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79 For Wedelta chinenesis (Osbeck) Merrill read:<br />

Wedelia chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. Rl:215<br />

81 For Xanthium strumarium Linn, read:<br />

Xanthium indicum Koenig R 1:209<br />

83 For Abies spectabilis (D.Don) Spach read:<br />

Abies webbiana Lindley 3:1<br />

85 For Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loudon read:<br />

Cedrus deodara (D.Don) GDon f. 9:137<br />

87 For Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Boj. read:<br />

Argyreia nervosa (Burm.f.) Bojer R 1:297<br />

95 For Evolvulus alsinoides Linn, read:<br />

Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L. Rl:309<br />

97 For Ipomoea angustifolia Jacq. read:<br />

Merremia tridentata (L.) Hall.f. Rl:351<br />

99 For Ipomoea aquatica Forsk. read:<br />

Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. 10:92<br />

101 For Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. and Schult. read:<br />

Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult. Rl:319<br />

103 For Ipomoea mauritiana (Jacq.) Abeywick. read:<br />

Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq. Rl:331<br />

105 For Ipomoea maxima (Linn.f.) GDon read:<br />

Ipomoea sepiaria Roxb. Rl:338<br />

107 For Ipomoea nil (Linn.) Roth read:<br />

Ipomoea nil (L.) Rotb Rl:332<br />

109 For Ipomoea obscura (Linn.) Ker-Gawl. read:<br />

Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker-Gawl. Rl:333<br />

111 For Ipomoea pes-caprae (Linn.) Roth read:<br />

Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R.Br. Rl:334<br />

113 For Ipomoea pes-tigridis Linn, read:<br />

Ipomoea pes-tigridis L. Rl:336<br />

115 For Operculina turpethum (Linn.) S. Manso read:<br />

Operculina turpethum (L.) S. Manso Rl:356<br />

117 For Kalanchoe laciniata DC. read:<br />

Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) Pers. R13:63<br />

119 The recommended name for the CRUCIFERAE is BRASSICACEAE.<br />

For Brassica alba Hook.f. and Th. read:<br />

Brassica alba (L.) Rabenh.<br />

10:70<br />

5:159<br />

(sub syn.)<br />

121 For Brassica integrifolia (West) O.E.SchuIz read:<br />

Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. R9:03<br />

123 For Brassica nigra (Linn.) Koch read:<br />

Brassica nigra (L.) Koch 5:155<br />

127 For Bryonopsis laciniosa (Linn.) Naud. read:<br />

Diplocyclos patmatus (L.) C Jeffrey Rll:31<br />

129 For Coccinea grandis Kurz read:<br />

Coccinia grandis (L.) J.Voigt Rll:28<br />

131 For Colocynthis citrullus (Linn.) Kuntze read:<br />

Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai Rll:21<br />

133 For Colocynthis vulgaris Schrad. read:<br />

Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. Rll:20<br />

135 For Corallocarpus epigaeus C.B.Clarke read:<br />

Corallocarpus epigaeus (Arn.) Hook.f. Rll:39

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