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IS. Melothria maderaspatana (Linn.)Cogn. in DC. Mon. Phan. 3: 623. 1881. (Fig. 173).<br />

Cucumis maderaspatana Linn.—Kukia scabreUa Arn.—Mukia maderaspatana Kurz.—Bryonia<br />

scabrelia Linn, f.--Bryonia cord'i/oiia Linn.—Bryonia wightiana Wall.—Bryonia maderaspatana<br />

DC— Bryonia althacoides DC.—Karivia javana Miq.<br />

Sinh. Hin-kekiri; Tarn. Mochumochukkai. Musimusikkayi. Musumusukkai; Hindi<br />

Agumaki, Bilari; Sans. Ahilekhana.<br />

Annual or perennial, tendril climber with long, slender, much branched, angular, very<br />

hispid stems, young parts densely, covered with white hairs, tendrils simple;leaves simple, alternate,<br />

variable in size, 7.5—10 cm long, but often 4.5—6 cm or even less long~and as broad, deltoidovate,<br />

very deeply cordate at base with a wide sinus and the rounded lobes often overlapping,<br />

acute or obtuse at apex, rather shallowly 5-lobed, coarsely dentate-serrate, usually scabrous with<br />

stiff hairs on both sides; petioles half as long as leaves, cylindrical, very hispid; flowers yellow/,<br />

regular, unisexual, monoecious, very small, about 5 mm diameter, male and female together<br />

in axillary clusters, males on pilose pedicels as long as the calyx, females nearly sessile; sepals<br />

5, fused into a campanulate hairy calyx, segments linear, hispid; petals 5, very slightly connate<br />

at base, ovate or oblong, ciliate, a little longer than calyx segments; male flowers: stamens 3,<br />

distinct, slightly connate by the anthers, anther cells straight, ovary vestigeal, globular at the<br />

base of calyx-tube; female flowers: ovary inferior, 3.5 mm long, ovoid, very hispid, style thick,<br />

surrounded at the base by an annular disc, placentas usually 2; fruit a scarlet berry, 1.2cm long,<br />

broadly ovoid, apiculate with a few scattered hairs; seeds horizontal, closely packed, oval,<br />

compressed, bluntly muriculate on the sides surrounded by a pulpy envelope.<br />

Flowers alt the year round.<br />

Illustrations. Wight, Ic. PL Ind. Orient, pi 501. 1840—1843; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian<br />

Med. Plants, pi. 465. 1933: Herb. Peradeniya, drawing.<br />

Distribution. Occurs throughout India, Ceylon, Malaya, Australia, Philippine Islands<br />

and Africa. In Ceylon, it is common in the low-country up to 3000 feet altitude. Jaffna,<br />

Anuradhapura, Kantalai, Kurunegala, Peradeniya, Galle, etc.<br />

India. Sikkim: T. Thomson, 1857. Khasia: /. D. Hooker and T. Thomson. Cachar: Clarke<br />

18525, Dec. 1872. Calcutta: Wallich 6708C. Malabar, Concan, etc.. Stocks, Law, etc. Ceylon.<br />

Thwaites CP. 1616; Walker. North Central Prov., Puliyankulama, Alston 1252, March 1927.<br />

Eastern Prov., Kantalai, Herb. Peradeniya, Aug. 1885. North Western Prov., Kurunegala,<br />

Wetakeyapotha, Alston 1455, Jan. 1927. Uva Prov., Uma Oya. F W. de Silva, March 1930.<br />

Uses. The leaves are used as an expectorant. The roots when masticated fresh relieves<br />

toothache. Taken in the form of a decoction it relieves flatulence. The seeds are sudorific.<br />

The crushed seeds are applied on strained backs.<br />


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