OFR 151.pdf - CRC LEME

OFR 151.pdf - CRC LEME OFR 151.pdf - CRC LEME

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SECTION 5 (EARLY CRETACEOUS CLIMATES) 5.1 Global backdrop Phenomena shaping Early Cretaceous climate and vegetation on the global scale include: (1) changes in the area and relative position of the continents, which in turn altered oceanic circulation patterns (Frakes et al. 1987, Tarling 1997); (2) subdued orography, which may or may not have modified atmospheric circulation patterns; and (3) changes in relative sea level (isostatic and changes driven by variations in sea floor spreading rates). Cretaceous floral provinces have been reviewed by Herngreen and Chlonova (1981) and Srivastava (1994). One not surprising consequence of the complex changes in palaeogeography is the continual challenging of existing climatic reconstructions. For example, calcareous nannofossils from high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere indicate global 'ice house' conditions existed during the Early Valanginian, contrary to the widely held view that there were warm equable conditions in polar regions (Mutterlose and Kessels 2000). Ocean-wide anoxic events in the Late Barremian to Early Aptian (Bralower et al. 1994) almost certainly had terrestrial ramifications since high rates of carbon burial in marine sediments will have lead to drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide and reduced oxygen concentrations in bottom water. The global increase in the production of oceanic crust during the mid Cretaceous coincided with abundant volcanism in the Pacific Basin (Larson and Kincaid 1996). In order to simulate observed temperature patterns in the mid Cretaceous, GCMs require atmospheric ρCO2 to be four times the present-day value (Berner 1990, Moore et al. 1992, Barron et al. 1995). Volcanism provides a convenient mechanism for this increase but the explanation is under challenge (Sellwood et al. 1994, Heller et al. 1996, Cowling 1999, Sadler and Grattan 1999, Kump 2000). For example, high CO2 concentrations could be due to a change in deepwater circulation, which in turn altered the flux of warm, saline water from low to high latitudes (MacLeod and Huber 1996). Climatic sensitivity experiments (references in Barron and Peterson 1991, Barron et al. 1995) predict that even small increases in poleward ocean heat transport will lead to a significant increase in temperatures at the poles and a decrease in temperatures at the equator. Whichever explanation(s) prove to be correct, the point remains that Cretaceous Earth was very different from the present. Notable differences are: (1) a broad zone of largely nonseasonal climates stretching from palaeolatitudes 32 0 N to 32 0 S (Creber and Chaloner 1985) and (2) plant productivity reached its maximum in middle to high latitudes, a region encompassing Australia, which was located at palaeolatitudes of 65 0 -78 0 during the Late Jurassic to mid Cretaceous (Veevers et al. 1991). Frakes and Francis (1988) note evidence of ice rafting on many continents at mid-high palaeolatitude, including Australia. In contrast, landmasses in the palaeotropics experienced arid conditions (Hallam 1984, 1985, Horrell 1991). 5.2 Australian backdrop For much of the last 140-200 million years, Australia has been part of much larger continental landmasses, first as part of the Super Continent Pangaea, then part of East Gondwana. Thin coals confirm that rainfall and temperatures were adequate to support mire communities at palaeolatitudes >70 0 S in southeastern Australia. Petrified tree trunks provide evidence for relatively mild climates in polar latitudes in West Antarctica, then part of West Gondwana (Jefferson 1992, del Valle et al. 1997). 59

5.2.1 Late Jurassic During the Late Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous, the continent lay between palaeolatitudes of ~45-85 0 S, with the South Coast of New South Wales being the part of the continent that was closest to the geographic South Pole. Much of the palaeo-northern Australia was at a palaeolatitude of 60 0 S or lower (Veevers et al. 1991). Climates are likely to have been 'continental' although most reconstructions are in fact predictions based on GCMs, e.g. Moore et al. (1992). This model, which assumes topographic relief of up to 2 km elevation along the palaeo-eastern margin, predicts annual temperature ranges of −22 0 C to +10 0 C at palaeolatitude 70 0 S (Hobart) and –10 0 C to +20 0 C at palaeolatitude 45 0 S (Darwin). Annual precipitation is estimated to have been in excess of 1000 mm. The model also predicts that the palaeo-northwestern margin (palaeolatitude 40 0 S), which fronted onto the Neo-Tethys Sea, was affected by storms. 5.2.2 Early Cretaceous Patterns of climatic change during the Berriasian to Aptian [141-112 Ma] are complicated by the fragmentation of East Gondwana, which allowed seaways to develop around the palaeonorthern and western margins of the continent, and movement of Australia as a whole into increasingly high palaeolatitudes, which will have increased the area subject to low photoperiods during winter. For example, the region stretching from southern Queensland to northeastern Tasmania lay south of 80 0 S during the Valanginian to Aptian [141-123.5 Ma] and therefore will have been subject to three or more months of winter darkness. Conversely, plants growing along the Western Australian coastline, then part of the palaeo-northern margin at ~45 0 S, will have been unaffected by low photoperiods. Marine flooding is likely to have provided new sources of moisture, tempering the continental climatic regimes and the third major influence on Early Cretaceous climates was a series of punctuated marine transgressions into the Perth and Carnarvon Basins (palaeo-northern margin) and Carpentaria, Laura, Eromanga and Surat Basins in the palaeo-centre and southeast of the continent). These transgressions began in the Valanginian and culminated in the Late Aptian [119-114 Ma] when approximately one quarter of the continent was occupied by epicontinental seas (cf. Immenhauser and Scott 1999). Any carbonate platforms developed along the palaeo-northern margin facing the Neo-Tethys Ocean will have been drowned during this prolonged ‘high stand’ (cf. Gotsch et al. 1993). The epicontinental seaways in Australia were subject to winter freezing during the Valanginian to Albian [112-99 Ma]. Geological evidence for sub-zero temperatures in the Eromanga/Carpentaria Basin are supported by the GCM results, which predict a mean annual temperature range of −18 0 C to +27 0 C in these basins and averages close to 0 ° C over much of the continent (references in Frakes and Francis 1988, Frakes 1999). Sedimentary evidence indicates storms were frequent (cf. Barron and Washington 1982). Frakes (1999) proposes that the Cretaceous Period also included more temperate intervals, which were accentuated by the effective northward movement of the continent. For example, by the end of the Albian [112-97 Ma], Western Australia was located at palaeolatitudes of between 50-60 0 S and oxygen isotope data indicate SSTs in the Carnarvon Basin had risen to between 7-11 0 C (Stevens and Clayton 1971): Average SSTs in the Eromanga-Surat Seaway were ~12 0 C, reaching up to 16 0 C where marine circulation was more restricted (Pirrie et al. 1995). Conversely, water temperatures averaged 0 ° C (range from –5 0 to +5 0 C) in the Otway Basin at a palaeolatitude of ~85 0 S within the developing Australo-Antarctic Rift System (Gregory et al. 1989). Regression during the late Middle to early Late Albian led to anoxic conditions within central areas of the Eromanga-Carpentaria Seaway. Haig and Lynch (1993) note that changes in relative sea level in northeastern Australia during the Albian are out-of-phase with eustatic 60


