika, Rajapatola, Rajimana, Rajiphala, Tiktabhadraka, Tiktaka,<br />

Tiktapatola. Tiktottama, Vajimana, Varatikta.<br />

An annual, tendril climber, 3.6—4.5 m long with slender, glabrous or slightly hairy,<br />

furrowed stems and 3-fid tendrils; leaves simple, alternate, 5—12 cm long, 65—11 cm broad<br />

or broader, very cordate with an excavated sinus at the base, more or less deeply palmately 3-or<br />

5-or 7-lobed, usually about half way down, lobes rounded or subacute, distantly denticulate,<br />

glabrous or nearly so above, more or less pubescent beneath; petioles 2—4.5 cm long, pubescent;<br />

flowers white, regular, unisexual, monoecious, males in long stalked racemes, females often in<br />

the same axil, solitary and short stalked; male flowers: peduncles 5—15 cm long bearing 8—15<br />

flowers near the apex, pedicels 0.8—2 cm long, pubescent; sepals 5, fused into a campanulate<br />

calyx-tube, about 2.5 cm long, dilated at the top, segments narrowly lanceolate, acute, spreading;<br />

petals 5, distinct, 1 cm 'ong, lanceolate-oblong with a tuft of curled laciniae at apex; stamens<br />

3, inserted in the calyx-tube, fi'aments short, anthers connate, linear-oblong, cells conduplicate;<br />

female flowers: peduncles 0.3—1.6 cm long, hairy, calyx-tube gradually dilated upwards,<br />

lower part often hairy; ovary inferior, unilocular with 3 large, fleshy, parietal placentas, style<br />

simple, stigmas 3; fruit 3.7—5 cm long, 2—2.3 cm diameter, ovoid-fusiform tapering at both<br />

ends with a long sharp beak, striped with white, afterwards turning scarlet, pericarp thin; seeds<br />

oblong, glabrous, 1 cm long surrounded by a red pulp.<br />

Flowers from September to December.<br />

Illustrations. Kirtikar and Basu, Indian Med. Plants, pi. 444B. 1933; Herb. Peradeniya,<br />

drawing.<br />

Distribution. Occurs in India, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula and in Luzon in the Philippine<br />

Islands. In Ceylon, it is common in the low-country.<br />

India. Plan Ganget. Sup. T. Thomson. Ceylon. Northern Prov., Mullaittivu, Alston 1451,<br />

March 1927. Western Prov., Kalutara, Thwaites CP. 2806; Walker. Eastern Prov., Batticaloa,<br />

Thwaites CP. 1620. Uva Prov.. Weragantota, Alston 1963, Feb. 1926. Maldive Islands. Fainu,<br />

Gardiner, 1899—1900.<br />

Uses. Used along with other drugs for indigestion, dyspepsia, jaundice, fever, dropsy,<br />

acute bronchitis, pneumonia, anaemia, catarrh, bilious fevers, boils, sores, skin eruptions such<br />

as urticaria, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and diabetes. The juice of the plant produces vomiting<br />

and the root is a violent purgative and anthelmintic. In Konkan, the juice of the leaves is rubbed<br />

over the liver to relieve liver congestion. The seeds are used for stomach disorders on the<br />

Malabar Coast. The fruit is used as an anthelmintic in French Guiana<br />


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