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Taylor, G., 1998. Prediction of modern bauxite occurrence: implications for climate reconstruction – a discussion. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 142: 255-256. Taylor, G., Truswell, E.M., McQueen, K.G. and Brown, M.C., 1990. Early Tertiary palaeogeography, landform evolution and palaeoclimates of the Southern Monaro, N.S.W., Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 78: 109-134. Thompson, R.S. and Fleming, R.F., 1996. Middle Pliocene vegetation: reconstructions, paleoclimatic inferences and boundary conditions for climatic modeling. Marine Micropaleontology 27: 27-49. Thorne, R.F., 1986. Antarctic elements in Australasian rainforests. Telopea 26: 611-617. Townrow, J.A., 1965a. Notes on Tasmanian pines. I. Some Lower Tertiary podocarps. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 99: 87-107. Townrow, J.A., 1965b. Notes on Tasmanian pines. II. Athrotaxis from the Lower Tertiary. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 99: 109-113. Truswell, E.M., 1987a. Palynology of DDH HUC 11, Huckitta Sheet Area, Northern Territory. BMR Professional Opinion 87/002: 1-4. Truswell, E.M., 1987b. Early Tertiary sediments from the Edmund 1:250,000 Sheet Area, Western Australia. BMR Professional Opinion 87/001: 1-4. Truswell, E.M., 1990. Cretaceous and Tertiary vegetation of Antarctica: a palynological perspective. In: T.N. Taylor and E.L.Taylor (Editors), Antarctic Palaeobiology. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 71-88. Truswell, E.M., 1993. Vegetation changes in the Australian Tertiary in response to climatic and phytogeographic forcing factors. Australian Systematic Botany 6: 533-557. Truswell, E.M., 1997. Palynomorph assemblages from marine Eocene sediments on the west Tasmanian continental margin and the South Tasman Rise. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 44: 633-654. Truswell, E.M. and Harris, W.K., 1982. The Cainozoic palaeobotanical record in arid Australia: fossil evidence for the origins of an arid-adapted flora. In: W.R. Barker and P.J.M. Greenslade (Editors), Evolution of the Flora and Fauna of Arid Australia. Australian Systematic Botany Society/Peacock Publications, Frewville, pp. 67-76. Truswell, E.M. and Marchant, N.G., 1986. Early Tertiary pollen of probable Droceracean affinity from Central Australia. Special Papers in Palaeontology 35: 163-178. Truswell, E.M. and Owen, J.A., 1988. Eocene pollen from Bungonia, New South Wales. Memoir Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 5: 259-284. Truswell, E.M., Sluiter, I.R. and Harris, W.K., 1985. Palynology of the Oligocene-Miocene sequence in the Oakvale-1 corehole, western Murray Basin, South Australia. BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics 9: 267-295. Tulip, J.R., 1985. Quantitative analysis of Late Cretaceous (T. apoxyexinus to Upper T. longus Zone) palynofloras in Sunfish-2 and Tuna-4, Gippsland Basin. Esso Australia Ltd. Palaeontological Report 1985/22 (unpublished). Tulip, J.R. and Macphail, M.K., 1986. The application of quantitative spore-pollen analysis to correlation between Tuna-1 and Tuna-4. Esso Australia Ltd. Palaeontological Report 1986/2: 1-9. Tulip, J.R., Taylor, G. and Truswell, E.M., 1982. Palynology of Tertiary Lake Bunyan, Cooma, New South Wales. BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics 7: 255-268. 161

Twidale, C.R. and Campbell, E.M., 1991. The early Cretaceous marine transgression and its significance for landscape interpretation. Australian Geographer 22: 178-184. Twidale, C.R. and Harris, W.K., 1977. The age of Ayers Rock and the Olgas, Central Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 101: 45-50. Uhl., D. and Mosbrugger, V., 1999. Leaf venation density as a climate and environmental proxy: a critical review and new data. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 149: 15-26. Vadala, A.J. and Drinnan, A.N., 1998. Elaborating the fossil history of Banksiinae: a new species of Banksieaephyllum (Proteaceae) from the Late Paleocene of New South Wales. Australian Systematic Botany 11: 439-463. Van der Putten, W.H., 2000. Pathogen-driven forest diversity. Nature 404: 232-233. Vasanthy, G., Venkatachala, B.B. and Pocock, S.A.J., 1990. The evolution of angiospermid pollen characteristics: conjectures and queries. Palaeobotanist 38: 131-146. Veblen, T.T., Donoso, C., Kitzberger, T. and Rebertus, A.J., 1996. Ecology of southern Chilean and Argentinean Nothofagus forests. In: T.T. Veblen, R.S. Hill and J. Read (Editors), The Ecology and Biogeography of Nothofagus Forests. Yale University Press, New Haven, pp. 293-353. Veevers. J.J., 1991a. Mid-Cretaceous tectonic climax, Late Cretaceous recovery, and Cainozoic relaxation in the Australian region. Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 18: 1-14. Veevers, J.J., 1991b. Phanerozoic Australia in the changing configuration of proto-Pangaea through Gondwanaland and Pangea to the present dispersed continents. Australian Systematic Botany 4: 1-11. Veevers, J.J., 1999. Change of tectono-stratigraphic regime in the Australian plate during the 99 Ma (mid-Cretaceous) and 43 Ma (mid-Eocene) swerves of the Pacific. Geology 28: 47-50. Veevers, J.J., Powell, C. McA. and Roots, S.R., 1991. Review of seafloor spreading around Australia. 1. Synthesis of the patterns of spreading. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 38: 373-389. Vonhof, H.B. and Smit, J., 1997. High resolution late Maastrichtian-early Danian oceanic 87 86 Sr/ Sr record: implications for Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary events. Geology 25: 347-350. Vonhof, H.B., Smit, J., Brinkhuis, H., Montanari, A. and Nederbragt, A.J., 2000. Global cooling accelerated by early late Eocene impacts? Geology 28: 687-690. Wagstaff, B.E. and McEwen Mason, J., 1989. Palynological dating of Lower Cretaceous coastal vertebrate localities, Victoria, Australia. National Geographic Research 5: 54- 63. Warner, R.F., 1986. Hydrology. In: D.N. Jeans (Editor), The Natural Environment. Sydney University Press, Sydney, pp. 49-79. Ward, P.D., 1995. After the fall: lessons and directions from the K/T debate. Palaios 10: 530- 538. Weathers, K.C., 1999. The importance of cloud and fog in the maintenance of ecosystems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14: 214-215. Webb, L.G., 1959. A physiognomic classification of Australian rainforests. Journal of Ecology 47: 551-570. 162

