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P16-6 Molekularna dijagnostika<br />

P16-6<br />

Analitička procjena sustava za umnažanje<br />

DNA u stvarnom vremenu Rotor-Gene 3000<br />

Bobetić-Vranić T, Šiftar Z, Crnković S, Flegar-Meštrić Z<br />

Zavod za kliničku kemiju, KB Merkur, Zagreb, Hrvatska<br />

Rotor-Gene 3000 je otvoreni sustav koji omogućava uporabu<br />

različitih reagensa za umnažanje DNA u stvarnom<br />

vremenu. Programska potpora omogućava analizu podataka<br />

te apsolutnu i relativnu kvantifi kaciju. Cilj studije bio<br />

je analitički procijeniti Rotor-Gene 3000 kvantifi kacijom<br />

fuzijskog transkripta BCR-ABL u bolesnika s kroničnom<br />

mijeloičnom leukemijom u stvarnom vremenu i dobivene<br />

rezultate usporediti s rezultatima reakcije RT-PCR. Analizirano<br />

je 11 uzoraka RNA (cDNA). Devet uzoraka bilo je<br />

pozitivno, a dva su bila negativna na fuzijski transkript<br />

BCR-ABL, što je dokazano pomoću RT-PCR (kvalitativno)<br />

te citogenetski. Za kvantitativno određivanje količine fuzijskog<br />

transkripta BCR-ABL u navedenim uzorcima primijenjen<br />

je LightCycler t(9;22) Quantifi cation kit (Roche<br />

Applied Science). Kit omogućava osjetljivu kvantifi kaciju<br />

i određivanje relativne razine izraženosti transkripata<br />

BCR-ABL u odnosu na razinu izraženosti kontrolnog gena<br />

G6PDH. Količina G6PDH i BCR-ABL (u fg) u pojedinom<br />

uzorku određena je usporedbom vrijednosti Ct (ciklus u<br />

kojem intenzitet fl uorescencije prelazi granicu osjetljivosti)<br />

nepoznatog uzorka sa standardnom krivuljom. Za fuzijski<br />

transkript BCR-ABL raspon količina u uzorcima je bio<br />

od 0,08 fg do 97,64 fg. Za transkript G6PDH raspon količina<br />

u uzorcima je bio od 14,76 fg do 666,25 fg. Normalizirana<br />

vrijednost izraženosti fuzijskog transkripta BCR-ABL<br />

kretala se od 0,00097 do 0,146555. Od 11 testiranih uzoraka<br />

8 ih je bilo pozitivno (s mjerljivom količinom fuzijskog<br />

transkripta BCR-ABL), dok su 3 uzorka ustanovljena<br />

kao negativna (bez mjerljive količine fuzijskog transkripta<br />

BCR-ABL). Rezultati analitičke procjene dokazali su prisutnost<br />

mjerljive količine fuzijskog transkripta BCR-ABL u 8<br />

od 9 pozitivnih uzoraka (osjetljivost 89,9%). Mogući uzrok<br />

snižene osjetljivosti možda je u tome što su uvjeti za reakciju<br />

PCR iz izvornog protokola prilgođeni instrumentu LightCycler<br />

koji rabi staklene kapilare, dok Rotor-Gene ima<br />

plastične tubice. S obzirom na različit toplinski kapacitet<br />

stakla i plastike optimiranje vremena pojedinih koraka<br />

PCR vjerojatno bi dovelo do povećanja osjetljivosti, što<br />

zahtijeva daljnje ispitivanje u okviru proširene analitičke<br />

validacije.<br />

E-mail: tanja.vranic@post.htnet.hr<br />

P16-6<br />

Molecular diagnostics<br />

Analytical evaluation of the Rotor-Gene<br />

3000 real-time instrument<br />

Bobetić-Vranić T, Šiftar Z, Crnković S, Flegar-Meštrić Z<br />

Department of Clinical Chemistry, Merkur University Hospital, Zagreb,<br />

Croatia<br />

The Rotor-Gene real time DNA amplifi cation system is an<br />

open chemistry platform, allowing for the use of any real<br />

time chemistry. The software therefore aims to provide<br />

support to the analysis of data obtained, and absolute<br />

and relative quantifi cation. The aim of the study was to<br />

perform analytical evaluation of the RotorGene 3000 by<br />

quantifi cation of BCR-ABL fusion trancripts in patients<br />

with chronic myeloid leukemia in real time and to compare<br />

the results obtained with the results of RT-PCR<br />

reactions. Eleven samples of RNA (cDNA) were analyzed.<br />

Nine samples were positive and two samples were negative<br />

for BCR-ABL fusion transcript, which was proven by<br />

RT-PCR (qualitative) and cytogenetic studies. The Light-<br />

Cycler t(9;22) Quantifi cation Kit (Roche Applied Science)<br />

was used. The kit enables sensitive quantifi cation and<br />

determination of the relative level of BCR-ABL fusion transcript<br />

expression normalized with G6PDH housekeeping<br />

gene expression. The amount of G6PDH and BCR-ABL (in<br />

fg) in each sample was determined by comparison of Ct<br />

values (number of the cycle when the signal was above<br />

the threshold) of an unknown sample with the standard<br />

curve. The amount in the study samples ranged from<br />

0.08 fg to 97.64 fg for BCR-ABL fusion transcript, and from<br />

14.76 fg to 666.25 fg for G6PDH control gene. Normalized<br />

values of BCR-ABL fusion transcripts expression were<br />

from 0.00097 to 0.146444. From eleven samples tested,<br />

eight were positive (with a measurable amount of BCR-<br />

ABL fusion transcript) and three were negative (without a<br />

measurable amount of BCR-ABL fusion transcript). Results<br />

of the analytical evaluation showed the presence of a<br />

measurable amount of BCR-ABL fusion transcript in eight<br />

of nine positive samples (sensitivity 89.9%). The possible<br />

cause of this lower sensitivity might lie in the specifi c<br />

conditions of reagent kit for PCR reaction, which were<br />

adapted for the LightCycler instrument. It has glass capillaries,<br />

whereas RotorGene has plastic tubes. Considering<br />

the diff erent thermal capacity of glass and plastic, the<br />

optimization of some PCR steps would probably increase<br />

the sensitivity, which calls for additional studies as part of<br />

extended analytical validation.<br />

E-mail: tanja.vranic@post.htnet.hr<br />

<strong>Biochemia</strong> <strong>Medica</strong> 2006;16(Suppl 1):S1–S268<br />


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