Complementary Alternative Cardiovascular Medicine

Complementary Alternative Cardiovascular Medicine

Complementary Alternative Cardiovascular Medicine


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160 <strong>Alternative</strong> <strong>Cardiovascular</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><br />

Table 1<br />

Special Considerations for Massage<br />

Acute infection Massage is relatively contraindicated for areas<br />

of acute infection. This could include<br />

infections of the bone, (osteomyelitis),<br />

joints (septic arthritis), skin (dermatitis),<br />

muscle (myositis), or subcutaneous<br />

(cellulites). Avoid affected areas if<br />

inflammation is localized. Do not apply<br />

massage if a fever is present.<br />

Acute rheumatoid arthritis Avoid affected joints.<br />

Aplastic anemia Massage is systemically contraindicated.<br />

Physician verification is needed.<br />

Hemolytic anemia Massage is systemically contraindicated.<br />

Physician approval necessary.<br />

Aneurysm Massage is systemically contraindicated for<br />

patients with known aneurysms. Physician<br />

must verify that the patient can handle the<br />

increase in circulation and pressure. With<br />

abdominal aneurysm, local massage is<br />

absolutely contraindicated.<br />

Angina pectoris Massage systemically contraindicated during<br />

acute episodes of angina but can continue<br />

after symptoms are relieved.<br />

Arteriosclerosis Massage can help to reduce stress and anxiety<br />

levels and may promote general relaxation.<br />

Cancer There is no research indicating that body work<br />

causes cancer to spread. Research has<br />

shown that informed, caring touch can have<br />

a positive effect on the immune system.<br />

Avoid deep pressure. Cancer massage is<br />

effective in the management and treatment<br />

of cancer in these following areas: reducing<br />

cancer pain—managing nausea, treating<br />

lymphedema, reducing anxiety, and<br />

enhancing relaxation (34–44).<br />

Cardiomyopathy Massage can be used with physician<br />

verification that patient can tolerate<br />

treatment.<br />

Congestive heart Massage should be light and of short duration.<br />

failure (CHF). Patients with CHF may<br />

be candidates for massage; however, the<br />

treatment is not a general kneading massage.<br />

Care must be given to ensure that the<br />

patient’s chest is elevated and that the<br />


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