ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees

ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees
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728 BOARD OF TRUSTEES University counsel wnt’d Brue D., suit wnarning sex discrimina- lion employment of sped countel, autdorization, 552 Caldwell H., suit for recovery of damages, employment of special counsel, 472. Cannon G. G., suit concernin demal of adn;iion to College of Me8cine based on sex and age, ekployment of special counsel, authorization 495 Cavanauah. E. J.. suit’ for recovery of dam&& employment of special Coun- sel, authbrization, 332 Chris E. suit for recovery of damages em- ploynknt of special counsel, authGriza- tion, 498 claim by administrator of Baby Girl StovaU Estate employment of special counsel, autho&ation, 472 daim by administrator of Rosie Smith Estate, employment of special counsel, authorization, 448 Clouse, B., suit for recovery of damages, emnlovment of snecial counsel. autho- rizati&i 261 . Craft W. hi. suit for recovery of dam- a’es for dknial of degree of Doctor of dedicine. emulovment of smcial coun- sel, authorization; 421 Gays C. suit seeking damages for in- &es ’suffered in an alleged accident at Assembly Hall employment of spe- cial counsel authdrizahon 34 Cusbord, J., sdit for recove& of damages from University Hospital (Medical Cen- ter), employment of special counsel, authorization, 373 DeSalle, L. A., 111, suit for recovery of damages for denial of degree of Doc- tor of Medicine, employment of spe- cial counsel, authorization, 421 Dimond, G., employment of special coun- sel, authorization, 284 Ellis, A., suit seeking damages for per- sonal injuries. employment of special counsel authorization 200 Farrick, R.: suit concern& sex discrimina- tion employmmt of special counsel, au- thorhion, 552 Fontana. K.. suit conccrninc death of doe. employment of speciar counsel, a;: thorization, 284 four construction laborers. suit concerning prevailin rate of wages employment of specia? cpunsel.. authokzation, 201 Freidag, J., suit seelung dama es for in- uries sustained at the fntramural- hhysical Education Building, employ- ment of special counsel, authorization, 116 Gehrke, C. W., suit seeks recovery of dam- ages from Larg-e Animal Clinic (Ur- hana) employmerit of special counsel, autho&ation 494 Grand N. G. cdmplaint seeks an injunction foibiddin; the enforcement of the mandatory retirement provision, em- ployment of special counsel, authoriza- tion 82 Grillo, x., suit for recovery of damages, employment of special counsel, au- thorization, 494 John Street (Champaign) roperty at 201 East, acquisition congmnation pro- ceedings, authoriiation, 83 property located east of 201 East ac- quisition, condemnation procee$ings, authorization 196 Johnson, K. M., siit for recove of dam- ages, employment of speciz counsel, authorization, 449 Jones, G., workmen’s compensation claim employment of special counsel, authori: zatron, 198 University counsel cont’d Jon?, ,H, ruiiseeking damages for perso+ injuries suffered as a result of me&cal negligence employment of special counsel authoiization 138 Kafka, E. ’M., complain; alleges violation of contract as research &ate employment of special counsel, autdoriza- Uon 499 Kru a b. H. suit for recovery of damages k n UniGersity Hospital (Medical Center), employment of special counsel, authorization, 232 Martin S. P. suit concerning motor vehiAe accident employment of special counsel zutho&ation 333 McElearne; J. N., awkd of attorneys’ fees to h: UmverJity, 525 settlement, .25 suit seeks damages for deprivation of civil and constitutional rights, employment of special counsel, authorization, 81 McTeer, D suit concerning negligence in connect?on with a blood transfusion, employment of special counsel, authorization, 200 nonacademic staff Urbana. suit concerning payment of ;revailing rate of wages, employment of speual counsel, authorization, 262 Ortiz, J., Jr., suit for recovery of damages, employment of special counsel, authorization, 423 Peirce M. M., suit for personal in’uries sukered during surgcal procedures, employment of special counsel, authorization. 199 Powell, J., suit for recovery of damages from Univenity Hospital (Medical Center), employment of special counsel, authorization, 448 Quintanilla, R. Jr. Estate, suit for recovery of ’damAges employment of special co-msel. authdrization, 373 Reynolds, P.. suit seeks recovery of damages employment of special counsel, auth’orization 520 Rice Foundatio;, condemnation proceedings, DuPage County Forest Preserve District. employment of special counsel. authorization 424 conference with Appellate Court for the Second District authorization of terms of settlement, 82 motion for change of venue from judge assig-ned to case, recommended, 475 settlement 628 Russell, D.’ F. suit seeks recovery for breach of ’contract and violation of property rights without due process, employment of special counsel, authorization, 161 Saunders J. C., suit seeks recovery for breaih of contract and violation of property rights without due process, employment of special counsel, authorization, 161 Shedore, L., suit seeks recovery for injuries resulting from a fall at Chicako Cirde cam us employment of special counsel, autioxkation, 552 students, Chicago Circle, suit concerning denrivation of civil and constitutional rights employment of special counsel, authokization, 261 to recover damages to University automobile, employment of special counsel, authorization, 203 to recover workmen’s compensation payments and damages to University vehicle, employment of special counsel. authorizahon 498 Turner, K., sui; seeking damages for aa-

