BUFFALO BITS 2004 SCHEDULE - Collegefootballdatadvds.com

BUFFALO BITS 2004 SCHEDULE - Collegefootballdatadvds.com BUFFALO BITS 2004 SCHEDULE - Collegefootballdatadvds.com

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Nov. 15, 1890—First game ever in the history of the University of Colorado, losing 20-0 to the Denver Athletic Club in Denver. Dec. 13, 1890—George Darley runs 65 yards with a fumbled football for a touchdown, the first in Colorado history. Colorado Mines won the game, however, 50-4. Nov. 26, 1891—First win in CU history, as CU recorded a 24-4 victory on the road over the Colorado Springs Athletic Association Team. Nov. 8, 1892—First win by Colorado in Boulder, a 46-0 win over the University of Denver. Aug. 3, 1894—Harry Heller named first head coach in Colorado history. Oct. 26, 1895—Fred Folsom debuts as CU head coach, Colorado wins 32-0 over the Denver Wheel Club in Boulder. He arrived in Boulder three weeks earlier, on Oct. 6. Nov. 17, 1898—Colorado plays first opponent from outside state boundaries, losing to Nebraska in Boulder, 23-10. July 27, 1900—T. W. Mortimer named third head coach in Colorado history, filling in for Fred Folsom who takes leave for a year. July 10, 1903—Dave Cropp named fourth head coach in Colorado history. June 26, 1905—Willis Keinholtz named fifth head coach in Colorado history. June 19, 1906—Frank Castleman named sixth head coach in Colorado history. May 11, 1908—Fred Folsom returns to coach Colorado. Oct. 8, 1910—Colorado’s 11-0 triumph over the Alumni is the 100th win in CU history. Jan. 10, 1916—Bob Evans named seventh head coach in Colorado history. Jan. 17, 1918—Joe Mills named eighth head coach in Colorado history. Dec. 17, 1919—Myron Witham named ninth head coach in Colorado history. Nov. 28, 1923—Colorado’s 6-3 win at Colorado State gives Colorado a 9-0-0 mark for the 1923 season, its best ever. Colorado’s First Football Team in 1890 BUFF MILESTONES 308 The following was taken from the Silver & Gold newspaper of December 16, 1898. It was a recollection of the birth of Colorado football written by one of CU’s original gridders, John C. Nixon, also the school’s second captain. It appears here in its original form. At the beginning of the first semester in the fall of ’90 the boys rooming at the dormitory on the campus of the U. of C. being afflicted with a super-abundance of penned up energy, or perhaps having recently drifted from under the parental wing and delighting in their newly found freedom, decided among other wild schemes, to form an athletic association. Messrs Carney, Whittaker, Layton and others, who at that time constituted a majority of the male population of the University, called a meeting of the campus boys in the old medical building. Nixon was elected president and Holden secretary of the association. It was voted that the officers constitute a committee to provide uniform suits in which to play what was called “association football”. Suits of flannel were ultimately procured and paid for assessments on the members of the association and generous contributions from members of the faculty. The University at that time had about the best base-ball team in the state composed of such star players as Ingram, Blake, Carnahan, Rust, Neighoff and others. But it was a reflection upon us that although it was styled the University base-ball team, it was composed mainly of outsiders, who had no connection with the U. of C. It was the object of the newly organized association to ultimately absorb the base-ball team, even if it was mercilessly whipped in that, as it was afterwards scourged in football. Whatever may have been said of their playing, the boys were made of that stuff called “American Grit,” and had no conception of what the word failure meant. To them defeat was simply a severe lesson which was to teach them how to win in the future. Taking up the game of association football the boys practiced quite regularly and under the instruction of Hosford, who was an Englishman of extraordinary proficiency in the game, they soon became adepts in the art of running at full speed and keeping the ball almost fairly between the feet. I called this an art, as I consider excellence in any athletic sport an art. The graceful swing of a trained foot-runner is as fair a sight as the rhythmic waltzer, or as creditable a performance as that of an opera singer. After becoming proficient in this game we learned that all other football teams of the state played what was called the Rugby game, and as we could not attain state or national renown playing among ourselves, it became a question whether we would make a change or not. Only two in the association had ever seen a Rugby game and it was reported as fiendish beyond comprehension. The rush of a Rugby team was likened to the stampede of a herd of Texas cattle: nevertheless the boys decided to throw themselves in front and die a la Leon idas, and succeeding events showed that they had not over estimated the opposition. The association had two factions—no live organization is ever harmonious—and the lesser faction always opposed the propositions of the majority. In this instance they had secured the individual promises of the eleven of the twenty four members to oppose a change of the game, and as it required the assent of two-thirds to accomplish this the remaining members decided to adopt the tactics of wearing out their opponents in the meeting. The session lasted one entire afternoon until darkness came upon them, during which, bursts of orator, pro and con, and imminent danger of pugilistic strife pervaded the atmosphere. The vote stood 16-8 in favor of a change and the University football team was launched on a broader basis. This vote was followed by our throwing the association open for

