ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees

ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees
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700 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hermitage Avenue (Medical Center), contract, site improvement work, previous action of board rescinded, 128 Hernlund, V., member of advisory committee, 430 Herron G. E appointment 605 Herron' L. D:: appointment: 343 Hess, k., invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, .406 release to inventor 406 Hey, D. L. and Associates, contract, 72 Hickey J. 'T., member of advisory committee, 391 Hickey, W. J., Jr., appointment, 398 Higginson, E. V., farmland, lease, oil and gas, 46q Hi uchi, T., honorary degree, 561 Hi3 C. J. H., appointment 640 H~II: J. w appointment, ~i Hdl, R. M:, undergraduate instructional award, 215 Hillidge, C J a pointment 184 Hiram Electr':ca? Contract&, Inc., contract, 106 History Department of (Chicago Circle), cha)irperson, a pointuient, 301 departmental &tinction, criteria, revised, 536 History of Architecture and Art Department of (Chicago Circle), archaeoiogical studies rubric, established. 57 Hitchins Roofing Company, Inc. contract, 588 Hjelm, R. P., Jr., appointment, 433 Ho T-H. D. appointment 11 H&king Oil Co., Inc leas; 450 Hodgson, T. K., member Af advisory commit- Hoapital conl'd ri air heating coils 515 7tK floor east wing, caulking repairs, change 661 specialized ' medical resourcts, renewed, 308.647 -tig and balancing services, xGr haning system 541 water system 541 defendant, suit fo; recovery of. damap, 332 suit seeking damages for injuries incumd by fall in elevator, 138 suit ,sefkin damages for personal in- Juries integrated mddical information system, acquisition 222 lab interlace terminals, acquisition, 282 licensing agreement, 222 printers, acquisition, 282 software maintenance agreement, 222 modification, 282 video display terminals, acquisition. 282 litigation Cusbord J suit for recoverv of dam.-&, empfoy&nt of special counsel, authorization. 373 Powell, J., suit for recovery of damages, employment of special counsel, authorizatinn 448 name, -it&ged from Replacement Hospital, 307 purchase, computerized axial tomography scanner, fundinq. 535 office furniture, hid disqualified, 319 See also Replacement Hospital (Medical Cen- ter) Hospital, University Eye and Ear Infirmary tee 339 (Medical CentGr), name. changed from Hoechsi-Roussel Incorporated contract, 192 Illinois Eve and Ear Infirmary. 307 Hoemeke T. H:, leave of absence, 240 opththalmology departmental office contracts Hoffman,' S. D., member of advisory hoard, 559 construction work, gcneral. ;emodeling: Hoffman-LaRoche Inc., contract, 178 313 Hoffmann J. M. appointment 395 electriral work remodeling. 313 Holland, b., mehber of advkory committee, plumbing word, remodeling. 313 11" r)JJ ventilation work, remodeling, rejection Holonyak, N., Jr invention, patent rights, re- of bid 313 lease to Founaation. 224 Hospital Additiok (Medical Center), contracts, Holsapple C. W., appointment, 54 air conditioning unit repairs, 465 Holter, A:, contract, 135 roofing work repairs 279 Holzwarth, M. A., appointment, 434 Hospital Billing (Mrdical' Center) contracts, Home economics (Urbana) teacher education remodeling. architectural servied. 464 in vocational home ecdnomics, major, un- engineering services, 464 dergraduate, revised, 535 Hospital Medical Professional Liability Reserve Home economiq teacher education in (Ur- Fund. increased. 189 banal, minor, undergraduate, discon- transfer of moneys, authorized, 186 ff. tinued 401 Hospital-medical-surgical fees, Chicago Circle, Honig, B. HI, appointment, 434 increase, 220, 583 Honorary degrees, Chicago Circle, 241, 582 reduction 221 Medical Center, 216, 561 Medical Centdr. increase, 220, 583 Urbana 217 561 Urbana, identification of two separate fees, Honors, drpar;mental, criteria, revised, 536 7911 --- Hooper, D. A., appointment, 239 increase. 219, 583 Hopper 1. E appointment, 394 Hospital Residence (Medical Center) name, Horgan' f. S "appointment 397 changed to Campus Health Service '307 Hornik.'J., aGpointment 52 Hospital Residence building (Medical 'Center), Horticulture, Departmekt of (Urbana) ~ ad- contract. computer terminal cable distrivisory committee, appointments, 310 bution system, installation. 487 Horwitz, D. L., appointment, 239 masonry work. rrpairs, 279 Horwitz, R. M., appointment. 394 Hospital Trust Fund, University of Illinois. in- Hospital. General (Medical Center), See Gm- creased. 189 era1 Hospital Hospodar. E,. H.. appointment. 59 Hospital, University (Medical Center). cnn- Hostage, J. B., appointment, 456 tracts, computerixd axial tomography ser- Houck, F. W.. defendant, suit concerning devices. amendments. 15'2. 247 nial of employment, authoritv to provide consulting services, equipment placement, representation, 261 extension. 539 Houlden, P. J.. appointment. 509 increase. 539 Housing, University-operated, Medical Center. medical gas svstems, testing and certifi- board contract. inrreases. 219 cation 566 rate increase;, 585 ' reiection' if bid. 566 residence halls, increases. 219 nunjng recruitment program, advrrtis- Urbana, cooperative house, increases, 219, in services, 308 586 physjof&v monitoring system, cabling faculty, increases 218 587 installation, 542 family, increases,' 218,' 561