University counsel cont'd sadt of Anor, employment of specid counsel authorization 80 Vranicar, h., suit seeks'damages for employment discrimination employment of special counsel authorization 117 Wheelock M., and j., suit seeks &very of damsges employment of special counsel autdorization 520 Woodworth: J. L., suit ;=eking to reverse tte finding of Civil Service Merit Board employment of special counsel, autho&ation, 199 Yakin, P., suit seeks reinstatement in Ph.D. program and recovery of damages employment of special counsel, auihorization, 473 presentation, to the hoard concerning admission of Iranian students to the University, 599 concernin revocation of office facilities for franian Student Organizations, -"" 549 reopening of South Paulina Street (Chica o authorization to initiate litigation, 20i R: authorization to terminate litigation, 473 ff. initiation of litigation 237 revew of State UniveAities Retirement System Board of Trustees decisions and orders disqualifying two University employees as particirnrs, ,employment of special counsel, aut orization, 474 self-insurance plan employment of special counsel, authodzation. 565 discussion 521 special counsh, employment in securing assurances that the tax shrlter results from legislation relating to retirement system, 445 Zerhee, L. F., J. Scholarship, construction and reformatibn of trust fund, employment of special counsel, authorization, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 729 University Survey Research Laboratory (Urbana) , United States Department of Health, Educationls and Welfare research program entitled Household detwork Surveys of Cancer'Care Costs: A Research Study," 459 University Theatre (Chicago Circle), contracts 1 hting architectural services, assigned ti $nive,rs:ty,. 463 engineerin services, auigned to University d3 ticket bodth, architectural services, assigned to Uniyersity, 463 engineering services, assigned to Uni- versity. 463 Upah-Bant, M. J., appointment, 641 (The) Upjohn Company, contracts, 193, 593 Uppco, Inc. lease 282 Iliskissi & River Basin Commission, uppgntiacts, 28 changes 193 468 Urban and 'Re ionat Planning. Department of (Urhana) Read, appointment, 342 Urban Health' Program (Medical Center), contract, consulting services, 438, 651 report, 338, 376. 452 sup lement 377 Urban f k ~ Tiansportation ~ s Administration, See United States Department of Tranrportation Urban Transportation Center (Chicago Circle) , established. 458 Urhana, academic staff, promotions, 12, 345 academic vear. definition. 38 contracts ' animal rook improvements, remoddlinG, architectural services, 464 engineering servires, 464 elevator installations. architectural services. 4454 engineering services, 464 elevator replacement, architectural services, dF4 .". 462 engineering services, 464 University Director of Public Affairs, See Spe energy conservation ventilation turndown cia1 Assistant to the President remodeling architectural services, 4&i University Director of Public Information, engineering skrvices, 464 name changed to Special Assistant to the insulation work, steam tunnels damaged by President and University Director of Public Boneyard overflow, 443 Affairs. 5F paraplegic ramp improvements, remodel- University Film Center Buildinq (Urhana) ing, architectural serviw, 464 name changed from Visual 'Aids Servici engineering services, 464 Buildhq, 483 repairs, minor remodeling and new con- See also Visual Aids Service Building struction, air conditioning work, 274 University governance. reorganization, proposal, extension, 655 Douglas Kane and Jim Edgar, 168 construction work, general, 274 University Library, See Library extension, 655 University of Illinois Hospital (Medical Cen- electrical work. 274 ter), See Hospital, University extension 655 Univrnity of Illinois Hospital Eye and Ear heating woik. 274 Infirmary (Medical Center), See Hospital, extension. 655 UnjvFrsity, Eye and Ear Infirmary insulation work. 274 University of Illinois Hospital Trust Fund, in- extension 655 crrased, 189 piping word 274 University of Illinois Paulina Street Parking extension,'655 Structure (Medical Center) Ses Paulina p1asterin.g work, 274 Street Parking Structure, Un'iversity of Illi- extension, 655 nois dumbing work. 274 Unir,ersity of Illinois Self-Insurance Plan for extendon 655 General and Professional Liability, ap- refrigeratioh work, 274 proved, 186 ff. extension. 655 University-operated housing facilities, See Hous- ventilation work, 274 ing, University-opeyated extension 655 University Policy Counul, members, 376 temperature control remodeling, architecreactivated, 376 tural services. 464 Uniy$mity Press (Urhana), credit card usage, engineering seAices, 464 1" temperature control replacement, architecd.irector, a pointment, 298 tural services. 464 University &nates Conference amendment of engineerin services, 464 University Stntutcz, approvLd. 350 degrees baccafaureate education of mentally bylaws, amendments, re~rt, 14 hahicapped chifdren, redesignated as


