OFR 151.pdf - CRC LEME

OFR 151.pdf - CRC LEME OFR 151.pdf - CRC LEME

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If these considerations apply to the Early Cretaceous vegetation, then inland (continental) habitats may have been more suitable for tall gymnosperms than the milder climates found nearer the coast, and communities growing close to the coast or along shorelines are more likely to have been dominated by shrub and heath species of cryptogams. For the same reason, relatively open canopy communities found at higher latitudes may have been replaced by relatively closed canopy forests in lower latitude regions where sun angles are higher. 5.3.2 Angiosperms The earliest unequivocal evidence of angiosperms are pollen grains of magnoliid dicotyledons and monocotyledons found in Hauterivian deposits in Israel and southern England (references in McLoughlin et al. 1995a). Macro and microfossil data show a major diversification of angiosperms in the Northern Hemisphere during the mid Cretaceous, with angiosperms first becoming abundant at lower latitudes and only subsequently becoming dominant at middle and high palaeolatitudes during the early Late Cretaceous. The same trend is apparent in the Southern Hemisphere (Drinnan and Crane, 1990). For example, angiospermid pollen, which first occurs in the Surat Basin in the Early Albian, becomes relatively common and widespread across the continent by Late Albian time (Burger 1980). 5.5.3 Climatic indicator taxa Few Cretaceous species have NLRs with narrow ecological ranges. However, by comparing regional differences in the relative abundance of their macrofossils or miospores against palaeolatitude, it is possible to ‘second-guess’ the ecological preferences of some major plant groups. For example, observations by Dettmann et al. (1992), Dettmann (1994) and Pole and Douglas (1999) indicate that Podocarpaceae were more prominent in the Eromanga Basin, than in the south-east during Albian to Cenomanian time – suggesting podocarps were tolerant of strong seasonal contrasts in temperature as well as prolonged winter darkness. Ferns such as Gleicheniaceae and Schizaeaceae display the same bias but in this case, a not unreasonable explanation is that the diminished marine influence in the Albian allowed extensive fern heath to develop over emergent seafloor. The same studies indicate that Gingko, cycads and tree-ferns were characteristic of lower (warmer) palaeolatitudes and the same is probably true for most fern allies except for Lycopodiaceae-dominated communities, which were better developed at higher (colder) palaeolatitudes. The fossil data may provide moderately reliable evidence for humidity but palaeotemperature preferences remain little more than speculations based on palaeogeography. For example, the literature consensus is that cheirolepidiacean woodland occupied (relatively cooler and possibly drier) upland areas rather than (relatively warmer and possibly wetter) coastal habitats despite Cheirolepidiaceae pollen (Corollinia) being most abundant in near shore marine sediments. Conversely, Backhouse (1988) has suggested an association with welldrained soils and warm (possibly seasonally arid) conditions. The relative abundance of Sphagnum spores (Stereisporites spp.) is amongst the more reliable palaeobotanical indicators of past climates in that Sphagnum (peat moss) bogs can only extend beyond the confines of topographic depressions under cool-cold and possibly uniformly wet conditions. Other forcing factors may have included herbivory by dinosaurs (cf. Wing and Tiffney 1987, Archibald 1996), volcanism (Kerr 2000) and wildfires ignited by lightning strikes (Jones 1993). Evidence for palaeo-wildfires include a statistically significant correlation between the relative abundance of one pteridosperm clade (Bennettitales) and charcoal in the Eromanga Basin (Pole and Douglas 1999), implying that bennettitaleans were fire-tolerant or pioneers on burnt sites. Microfossils preserved in a charcoal conglomerate in the Murray Basin record the replacement of a gymnosperm-dominated community by ferns and fern allies (Macphail and Truswell 1989). In Argentina, volcanic ash-fall is suggested to have forced changes in the growth and distribution of Early Cretaceous gymnosperm-fern communities (Archangelsky et al. 1995). 63

5.4 Time Slice K-1. Berriasian-Barremian [141-115 Ma] 5.4.1 Palaeogeography Figure 4: Valanginian (133 Ma) palaeogeography (from Veevers et al. 1991) The early Early Cretaceous palaeogeography of Australia is summarised in Struckmeyer and Totterdell (1990), Veevers et al. (1991) and Taylor (1994). Seafloor spreading had commenced on the palaeo-northwestern margin and progressed clockwise around the continent (Figure 4) although at the beginning of the Berriasian, Australia was still attached to: Antarctica to the south; New Zealand, the Lord Howe Rise-Campbell Plateau and the Queensland Plateau to the east; and parts of Greater India to the west. One arm of the Neo- Tethys Ocean extended along the palaeo-northern margin past the Exmouth Plateau to a point southeast of Perth and another arm extended to the palaeo north-east. The Carnarvon region of Western Australia formed the palaeo-northern margin, and northeastern New South Wales the palaeo-southern margin, of the continent. By the end of the Barremian, the East Coast of New South Wales was at a palaeolatitudes of about 80 0 S due to rotation of the continent about the geographic South Pole whilst the Carnarvon Basin remained part of the palaeo-northern margin of continent at a latitude of about 53 0 S. Rifting of the Indian sub-continent from Australia was marked by subsidence in the Perth and Carnarvon Basins and uplift of adjacent coastal regions. A large lake (Lake Murta) developed in the Eromanga Basin as the result of this internal drainage. Cratonic blocks such as the Yilgarn-Pilbara, Kimberley and Arunta Blocks, which had been prominent landscape elements for much of the Phanerozoic, became important sediment sources for the 64

