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35. CRUCIFERAE<br />

1. Brassica alba Hook f. and Th in Hook. Fl. Brit. Ind. 1: 157. 1872. (Fig. 156).<br />

Brassica foliosa Willd.—SinaprAs alba Linn.—Leucosinapsis alba Spach.<br />

Engl. White Mustard; Sinh. Ela-aba; Tarn. Kagudu. Venkaduku; Hindi Sufed-rai;<br />

Sans. Siddhartha.<br />

An erect, annual herb, about 60 cm high with a few, ascending branches, stiff, bright green,<br />

bristly with reflexed hairs throughout; leaves simple, alternate, petioled, pinnatifid, the lowest<br />

ones with a terminal lobe large, the divisions reaching to the midrib, uppermost ones less<br />

cut, rough with hairs; flowers regular, bisexual, yellow in corymbose racemes, pedicels longer<br />

than the calyx, ebracteate; sepals 4, nearly oblong, pale green, spreading; petals 4, alternating<br />

with the sepals, pale yellow, spreading; stamens 6, hypogynous, tetra-dynamous, the two with<br />

the shortest filaments lateral, inserted lower than the others with a small gland placed above the<br />

base of each, the four with longer filaments placed in pairs antero-posteriorly, with a large gland<br />

at the base of each pair, anthers versatile; pistil superior, oblong-ovoid, a little longer than<br />

stamens, hairy below, acuminate at apex; siliquas 2.5—3.7 cm long, on divaricate stalks,<br />

spreading, the lower half bearded with 4—6 contained seeds, the upper half a flat, vertical, nearly<br />

smooth beak curved upwards with a seed contained at its base, valves short with 3 prominent<br />

veins, strongly bristly; seeds subglobular, 2.5 mm diameter, pale yellow, testa smooth.<br />

Illustration. Bentley and Trimen, Med. Plants, pi. 23. 1880.<br />

Distribution. Occurs in east Syria and throughout southern Europe. It is a frequent<br />

weed in cultivated ground in England, Asia Minor, Algeria and China. It is cultivated in the<br />

Punjab in India.<br />

Composition. The seeds on grinding yield a fixed oil and myrosin. They also contain<br />

a crystalline principle called sinalbin which is a compound of sulphocyanate of acrinyl, sulphate<br />

of sinapin and sugar.<br />

Uses. Mustard is a powerful stimulant and a valuable rubefacient. It is used as an<br />

emetic in narcotic poisoning and diuretic Tor dropsy. As a poultice, it is applied on the chest<br />

for bronchitis, pleurisy and for alleviation of neuralgic pains. The powdered seeds are added<br />

to warm water and used to bathe the feet in cases of high fever.<br />

Mustard is frequently used as a condiment, as it promotes the appetite and assists<br />

digestion.<br />


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