<strong>University</strong> counsel wnt’d<br />

Brue D., suit wnarning sex discrimina-<br />

lion employment <strong>of</strong> sped countel,<br />

autdorization, 552<br />

Caldwell H., suit for recovery <strong>of</strong> damages,<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel, 472.<br />

Cannon G. G., suit concernin demal <strong>of</strong><br />

adn;iion to College <strong>of</strong> Me8cine based<br />

on sex and age, ekployment <strong>of</strong> special<br />

counsel, authorization 495<br />

Cavanauah. E. J.. suit’ for recovery <strong>of</strong><br />

dam&& employment <strong>of</strong> special Coun-<br />

sel, authbrization, 332<br />

Chris E. suit for recovery <strong>of</strong> damages em-<br />

ploynknt <strong>of</strong> special counsel, authGriza-<br />

tion, 498<br />

claim by administrator <strong>of</strong> Baby Girl StovaU<br />

Estate employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel,<br />

autho&ation, 472<br />

daim by administrator <strong>of</strong> Rosie Smith<br />

Estate, employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel,<br />

authorization, 448<br />

Clouse, B., suit for recovery <strong>of</strong> damages,<br />

emnlovment <strong>of</strong> snecial counsel. autho-<br />

rizati&i 261 .<br />

Craft W. hi. suit for recovery <strong>of</strong> dam-<br />

a’es for dknial <strong>of</strong> degree <strong>of</strong> Doctor <strong>of</strong><br />

dedicine. emulovment <strong>of</strong> smcial coun-<br />

sel, authorization; 421<br />

Gays C. suit seeking damages for in-<br />

&es ’suffered in an alleged accident<br />

at Assembly Hall employment <strong>of</strong> spe-<br />

cial counsel authdrizahon 34<br />

Cusbord, J., sdit for recove& <strong>of</strong> damages<br />

from <strong>University</strong> Hospital (Medical Cen-<br />

ter), employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel,<br />

authorization, 373<br />

DeSalle, L. A., 111, suit for recovery <strong>of</strong><br />

damages for denial <strong>of</strong> degree <strong>of</strong> Doc-<br />

tor <strong>of</strong> Medicine, employment <strong>of</strong> spe-<br />

cial counsel, authorization, 421<br />

Dimond, G., employment <strong>of</strong> special coun-<br />

sel, authorization, 284<br />

Ellis, A., suit seeking damages for per-<br />

sonal injuries. employment <strong>of</strong> special<br />

counsel authorization 200<br />

Farrick, R.: suit concern& sex discrimina-<br />

tion employmmt <strong>of</strong> special counsel, au-<br />

thorhion, 552<br />

Fontana. K.. suit conccrninc death <strong>of</strong> doe.<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> speciar counsel, a;:<br />

thorization, 284<br />

four construction laborers. suit concerning<br />

prevailin rate <strong>of</strong> wages employment<br />

<strong>of</strong> specia? cpunsel.. authokzation, 201<br />

Freidag, J., suit seelung dama es for in-<br />

uries sustained at the fntramural-<br />

hhysical Education Building, employ-<br />

ment <strong>of</strong> special counsel, authorization,<br />

116<br />

Gehrke, C. W., suit seeks recovery <strong>of</strong> dam-<br />

ages from Larg-e Animal Clinic (Ur-<br />

hana) employmerit <strong>of</strong> special counsel,<br />

autho&ation 494<br />

Grand N. G. cdmplaint seeks an injunction<br />

foibiddin; the enforcement <strong>of</strong> the<br />

mandatory retirement provision, em-<br />

ployment <strong>of</strong> special counsel, authoriza-<br />

tion 82<br />

Grillo, x., suit for recovery <strong>of</strong> damages,<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel, au-<br />

