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P17-4 Imunologija<br />

P17-4<br />

Imunofenotipizacija stanica citološkog<br />

punktata metodom protočne citometrije<br />

Kardum-Paro MM 1 , Šiftar Z 1 , Šiftar Z 1 , Kardum-Skelin I 2 , Šušterčić D 2 ,<br />

Flegar-Meštrić Z 1 , Jakšić B 1<br />

1 Zavod za kliničku kemiju, KB Merkur, Zagreb, Hrvatska<br />

2 Klinika za unutarnje bolesti, KB Merkur, Zagreb, Hrvatska<br />

Citološki punktat limfnog čvora predstavlja suspenziju<br />

stanica, ali i nerutinski, specifi čan heterogeni analitički<br />

uzorak čija je primjena u dijagnostici limfadenopatija najčešće<br />

ograničena nedostatnim brojem stanica uzorka. Cilj<br />

je bio analitički i dijagnostički evaluirati metodu protočne<br />

citometrije, odrediti prikladnost citološkog punktata<br />

limfnog čvora za analizu, ocijeniti učinkovitost literaturnih<br />

graničnih vrijednosti omjera lakih lanaca, a moguće<br />

latentne povezanosti prikazati matematičkim modelom.<br />

Citološki punktati limfnog čvora (n=245) dobiveni aspiracijom<br />

analizirani su metodom protočne citometrije u<br />

Zavodu za kliničku kemiju KB Merkur potvrđenom prema<br />

međunarodnom standardu ISO:9001:2000. Analitičkom<br />

procjenom (prema preporukama Instituta za kliničko- laboratorijske<br />

standarde NCCLS) je određena nepreciznost,<br />

netočnost, linearnost i donja granica detekcije. Dijagnostička<br />

osjetljivost i specifi čnost, pozitivna (PPV) i negativna<br />

(NPV) prediktivna vrijednost metode protočne citometrije<br />

su određene eksplorativnom statistikom neuronske<br />

mreže programske potpore Statistica Version 6. Klasifi -<br />

kacijom podataka metodom stabla odlučivanja izgrađen<br />

je matematički model predviđanja dijagnoze. Kontrola<br />

ispravnosti optičkog i protočnog sustava citometra, kvalitete<br />

reagensa, monoklonskih protutijela i specifi čnih analitičkih<br />

uvjeta bila je dio unutarnje kontrola kvalitete. Za<br />

kontrolu pouzdanosti analitičkih rezultata primijenjena<br />

je međunarodna nezavisna procjena rezultata UKNEQAS.<br />

Prema kriteriju odgovarajućeg broja leukocita (0,35x10 9 /<br />

L) iz analize su izuzeta 72 (22%) citološka punktata. Nepreciznost<br />

mjernog instrumenta je iznosila do 7%, a netočnost<br />

do 10%. Određena je dijagnostička osjetljivost<br />

(82%), specifi čnost (72%), PPV (93%) i NPV (48%) metode<br />

protočne citometrije. Primjena jačeg kriterija određivanja<br />

klonalnosti limfocita B smanjila je osjetljivost, a povećala<br />

specifi čnost metode. Pouzdanost analitičkih rezultata<br />

potvrđena je zadovoljenjem svih međunarodnih kriterija<br />

prihvatljivosti. Zaključeno je kako standardizacija metode<br />

protočne citometrije prema radnim protokolima osigurava<br />

pouzdanost analitičkih rezultata u citološkom punktatu<br />

limfnog čvora. Potencijalna primjena i učinkovitost<br />

<strong>Biochemia</strong> <strong>Medica</strong> 2006;16(Suppl 1):S1–S268<br />

S192<br />

P17-4<br />

Immunology<br />

Immunophenotyping of fi ne needle aspirate<br />

cells by fl ow cytometry method<br />

Kardum-Paro MM 1 , Šiftar Z 1 , Šiftar Z 1 , Kardum-Skelin I 2 , Šušterčić D 2 ,<br />

Flegar-Meštrić Z 1 , Jakšić B 1<br />

1Department of Clinical Chemistry, Merkur University Hospital, Zagreb,<br />

Croatia<br />

2University Department of Medicine, Merkur University Hospital,<br />

Zagreb, Croatia<br />

Fine-needle aspirate (FNA) represents a suspension of<br />

lymph node cells but also a nonroutine, specifi c and<br />

heterogeneous analytical specimen the use of which is<br />

usually limited by the inadequate number of cells for the<br />

fl ow cytometry method (FCM). The aim of the study was<br />

to perform critical analytical and diagnostic evaluation<br />

of FCM, to assess the adequacy of FNA for FCM analysis,<br />

to evaluate the usefulness of the light chain ratio borderline<br />

values reported in the literature, and to present<br />

the possible associations as a mathematical model. Upon<br />

collection, 245 FNA specimens were analyzed by FCM at<br />

Department of Clinical Chemistry, Merkur University Hospital,<br />

certifi ed according to ISO:9001:2000. Brief analytical<br />

evaluation (imprecision, inaccuracy, linearity and lower<br />

detection limit) was done according to the evaluation<br />

guides of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute<br />

(NCCLS). Diagnostic specifi city and sensitivity as well as<br />

positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive value of the<br />

FCM were determined using explorative statistics of the<br />

neural network (Statistica Version 6). Using the classifi -<br />

cation tree method for the classifi cation of input data, a<br />

mathematical model of diagnosis prediction was generated.<br />

The instrument quality control assurance of the optic<br />

and fl uid system, reagents and monoclonal antibodies<br />

as well as specifi c analytical control were performed.<br />

The reliability of our analytical results was evaluated by<br />

UKNEQAS independent international external quality<br />

control. According to the criteria of FNA leukocyte count<br />

(0.35x10 9 /L), 72 (22%) FNA specimens were excluded from<br />

further analysis. For all parameters of the instrument<br />

(Coulter EPICS-XL), imprecision and inaccuracy were 7%<br />

and 10%, respectively. Diagnostic sensitivity, specifi city,<br />

PPV and NPV for FCM were 82%, 72%, 93% and 48%,<br />

respectively. The use of the literature light chain ratio<br />

borderline values reduced diagnostic sensitivity but increased<br />

diagnostic specifi city of FCM. Standardization of<br />

FCM in nonroutine, specifi c and heterogeneous analytical<br />

specimens like FNA is possible due to the sample preparation<br />

protocols and instrument quality control assurance.<br />

In routine classifi cation of new data, the use of the gener-

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