ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees

ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees ILLINOIS - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees
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692 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Drummond J. L. appointment, 52 Dubey, S. k., ap ’ointment 122 Dubin. Dubin, hack and’ Moutoussamv. contracts 1% chan ‘e, 154 276 Dubw L. Appointment, 52 Dud= ’S. ’ apdointment 9 Duffy * E.’ member of’adviroy committee 95 Dundie, hniversity of Scotland), Student’Ex- change Program 306 Dunring, M. M., a ;ointment, 238 DuPage, College o[ contracts changes, 72, 414 DuPage County Board lease 316 DuPake County Codperative Extension Ser- vice lease 66 DuPage ’ CouAy Forest Preserve District, liti- gation, condemnation proceeding, Rice Foundation. 424 Dussinger, J. A., member of Center for Ad- vanced Study, 531 DwinRer P. a pointment, 340 member df &nsultative Committee to Assist in the Selection of a President, 92 Dyer, C. R., a pointment, 433 Dykstra C. I?. member of Center for Adva&d Stud;, 605 J. D., undergraduate instructional *t$ard, 532 Easement, Arthur, Village of, IIackett farm, installation of water pipeline, 24 Champawn, Gerty Drive, Employees Credit Union pedestrian walkway, resolution, adopdd, 227 permanent driveway, resolution, adopted, 227 Sixth Street property adjacent to 810 South vacating of, 23 Springfield Avenue street lighting *ammission swtem. ’68 Wright Street pperty at 717-719 South, undergroin te ephone lines, 251 Lisle Townshiu. Field Station. flow monitoring control. cable, insdjation, 658 Urbana, Pel1 farm. gas pipeline, 67 Percival farm, gas service, extension, 155 Eash, M. member of committee to study consolickion of Chicago campuses 555 East Central Illinois Medical Educatidn Foundation contracts, 28. 101, 650 Eastern Ilknois University, contracts, changes, 113, 369 Eberl, D. D. invention. atent rights, release to smnsoAng agency, &2 Ebrey P. grant h-ational Endowment for the tiuminities. ’406 publication, percent of net royalty income distributed to author, 406 previous action of board rescinded 484 Echols E. member of advisory committee, 339 Erkcrt: C.’A., appointment. 638 member of Center for Advanced Study 215 Erology, Ethology and Evolution, Depirtment of (Urbana), head, appointment, 638 Economia Department of (Urbana), chairperson) appointment 481 Eden J. G. appointmen; 595 Edga;, J.. &opal. reorg8n’ization of governing structure of higher education in Illinois, 1 fiR Edg;”M. C. appointmrnt 97 EduAtion Colleqe of (Chi’caqo Circle), degrees, conreired 327 328. 329 665 666 Education, C611egd of (Urb.&a), hean, appointment 580 degrees: conferred, 76, 137, 195, 332, 420, 447, 548. 069 Education and Communications Building (Chicaqo Circle) Contract construction work, general extehor wall ;epairJ 311 Education and Information Systems, Inc. (EIS), procurement policy, 62 Educational administrative certificate (Chiwo Circle), contract, Loyola University, 151 Educational Assistant program (Chicago Circle), director, appointment, opposition to, 123 Educational Development, Center for (Medical Center), marketing of audiovisual materid5 percentage of royalties distributed to dei velopers, 272 Educational Policy Studies, Department of (Urbana), chairperson, ap ointment, 301 Educational Psychology gepartment of (Urbana) chairperson ’ appointment 639 Education& services, dntracts, Chicago Cirde, Loyola University, 151 Medical Center. Area Health Education System 101’ Cook Cbunty Hospital, renewal, 126, 1.-“ s ”-. Z M graduatk medical Rodrford Medical Education Foundation, 309 Illinois Cancer Council, 102 Metropolitan Chicago Group of Affiliated Hospitals. 14, 270 renewal 364 Peoria School of Medicine. 14. 269 rrnrwal, 361 , I residency training program general internal medicine, 185, 62b general ediatrics 185 620 Rockford Echool oi Medicine, 14 renewal 364 Metropolitah Chicago Group of Affiliated Hospitals 650 Peoria Schooi of Medicine 650 Urbana, Clinical Medicind, School of (Urbana) 14 270 439 650 Edwards, J. F., ’Cons’truction Company, contract 408 Edw.ards,’ W. defendant, ,suit concerning deprivation o! students’. civil and Constitutional rights (Chicago Circle), authority to provide representation 261 Edwards County, property near West Salem, lease, gas, 649 oil 649 Edwards ’ & Dankert Architects-Planners, contract, 21 Eheart, J. W., appointment, 10 Ehresmann, D. L., curriculum development srant, 607 El A’mma A. invention patent rights, re- lease td Folndation, 223 Electric Power Research Institute. Inc.. contracts 253 chinqes. 159 230, 442. 490 Electrical engineeiing (Urbana) , curriculum, revision, 4po Electrical Engineering, Department of (Urbana), head, appointment, 121 Electrical Engineerin Annex (Urbana), f l d damaqr, report. 8 9 Electrical Engineerin Research Laboratw (Urbana), .flood Jamage, renort, 429 Electrical service contracts Chicago Circle, Cbicaqo Circie Center, )Craft Shop, 320 Pavilion trmporary comptroller’s authoAzation to :ward. 273 Medical Center, Single Student Raidence, 366 Electrical upgrade swtem (Medical Center) contracts. remodeling, architectural servica: assigned to University, 464 ensineerins services. mimed to Univer- sitv 4% Electrical work contracts Chica o Formfit Building, A412 South’ Peoria gtket, modifirations, 652 Paoria Street property at 400-412 South, modificadons 652 Chicago Cirde Administrative Computer Center, ai; conditioning system, addi-