If these considerations apply to the Early Cretaceous vegetation, then inland (continental)<br />

habitats may have been more suitable for tall gymnosperms than the milder climates found<br />

nearer the coast, and communities growing close to the coast or along shorelines are more<br />

likely to have been dominated by shrub and heath species of cryptogams. For the same<br />

reason, relatively open canopy communities found at higher latitudes may have been replaced<br />

by relatively closed canopy forests in lower latitude regions where sun angles are higher.<br />

5.3.2 Angiosperms<br />

The earliest unequivocal evidence of angiosperms are pollen grains of magnoliid dicotyledons<br />

and monocotyledons found in Hauterivian deposits in Israel and southern England (references<br />

in McLoughlin et al. 1995a). Macro and microfossil data show a major diversification of<br />

angiosperms in the Northern Hemisphere during the mid Cretaceous, with angiosperms first<br />

becoming abundant at lower latitudes and only subsequently becoming dominant at middle<br />

and high palaeolatitudes during the early Late Cretaceous. The same trend is apparent in the<br />

Southern Hemisphere (Drinnan and Crane, 1990). For example, angiospermid pollen, which<br />

first occurs in the Surat Basin in the Early Albian, becomes relatively common and<br />

widespread across the continent by Late Albian time (Burger 1980).<br />

5.5.3 Climatic indicator taxa<br />

Few Cretaceous species have NLRs with narrow ecological ranges. However, by comparing<br />

regional differences in the relative abundance of their macrofossils or miospores against<br />

palaeolatitude, it is possible to ‘second-guess’ the ecological preferences of some major plant<br />

groups. For example, observations by Dettmann et al. (1992), Dettmann (1994) and Pole and<br />

Douglas (1999) indicate that Podocarpaceae were more prominent in the Eromanga Basin,<br />

than in the south-east during Albian to Cenomanian time – suggesting podocarps were<br />

tolerant of strong seasonal contrasts in temperature as well as prolonged winter darkness.<br />

Ferns such as Gleicheniaceae and Schizaeaceae display the same bias but in this case, a not<br />

unreasonable explanation is that the diminished marine influence in the Albian allowed<br />

extensive fern heath to develop over emergent seafloor. The same studies indicate that<br />

Gingko, cycads and tree-ferns were characteristic of lower (warmer) palaeolatitudes and the<br />

same is probably true for most fern allies except for Lycopodiaceae-dominated communities,<br />

which were better developed at higher (colder) palaeolatitudes.<br />

The fossil data may provide moderately reliable evidence for humidity but palaeotemperature<br />

preferences remain little more than speculations based on palaeogeography. For example, the<br />

literature consensus is that cheirolepidiacean woodland occupied (relatively cooler and<br />

possibly drier) upland areas rather than (relatively warmer and possibly wetter) coastal<br />

habitats despite Cheirolepidiaceae pollen (Corollinia) being most abundant in near shore<br />

marine sediments. Conversely, Backhouse (1988) has suggested an association with welldrained<br />

soils and warm (possibly seasonally arid) conditions. The relative abundance of<br />

Sphagnum spores (Stereisporites spp.) is amongst the more reliable palaeobotanical indicators<br />

of past climates in that Sphagnum (peat moss) bogs can only extend beyond the confines of<br />

topographic depressions under cool-cold and possibly uniformly wet conditions.<br />

Other forcing factors may have included herbivory by dinosaurs (cf. Wing and Tiffney 1987,<br />

Archibald 1996), volcanism (Kerr 2000) and wildfires ignited by lightning strikes (Jones<br />

1993). Evidence for palaeo-wildfires include a statistically significant correlation between the<br />

relative abundance of one pteridosperm clade (Bennettitales) and charcoal in the Eromanga<br />

Basin (Pole and Douglas 1999), implying that bennettitaleans were fire-tolerant or pioneers<br />

on burnt sites. Microfossils preserved in a charcoal conglomerate in the Murray Basin record<br />

the replacement of a gymnosperm-dominated community by ferns and fern allies (Macphail<br />

and Truswell 1989). In Argentina, volcanic ash-fall is suggested to have forced changes in<br />

the growth and distribution of Early Cretaceous gymnosperm-fern communities<br />

(Archangelsky et al. 1995).<br />


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