Housing, cont’d graduate, increases, 218, 586 student-staff increases 218 561 undergraddte, incredes, 2i7, 586 Housing Authority of the County of DeKalb, contract, 70 Housing Authority of the County of Lake, contract, 70 Houston University of, contract, 193 Howard,’ G. W. 111 elected member of Executive Commhee’ 166 501 presentation to tde bdard concerning selection of a new President, 289 State Universities Retirement System repre- sentative, 166 Howell, R. D., appointment, 395 Howell Furniture Company, presentation to the board, request, denied, 319 Hower, J., appointment, 50 Howley C. L. a pointment, 394 Hryhorczuk, D: 8. appointment, 433 Hsui, A. l., appoiitrnent, 530 Hubbell J N.. Jr., appointment, 395 Huber 5. ‘appointment, 237 HUE, A. S appointment, 395 Huff, J. 0” a pointment, 303 Hugh?, P:’$ member of Consultative Com- mittee to Assist in the Selection of a Presi- dent 92 Hui S. L. appointment. 394 Human Rksources and Family Studies School of (Urbana). director, ap ointmekt. 238 Humanities, Institute for the fChicago Circle), established. 644 Hummel, J. P.. director of Athletic Associa- tion 211. 558 Humph& G. L. invention, patent rights, re- lease tb invenior. 562 Humpbreys. L. G appointment 344 Hunt, D. S., m;mber of advgory committee, 48 392 Hunt ‘M. member of advisary committee 431 Hurt’ J. k., member of Center for Advanced Studv. 215 Huston J. member of advisory committee, 339 HutchiAgs ‘R appointment 395 Hutjens, M. ?., appointmen’t, 184 Hydrocomp, Inc., contract, 72 UNNERSDY OF ILLINOIS 701 IKni Union Bookstore (Urbana), cont’d temperature control work 276, 5% ventilation work, 276, 56d Illinois Asswation of Park Districts, contract, 661 Illinois Assciation of School Administrators, contract change 414 Illinois Bell ’Tele hone Company, contract, 153 easement LisE Township Field Station, flow ’ monitorinE contrd cable. installa- tion 658 Illinois Cancer Council, contracts, 28, lM, 515 , 280, 490, 623, 662 Jr. See ICE r, contract, change, Illinois Department of Administrative Services See Illinois State Department of Adminis: trative Services Illinois Educational Consortium, bylaws, amendment 648 contra& 158, 441 increase in dollar value of purchases not requiring specific Board approval, 563 purchases, exemption of certain commodities from specific Board approval, authorization, amendment, 563 report of bids, 27, 111, 279, 319, 367, 410, 440, 660 Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary (Medical Center) name changed to University of Illinois’Hos ithl Eye and Ear Infirmar-, 307 Illinois Fair imployment Practices Commission, com laint. charge of racial discrimination empfovment of special counsel, authoriz; ti.on, 81 Illinois Federation of Teachen support of Union of Professional Emp1o;ees’ requests, l?O Illinois Fire Service Institute. funding plan. 461 Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, Rush- Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, certificate of need, revocation, request, 208 ff. Illinois Humanities Council. contracts, 41 1, 592 Illinois Legisative Investigating Commission resentation to the Illinois General Assem: El, report entitled, “Cook County Health and Hospital Governinq Commission,” 296 Illinois Masonic Medical Center, contracts, 14, 185. 270, 620. 650 ral 364 oii Mininc and Mineral Rewrurces ICE and GLACIER computer software rogram (Urbana), license agreement, $0,trol Data Corporation, 459 ICE computer software proFam (Urbana) , license agreement, Control Data Corporation 459 Ichiyam;, D., appointment, 96 . ”- Idol-Maestas, L., appointment, 395 change, 467 Ifshin, S. L. a pointment, 433 Illinois Power Company, contract. 318 Ikenberry, S: 8. appointment. 288 easement Champaign, Springfield Avenue, introduction, 288. 376 strec; lighting transmission system; 68 presentation to the Board concerninq his se- Urbana, Pel1 Farm, gas pipeline, 67 lection as new President, 291 purchase a reement natural gas, Abbott Ikenbev, iMrs.) S. O., introduction, 288 Power Pgant. 318’ Iles Park Place (Sprinqfield). Sixth and .4sh Illinois Soybean Program Operating Board, con- Streets, Irase. amendment, 315, 658 tract. 411 renewal, 315, 658 change. 414 Illini__ylumbing and Heating, Inc., contract. Illinois State Auditor General, contract, 412 27h Illinois State Board of Education, contract. 661 Illini Union (Urbana) contracts. patio, re- change 624 pairs, architectural services. 462 Illinois Statk Board or Higher Education construction work, xeneral. 588 budget, fiscal year 1981, Governor’s recom: engineering services: 462 mendations, report, 523 plumbing work, 588 recommendations, report, 478, 502 waterproofin work, 588 tuition increases, report. 501 nlini Union Boofstore (Urbana) contrach Community-Child Advocacy Training Prcaddition and remodeling, air Londitionin; gram, 152 work. 276, 566 mntracts 412 544 architectural services. 109 executive‘ direkor, resiqnation, 633 construction work, general, 276, 566 meeting, report. 376. 452, 526 electrical work, 276, 566 nonrnstructional facility desiqnation requests, engineering services. 109 University of Illinois-Willard Airport, beating work 276. 566 access road and parking lot, construction, plumbing woik, 276, 566 105