Electrid work, cont'd tion 250 chided water system, addition, 250 baseball field 275 rejection oi bids, 275 withdrawal of bid, 275 Chicago Cir+ Center, Great Circle Hall, food facJlty and lounge. 176 12KV switchgear, purchase and installation, 310 minor building alterations, repairs and new construction, 654 Parking Structure No. 2, increasp, 365 Pavilion 569 R-veit Road Building, power service, increae 367 special raLeway for paver cables, 367 running track 275 rejection of)bids. 275 withdrawal of hid, 275 soccer field, 275 rejection of bids 275 withdrawal of bih, 275 softball field, 275 rejection of bids 275 withdrawal of bid. 275 Lisle, Animal Housing Facility, F'harmacog- nosy and Hortirultural Drug Station replawment of air conditioning and ventilation system, 189 Medical Center, Chicago Illini Union Ad- dition Recreation Facility, 486 chilled water facility 407 rejection of bids. 407 College of Medicine West Tower, biologi- cal chemistry departmental office, remodeling, 312 Eye and Ear Infirm- Building, tomog- raphy x-ray unit remodeling, 19 General Hospital, Dfagnostic Clinic, ren- ovation. 487 Hospital, University. Eye and Ear Infim- ary, ophthalmolom departmental of- fice, remodeling 313 minor building altirations, repain and npw conctruction, 654 parking facilities, Lot G, 314 Room 3193. install power feeder sup- ply. chanqe. 623 Sincle Studmt Residence, 106 electric sertice station installation 366 Women's Residence Hali, remodelin;, 587 Monticdo. Allerton Park, improvement !>reject. 439 Peoria School of Medicine, recreational lacilities. 5J18 Urbana, Berkwrth Livin Center, 589 rejection of bids, 5Rl Dairy Milking. Parlor, rejection of bids, *Cl ,1111 Illini Union Bookstore addition and remodeling. 276 566' Library Building, connect computer equipment, 114 McKin!ey Health Center, elevator installation. 567 repairs. minor remodeling, and new con- Structmn. 274 extension, 655 Electrochemical Technology Corporation, contracts, 70. 157 Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Department of (Urbana) , chairperson, appointment. 212 Elevator installations (Urbana) , contracts, architectural services. 464 rnginrering services, 464 McKinley Health Center, architectural rer- YIPPS. 463 engineering services. 463 Elevator replacement (Urbana) , contracts, architectural services. 464 engineering services, '464 UNIVERSITY. OF ILLINOIS 693 Eleveld B appointment 434 Eli Liliy and Company,' contract, 192 Eliot R. appointment, 266 Ellis ' A ' litigation, suit seeking damages for br&'nal injuries, employment of special counsel, authorization, 200 El-Mary, E. I., ap ointment 54 Elmhurst Electric 80. contrkt, 189 El-Neweihi, E. A. W.: appointment, 96 El-Rahi, E., defendant, suit for recovery of damages, authority to provide representation 423 EI~, R. W., appointment, 54 Emery Distribution Systems, Inc., freight forwarder, power of attorney. resolution. adopted 190 name channed from D. C. Andrews International, Inc., 190 Endodontics, Department of (Medical Center), head, ap ointment 267 Endowment Lnds, in&tments, report, 30. 73 Enercon, Ltd. wntract 28 Energy, purchkes, 317, '659 Energy conservation ventilation turndown (Urbana), contracts, remodeling, architectural services 464 engin'eering services, 464 Ener y Engineering, Department of (Chicago Eircle), head appointment 602 Enfield (White County), lease, gas, 649 oil 649 Engelbkecht-Wiggans, R., appointment, 560 Engineering Coilege of (Chicago Circle), acting deah, a pointment, 7 advisory boar$, a pointments, 559 reactivatr?, 55f dean, appointment 267 de.greeq, conferred ' 327 328 329 665. 666 Engineermg Colleg'e of (Ukban;). degrea, conferrld, 76, 137, 195, 332. 420, 447, 548, 669 five-year computer science/accountancy program, established 400 gift, loan fund Foid Foundation residual cash balanc; invested to pmvi'de grantin-aid merit awards to undergraduate students 534 Engineering skrvices, contracts, Chicago Cirde, air handling systems, modifications 463 Architecture and Art Laboratory,' 109, 277 Art Department Photograph Area, remodeling. 463 baseball field, 129 Health Physical Education and Recreati&. College of. rrmohing, 463 Lecture Center Buildinq 277 Phase 11, drain repa;;, 463 gutter repairs, 463 roof repaifs, 463 masonry repairs, assigned to University, 463 miscellaneous remodeling rehabilitation, and alteration work. . '314. . 656 amended. 488 Pavilion, 108 Phase I, walkway and stairway repairs, dc? running track, 129 Science and Engineering Laboratories, Computer Center, remodeling, 463 remodeling. 463 Science and Engineering Laboratory, 109 site improvements accessibility, 463 soccer field. 129 softball field, 129 stack emission control, assigned to Uni- Lersity, 463 temperature control systems, modificati""? 467 Uni&G?y Theatre, lighting, assigned to University, 463 ticket booth, assigned to University, 463


