ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees

ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees
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714 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Patents cont’d Pavilion (Chicago Circle) cont’d Meye;, R. C., release to Foundation, 618 rejection of bids.’569 Milefd3G. H., release to sponsoring agency, construction management services. 226 increase. 652 Miller, I. F., release to sponsoring agency, construction work, general, 569 272 caissons. 313 Morkoc H. release to Foundation 406 electrical work, 569 Mosemin-McCoy, M., release to E’oundation, elevator installation, 569 31U engineering services 108 Mukherjee, J. L., release to inventor, 17 excavation and baclhl, change, 661 Kelson, A. I., release to Foundation, 224 comptroller’s authorization to award, Orman S. S. release to inventor 562 271 Park, s. M., ;elease to Foundatidn, 224 incrZe 651 Payne, D. A., release to Foundation, 224 fire protection, 569 Rinehart, K. L., Jr., release to Foundation, metal deck and studs 569 9z.2 JJJ re’ection of bids, 569 Risk H. F release to inventor 511 overhead steel ri ing, 652 Ristk M. ‘;elease to Foundatidn 273 310 plumbing work, !%9 Rostoker h., release to Foundadon, 618 precast concrete, 569 release‘to inventor, 562 structural steel trusses and joists, 569 rules and regulations, contained in CineraI rejection of dids. 569 Rules Concerning Uniuerrify Or anization sub soil plumbing 569 and Procedure amendment of fJniverSity temporaq eiectr& hervice, comptroller‘s Stafufcs, a prdved, 351 authorization to award. 273 Shepherd W. B., release to inventor, li ventilation work, 569 Sherman ’L., release to Foundation, 103 revised budget, approved, 452 Sircar, d., release to Foundation 619 revised completion date, a roved, 452 Stortzum R. G. release to inven’tor 175 revised plans, approved 4ff Stowater’ J L. ‘release to inventor 285 Payne, D. A. invention,’ patent rights, release StreetmLn B. b., release to Founhation, 406 to Foundkon 224 Tucker, 6. T., percentage of income dis- Peabody Drive Sirvice Area (Urbana), nontributed to inventor, increased, 18 instructional facility designation, parkiqg Venton, D. L.. release to Foundation, 103 facilities, construction request to Illlnors Verdeyen J. T., release to inventor, 619 State Board of Higher’Education, 105 Waller, d. P., release to Foundation, 618 Pearsoq, P. D., appointment, 396 Walter R. release to Foundation, suhieri Pedestrian walkway easement Cham aign to ;pon;oring asency. 103 Gerty Drive 6mployees kredit anion: release to sponsoring agency. 619 resolution adopted 227 Watkins M. release to inventor 511 Pedestrian wafkwa (hiedical Center), parking Wa man’, C.’M., release to FouLdation, 1; structure, repyacement hospital, construc- Widlra A.. release to Foundation. 618 tion work, general, rejection of bid, 127 Wittmkr, D., release to Foundation. 43i Pediatrics, Department of (Rockford School of Zaneveld L. J. D., release to Foundation, 618 Medicine), chairperson, appointment, 528 Zeimer, k., release to inventor 511 es@blished 125 Patents Committee mcmhem, 165, 522 Pedvs-Lefd A. appointment, 394 Patents on inventions addition to group of Peirce, M. M: li’tigation, suit for personal inindividuals whose ’research belongs to the juries sufFAred during surgical procedures. University, amendment of University Stat- employment of special counsel, authorizautes, approved, 351 tion, 199 clarification of the University’s disclaimer of Pel1 Farm (Urbana), easement, gas pipeline, ownership in certain inventions, amend- 67 ment of University Statutes, approved, Pellegrino, E. D., honorary de ree, 561 9.51 Peng, H-M. B., appointment 53 copfnghts on books transierred to section on Penn, R. D. member of ahvisory hoard, 595 ‘‘Scientific Publications and Creative Penney, J. 6 Company, Incorporated, con- Works,” amendment of University Stat- tract, chan$e 414 ufcs, approved, 351 Pennsylvania, cnjversity of, contract, a7 requirements to disclose inventions and dis- (The)-Pennsylvania State University, contract, coveries to the University amendment ol IYL University Statufes, approved, 351 Penny R. C., member of advisory hoard 559 Pathak, D. S., appointment, 123 Peopds Gas Light & Coke Company, contract, Pathology, Department of (Rockford School 659 of Medicine), chairperson, appointment, Peoria County Farm Bureau lease 66 528 Peoria County Health BoArd, iontracts, 14, established 125 270, 650 Patterson B.’ J. appointment 53 Peoria Radiology Associates, contracts, 14, 269. Patterson: R. W., member df advisory board, 650 cco JJJ Peoria School of Medicine, contracts, educa- Patton C. V Jr., apoointment, 3?2 tional services 14, 269, 650 Paulin; Stre& (Chicago) re0 nln authori- renewal, $64 zation to initiate Iiti~aiion. $8 fl? physical facility services, 15 authorization to terminate litigation, 473 recrea,tional facilities, See Recreational facilff. ities initiation of litigation. 237 Peoria Street (Chicago), propert at 400-412 referred to Executive Committee, 169 South, contracts, loading doc$, structural resolution, adopted, 169, 208 ff. repairs, change 661 Paulina Street Parking Structure University of modifications: electrical system, 652 Illinois (Medical Center), iame, chansed fire protection system, 652 from Parking Structure, 307 plumbing system, 652 Pavilion (Chicago Circle), contracts, air con- rehab litation, change, 661 ditioning work, 569 property at 400-412 and 401 South, acquisiarchitectural services, 108 tion, 447 cast in place concrete, 569 operation and maintenance funds, 461

