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5. Colocynthis vulgaris Schrad., Ind. Scm. Hort. Gotting. 1833. (Fig. 163).<br />

Cucumis colocynthis Linn.—Citrullus colocynthis Schrad.<br />


Engl. Colocynth, Bitter Cucumber; Sinh. Yak-Komadu, Tittakomadu; Tarn.<br />

Peykkumulti, PeyUumatti, Verikkummatti, Verittumatti, Visala; Hindi Ghcrumba, Indrayan,<br />

Makal; Sans. Atmaraksha, Brihadvaruni, Brihatphala, Chitrala, Chitraphala, Chitravalli<br />

Devi, Dirghavalli, Gajachirbhira, Hastidanti, Kapilakshi, Katurasa, Kaya, Kumbhasi,<br />

Mahaphala, Mahendravaruni, Mahendri, Mrigadini, Mrigakshi. Mrigevaru, Ramya, Shevetapushpa,<br />

Soumya, Trapusi, Tunvasi, Urupriya, Vishala.<br />

Annual or perennial, slender, prostrate climber with angular, scabrous or somewhat<br />

hairy stems, tendrils 2-or 3-fid, slender, hairy; leaves simple, alternate, 3.8—8.8 cm long,<br />

variable, usually deltoid in outline, very deeply trifid, the middle lobe the longest, each lobe<br />

deeply pinnatifid with the segments lobed or dentate, margin often involute, nearly glabrous<br />

above, very scabrous with short, swollen, prickly bristles beneath; petioles about half the length<br />

of the leaf, bristly or hairy; flowers regular, unisexual, pale yellow, monoecious, solitary in the<br />

axils of leaves, rather large, peduncle about 1.2 cm long, rough or hairy; sepals 5, fused into<br />

a campanulate calyx-limb, hairy, segments linear-lanceolate; petals 5, united nearly half-way<br />

up to form a cup-shaped corolla, segments oval, subacute; male flower: stamens 3, small,<br />

inserted in the tube of the corolla, filaments short, glabrous, anther distinct, one 1-celled and two<br />

2-celled, cells conduplicate; female flower: ovary inferior, globular-ovoid, fleshy, calyx-tube<br />

fused with ovary, hairy, unilocular with three large, fleshy, parietal placentas, style short stout<br />

with 3 small staminodes round it, stigmas 3, sessile; fruit globular, slightly depressed, 5—8 cm<br />

diameter, dark green, mottled with 10 lines of paler irregular spots, completely filled with white<br />

spongy very bitter pulp; seeds numerous, horizontal, pale brown, immersed in thfc pulp.<br />

Illustrations. Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Orient, pi. 498, 1840—43; Bentley and Trimen, Medicinal<br />

Plants, pi. 114. 1880; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian Med. Plants, pi. 460. 1933; Herb.<br />

Peradeniya, drawing.<br />

Distribution. Occurs in Arabia,-Syria, Egypt, Western Asia, tropical Africa, Mediterranean<br />

regions, India and Ceylon. In Ceylon, it is rather rare confined to the dry and desert<br />

regions such as Batticaloa, Puttalam, Jaffna and Talaimannar.<br />

India. Punjab, T. Thomson; Pen. Ind. Orient. Herb. Wight 1114, Kew Distribution<br />

1866—8. Ceylon. Thwaites CP. 1607. Northern Prov., Jaffna, Herb. Peradeniya, Feb. 1890;<br />

Talaimannar, J. M. Silva, July 1916.<br />

Composition. The fruit contains an alkaloid. The purgative properties of colocynth<br />

is due to a bitter principle colocynthin, a glucoside. The fruit pulp contains a very small amount<br />

of volatile oil; citrullol, oc—elaterin, hentriacontane and a phytosterol. The fruit juice contains<br />

citrullin, citrulluen, citrullinic acid in addition tocc—elaterin. The seeds yield a fixed oil and<br />

a yellow bitter principle. The root also containsoc—elaterin.<br />

Uses. The fruit and the root are made into a paste and applied on boils and pimples.<br />

A paste of the root is applied on abdominal swellings in children and a decoction of it is given<br />

for cough 'and asthma. A poultice of the root is applied on inflammation of breasts in women.<br />

The root along with other ingredients is used in chronic skin diseases, syphilis, elephantiasis,<br />

leprosy, hemiphlegia, piles, anaemia, colic, ascites, jaundice, rheumatism and various urinary<br />

diseases. The juice of the fruit mixed with sugar is a specific for dropsy. -The fruit and the root<br />

are prescribed in the treatment of snake bites.<br />

The oil extracted from the seed is used in India as a remedy for snake-bites, scorpion<br />

sting, epilepsy add to stimulate the growth and to darken grey hair. In some parts of<br />

Baluchistan the fruit and seeds are used as a purgative.<br />


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