Drummond J. L. appointment, 52<br />

Dubey, S. k., ap ’ointment 122<br />

Dubin. Dubin, hack and’ Moutoussamv. contracts<br />

1%<br />

chan ‘e, 154 276<br />

Dubw L. Appointment, 52<br />

Dud= ’S. ’ apdointment 9<br />

Duffy * E.’ member <strong>of</strong>’adviroy committee 95<br />

Dundie, hniversity <strong>of</strong> Scotland), Student’Ex-<br />

change Program 306<br />

Dunring, M. M., a ;ointment, 238<br />

DuPage, College o[ contracts changes, 72, 414<br />

DuPage County <strong>Board</strong> lease 316<br />

DuPake County Codperative Extension Ser-<br />

vice lease 66<br />

DuPage ’ CouAy Forest Preserve District, liti-<br />

gation, condemnation proceeding, Rice<br />

Foundation. 424<br />

Dussinger, J. A., member <strong>of</strong> Center for Ad-<br />

vanced Study, 531<br />

DwinRer P. a pointment, 340<br />

member df &nsultative Committee to Assist<br />

in the Selection <strong>of</strong> a President, 92<br />

Dyer, C. R., a pointment, 433<br />

Dykstra C. I?. member <strong>of</strong> Center for Adva&d<br />

Stud;, 605<br />

J. D., undergraduate instructional<br />

*t$ard, 532<br />

Easement, Arthur, Village <strong>of</strong>, IIackett farm,<br />

installation <strong>of</strong> water pipeline, 24<br />

Champawn, Gerty Drive, Employees Credit<br />

Union pedestrian walkway, resolution,<br />

adopdd, 227<br />

permanent driveway, resolution, adopted,<br />

227<br />

Sixth Street property adjacent to 810<br />

South vacating <strong>of</strong>, 23<br />

Springfield Avenue street lighting *ammission<br />

swtem. ’68<br />

Wright Street pperty at 717-719 South,<br />

undergroin te ephone lines, 251<br />

Lisle Townshiu. Field Station. flow monitoring<br />

control. cable, insdjation, 658<br />

Urbana, Pel1 farm. gas pipeline, 67<br />

Percival farm, gas service, extension, 155<br />

Eash, M. member <strong>of</strong> committee to study<br />

consolickion <strong>of</strong> Chicago campuses 555<br />

East Central <strong>Illinois</strong> Medical Educatidn Foundation<br />

contracts, 28. 101, 650<br />

Eastern Ilknois <strong>University</strong>, contracts, changes,<br />

113, 369<br />

Eberl, D. D. invention. atent rights, release<br />

to smnsoAng agency, &2<br />

Ebrey P. grant h-ational Endowment for the<br />

tiuminities. ’406<br />

publication, percent <strong>of</strong> net royalty income<br />

distributed to author, 406<br />

previous action <strong>of</strong> board rescinded 484<br />

Echols E. member <strong>of</strong> advisory committee, 339<br />

Erkcrt: C.’A., appointment. 638<br />

member <strong>of</strong> Center for Advanced Study 215<br />

Erology, Ethology and Evolution, Depirtment<br />

<strong>of</strong> (Urbana), head, appointment, 638<br />

Economia Department <strong>of</strong> (Urbana), chairperson)<br />

appointment 481<br />

Eden J. G. appointmen; 595<br />

Edga;, J.. &opal. reorg8n’ization <strong>of</strong> governing<br />

structure <strong>of</strong> higher education in <strong>Illinois</strong>,<br />

