Supramolecular Polymerizations

Supramolecular Polymerizations Supramolecular Polymerizations
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526 A. Ciferri Figure 19. (a) Micelles of coil-coil diblock copolymers in a selective solvent undergoing supramolecular polymerization. Hexagonally packed morphology as determined by means of TEM. (b) Bilayers of rod-coil diblock copolymers in a solvent selective for the coil block, growth directions within the plane of the layer and perpendicular to it are shown. Layered morphology [48, 112] as determined by means of TEM. cept has been used to describe solid arrays displaying complex and ordered structurizations such as interpenetrating nets. [111] The present author had suggested [1, 77] that the three-dimensional solid state morphologies described above, originating from molecular recognition of similar blocks, ought to be described in terms of supramolecular polymerization. The approach requires the identification of unimers with proper functionality and of their one- or multidimensional growth mechanism. [112] Relevant to this end are the considerations set forth in Section 4.2 regarding the separation of the modes of longitudinal and lateral growth. In particular, the formation of the hexagonal phase for copolymers that cannot be crystallized could be described as an essentially one-dimensional growth of micellar unimers according to the mechanism of growth-coupledto-orientation. By analogy with the processes illustrated in Figure 13, leading to the hierarchical sequences 5 and 6, it has been suggested that the growth process schematized in Figure 19a describes the formation of the hexagonal phase of coil-coil block copolymers. [112] Here it is suggested that, as for conventional surfactants, a block copolymer micelle can assume an elongated form playing the role of a bifunctional unimer. Upon increasing the concentration, the latter undergoes linear growth simultaneously with the development of nematic orientation. This is followed by the hexagonal columnar phase (the intermediate nematic phase may not appear for suitable combinations of contact forces and persistence length) at even higher concentration. The hexagonal phase should be viewed as an embryo of the final morphology in the condensed state. The coiled segments may dangle over the lateral surface in a disordered fashion rather than interdigitate regularly. Note that while the approach discussed above does not have the predictive features of the mean-field theory, it does predict a role of the persistence length for the primary length scale, which is not predicted by the latter theory. The expectation that linear growth controls the formation of hexagonal columnar mesophases is not limited to coil-coil copolymers, or to systems with long molecular axes normal to the growth direction. Bifunctional unimers unable to grow along the lateral dimensions should in general be candidates for linear growth. In the case of keratin fibers, considering that the length of the microfibrils by far exceeds the length of constituent chains and falls in the range of the persistent length reported for similar systems, [1] it is plausible that the assembly of the fibril is also directed by the growth-coupled-to-orientation mechanism. The following hierarchical assembly sequence has therefore been suggested: extrusion of the low sulfur protein into extracellular fluids e head-to-tail assembly of shorter unimers into individual microfibrils to a length related to the persistence length with simultaneous orientation in the mesophase e stabilization of the microfibril by internal 1S1S1 bonding and the two non a-helical terminals e crosslinking of the sulfur-rich component in the narrow interfibrillar space. [112] The formation of lamellar structures could also be described qualitatively in terms of the self-assembly of specifically designed building blocks. Considering the case of the single lamella schematized in Figure 19b, growth akin to crystallization can occur along two perpendicular in-plane directions: functionality is larger than two. This mode of growth is at striking variance with the case of the uni-dimensional growth of cylindrical, bifunctional unimers considered above. It remains, however, to be considered how the ordered polymerization along the direction perpendicular to the lamellar plane is achieved. It is possible that, as disoriented lamellae grow, a critical axial ratio is attained at which purely hard interactions stabilize a nematic phase of the discotic type. This type of order has been experimentally evidenced during the graphitization of organic materials when large and growing planar rings are formed. [113] The coiling segments protruding from the lamellae may dangle over the surface, as in the case of cylindrical assemblies. An alternative assembling mode along the direction perpendicular to the lamellar plane could be based on attractive forces, or interdigitation, among the coiled segments. This interaction does not appear relevant to the class of copolymers considered above, but was evidenced for the comb-like poly(b-l-aspartate) with paraffinic side chains. This system showed nematic order based on clusters of helices correlated by interdigitation of partly molten side chains. [106] The polymer formed a complete 3D structure based on a layered organization of helices with side chains crystallized in a separate hexagonal lattice. Applications. Block copolymers are known to represent an important class of materials allowing a desirable blend