thorization, 494<br />

John Street (Champaign) roperty at 201<br />

East, acquisition congmnation pro-<br />

ceedings, authoriiation, 83<br />

property located east <strong>of</strong> 201 East ac-<br />

quisition, condemnation procee$ings,<br />

authorization 196<br />

Johnson, K. M., siit for recove <strong>of</strong> dam-<br />

ages, employment <strong>of</strong> speciz counsel,<br />

authorization, 449<br />

Jones, G., workmen’s compensation claim<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel, authori:<br />

zatron, 198<br />

<strong>University</strong> counsel cont’d<br />

Jon?, ,H, ruiiseeking damages for perso+<br />

injuries suffered as a result <strong>of</strong> me&cal<br />

negligence employment <strong>of</strong> special<br />

counsel authoiization 138<br />

Kafka, E. ’M., complain; alleges violation<br />

<strong>of</strong> contract as research &ate employment<br />

<strong>of</strong> special counsel, autdoriza-<br />

Uon 499<br />

Kru a b. H. suit for recovery <strong>of</strong> damages<br />

k n UniGersity Hospital (Medical Center),<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel,<br />

authorization, 232<br />

Martin S. P. suit concerning motor vehiAe<br />

accident employment <strong>of</strong> special<br />

counsel zutho&ation 333<br />

McElearne; J. N., awkd <strong>of</strong> attorneys’<br />

fees to h: UmverJity, 525<br />

settlement, .25<br />

suit seeks damages for deprivation <strong>of</strong><br />

civil and constitutional rights, employment<br />

<strong>of</strong> special counsel, authorization,<br />

81<br />

McTeer, D suit concerning negligence in<br />

connect?on with a blood transfusion,<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel, authorization,<br />

200<br />

nonacademic staff Urbana. suit concerning<br />

payment <strong>of</strong> ;revailing rate <strong>of</strong> wages,<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> speual counsel, authorization,<br />

262<br />

Ortiz, J., Jr., suit for recovery <strong>of</strong> damages,<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel, authorization,<br />

423<br />

Peirce M. M., suit for personal in’uries<br />

sukered during surgcal procedures,<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel, authorization.<br />

199<br />

Powell, J., suit for recovery <strong>of</strong> damages<br />

from Univenity Hospital (Medical<br />

Center), employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel,<br />

authorization, 448<br />

Quintanilla, R. Jr. Estate, suit for recovery<br />

<strong>of</strong> ’damAges employment <strong>of</strong><br />

special co-msel. authdrization, 373<br />

Reynolds, P.. suit seeks recovery <strong>of</strong> damages<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel,<br />

auth’orization 520<br />

Rice Foundatio;, condemnation proceedings,<br />

DuPage County Forest Preserve<br />

District. employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel.<br />

authorization 424<br />

conference with Appellate Court for the<br />

Second District authorization <strong>of</strong><br />

terms <strong>of</strong> settlement, 82<br />

motion for change <strong>of</strong> venue from judge<br />

assig-ned to case, recommended, 475<br />

settlement 628<br />

Russell, D.’ F. suit seeks recovery for<br />

breach <strong>of</strong> ’contract and violation <strong>of</strong><br />

property rights without due process,<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel, authorization,<br />

161<br />

Saunders J. C., suit seeks recovery for<br />

breaih <strong>of</strong> contract and violation <strong>of</strong><br />

property rights without due process,<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel, authorization,<br />

161<br />

Shedore, L., suit seeks recovery for injuries<br />

resulting from a fall at Chicako<br />

Cirde cam us employment <strong>of</strong> special<br />

counsel, autioxkation, 552<br />

students, Chicago Circle, suit concerning<br />

denrivation <strong>of</strong> civil and constitutional<br />

rights employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel,<br />

authokization, 261<br />

to recover damages to <strong>University</strong> automobile,<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel,<br />

authorization, 203<br />

to recover workmen’s compensation payments<br />

and damages to <strong>University</strong> vehicle,<br />

employment <strong>of</strong> special counsel.<br />

authorizahon 498<br />

Turner, K., sui; seeking damages for aa-

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