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1. Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. in DC. Mon. Phan. 3: 513. 1881. (Fig. 159).<br />

Cucurbtta hispida Thunb.—Cucurbita pepo Lour.—Cucurbita farinosa Bl.—Cucurbita pepoaspera<br />

Blanco—Benincasa cerifera Savi.—Gymnopetaium calyculatum Miq.<br />

Engl. Ash Pumpkin; Sinh. Alupuhul; Tarn. Kalyanappushinikkay, Pusanikkai,<br />

Pushini; Hindi Golkaddu, Kondha, Kudimah, Kumra, Petha, Phuthia; Sans. Brihatphala.<br />

Ghrinavasa, Gramyakarkati, Karkaru. Karkotika, Kumbhanda, Kunjaphala, Kushmanda,<br />

Kushmandaka, Kushmandi, Kushpandaha, Nagapushpaphala. Pitapushpa, Pushpaphala,<br />

Shikhivardhaka, Suphala, Timisha.<br />

A large trailing or climbing plant with stout, angular, hispid stems, tendrils 2-fid; leaves<br />

10—25 cm diameter, reniform—orbicular, cordate, more or less deeply 5-lobed, hispid beneath;<br />

petioles 7.5—10 cm long without glands; flowers large, yellow, monoecious, all solitary<br />

without bracts; sepals 5, fused into a campanulate calyx-tube, lobes leaf-like, serrate; petals 5,<br />

free, obovate; male flower: stamens 3. inserted near the mouth of the tube, filaments angular<br />

hispid at the base, cells sigmoid; female flower: ovary inferior, oblong, densely hairy, style<br />

thick with 3 flexuous stigmas, ovules numerous, horizontal; fruit 30—45 cm long, broadly,<br />

cylindric. not ribbed, hairy, ultimately covered with a waxy bloom: seeds many, oblong,<br />

compressed and margined.<br />

Illustrations. Rheede, Hort. Ind. Mai. 8: pt. 3. 1678—1703; Kirtikar and Basu, Indian<br />

Med. Plants, pi. 451. l°-33.<br />

Distribution. Cultivated throughout I ndia, Ceylon and other tropical countries.<br />

It is probably a native of Java but cultivated. In Ceylon it is mostly cultivated in the dry<br />

zone during the rainy season and elsewhere throughout the year.<br />

Ceylon. Central Prov., Peradeniya, Bot. Gard., cultivated* Herb. Peradeniya, April<br />

1897. Western Prov.. Colombo. Ferguson.<br />

Composition. The fruit contains a fixed oil, starch, cucurbitine, resin, the proteins, myosin<br />

and vitellin, sugar and vitamins B and C.<br />

Uses. The fruit forms a major constituent in the preparations for treatment of epilepsy,<br />

haemoptysis, phthisis, cough, asthma, ulceration of lungs, retention of urine, hiccough and<br />

internal haemorrhages.<br />

The fresh juice is a specific antidote for mercuric, alcoholic and snake-bite poisoning.<br />

It is used for insanity, epilepsy and other nervous diseases. The cortical portion of the fruit is<br />

given for diabetes. A decoction of the leaves with rock salt is given for cholera. Decoctions<br />

of the stem and fresh juice of the fruit are also antidotes for many vegetable poisons. In Indo-<br />

China, the leaves and seeds are given as a purgative. The seeds are anthelmintic and are<br />

beneficial for cases of taenia and as a diuretic.<br />

The unripe fruit is cooked and eaten as a vegetable, while the pulp of the ripe fruit is<br />

candied into a delicacy. The roasted seeds are also eaten.<br />


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