Supramolecular Polymerizations 527 of properties of different polymers, while preventing the undesirable (incompatibility-driven) macrophase separation of unconnected components. [47–49, 106] Pre-assembly followed by the growth of specifically designed unimers could represent a novel strategy toward the fabrication of composite structures with a prescribed distribution of components. 6 Topics for Further Investigation Several aspects of fundamental and applied character appear to need more extensive investigation. Here we restrict attention to the polymer-like properties of SPs and the basic polymerization mechanisms. A main problem is the assessment of DP. A characteristic feature of these systems is that DP is a function of concentration. However, the determination of DP at a given concentration becomes complicated when using conventional molecular-weight determinations, requiring extrapolations to infinite dilution. Measurements under theta conditions should be preferred. The assessment of DP by means of SEC is also questionable for kinetically unstable SPs that display weak contact forces. In the case of actin, a successful determination of the DP distribution was reported using electron microscopy. [28] A reliable determination of the complete DP/concentration dependence may require the evaluation of binding constants and the application of theoretical expressions valid for a specific growth mechanism. For instance, Equation (1) can be used in the low concentration regime when MSOA is expected to prevail. The analysis of data at higher concentration could allow the detection of cooperative contributions arising from the HG or SLC mechanisms. There are several other parameters that could be determined by an extension of conventional polymer physical chemistry. One is the characterization of the rigidity of the assembly. The usual determination of the persistence length from solution studies may not be a viable one in the present context. An alternative approach, suitable for large values of q, is based on flexural rigidity data extracted from the thermally driven fluctuation of shape or end-to-end distance. [114, 115] Calculation approaches are also possible. [116] Rheological characterization of processing parameters under shear and elongational flow should aim to the coupling of polymer viscoelasticity and bond lability. Analogies should be considered with the behavior of living polymers, [91] covalent networks exhibiting labile crosslinkages, including those formed in the oriented state. The assessment of the mechanical strength of supramolecular bonds, particularly for the linear Hbond materials discussed in Section 5.1.1, is another open topic of great importance, e.g., for the performance of supramolecularly extended covalent polymers. An evaluation of the most suitable method [117] for calculating the elastic constants of SPs is needed. The characterization of the difference in the properties of reversible and irreversible polymers and copolymers could be better assessed by comparative studies on a given SP and on its analog obtained by transforming the supramolecular main-chain bonds into covalent ones. Analysis and more detailed investigations of the growth mechanisms are also needed. The sudden occurrence of growth when the nematic phase appears ought to be documented for other SPs, the rigidity of which needs to be independently assessed. The theoretical reasons preventing the observation of a nematic phase for block copolymers and some other amphiphiles need to be clarified and experimentally verified. Systems for which the contact energy, or equilibrium constant, can be systematically altered (e.g. by altering the number of pairwise interactions at given functionality) should be considered for a more stringent test of the relationship between K and DP. In this context, recent work has shown that bonds based on DNA base pairing produce well-behaved SPs. [118] An analysis of model systems in which only the site distribution is altered could allow an assessment of the parameters controlling linear versus helical growth. The detailed analysis of the steps contributing to the formation of host/guest composites (Section 5.4), and other hierarchical processes (Section 5.3), should help to elucidate the scaling up from nanometric to mesoscopic assemblies. Acknowledgement: The author expresses his appreciation to Prof. Paul van der Schoot for clarifying discussions and constructive criticism. Received: March 23, 2002 Revised: May 13, 2002 Accepted: May 13, 2002 [1] A. Ciferri, in: Supramolecular Polymers, A. Ciferri, Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York 2000, p. 1. [2] J.-M. Lehn, in: Supramolecular Polymers, A. Ciferri, Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York 2000, p. 615. [3] The Crystal as a Supramolecular Entity, G. R. Desiraju, Ed., Wiley, New York 1996. [4] L. Brunsveld, B. J. B. Folmer, E. W. Meijer, R. P. Sijbesma, Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 4071. [5] P. S. Corbin, S. C. Zimmermann, in: Supramolecular Polymers, A. Ciferri, Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York 2000, p. 147. [6] J. Pranata, S. G. Wierschke, W. L. Jorgensen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 2810. [7] J. Y. Lee, P. C. Painter, M. M. Coleman, Macromolecules 1988, 21, 954. [8] C.-M. Lee, A. C. Griffin, Macromol. Symp. 1997, 117, 281. [9] C. He, A. M. Donald, A. C. Griffin, T. Waigh, A. H. Windle, J. Polym. Sci. B 1998, 36, 1617.