membership to the whole student body, (and a limited number of outsiders, if we should need them), but time showed that the vim and snap of the college man was not possessed by those outside. Holden was sent as our representative to a meeting of the state league and bound us for the forthcoming games with only two weeks of preparation, learning the game almost entirely from the rule book, nine of the eleven having never seen a Rugby game clad in the flannel suits without padding, the average weight of the team being about 140 pounds, we went to Denver and lined up against the D.A.C. team, composed of graduate college players. It was also their first game, they having just organized, and they way they ran out ends was astonishing, but in this game our team developed a characteristic which it has even since maintained, which was this, that although our line was much lighter then that of our opponents, they would be carried steadily back whenever they attempted a line play against us. One week later, with four of our best men too maimed and bruised to play, the Golden giants came down on us. Our boys went down like a row of pins and the Goldenites went over the top. Score 103 to 0. In the return game with Golden, Darley made our first touchdown: score 44-4, and Golden prophesied our future success. We lost one game with Colorado Springs and the Springs and the D.A.C. team which forfeited, giving us third place in the percentage list. We paraded that percentage list before our eyes with unbounded satisfaction. It mattered not how we came by it, we had it. President Hale, who from the first took a kindly interest in the team, also did other members of the faculty, advanced the money with which to buy padded suits, but we did not obtain them in time to use that season. The following year the team commenced training as soon as the semester opened, and has since taken its true position as one of the most formidable teams in the west. Of the original team, James, Carney, Layton, Putnam and others, became among the best players in the state. The Athletic Association should now invigorate its base-ball and place it at par with its football team; and it certainly has the material with which to do it. The U of C should henceforth lead the state and possibly the west in athletic sports. The style of football playing has altered considerably; by the old rules, all men in front of the runner with the ball, were offside, consequently we could not send backs through and break the line ahead of the ball as is done at present. The notorious V was then in vogue, which gave a heavy team too much advantage. The mass plays being now barred, skill on the football field is more in demand than mere weight and strength. To the physically weak, football appears like a relic of barbarism at par with the Spanish bull fight, but, considering the course of training that the player must take, he becomes hardened and inured to danger, in serious causalities become few. The player develops physical strength and mental composure in the face of fierce and determined opposition, which enables him to better battle with the competition and business worries succeeding school life, of which the average student knows nothing and with which he usually buffets helplessly for years. A successful football team will advertise a University and attract as many male students as its educational facilities. This is avowedly admitted by Yale and Princeton authorities, hence the game should be encouraged by college faculties. It is not to the discredit of the American youth that he is thus attracted. It is indicative that he possesses hardihood and vigor and will not sink into lassitude and degeneracy which characterize the population of a degenerate nation. It is often said, how little we know: so with a modest sense of humility, college graduate I after years look back, not to the mountain of learning that he or she surmounted, but the incidents in college life that bind them to so many friends, intellectual ennobling friends. Thoughts of those exercises in sports, fraught with just a little danger, will continue to the end as a refreshing fountain inspiring new life. 309 Oct. 11, 1924—Colorado defeated Regis College 39-0 in the debut of Folsom Field. Dec. 14, 1930—George Carlson becomes CU’s first player to receive a Rhodes Scholarship. Nov. 21, 1931—Colorado’s 17-7 verdict over Colorado College is the 200th win in CU history. Jan. 3, 1932—William “Navy Bill” Saunders named the 10th head coach in Colorado history. Dec. 17, 1933—Clayton White, brother of CU All-American Byron “Whizzer” White, becomes CU’s second player to receive a Rhodes Scholarship. Nov. 10, 1934—Colorado adopts the nickname “Buffaloes” at annual Homecoming game. The “Buffs” beat Utah 7-6. Feb. 7, 1935—Bernard “Bunnie” Oakes named the 11th head coach in Colorado history. Nov. 7, 1936—Byron “Whizzer” White scores 25 points against Utah in Boulder as CU wins, 31-7. White scored four touchdowns and kicked one extra point to establish a Buff record. Nov. 6, 1937—Byron White singlehandedly beats Utah at Salt Lake City, 17-7, in one of his greatest games ever. White returned a punt 97 yards, and scored another touchdown on a 57-yard sprint, kicked a 15-yard field goal, and kicked both extra points in accounting for all of CU’s points. Nov. 25, 1937—Byron White’s jersey number “24” retired at the traditional Thanksgiving Day game with Denver. Buffs won, 37-7. Dec. 13, 1937—Byron White named to the All-America team, becoming the first Colorado player to gain the honor. Dec. 18, 1937—Byron White becomes the third Colorado player to receive a Rhodes Scholarship. He will study at Oxford in 1939. Jan. 1, 1938—Colorado makes its first Bowl game appearance ever, losing to Rice, 28-14, in the Cotton Bowl, then played in Houston. June 11, 1940—Frank Potts named the 12th head coach in Colorado history. Mar. 3, 1941—Jim Yeager named the 13th head coach in Colorado history. Mar. 11, 1944—Frank Potts takes over coaching while Yeager is in service. Jan. 10, 1945—Yeager returns to coach Buffs. Feb. 3, 1948—Dallas Ward named the 14th head coach in Colorado history. Oct. 2, 1948—Colorado’s first game as a member of the Big Seven. The Buffs lost 40-7 at Kansas. Oct. 9, 1948—Buffs’ dramatic 19-6 upset of Nebraska in Boulder was Dallas Ward’s first win as coach, and Colorado’s first win in the Big Seven. Oct. 21, 1950—Zack Jordan highlights Buffaloes’ 28-25 win over Arizona in Boulder by setting an NCAA punting record: six punts for 343 yards, an average of 57.2 a kick. Nov. 17, 1951—Colorado’s 36-14 win at Nebraska is the first national television appearance by the Buffaloes.

