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9. Cucumis sativus Linn. Sp. PI. 1012. 1953. (Fig. 167).<br />

Cucumis muricatus Wall.—Cucumis hardwickii Royle.<br />


Engl. Cucumber; Sinh. Pipingna; Tarn. Pipingkay; Hindi Khira; Sans. Bahuphala,<br />

Kandalu, Kantakilata, Kantakiphala, Kantalu, Koshaphala, Pitapushpa, Sudhavasa,<br />

Sushitala. Trapukarkati, Trapushpa. Tundilaphala.<br />

A medium sized, hairy, tendril climber; leaves simple, alternate, 11 — 16 cm long, 10—<br />

14 cm broad, broadly ovate-cordate, acuminate, 5-veined, shallowly 3—5 lobed, hairy on both<br />

sides, veins prominent below; petioles 5—8 cm long, cylindrical, hairy; flowers unisexual on<br />

the same plant, bright yellow, male flowers in axillary clusters, female flowers solitary, about<br />

3 cm in diameter; calyx fused at the base and with the corolla; calyx segments 5—7, linear,<br />

hairy; corolla open, hell-shaped to rotate, hairy, 5—7 partite; stamens 3—5, free, epipetaious,<br />

filaments short, anthers contorted, stigmas rudimentary; female flowers solitary, calyx and<br />

corolla same as in the male; ovary inferior, I .5—2.5 cm long, spindle shaped, ash green, studded<br />

with bulbous hairs, stigmas 5 with a circular disc around at the base; fruit large, globular<br />

to oblong elongated, yellowish or brown, smooth or.with sharp elevations; seeds flat, white,<br />

about 6 mm long.<br />

Illustrations. Ames, Economic Annuals and Human Cultures. 79. 1939; Kirtikar and<br />

Basu, Indian Med. Plants, pi. 459. 1933.<br />

Distribution. Cultivated throughout India, Ceylon, lndo-China and Philippine Islands.-<br />

Composition. The fruit contains dextrose, saccharose, ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid oxidase<br />

and a fixed oil. The seeds also contain a fixed oil. phytine and lecithine. The'fruit is a good<br />

source of iron and calcium containing very little vitamin A and fair amounts of vitamins B, C and<br />

G. The fruit of the wild bitter variety contains a proteolytic enzyme and an unknown bitter<br />

substance. The leaves contain urea.<br />

Uses. The fruit is used as a vegetable or a salad. The raw cucumber is eaten for sprue.<br />

In lndo-China. the immature fruit is cooked and given to children for dysentery. The seeds<br />

are considered cooling and used as a diuretic and taenicide. In Madagascar, the fruit is<br />

considered anthelmintic. The fruit juice is used in.the preparation of many cosmetic preparations<br />

as it imparts its characteristic odour. The juice of the bitter variety banishes cockroaches,<br />

moths and woodlice.<br />


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