Peoria-Tamell Pathology Group, S.C., contracts, 14, 270, 650 Pepper Construcbon Company, contract, 226 increase 652 Percival Farm' (Urbana), easement, gas service, extension 155 Periodicals iponsored rules and regulations cnnta&ed in G/neral Rules Concernin; Univarsity Or aniration and Procuduru, amendment of University Statutes. . ap- - proved, 351 Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Physical Electronics Industries Division spectrometer system, purchase escrow agcount, established, 318 Pesavento MI. J., appointment, 299 Peshkin, 'A. J. member of Center for Advanced study 216 Pest control coniract, Chicago Circle, Library Buildin;, 311 Peter, A. P., member of advisory committee. 413 .1- Peterman W. A a pointment 510 Peters, J.'W. Pdd &ns Inc :ontract, 569 Petersen A. b., appoinken;) 149 Petersen' G., member of advikry board 559 Petersen: I. J., member of adviso bo'ard, 559 member of advisory committee 31 Peterson,.-C. L., member of advisory committee. 43 Peterson, D. R., intment. 5:iO Peterson, L., intkpEction bj? Peteraon, J. L.. appmntm:nt, .XI; Peterson, L. M,;,- member of committee to study consolidation of Chicago campuses, 555 Petry, C. A., & Sons, Inc., contract, 226 Petv Roofing Inc. contract 621 Pezaila, P. D.: appkntment, '52 Pharmaco nosy and Horticultural DruS Station (LisleT, contracts, animal housing facility, replacement of air conditioning and ventilation system, air conditioning work, 189 construction work, general, 189 electrical work. 189 ventilation work, 189 Pharmacy, Col!ege of (Medical Center), acting dean appointment. 580 advisor; committee, appointments, 95, 431 contract, cooling s stem extension 157 degrees, conferred: 32,' 330, 331: 667, 668, 669 Doctor of Pharmacy, tuition rate, aproved 149 name, cganged from College of Pharmacy Building 307 Pharmacy, Cohege of, South BuiJding (Medical Center), contracts, architectural services, 592 Pharmacy, Department of (Medical Center) organization, change from headship t: chairpersonship, not approved 436 Pharmacy Building (Medical denter), contracts, air conditioning- work, 112 ventilation work, 112 Pharmacy Buildin College of (Medical Center), name, ckanged to College of Pharmacy 307 Pharmac; fee, Chica o Circle. reduction, 221 Pharmacv fces. See a80 Hosoital-medical-sureical fkes ' Phelps L. A appointment 434 Philip 'E. L.yappointment '530 Phillids C. G appointme& 703 Phillips: D. S.',' appointment' 396 Phjllips, R. H., appointment?, 183 Phillips Swager Associates, contracts, 464 Philosophy, Department of (Chicago Circle), chairperson, appointment. 604 Philosophy. Department of (Urhana), chairperson, apoointment. 639 Physical and Chemical Research, Institute ol See also Rikagaku Kenkyusho (RIKEN) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 715 Physical Education, Department of (Chicago Circle) head appointment, 299 Physical dducadon. Teacher Education in (Lrbana), minor, undergraduate, revision, 4u9 Physical Education Building (Chicago Cirde) contracts basement oftiices. comtructiod work, geheral 410 gymnasium'floor repairs, 75 roofing work, repairs, 320 Physical Electronics Industries Division, Perkin- Elmer Corporation spectrometer system purchase, escrow alcount, established, 316 Physical facility services contracts Medical Center Metropolitan' Chicago 'Group of Affiliakd Hospitals, 15 Peoria School of Medicine, 15 Rockford School of Medicine, 15 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Institute of contracts 14 269 Physical Plant ' Department (Chicaeo campuses), contracts, ronsnlting services. data processing requirements study and s)stems im lementation plan, 40.5 jata rocessing system, general design, 56 Physical Plant Department (Chicago Circle). contracts, PT-40 Phantom tubes, 367 Physical Plant Department (Medical Center). lease. warehouse. 282, Physical ' Therapy 'Department of (Medical Center), head.' appointment, 59, 300 Physics, teacher education in (Urhana). major, undergraduate, revised, 535 Physics Research Laboratory (Urhana), name changed to Nuclear Physics Laboratory: 534 Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie der Technischen Universitat hlunchrn, Institut fur, contract. change, 114 Physiology monitorins system (Medical Center), contract, cabling installation, 542 Picur, R. D., appointment, Y Pierpont, R. H., member of advisory council, 47 Pike County, farmland, West Central Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center, conveyance of title to John Wood Community College, 277 option to purchase farm, West Central Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center, 130 Pines D member of Center for Advanced Study: 124 Piping work, contracts, Chicago Circle minor building alterations, repairs and n;w construction. 654 minor remodeling and new construction, 12R .-previous action of hoard rescinded. 128 bdical Center, Building 923, replace steam line, 368 Building 937, replace steam line, 368 Building 938, replace steam line, 368 chilled water facility. 407 rejection of bids, 407 Damen Avenue, replace condensate line, 157 279 replaie steam line, 279, 320 Drug and Horticultural Center, water tank installation, 112 minor buildins alterations, repairs and new construction, 654 minor remodeling and new construction, 128 previous action of board rescinded. 128 904 Building, remove and re lace underground condensate line. %9 Polk Street, replace condensate line, 253, 279 replace steam line, 320

