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3. Coccinea grandis Kurz in Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 102. 1877. (Fig. 161).<br />


Coccinea cordifotta Cogn.—Coccinea indica W.&A.—Coccinea schimperi Naud.—Coccinea<br />

wightiana Roem.—Cephalandra indica Naud.—Bryonia grandis Linn.—Bryonia palmate Wall.—<br />

Momordica monadelpha Roxb.<br />

Sinh. Kowakka, Kobowakka, Kem-wel; Tarn. Kovai. Kwai; Hindi Bhimb, Kanduri,<br />

Kunderi; Sans. Bimba, Bimbaka, Bimbi, Bimbika, Chhardini, Dantachhadopama, Govhi,<br />

Jhundikeshi, Kamboja, Karmmakari, Katubimbi, Katuka, Katutundika, Oshthi, Oshtopamaphala,<br />

Piluparni, Raktaphala, Ruchiraphala, Tiktabimbi, Tiktatundi, Tundi, Tundika, Tundikeri,<br />

Tundiparyyayaga, Vimba.<br />

A perennial climber with slender, cylindrical, glabrous stems and simple tendrils; leaves<br />

simple, alternate, 5—10 cm long, 4.5—9 cm broad, variable in form, usually broadly cordate—<br />

ovate in outline with the basal sinus triangular, obtuse, apiculate, more or less 5-lobed, distantly<br />

dentate, quite glabrous on both sides, rather succulent, dull green above, glaucous beneath,<br />

ciliate along the margin, finely punctate, provided with several large flat circular glands near<br />

the axils of veins beneath, specially at the base, petioles 2—3.2 cm long; flowers<br />

regular, unisexual white with green veins, dioecious, solitary, axillary, peduncles 1-flowered;<br />

male flowers: peduncles 4—6.5cm long,subfiliform; sepals 5, fused into a broadly campanulate<br />

glabrous calyx-tube, 4.5 mm long, calyx teeth 2.5 mm long and linear; corolla campanulate<br />

of 5, fused petals, 2.5 cm long, veined, pubescent inside, glabrous outside, segments triangular<br />

1.6 cm long; stamens 3, anthers connate, cells conduplicate, filaments free; female flowers:<br />

peduncles 3—3.5 cm long; perianth similar to male flower; staminodes 3, subulate, 2.5 mm<br />

long, hairy at base: ovary inferior, glabrous, fusiform, 1.3—1.5 cm long with parietal placentas,<br />

style short, stigmas 3, long and hairy; fruit 2.5—5 cm long, fusiform—ovoid, cylindrical,<br />

slightly beaked, marked when immature with white streaks, bright scarlet when fully ripe; seeds<br />

oblong—ovoid, much compressed, smooth, yellowish—grey.<br />

Flowers from June to August.<br />

Illustrations. Wight, III. Indian Bot. pi. 105. 1841—1850; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian<br />

Med. Plants, pi. 462/1. 1933.<br />

Distribution. Occurs throughout India, Ceylon, Malaya and tropical Africa. In Ceylon,<br />

it is common in the low-country especially in dry regions in bushy places. Jaffna, Anuradhapura,<br />

Polonnaruwa, Ritigala, Hunnasgiriya, Colombo, Galle, Matara, etc.<br />

Ceylon. Thwaites CP. 1609; North Central Prov. Anuradhapura, Nuwara-Wewa bund,<br />

Simpson 9360, March 1932; Polonnaruwa, Alston 571, May 1927: Ritigala, Willis, March 1905.<br />

Composition. This plant contains an enzyme, a hormone and traces of an alkaloid.<br />

Uses. The leaves are applied on eruptions of the skin such as ringworm, itch, psoriasis,<br />

etc., and the plant taken internally in decoction for gonorrhoea and diabetes. It is useful for<br />

dropsical conditions and in acute and chronic pyelitis, cystitis and strangury. It has antilithic<br />

properties of some value and is largely .employed for urinary gravel and calculi. The leaves are<br />

also cooked and eaten. The bark of the root is a good cathartic. The fruits and leaves are used<br />

in the treatment of snake-bite.<br />


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