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3. Cuscuta chinensis Lam., Encycl. Method. 2: 229. 1786. (Fig. 142).<br />

Engl. Dodder; Sinh. Agamulanctivcl.<br />


A leafless, twining annual with very slender, much branched, yellowish stems forming a<br />

tangled mass, parasitic on stems and leaves of low herbs and shrubs by means of discs; flowers<br />

white, bisexual, about 3 mm across, sessile or shortly pedicelled in clusters of one to many:<br />

bracts 2 mm long, 1.5 mm broad, ovate, rounded at apex; sepals 5, orbicular, 1 5 mm long,<br />

I—1.5 mm broad, connate, rounded at apex; petals 5, 2.5 mm long. 1.5 mm broad, oblong,<br />

connate, companulate, with fimbriate scales at the throat of the corolla just below the stamens,<br />

stamens 5, fused with the corolla-tube between segments, filaments 0.7 mm long; ovary superior<br />

globular, smooth, 1 mm long, 1.5—1.7 mm broad, 2-locular with two ovules in each loculus,<br />

styles 2,0.5—0.7 mm long, stigmas capitate; fruit capsules about 2.5 mm in diameter, globose,<br />

divided into two lobes by a deep groove at the top, seeds rough and black.<br />

Flowers during April, November and December.<br />

Illustration. Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Orient. 4: pi. 1373. 1850.<br />

Distribution. Occurs in India, Ceylon, Persia and Australia. In Ceylon, it is rather rare<br />

in the moist low-country, parasitic on grass and low herbs and shrubs. Peradeniya, Ratnapura,<br />

Colombo, etc.<br />

India. Silhet, rVallich 1320. Ceylon. Central Prov., Gannoruwa, Herb. Peradeniya, July,<br />

1915; Javaweera 1876, Oct. 1961. Western Prov., Colombo, Drieberg, June 1915; Ferguson,<br />

Nov. 1892; Thwaite* CP. 611. Rao 4, Oct. 1927.<br />

Uses. The properties of this parasite arc the same as those of Cuscuta refiexa. The young<br />

shoots are made into a lotion and applied on sore heads and inflamed eyes in China. The seeds<br />

are said to be tonic, diaphoretic and demulcent.<br />


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