Peoria-Tamell Pathology Group, S.C., contracts,<br />

14, 270, 650<br />

Pepper Construcbon Company, contract, 226<br />

increase 652<br />

Percival Farm' (Urbana), easement, gas service,<br />

extension 155<br />

Periodicals iponsored rules and regulations<br />

cnnta&ed in G/neral Rules Concernin;<br />

Univarsity Or aniration and Procuduru,<br />

amendment <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> Statutes. . ap- -<br />

proved, 351<br />

Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Physical Electronics<br />

Industries Division spectrometer system,<br />

purchase escrow agcount, established, 318<br />

Pesavento MI. J., appointment, 299<br />

Peshkin, 'A. J. member <strong>of</strong> Center for Advanced<br />

study 216<br />

Pest control coniract, Chicago Circle, Library<br />

Buildin;, 311<br />

Peter, A. P., member <strong>of</strong> advisory committee.<br />

413 .1-<br />

Peterman W. A a pointment 510<br />

Peters, J.'W. Pdd &ns Inc :ontract, 569<br />

Petersen A. b., appoinken;) 149<br />

Petersen' G., member <strong>of</strong> advikry board 559<br />

Petersen: I. J., member <strong>of</strong> adviso bo'ard, 559<br />

member <strong>of</strong> advisory committee 31<br />

Peterson,.-C. L., member <strong>of</strong> advisory committee.<br />

43<br />

Peterson, D. R., intment. 5:iO<br />

Peterson, L., intkpEction bj?<br />

Peteraon, J. L.. appmntm:nt, .XI;<br />

Peterson, L. M,;,- member <strong>of</strong> committee to<br />

study consolidation <strong>of</strong> Chicago campuses,<br />

555<br />

Petry, C. A., & Sons, Inc., contract, 226<br />

Petv Ro<strong>of</strong>ing Inc. contract 621<br />

Pezaila, P. D.: appkntment, '52<br />

Pharmaco nosy and Horticultural DruS Station<br />

(LisleT, contracts, animal housing facility,<br />

replacement <strong>of</strong> air conditioning and ventilation<br />

system, air conditioning work, 189<br />

construction work, general, 189<br />

electrical work. 189<br />

ventilation work, 189<br />

Pharmacy, Col!ege <strong>of</strong> (Medical Center), acting<br />

dean appointment. 580<br />

advisor; committee, appointments, 95, 431<br />

contract, cooling s stem extension 157<br />

degrees, conferred: 32,' 330, 331: 667, 668,<br />

669<br />

Doctor <strong>of</strong> Pharmacy, tuition rate, aproved<br />

149<br />

name, cganged from College <strong>of</strong> Pharmacy<br />

Building 307<br />

Pharmacy, Cohege <strong>of</strong>, South BuiJding (Medical<br />

Center), contracts, architectural services,<br />

592<br />

Pharmacy, Department <strong>of</strong> (Medical Center)<br />

organization, change from headship t:<br />

chairpersonship, not approved 436<br />

Pharmacy Building (Medical denter), contracts,<br />

air conditioning- work, 112<br />

ventilation work, 112<br />

Pharmacy Buildin College <strong>of</strong> (Medical Center),<br />

name, ckanged to College <strong>of</strong> Pharmacy<br />

307<br />

Pharmac; fee, Chica o Circle. reduction, 221<br />

Pharmacv fces. See a80 Hosoital-medical-sureical<br />

fkes '<br />

Phelps L. A appointment 434<br />

Philip 'E. L.yappointment '530<br />

Phillids C. G appointme& 703<br />

Phillips: D. S.',' appointment' 396<br />

Phjllips, R. H., appointment?, 183<br />

Phillips Swager Associates, contracts, 464<br />

Philosophy, Department <strong>of</strong> (Chicago Circle),<br />

chairperson, appointment. 604<br />

Philosophy. Department <strong>of</strong> (Urhana), chairperson,<br />

apoointment. 639<br />

Physical and Chemical Research, Institute ol<br />

See also Rikagaku Kenkyusho (RIKEN)<br />

