OFR 151.pdf - CRC LEME

OFR 151.pdf - CRC LEME OFR 151.pdf - CRC LEME

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SECTION 3 (CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY) Few rock sequences are suitable for isotopic dating. For example, the potassium/argon (K/Ar) method is of limited use in Australia due to the restriction of suitable volcanic rocks to the eastern margin, Tasmania and the Kimberley region. Other sequences have to be dated via their fossil content or their stratigraphic relationships to other strata that preserve fossils. This inevitably leads to circular reasoning when the same fossils are used as evidence of both age and palaeoenvironment. In most instances however, age determinations can be validated via correlation with other sections that can be dated by chronometric techniques. 3.1 Palynostratigraphic dating Most of the zonation schema that use fossil pollen and spores to date and correlate Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments in Australia were developed by or for the petroleum exploration industry. An exception is the Murray-Darling Basin in southeastern Australia where the driver has been groundwater and salinity management. In almost all instances, the zone boundaries are defined by the observed First (FO) and Last (LO) occurrences of selected species (Concurrent Range zones). Computer models that can simulate the fossil record have been used to analyse potential discrepancies (offsets) in the FO and LO of a species in the stratigraphic record versus the probable earlier times of migration and later extinction of the parent taxa (cf. Holland and Patzkowsky 1999, Nowak et al. 2000). Offsets explain occasional anomalously early or late occurrences of particular fossil species. The microfossils that are most useful as zone indicator species (zone index species) tend to be relatively large and distinctively shaped/ornamented types that are easily seen using low magnification or bright field microscopy. Many of the parent plants were small, rare or under-represented plants that grew in the subcanopy or ground stratum, or in water. Examples are two liverwort spore types, Foraminisporis wonthaggiensis and Cingulatisporites bifurcatus whose FOs define the base of the Valanginian and Late Miocene in southeastern Australia, respectively. For these reasons, zone index species may be restricted to one sedimentary basin or geographic region. An example is a fern now restricted to South America (Lophosoria) whose fossil spores (Cyatheacidites annulatus) are widespread in Oligo-Miocene sediments across southeastern Australia but are not known to occur in correlative sediments in northern Queensland, central Australia or Western Australia; Foraminisporis wonthaggiensis is common in Early Cretaceous sequences in eastern Australian but has not been recorded in Cretaceous sequences in south-west or north-west Western Australia (M.K. Macphail and A.D. Partridge pers. observations). Similarly, the age range (time distribution) and maximum relative abundance (acme) of commonly occurring species will tend to vary from basin to basin because of differences in local to regional environments. An example is an extinct species of the rainforest genus Anacolosa whose fossil pollen (Anacolosidites acutullus) first appears in northwestern Australia in the Late Cretaceous, but is not recorded southeastern Australia until the Late Paleocene. 3.1.1 Cretaceous Formal spore-pollen and dinoflagellate-based palynostratigraphies have been available since the 1960s, e.g. Burger (1980) and Morgan (1980) for the Eromanga and Surat Basins, which cover much of northern South Australia, central Queensland and northwestern New South Wales respectively; Dettmann (1963), Stover and Evans (1973) and Stover and Partridge (1973) for the Otway and Gippsland Basins in southeastern Australia; and Balme (1964) and Backhouse (1988) for the Perth, Carnarvon and Canning Basins in Western Australia. 53

Subsequent developments include melding of the above schema into a pan-Australian palynostratigraphy covering the Late Jurassic-Cretaceous Period by Helby et al. (1987) and the development of a provisional zonation for central Australia (Macphail 1996c, 1997a). 3.1.2 Tertiary The key Australian schema is the Esso-BHP zonation, developed to date and correlate sequences in the Gippsland Basin by Stover and Evans (1973) and Stover and Partridge (1973). This schema and subsequent revisions (Partridge 1976, 1999) have been extrapolated to other continental margin and epicontinental basins in southern and central Australia, including the Bass, Eucla, Hale, Murray-Darling and Ti-tree Basins (Stover and Partridge, 1982, Milne, 1988; Macphail and Truswell 1989, 1993; Macphail 1997a, 1997b, 1999). No formal zonation exists for Late Cretaceous and Tertiary sequences in northeastern or northwestern Australia, with the predictable result that zones defined for the Gippsland Basin are in widespread use as de facto Stages names for these regions. 3.2 Independent age control Pillans (1998) and Duller (2000) have reviewed the geological contexts and time ranges in which it is appropriate to use the various geochronometric techniques, such as optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), cosmogenic isotopes ( 10 Be, 36 Cl, 26 Al), oxygen isotopes and the uranium series isotopes. Calibrated and correlated age methods include fission track dating, amino-acid racemisation and palaeomagnetism. Grocke (1998) has discussed the use of carbon isotopes as a 'chemostratigraphic' tool. Where possible, the age of zone boundaries cited in this study have been independently dated against the currently accepted International Time Scale using ammonites, planktonic foraminifera, dinocysts, nannofossils and sequence stratigraphy (Helby et al. 1987, Young and Laurie 1996, Shafik 1998). Because of provincialism, many of the biostratigraphic tiepoints with the standard European stages remain uncertain and therefore are subject to ongoing revision. An illustration of this is the proposal (H. Brinkhuis pers. comm.) that the first occurrence of high relative abundances of the marine dinoflagellate genus Apectodinium in the Northern Hemisphere was part of a globally synchronous event, which can be precisely correlated with the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). However, in the Gippsland Basin, at least three species of Apectodinium are recorded in the Paleocene-Eocene transition as defined by spore-pollen. These are (1) a morphotype of Apectodinium homomorphum characterised by short processes, which is abundant near the top of the Late Paleocene/Upper Lygistepollenites balmei Zone, (2) Apectodinium hyperacantha, which reaches its maximum abundance in the lower part of the early Early Eocene/Lower Malvacipollis diversus Zone, and (3) a second morphotype of Apectodinium homomorphum characterised by long processes, which occurs throughout the Early Eocene/M. diversus Zone. If the first 'spike' in the relative abundance Apectodinium homomorphum species occurred at the Paleocene- Eocene boundary, then one corollary is that spore-pollen species, whose first occurrence now defines the Upper Lygistepollenites balmei/Lower Malvacipollis diversus Zone boundary in the Gippsland Basin, first appeared within the Early Eocene. This in turn implies the temperature-forced replacement of Austral Conifer Forest by tropical rainforest types took place over some tens to hundreds of millennia after the PETM. The Esso-BHP zonation for the Gippsland Basin is under constant review (Partridge 1999) and absolute ages assigned to the zone boundaries also are subject to on-going revision. Some radiometric ages used to calibrate Cretaceous palynological zones are considered to be unreliable (Dettmann et al. 1992). Conversely, the few Potassium-Argon (K/Ar)-dated microfloras in southeastern Australia fall within the age range proposed for the associated 54