5.1 Global backdrop<br />

Phenomena shaping Early Cretaceous climate and vegetation on the global scale include: (1)<br />

changes in the area and relative position of the continents, which in turn altered oceanic<br />

circulation patterns (Frakes et al. 1987, Tarling 1997); (2) subdued orography, which may or<br />

may not have modified atmospheric circulation patterns; and (3) changes in relative sea level<br />

(isostatic and changes driven by variations in sea floor spreading rates). Cretaceous floral<br />

provinces have been reviewed by Herngreen and Chlonova (1981) and Srivastava (1994).<br />

One not surprising consequence of the complex changes in palaeogeography is the continual<br />

challenging of existing climatic reconstructions. For example, calcareous nannofossils from<br />

high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere indicate global 'ice house' conditions existed during<br />

the Early Valanginian, contrary to the widely held view that there were warm equable<br />

conditions in polar regions (Mutterlose and Kessels 2000). Ocean-wide anoxic events in the<br />

Late Barremian to Early Aptian (Bralower et al. 1994) almost certainly had terrestrial<br />

ramifications since high rates of carbon burial in marine sediments will have lead to<br />

drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide and reduced oxygen concentrations in bottom<br />

water. The global increase in the production of oceanic crust during the mid Cretaceous<br />

coincided with abundant volcanism in the Pacific Basin (Larson and Kincaid 1996).<br />

In order to simulate observed temperature patterns in the mid Cretaceous, GCMs require<br />

atmospheric ρCO2 to be four times the present-day value (Berner 1990, Moore et al. 1992,<br />

Barron et al. 1995). Volcanism provides a convenient mechanism for this increase but the<br />

explanation is under challenge (Sellwood et al. 1994, Heller et al. 1996, Cowling 1999,<br />

Sadler and Grattan 1999, Kump 2000). For example, high CO2 concentrations could be due<br />

to a change in deepwater circulation, which in turn altered the flux of warm, saline water from<br />

low to high latitudes (MacLeod and Huber 1996). Climatic sensitivity experiments<br />

(references in Barron and Peterson 1991, Barron et al. 1995) predict that even small increases<br />

in poleward ocean heat transport will lead to a significant increase in temperatures at the poles<br />

and a decrease in temperatures at the equator.<br />

Whichever explanation(s) prove to be correct, the point remains that Cretaceous Earth was<br />

very different from the present. Notable differences are: (1) a broad zone of largely nonseasonal<br />

climates stretching from palaeolatitudes 32 0 N to 32 0 S (Creber and Chaloner 1985)<br />

and (2) plant productivity reached its maximum in middle to high latitudes, a region<br />

encompassing Australia, which was located at palaeolatitudes of 65 0 -78 0 during the Late<br />

Jurassic to mid Cretaceous (Veevers et al. 1991). Frakes and Francis (1988) note evidence of<br />

ice rafting on many continents at mid-high palaeolatitude, including Australia. In contrast,<br />

landmasses in the palaeotropics experienced arid conditions (Hallam 1984, 1985, Horrell<br />

1991).<br />

5.2 Australian backdrop<br />

For much of the last 140-200 million years, Australia has been part of much larger continental<br />

landmasses, first as part of the Super Continent Pangaea, then part of East Gondwana. Thin<br />

coals confirm that rainfall and temperatures were adequate to support mire communities at<br />

palaeolatitudes >70 0 S in southeastern Australia. Petrified tree trunks provide evidence for<br />

relatively mild climates in polar latitudes in West Antarctica, then part of West Gondwana<br />

(Jefferson 1992, del Valle et al. 1997).<br />


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