UNIVERSITY OF <strong>ILLINOIS</strong> 715<br />

Physical Education, Department <strong>of</strong> (Chicago<br />

Circle) head appointment, 299<br />

Physical dducadon. Teacher Education in<br />

(Lrbana), minor, undergraduate, revision,<br />

4u9<br />

Physical Education Building (Chicago Cirde)<br />

contracts basement <strong>of</strong>tiices. comtructiod<br />

work, geheral 410<br />

gymnasium'floor repairs, 75<br />

ro<strong>of</strong>ing work, repairs, 320<br />

Physical Electronics Industries Division, Perkin-<br />

Elmer Corporation spectrometer system<br />

purchase, escrow alcount, established, 316<br />

Physical facility services contracts Medical<br />

Center Metropolitan' Chicago 'Group <strong>of</strong><br />

Affiliakd Hospitals, 15<br />

Peoria School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, 15<br />

Rockford School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, 15<br />

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Institute<br />

<strong>of</strong> contracts 14 269<br />

Physical Plant ' Department (Chicaeo campuses),<br />

contracts, ronsnlting services. data<br />

processing requirements study and s)stems<br />

im lementation plan, 40.5<br />

jata rocessing system, general design,<br />

56<br />

Physical Plant Department (Chicago Circle).<br />

contracts, PT-40 Phantom tubes, 367<br />

Physical Plant Department (Medical Center).<br />

lease. warehouse. 282,<br />

Physical ' <strong>The</strong>rapy 'Department <strong>of</strong> (Medical<br />

Center), head.' appointment, 59, 300<br />

Physics, teacher education in (Urhana). major,<br />

undergraduate, revised, 535<br />

Physics Research Laboratory (Urhana), name<br />

changed to Nuclear Physics Laboratory:<br />

534<br />

Physikalische und <strong>The</strong>oretische Chemie der<br />

Technischen Universitat hlunchrn, Institut<br />

fur, contract. change, 114<br />

Physiology monitorins system (Medical Center),<br />

contract, cabling installation, 542<br />

Picur, R. D., appointment, Y<br />

Pierpont, R. H., member <strong>of</strong> advisory council,<br />

47<br />

Pike County, farmland, West Central <strong>Illinois</strong><br />

Agricultural Research and Demonstration<br />

Center, conveyance <strong>of</strong> title to John Wood<br />

Community College, 277<br />

option to purchase farm, West Central <strong>Illinois</strong><br />

Agricultural Research and Demonstration<br />

Center, 130<br />

Pines D member <strong>of</strong> Center for Advanced<br />

Study: 124<br />

Piping work, contracts, Chicago Circle minor<br />

building alterations, repairs and n;w construction.<br />

654<br />

minor remodeling and new construction,<br />

12R .-previous<br />

action <strong>of</strong> hoard rescinded. 128<br />

bdical Center, Building 923, replace steam<br />

line, 368<br />

Building 937, replace steam line, 368<br />

Building 938, replace steam line, 368<br />

chilled water facility. 407<br />

rejection <strong>of</strong> bids, 407<br />

Damen Avenue, replace condensate line,<br />

157 279<br />

replaie steam line, 279, 320<br />

Drug and Horticultural Center, water<br />

tank installation, 112<br />

minor buildins alterations, repairs and<br />

new construction, 654<br />

minor remodeling and new construction,<br />

128<br />

previous action <strong>of</strong> board rescinded. 128<br />

904 Building, remove and re lace underground<br />

condensate line. %9<br />

Polk Street, replace condensate line, 253,<br />

279<br />

replace steam line, 320

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