Hermitage Avenue (Medical Center), contract,<br />

site improvement work, previous action <strong>of</strong><br />

board rescinded, 128<br />

Hernlund, V., member <strong>of</strong> advisory committee,<br />

430<br />

Herron G. E appointment 605<br />

Herron' L. D:: appointment: 343<br />

Hess, k., invention, patent rights, release to<br />

Foundation, .406<br />

release to inventor 406<br />

Hey, D. L. and Associates, contract, 72<br />

Hickey J. 'T., member <strong>of</strong> advisory committee,<br />

391<br />

Hickey, W. J., Jr., appointment, 398<br />

Higginson, E. V., farmland, lease, oil and gas,<br />

46q<br />

Hi uchi, T., honorary degree, 561<br />

Hi3 C. J. H., appointment 640<br />

H~II: J. w appointment, ~i<br />

Hdl, R. M:, undergraduate instructional award,<br />

215<br />

Hillidge, C J a pointment 184<br />

Hiram Electr':ca? Contract&, Inc., contract,<br />

106<br />

History Department <strong>of</strong> (Chicago Circle),<br />

cha)irperson, a pointuient, 301<br />

departmental &tinction, criteria, revised,<br />

536<br />

History <strong>of</strong> Architecture and Art Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> (Chicago Circle), archaeoiogical studies<br />

rubric, established. 57<br />

Hitchins Ro<strong>of</strong>ing Company, Inc. contract, 588<br />

Hjelm, R. P., Jr., appointment, 433<br />

Ho T-H. D. appointment 11<br />

H&king Oil Co., Inc leas; 450<br />

Hodgson, T. K., member Af advisory commit-<br />

Hoapital conl'd<br />

ri air heating coils 515<br />

7tK floor east wing, caulking repairs,<br />

change 661<br />

specialized ' medical resourcts, renewed,<br />

308.647<br />

-tig and balancing services, xGr haning<br />

system 541<br />

water system 541<br />

defendant, suit fo; recovery <strong>of</strong>. damap, 332<br />

suit seeking damages for injuries incumd<br />

by fall in elevator, 138<br />

suit ,sefkin damages for personal in-<br />

Juries<br />

integrated mddical information system, acquisition<br />

222<br />

lab interlace terminals, acquisition, 282<br />

licensing agreement, 222<br />

printers, acquisition, 282<br />

s<strong>of</strong>tware maintenance agreement, 222<br />

modification, 282<br />

video display terminals, acquisition. 282<br />

litigation Cusbord J suit for recoverv <strong>of</strong><br />

dam.-&, empfoy&nt <strong>of</strong> special counsel,<br />

authorization. 373<br />

Powell, J., suit for recovery <strong>of</strong> damages, employment<br />

<strong>of</strong> special counsel, authorizatinn<br />

448<br />

name, -it&ged from Replacement Hospital,<br />

307<br />

purchase, computerized axial tomography<br />

scanner, fundinq. 535<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice furniture, hid disqualified, 319<br />