Taylor, G., 1998. Prediction of modern bauxite occurrence: implications for climate<br />

reconstruction – a discussion. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology<br />

142: 255-256.<br />

Taylor, G., Truswell, E.M., McQueen, K.G. and Brown, M.C., 1990. Early Tertiary<br />

palaeogeography, landform evolution and palaeoclimates of the Southern Monaro,<br />

N.S.W., Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 78: 109-134.<br />

Thompson, R.S. and Fleming, R.F., 1996. Middle Pliocene vegetation: reconstructions,<br />

paleoclimatic inferences and boundary conditions for climatic modeling. Marine<br />

Micropaleontology 27: 27-49.<br />

Thorne, R.F., 1986. Antarctic elements in Australasian rainforests. Telopea 26: 611-617.<br />

Townrow, J.A., 1965a. Notes on Tasmanian pines. I. Some Lower Tertiary podocarps. Papers<br />

and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 99: 87-107.<br />

Townrow, J.A., 1965b. Notes on Tasmanian pines. II. Athrotaxis from the Lower Tertiary.<br />

Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 99: 109-113.<br />

Truswell, E.M., 1987a. Palynology of DDH HUC 11, Huckitta Sheet Area, Northern<br />

Territory. BMR Professional Opinion 87/002: 1-4.<br />

Truswell, E.M., 1987b. Early Tertiary sediments from the Edmund 1:250,000 Sheet Area,<br />

Western Australia. BMR Professional Opinion 87/001: 1-4.<br />

Truswell, E.M., 1990. Cretaceous and Tertiary vegetation of Antarctica: a palynological<br />

perspective. In: T.N. Taylor and E.L.Taylor (Editors), Antarctic Palaeobiology.<br />

Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 71-88.<br />

Truswell, E.M., 1993. Vegetation changes in the Australian Tertiary in response to climatic<br />

and phytogeographic forcing factors. Australian Systematic Botany 6: 533-557.<br />

Truswell, E.M., 1997. Palynomorph assemblages from marine Eocene sediments on the west<br />

Tasmanian continental margin and the South Tasman Rise. Australian Journal of<br />

Earth Sciences 44: 633-654.<br />

Truswell, E.M. and Harris, W.K., 1982. The Cainozoic palaeobotanical record in arid<br />

Australia: fossil evidence for the origins of an arid-adapted flora. In: W.R. Barker and<br />

P.J.M. Greenslade (Editors), Evolution of the Flora and Fauna of Arid Australia.<br />

Australian Systematic Botany Society/Peacock Publications, Frewville, pp. 67-76.<br />

Truswell, E.M. and Marchant, N.G., 1986. Early Tertiary pollen of probable Droceracean<br />

affinity from Central Australia. Special Papers in Palaeontology 35: 163-178.<br />

Truswell, E.M. and Owen, J.A., 1988. Eocene pollen from Bungonia, New South Wales.<br />

Memoir Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 5: 259-284.<br />

Truswell, E.M., Sluiter, I.R. and Harris, W.K., 1985. Palynology of the Oligocene-Miocene<br />

sequence in the Oakvale-1 corehole, western Murray Basin, South Australia. BMR<br />

Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics 9: 267-295.<br />

Tulip, J.R., 1985. Quantitative analysis of Late Cretaceous (T. apoxyexinus to Upper T. longus<br />

Zone) palynofloras in Sunfish-2 and Tuna-4, Gippsland Basin. Esso Australia Ltd.<br />

Palaeontological Report 1985/22 (unpublished).<br />

Tulip, J.R. and Macphail, M.K., 1986. The application of quantitative spore-pollen analysis to<br />

correlation between Tuna-1 and Tuna-4. Esso Australia Ltd. Palaeontological Report<br />

1986/2: 1-9.<br />

Tulip, J.R., Taylor, G. and Truswell, E.M., 1982. Palynology of Tertiary Lake Bunyan,<br />

Cooma, New South Wales. BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics 7:<br />

255-268.<br />


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