Subsequent developments include melding of the above schema into a pan-Australian<br />

palynostratigraphy covering the Late Jurassic-Cretaceous Period by Helby et al. (1987) and<br />

the development of a provisional zonation for central Australia (Macphail 1996c, 1997a).<br />

3.1.2 Tertiary<br />

The key Australian schema is the Esso-BHP zonation, developed to date and correlate<br />

sequences in the Gippsland Basin by Stover and Evans (1973) and Stover and Partridge<br />

(1973). This schema and subsequent revisions (Partridge 1976, 1999) have been extrapolated<br />

to other continental margin and epicontinental basins in southern and central Australia,<br />

including the Bass, Eucla, Hale, Murray-Darling and Ti-tree Basins (Stover and Partridge,<br />

1982, Milne, 1988; Macphail and Truswell 1989, 1993; Macphail 1997a, 1997b, 1999). No<br />

formal zonation exists for Late Cretaceous and Tertiary sequences in northeastern or<br />

northwestern Australia, with the predictable result that zones defined for the Gippsland Basin<br />

are in widespread use as de facto Stages names for these regions.<br />

3.2 Independent age control<br />

Pillans (1998) and Duller (2000) have reviewed the geological contexts and time ranges in<br />

which it is appropriate to use the various geochronometric techniques, such as optically<br />

stimulated luminescence (OSL), cosmogenic isotopes ( 10 Be, 36 Cl, 26 Al), oxygen isotopes and<br />

the uranium series isotopes. Calibrated and correlated age methods include fission track<br />

dating, amino-acid racemisation and palaeomagnetism. Grocke (1998) has discussed the use<br />

of carbon isotopes as a 'chemostratigraphic' tool.<br />

Where possible, the age of zone boundaries cited in this study have been independently dated<br />

against the currently accepted International Time Scale using ammonites, planktonic<br />

foraminifera, dinocysts, nannofossils and sequence stratigraphy (Helby et al. 1987, Young<br />

and Laurie 1996, Shafik 1998). Because of provincialism, many of the biostratigraphic tiepoints<br />

with the standard European stages remain uncertain and therefore are subject to<br />

ongoing revision.<br />

An illustration of this is the proposal (H. Brinkhuis pers. comm.) that the first occurrence of<br />

high relative abundances of the marine dinoflagellate genus Apectodinium in the Northern<br />

Hemisphere was part of a globally synchronous event, which can be precisely correlated with<br />

the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). However, in the Gippsland Basin, at<br />

least three species of Apectodinium are recorded in the Paleocene-Eocene transition as defined<br />

by spore-pollen. These are (1) a morphotype of Apectodinium homomorphum characterised<br />

by short processes, which is abundant near the top of the Late Paleocene/Upper<br />

Lygistepollenites balmei Zone, (2) Apectodinium hyperacantha, which reaches its maximum<br />

abundance in the lower part of the early Early Eocene/Lower Malvacipollis diversus Zone,<br />

and (3) a second morphotype of Apectodinium homomorphum characterised by long<br />

processes, which occurs throughout the Early Eocene/M. diversus Zone. If the first 'spike' in<br />

the relative abundance Apectodinium homomorphum species occurred at the Paleocene-<br />

Eocene boundary, then one corollary is that spore-pollen species, whose first occurrence now<br />

defines the Upper Lygistepollenites balmei/Lower Malvacipollis diversus Zone boundary in<br />

the Gippsland Basin, first appeared within the Early Eocene. This in turn implies the<br />

temperature-forced replacement of Austral Conifer Forest by tropical rainforest types took<br />

place over some tens to hundreds of millennia after the PETM.<br />

The Esso-BHP zonation for the Gippsland Basin is under constant review (Partridge 1999)<br />

and absolute ages assigned to the zone boundaries also are subject to on-going revision.<br />

Some radiometric ages used to calibrate Cretaceous palynological zones are considered to be<br />

unreliable (Dettmann et al. 1992). Conversely, the few Potassium-Argon (K/Ar)-dated<br />

microfloras in southeastern Australia fall within the age range proposed for the associated<br />


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