1 fiR<br />

Edg;”M. C. appointmrnt 97<br />

EduAtion Colleqe <strong>of</strong> (Chi’caqo Circle), degrees,<br />

conreired 327 328. 329 665 666<br />

Education, C611egd <strong>of</strong> (Urb.&a), hean, appointment<br />

580<br />

degrees: conferred, 76, 137, 195, 332, 420,<br />

447, 548. 069<br />

Education and Communications Building (Chicaqo<br />

Circle) Contract construction work,<br />

general extehor wall ;epairJ 311<br />

Education and Information Systems, Inc. (EIS),<br />

procurement policy, 62<br />

Educational administrative certificate (Chiwo<br />

Circle), contract, Loyola <strong>University</strong>, 151<br />

Educational Assistant program (Chicago Circle),<br />

director, appointment, opposition to,<br />

123<br />

Educational Development, Center for (Medical<br />

Center), marketing <strong>of</strong> audiovisual materid5<br />

percentage <strong>of</strong> royalties distributed to dei<br />

velopers, 272<br />

Educational Policy Studies, Department <strong>of</strong> (Urbana),<br />

chairperson, ap ointment, 301<br />

Educational Psychology gepartment <strong>of</strong> (Urbana)<br />

chairperson ’ appointment 639<br />

Education& services, dntracts, Chicago Cirde,<br />

Loyola <strong>University</strong>, 151<br />

Medical Center. Area Health Education<br />

System 101’<br />

Cook Cbunty Hospital, renewal, 126,<br />

1.-“ s ”-. Z M<br />

graduatk medical Rodrford Medical Education<br />

Foundation, 309<br />

<strong>Illinois</strong> Cancer Council, 102<br />

Metropolitan Chicago Group <strong>of</strong> Affiliated<br />

Hospitals. 14, 270<br />

renewal 364<br />

Peoria School <strong>of</strong> Medicine. 14. 269<br />

rrnrwal, 361<br />

, I<br />

residency training program general internal<br />

medicine, 185, 62b<br />

general ediatrics 185 620<br />

Rockford Echool oi Medicine, 14<br />

renewal 364<br />

Metropolitah Chicago Group <strong>of</strong> Affiliated<br />

Hospitals 650<br />

Peoria Schooi <strong>of</strong> Medicine 650<br />

Urbana, Clinical Medicind, School <strong>of</strong> (Urbana)<br />

14 270 439 650<br />

Edwards, J. F., ’Cons’truction Company, contract<br />

408<br />

Edw.ards,’ W. defendant, ,suit concerning deprivation<br />

o! students’. civil and Constitutional<br />

rights (Chicago Circle), authority to provide<br />

representation 261<br />

Edwards County, property near West Salem,<br />

lease, gas, 649<br />

oil 649<br />

Edwards ’ & Dankert Architects-Planners, contract,<br />

21<br />

Eheart, J. W., appointment, 10<br />

Ehresmann, D. L., curriculum development<br />

srant, 607<br />

El A’mma A. invention patent rights, re-<br />

lease td Folndation, 223<br />

Electric Power Research Institute. Inc.. contracts<br />

253<br />

chinqes. 159 230, 442. 490<br />

Electrical engineeiing (Urbana) , curriculum,<br />

revision, 4po<br />

Electrical Engineering, Department <strong>of</strong> (Urbana),<br />

head, appointment, 121<br />

Electrical Engineerin Annex (Urbana), f l d<br />

damaqr, report. 8 9<br />

Electrical Engineerin Research Laboratw<br />

(Urbana), .flood Jamage, renort, 429<br />

Electrical service contracts Chicago Circle,<br />

Cbicaqo Circie Center, )Craft Shop, 320<br />

Pavilion trmporary comptroller’s authoAzation<br />

to :ward. 273<br />

Medical Center, Single Student Raidence,<br />

366<br />

Electrical upgrade swtem (Medical Center)<br />

contracts. remodeling, architectural servica:<br />

assigned to <strong>University</strong>, 464<br />

ensineerins services. mimed to Univer-<br />

sitv 4%<br />

Electrical work contracts Chica o Formfit<br />

Building, A412 South’ Peoria gtket, modifirations,<br />

652<br />

Paoria Street property at 400-412 South,<br />

modificadons 652<br />

Chicago Cirde Administrative Computer<br />

Center, ai; conditioning system, addi-

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