<strong>Supramolecular</strong> <strong>Polymerizations</strong> 527<br />

of properties of different polymers, while preventing the<br />

undesirable (incompatibility-driven) macrophase separation<br />

of unconnected components. [47–49, 106] Pre-assembly<br />

followed by the growth of specifically designed unimers<br />

could represent a novel strategy toward the fabrication of<br />

composite structures with a prescribed distribution of<br />

components.<br />

6 Topics for Further Investigation<br />

Several aspects of fundamental and applied character<br />

appear to need more extensive investigation. Here we<br />

restrict attention to the polymer-like properties of SPs<br />

and the basic polymerization mechanisms.<br />

A main problem is the assessment of DP. A characteristic<br />

feature of these systems is that DP is a function of<br />

concentration. However, the determination of DP at a<br />

given concentration becomes complicated when using<br />

conventional molecular-weight determinations, requiring<br />

extrapolations to infinite dilution. Measurements under<br />

theta conditions should be preferred. The assessment of<br />

DP by means of SEC is also questionable for kinetically<br />

unstable SPs that display weak contact forces. In the case<br />

of actin, a successful determination of the DP distribution<br />

was reported using electron microscopy. [28] A reliable<br />

determination of the complete DP/concentration dependence<br />

may require the evaluation of binding constants and<br />

the application of theoretical expressions valid for a specific<br />

growth mechanism. For instance, Equation (1) can<br />

be used in the low concentration regime when MSOA is<br />

expected to prevail. The analysis of data at higher concentration<br />

could allow the detection of cooperative contributions<br />

arising from the HG or SLC mechanisms.<br />

There are several other parameters that could be determined<br />

by an extension of conventional polymer physical<br />

chemistry. One is the characterization of the rigidity of<br />

the assembly. The usual determination of the persistence<br />

length from solution studies may not be a viable one in<br />

the present context. An alternative approach, suitable for<br />

large values of q, is based on flexural rigidity data<br />

extracted from the thermally driven fluctuation of shape<br />

or end-to-end distance. [114, 115] Calculation approaches are<br />

also possible. [116] Rheological characterization of processing<br />

parameters under shear and elongational flow should<br />

aim to the coupling of polymer viscoelasticity and bond<br />

lability. Analogies should be considered with the behavior<br />

of living polymers, [91] covalent networks exhibiting<br />

labile crosslinkages, including those formed in the<br />

oriented state. The assessment of the mechanical strength<br />

of supramolecular bonds, particularly for the linear Hbond<br />

materials discussed in Section 5.1.1, is another open<br />

topic of great importance, e.g., for the performance of<br />

supramolecularly extended covalent polymers. An evaluation<br />

of the most suitable method [117] for calculating the<br />

elastic constants of SPs is needed. The characterization of<br />

the difference in the properties of reversible and irreversible<br />

polymers and copolymers could be better assessed by<br />

comparative studies on a given SP and on its analog<br />

obtained by transforming the supramolecular main-chain<br />

bonds into covalent ones.<br />

Analysis and more detailed investigations of the<br />

growth mechanisms are also needed. The sudden occurrence<br />

of growth when the nematic phase appears ought to<br />

be documented for other SPs, the rigidity of which needs<br />

to be independently assessed. The theoretical reasons preventing<br />

the observation of a nematic phase for block<br />

copolymers and some other amphiphiles need to be clarified<br />

and experimentally verified. Systems for which the<br />

contact energy, or equilibrium constant, can be systematically<br />

altered (e.g. by altering the number of pairwise<br />

interactions at given functionality) should be considered<br />

for a more stringent test of the relationship between K<br />

and DP. In this context, recent work has shown that<br />

bonds based on DNA base pairing produce well-behaved<br />

SPs. [118] An analysis of model systems in which only the<br />

site distribution is altered could allow an assessment of<br />

the parameters controlling linear versus helical growth.<br />

The detailed analysis of the steps contributing to the formation<br />

of host/guest composites (Section 5.4), and other<br />

hierarchical processes (Section 5.3), should help to elucidate<br />

the scaling up from nanometric to mesoscopic<br />

assemblies.<br />

Acknowledgement: The author expresses his appreciation to<br />

Prof. Paul van der Schoot for clarifying discussions and constructive<br />

criticism.<br />

Received: March 23, 2002<br />

Revised: May 13, 2002<br />

Accepted: May 13, 2002<br />

[1] A. Ciferri, in: <strong>Supramolecular</strong> Polymers, A. Ciferri, Ed.,<br />

Marcel Dekker, New York 2000, p. 1.<br />

[2] J.-M. Lehn, in: <strong>Supramolecular</strong> Polymers, A. Ciferri, Ed.,<br />

Marcel Dekker, New York 2000, p. 615.<br />

[3] The Crystal as a <strong>Supramolecular</strong> Entity, G. R. Desiraju,<br />

Ed., Wiley, New York 1996.<br />

[4] L. Brunsveld, B. J. B. Folmer, E. W. Meijer, R. P. Sijbesma,<br />

Chem. Rev. 2001, 101, 4071.<br />

[5] P. S. Corbin, S. C. Zimmermann, in: <strong>Supramolecular</strong> Polymers,<br />

A. Ciferri, Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York 2000, p.<br />

147.<br />

[6] J. Pranata, S. G. Wierschke, W. L. Jorgensen, J. Am. Chem.<br />

Soc. 1991, 113, 2810.<br />

[7] J. Y. Lee, P. C. Painter, M. M. Coleman, Macromolecules<br />

1988, 21, 954.<br />

[8] C.-M. Lee, A. C. Griffin, Macromol. Symp. 1997, 117,<br />

281.<br />

[9] C. He, A. M. Donald, A. C. Griffin, T. Waigh, A. H.<br />

Windle, J. Polym. Sci. B 1998, 36, 1617.

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