See also Replacement Hospital (Medical Cen-<br />

ter)<br />

Hospital, <strong>University</strong> Eye and Ear Infirmary<br />

tee 339<br />

(Medical CentGr), name. changed from<br />

Hoechsi-Roussel Incorporated contract, 192<br />

<strong>Illinois</strong> Eve and Ear Infirmary. 307<br />

Hoemeke T. H:, leave <strong>of</strong> absence, 240<br />

opththalmology departmental <strong>of</strong>fice contracts<br />

H<strong>of</strong>fman,' S. D., member <strong>of</strong> advisory hoard, 559 construction work, gcneral. ;emodeling:<br />

H<strong>of</strong>fman-LaRoche Inc., contract, 178<br />

313<br />

H<strong>of</strong>fmann J. M. appointment 395<br />

electriral work remodeling. 313<br />

Holland, b., mehber <strong>of</strong> advkory committee, plumbing word, remodeling. 313<br />

11"<br />

r)JJ<br />

ventilation work, remodeling, rejection<br />

Holonyak, N., Jr invention, patent rights, re-<br />

<strong>of</strong> bid 313<br />

lease to Founaation. 224<br />

Hospital Additiok (Medical Center), contracts,<br />

Holsapple C. W., appointment, 54<br />

air conditioning unit repairs, 465<br />

Holter, A:, contract, 135<br />

ro<strong>of</strong>ing work repairs 279<br />

Holzwarth, M. A., appointment, 434<br />

Hospital Billing (Mrdical' Center) contracts,<br />

Home economics (Urbana) teacher education remodeling. architectural servied. 464<br />

in vocational home ecdnomics, major, un- engineering services, 464<br />

dergraduate, revised, 535<br />

Hospital Medical Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Liability Reserve<br />

Home economiq teacher education in (Ur- Fund. increased. 189<br />

banal, minor, undergraduate, discon- transfer <strong>of</strong> moneys, authorized, 186 ff.<br />

tinued 401<br />

Hospital-medical-surgical fees, Chicago Circle,<br />

Honig, B. HI, appointment, 434<br />

increase, 220, 583<br />

Honorary degrees, Chicago Circle, 241, 582<br />

reduction 221<br />

Medical Center, 216, 561<br />

Medical Centdr. increase, 220, 583<br />

Urbana 217 561<br />

Urbana, identification <strong>of</strong> two separate fees,<br />

Honors, drpar;mental, criteria, revised, 536<br />

7911 ---<br />

Hooper, D. A., appointment, 239<br />

increase. 219, 583<br />

Hopper 1. E appointment, 394<br />

Hospital Residence (Medical Center) name,<br />

Horgan' f. S "appointment 397<br />

changed to Campus Health Service '307<br />

Hornik.'J., aGpointment 52<br />

Hospital Residence building (Medical 'Center),<br />

Horticulture, Departmekt <strong>of</strong> (Urbana) ~ ad- contract. computer terminal cable distrivisory<br />

committee, appointments, 310<br />

bution system, installation. 487<br />

Horwitz, D. L., appointment, 239<br />

masonry work. rrpairs, 279<br />

Horwitz, R. M., appointment. 394<br />

Hospital Trust Fund, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong>. in-<br />

Hospital. General (Medical Center), See Gm- creased. 189<br />

era1 Hospital<br />

Hospodar. E,. H.. appointment. 59<br />

Hospital, <strong>University</strong> (Medical Center). cnn- Hostage, J. B., appointment, 456<br />

tracts, computerixd axial tomography ser- Houck, F. W.. defendant, suit concerning devices.<br />

amendments. 15'2. 247<br />

nial <strong>of</strong> employment, authoritv to provide<br />

consulting services, equipment placement, representation, 261<br />

extension. 539<br />

Houlden, P. J.. appointment. 509<br />

increase. 539<br />

Housing, <strong>University</strong>-operated, Medical Center.<br />

medical gas svstems, testing and certifi- board contract. inrreases. 219<br />

cation 566<br />

rate increase;, 585 '<br />

reiection' if bid. 566<br />

residence halls, increases. 219<br />

nunjng recruitment program, advrrtis- Urbana, cooperative house, increases, 219,<br />

in services, 308<br />

586<br />

physj<strong>of</strong>&v monitoring system, cabling faculty, increases 218 587<br />

installation, 542<br />

family, increases,' 218,' 561

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