Complementary Alternative Cardiovascular Medicine

Complementary Alternative Cardiovascular Medicine

Complementary Alternative Cardiovascular Medicine


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Chapter 10 / Massage Therapy and CVD 161<br />

Table 1 (Continued)<br />

massage does not mobilize sufficient<br />

extracellular fluids to produce<br />

symptoms of congestion. Avoid deep work,<br />

excessive elevation, and large range of<br />

motion movements, because this could<br />

activate sympathetic nervous system<br />

response. It is important not to lay the<br />

patient in a prone position. The goal of the<br />

massage is to reduce stress using relaxing<br />

and soothing techniques. Designing a<br />

treatment plan with limb work first helps to<br />

reduce peripheral resistance.<br />

Postcardiac surgery During the early recovery phase from<br />

coronary bypass surgery, massage is<br />

contraindicated. Saphenous vein resection<br />

sites and chest incision sites should be<br />

healed. Foot massage to induce relaxation is<br />

recommended. Collaboration is essential<br />

between therapist and attending physician.<br />

CVA Massage is systemically contraindicated during<br />

early recovery but indicated during the later<br />

recovery phases.<br />

Decubitus ulcers Massage is a good preventive modality to<br />

increase general circulation. Massage at or<br />

near unhealed ulcers is contraindicated.<br />

Diabetes mellitus Massage may be appropriate with diabetes,<br />

under the right circumstances. Patient must<br />

have healthy responsive tissues with good<br />

blood supply, and medical clearance is<br />

appropriate. Caution should be used in<br />

patients with diabetic neuropathy because of<br />

their lack of sensation and propensity to<br />

develop skin ulcers.<br />

Edema When edema results from CHF or renal failure,<br />

massage therapy that may “mobilize fluids”<br />

is relatively contraindicated. Venous<br />

insufficiency-related edema is a reasonable<br />

setting for massage therapy. Pitting edema is<br />

contraindicated.<br />

Heart murmur Massage is beneficial for general relaxation.<br />

Hypercholesterolemia Massage is beneficial for general relaxation.<br />

Hematomas Massage should avoid any areas where foreign<br />


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