Nov. 15, 1890—First game ever in the history of the<br />

University of Colorado, losing 20-0 to the Denver Athletic<br />

Club in Denver.<br />

Dec. 13, 1890—George Darley runs 65 yards with a fumbled<br />

football for a touchdown, the first in Colorado history.<br />

Colorado Mines won the game, however, 50-4.<br />

Nov. 26, 1891—First win in CU history, as CU recorded a<br />

24-4 victory on the road over the Colorado Springs Athletic<br />

Association Team.<br />

Nov. 8, 1892—First win by Colorado in Boulder, a 46-0 win<br />

over the University of Denver.<br />

Aug. 3, 1894—Harry Heller named first head coach in<br />

Colorado history.<br />

Oct. 26, 1895—Fred Folsom debuts as CU head coach,<br />

Colorado wins 32-0 over the Denver Wheel Club in Boulder.<br />

He arrived in Boulder three weeks earlier, on Oct. 6.<br />

Nov. 17, 1898—Colorado plays first opponent from outside<br />

state boundaries, losing to Nebraska in Boulder, 23-10.<br />

July 27, 1900—T. W. Mortimer named third head coach in<br />

Colorado history, filling in for Fred Folsom who takes leave<br />

for a year.<br />

July 10, 1903—Dave Cropp named fourth head coach in<br />

Colorado history.<br />

June 26, 1905—Willis Keinholtz named fifth head coach in<br />

Colorado history.<br />

June 19, 1906—Frank Castleman named sixth head coach in<br />

Colorado history.<br />

May 11, 1908—Fred Folsom returns to coach Colorado.<br />

Oct. 8, 1910—Colorado’s 11-0 triumph over the Alumni is the<br />

100th win in CU history.<br />

Jan. 10, 1916—Bob Evans named seventh head coach in<br />

Colorado history.<br />

Jan. 17, 1918—Joe Mills named eighth head coach in<br />

Colorado history.<br />

Dec. 17, 1919—Myron Witham named ninth head coach in<br />

Colorado history.<br />

Nov. 28, 1923—Colorado’s 6-3 win at Colorado State gives<br />

Colorado a 9-0-0 mark for the 1923 season, its best ever.<br />

Colorado’s First Football Team in 1890<br />


308<br />

The following was taken from the Silver & Gold newspaper of<br />

December 16, 1898. It was a recollection of the birth of<br />

Colorado football written by one of CU’s original gridders, John<br />

C. Nixon, also the school’s second captain. It appears here in its<br />

original form.<br />

At the beginning of the first semester in the fall of ’90 the boys<br />

rooming at the dormitory on the campus of the U. of C. being<br />

afflicted with a super-abundance of penned up energy, or perhaps<br />

having recently drifted from under the parental wing and<br />

delighting in their newly found freedom, decided among other<br />

wild schemes, to form an athletic association.<br />

Messrs Carney, Whittaker, Layton and others, who at that<br />

time constituted a majority of the male population of the<br />

University, called a meeting of the campus boys in the old<br />

medical building. Nixon was elected president and Holden<br />

secretary of the association. It was voted that the officers constitute<br />

a <strong>com</strong>mittee to provide uniform suits in which to play<br />

what was called “association football”. Suits of flannel were<br />

ultimately procured and paid for assessments on the members<br />

