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5. ETOIVUIUS alsinoides Linn. Sp. Pi. cd. 2, 392. 1762. (Fig. 144).<br />


Evohutu* linifolius Linn.—Evolvulus angustifolius Roxb.—Evolvulus hirsutus Lamk.—Evolvutus<br />

sericeus Wall.—Convolvulus valerianoidcs Blanco.<br />

S'nh. Vishnukranthi; Tarn. Vishnukarundi. Vishnukranthi; Hindi Shyamakranta;<br />

Sans. Laghuvrshnukranta, Nilapushpi. Vishm'gandbi, Vishnukranta.<br />

A perennial herb with a small, woody, branched rootstock and numerous, prostrate,<br />

spreading slender, wiry stems usually with long spreading hair; leaves simple, alternate,<br />

exstipulatc. 0.6—1.5 cm long, 5—8 mm broad, nearly sessile, oblong—oval, usually acute<br />

at base, very obtuse but apiculate at apex, densely covered with hair on both sides; flowers<br />

regular, bisexual 7.5 mm across, bright blue on short filiform oedicels, solitary or 2, bracts<br />

small linear-hnccoiate, persistent, peduncle 9 mm long, filiform, hairy, usually longer than leaves;<br />

sepals 5, equal, 3.5 mm long, lanceolate, acute-, very hairy; petals 5, fused into a riearly rotate<br />

corolla about 9 mm in diameter, lobes obscure; stamens 5, exserted; ovary superior, 2-locuIar<br />

with two ovules in each loculus, styles 2, each deeply bifid, stigmas linear; fruit capsule about<br />

2.5 mm across, globose, 4-valved, 4-secded with persistent calyx; seeds brown, glabrous.<br />

Flowers all the year round.<br />

Illustrations. Burmann,Thes. Zeyl. pi. 9. 1737; Wight. III. pi. 168b, f. 10. 1841—50;<br />

Kirtikar and UMU. Indian Med. Plants, pi. 6685. 1933; Herb. Peradeniya, drawing.<br />

Distribution. Occurs in tropical and subtropical countries, including India, Ceylon and<br />

Philippine Islands. In Ceylon, it is verv common in dry and sandy ground in the low-country,<br />

up to an altitude of 2000 feet.<br />

India. E. Bengal: East India Co., Herb. Griffith 5871/2, Kew Distribution 1863—4.<br />

Maisor and Carnatic: G. Thomson. Malabar. Concan. etc. Stocks, Law, etc. Pen. Ind. Or., Herb.<br />

Wight 2004, Kew Distribution 1866—7. Ceylon. Northern Prov., Thwaites CP. 1926; Talaimannar,<br />

J. At. Silva, July 1916. Western Prov., Negombo, Senaratne, Dec. 1940; Jaela, Afudtr.<br />

Rajapakse, Dec. 1913. Sabaragamuwa Prov., between Delgoda and Karawita, Lewis and J. M.<br />

Silva, March 1919. Maldlve Islands. Hulule, Gardiner 64, 1899—191*0; Heddufuri, Gardiner<br />

;S99—1900. Indo-China. Hue and vicinity. Squires 384. Jan-May 1927. CMna. Hongkong: Herb,<br />

llance 502, Oct. 1809. Philippine Islands: Luzon: Zambales Prov., Mt. Tapolao, Ramos and<br />

Edano 44736, Nov.—Dec. 1924.<br />

Composition. The stems and leaves of this plant contain an alkaloid, a yellow, neutral<br />

fat, an organic acid and a saline substance.<br />

Uses. Reputed to be an excellent remedy for bowel complaints and dysentry. It is also<br />

used in the form of a decoction as a febrifuge, alterative, vermifuge, and for nervous debility,<br />

loss of memory, syphilis, scrofula, etc. With, oil it is used to promote the growth of hair. The<br />

roots are used for intermittent fevers in children. The leaves are made into cigarettes and smoked<br />

in cases of chronic bronchitis and asthma.<br />


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