of the association and generous contributions from members of<br />

the faculty.<br />

The University at that time had about the best base-ball team<br />

in the state <strong>com</strong>posed of such star players as Ingram, Blake,<br />

Carnahan, Rust, Neighoff and others. But it was a reflection upon<br />

us that although it was styled the University base-ball team, it<br />

was <strong>com</strong>posed mainly of outsiders, who had no connection with<br />

the U. of C.<br />

It was the object of the newly organized association to ultimately<br />

absorb the base-ball team, even if it was mercilessly<br />

whipped in that, as it was afterwards scourged in football.<br />

Whatever may have been said of their playing, the boys were<br />

made of that stuff called “American Grit,” and had no conception<br />

of what the word failure meant. To them defeat was simply a<br />

severe lesson which was to teach them how to win in the future.<br />

Taking up the game of association football the boys practiced<br />

quite regularly and under the instruction of Hosford, who was an<br />

Englishman of extraordinary proficiency in the game, they soon<br />

became adepts in the art of running at full speed and keeping the<br />

ball almost fairly between the feet. I called this an art, as I consider<br />

excellence in any athletic sport an art. The graceful swing<br />

of a trained foot-runner is as fair a sight as the rhythmic waltzer,<br />

or as creditable a performance as that of an opera singer. After<br />

be<strong>com</strong>ing proficient in this game we learned that all other football<br />

teams of the state played what was called the Rugby game,<br />

and as we could not attain state or national renown playing<br />

among ourselves, it became a question whether we would make<br />

a change or not. Only two in the association had ever seen a<br />

Rugby game and it was reported as fiendish beyond <strong>com</strong>prehension.<br />

The rush of a Rugby team was likened to the stampede<br />

of a herd of Texas cattle: nevertheless the boys decided to throw<br />

themselves in front and die a la Leon idas, and succeeding<br />

events showed that they had not over estimated the opposition.<br />

The association had two factions—no live organization is<br />

ever harmonious—and the lesser faction always opposed the<br />

propositions of the majority. In this instance they had secured<br />

the individual promises of the eleven of the twenty four members<br />

to oppose a change of the game, and as it required the<br />

assent of two-thirds to ac<strong>com</strong>plish this the remaining members<br />

decided to adopt the tactics of wearing out their opponents in<br />

the meeting. The session lasted one entire afternoon until darkness<br />

came upon them, during which, bursts of orator, pro and<br />

con, and imminent danger of pugilistic strife pervaded the<br />

atmosphere. The vote stood 16-8 in favor of a change and the<br />

University football team was launched on a broader basis. This<br />

vote was followed by our throwing the association open for

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